Unleashed Desires 0f A Noble Lady (Steamy Historical Regency)

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Unleashed Desires 0f A Noble Lady (Steamy Historical Regency) Page 22

by Scarlett Osborne

  “Of course, M’Lord,” Captain Todd nodded, still looking a bit shaken and confused.

  The two gentlemen ushered themselves swiftly inside the ship before Emma could raise a protest at the extremely unorthodox situation she found herself in.

  Emma was left in a very uncomfortable position. She was surrounded by low-born men without escort. At first, she was astonished that Matthew would leave her in such a condition. But slowly things began to make more and more sense.

  He was intentionally leaving her in a position she wouldn’t be able to escape on her own. She figured Matthew was up to something but it was all too late.

  Emma feared for Donald far more than she feared for herself, though. For at least she knew the truth about Matthew. If Donald was on that ship, he had no idea what was coming his way.

  Chapter 33

  “Put that pry bar on the ground, Geylen, and keep your hands where I can see them.” The angry voice of Captain Todd instructed them. “Lord Stapleton, you will do well to turn around very slowly.”

  Donald cursed himself. He didn’t anticipate the pistol. He had severely underestimated the desperation of these men. The idea that they were willing to resort to this sort of violence for money alone was foreign to him and his mind was still struggling to process it. It simply didn’t make any sense to him.

  He turned to face the mutinous Captain Todd and his mind was thrown into a jumble. He now understood why the captain had betrayed him. Todd wasn’t the one holding the gun, but his dear friend Matthew.

  Matthew stood there, face twisted with rage as he breathed heavily. The hand that held the pistol shook, but at this range Donald knew it could be just as deadly.

  “Matthew? What is the meaning of this? Why?” Donald tried to parse. Maybe if he wasn’t staring down the barrel of a gun he would have been able to figure it out, but now his mind was unable to grasp at anything.

  “You took her. You took her all for yourself. Well today is a lesson for you, Donald, that you don’t get to have everything,” Matthew spat the words at him in his rage, bordering on incoherent.

  “Took her?” Donald searched for words. “Wait, is this about Emma?”

  “Of course it’s about Emma! It’s always been about Emma! How could it be about anything else? She has been our entire world for years. My entire world! And you come in and sweep her off her feet while I’m away. How dare you!” Matthew was jabbing the pistol in Donald’s direction to punctuate his words, each jab caused Geylen to flinch.

  “I wasn’t trying to do anything like that,” Donald said. “We fell in love, that is just what happened.”

  “Oh, it just happened. Your best friend was in love with your other best friend for years and you never noticed,” Matthew seethed. “You, Lord Stapleton, you have always had everything. You sit on the title of Duke, waiting for the day you get inherit everything. You have had the looks, the family. So it came as no surprise that the one lady that I wish to court, you would have to take from me.”

  Donald stammered. “Matthew, I didn’t...I mean… That was not how all this was supposed to happen. I talked to you about this. I asked for your blessing...”

  “What was I supposed to do, Donald? No matter how much it hurt, you were still my best friend. It has always been you and Emma. Was I supposed to say no? Was I supposed to pull the two of you apart? Rip you in twain so you would both come to despise me? That’s real fair of you to ask.”

  Matthew’s rage mingled with distress to the point that Captain Todd looked uncomfortable. Donald guessed that the Captain’s cooperation in this was for familial sake rather than fiscal gain.

  As the confusion started to clear, a cold certainty began to sweep through Donald. He was in a dangerous situation with a gentleman who believed he was wronged. He would have to be careful if he wanted to get out of this unscathed.

  “Matthew, we can try and find a solution to this. You are my dear friend, still. I don’t want to do anything that will hurt you. Emma and I though, we are in love. This wasn’t a choice meant to be inconsiderate of you. It wasn’t a choice at all, it just happened,” Donald spoke calmly, hoping he could get his friend to realize what he considering.

  “Now, that I believe, Donald. You wanted her no matter who or what stood in your way. Even if your business was failing or you had to lie to her to have her. No matter what it took, Donald always gets what he wants.” Matthew sputtered. “I cannot believe you. Your audacity and your arrogance. When I rearranged the shipments to make it look like our business was failing, I thought surely you wouldn’t continue to court Emma, let alone propose to her.”

  Matthew’s rage caused him to pace now, but unfortunately the gun never wavered from Donald. “But of course, Lord Stapleton wouldn’t let anything like that stop him. All this was meant to be temporary.” He gestured to the crates of furs. “But you were determined to be married regardless of the circumstances. So I resigned myself. If you were going to have Emma, then I would get the business. I wanted to prove that Donald Stafney doesn’t get to have everything he wants.”

  At this Matthew actually seemed to calm a little. He jumped and sat atop one of the crates. “But I didn’t anticipate my cousin’s first mate would betray us. I might not have even known it was going to happen. Lucky for me I spotted Helt leaving the stables looking distressed. It was easy to lift the note you left with him. I’m not the most gifted pickpocket, but I am likely better than most high-born gentlemen.” He chuckled sadly. “But now we have finally caught up to each other, and there are only so many options from here.”

  Suddenly Matthew pointed the pistol at Geylen. “What are we going to do with him? Shoot him?”

  “I’d prefer not.” Captain Todd commented dryly. “I’m not opposed to cleaning up messes, but one body is already too many for me. Leave him to me and the crew. We will talk some sense into him later.” At this Donald’s already-chilled blood dropped several more degrees. He could guess who the other body was meant to be.

  “You don’t have to do this, Matthew. We can find a way to reconcile this. You are still my dear friend. If you shoot me there will be no going back. You cannot unpull that trigger.” Donald tried to make his voice sound harder than it felt. He was scared. Scared that he wouldn’t be able to see Emma ever again. Hold her hand, hear her laughter, feel the soft kiss of her lips. But he knew that if he introduced more chaotic emotions to this situation it would only frighten and agitate Matthew more.

  Matthew sighed. “I don’t want to do this, you know that, right Donald? This is the last thing I want to do.” He seemed to weigh his choices, the pistol lifting up and down as Matthew debated.

  “Tell me. Tell me that you understand that you can’t have everything. Look me in the eye and convince me that you learned your lesson about not getting to have everything you want, you selfish devil,” Matthew’s voice cracked.

  “Matthew...” Donald hesitated. He knew that even if his life depended on it, he couldn’t betray his love for Emma. “It’s not about having Emma. I lov—” Donald was cut off by the sharp bark of the pistol in Matthew’s hand.

  Donald clutched his hand to where he felt hot fire pierce him. He pulled away and saw his finger tips soaked through red before he felt his shirt grow hot and damp. Through all this he could not say that the experience was painful. Uncomfortable and awful, yes, but he felt no pain. He looked up at Matthew, eyes pleading, all the pain and fear and sorrow he had been holding back came flooding out. In that last moment he saw pain in Matthew’s face as well. Then he slumped to the floor.

  Chapter 34

  Emma shifted uncomfortably on the back of her horse. She wanted nothing more than to dismount the saddle-less steed and let her aching muscles rest and to rub the knots out. She couldn’t though, not with all these men milling around the dock. Right now the only thing protecting her from who knows what was this carriage horse.

  “You are looking mighty tired, m’lady. I figure you must have been riding all night if you were a
ccompanying Lord Thetmont.” She heard a voice from behind her, causing her to jerk the reins and the horse to turn violently to the side with a whinny.

  “Woah, there,” the dockworker said and gripped the horse by the bit and held it, stroking the side of its face to relax it. “Not too accustomed to riding, m’lady?” The laborer laughed.

  Emma was panicked now, they had hold of her horse so she couldn’t even ride away if she needed to.

  “Why don’t you come down from there, m’lady.” One of the other stocky sailors said. “Lord Thetmont will probably be busy for quite some time and we would be happy to keep you company.”

  “The Lords, your employers, will be deeply upset were anything to happen to me.” Emma said, trying to keep her voice cold and stop her emotions from causing it to waver.

  The man who was holding her reins shook his head. “Don’t you fret, m’lady. We have no ill intention with ye. We just know Lord Thetmont will want you sitting pretty until he comes back. And who knows where this horse could accidentally wander off to. So why don’t you do us a favor and come on down?”

  “I’m comfortable up here, thank you,” Emma emphasized, her voice starting to crack a little.

  “M’lady, if you please wouldn’t kick up a fuss. If you give us a hard time trying to dismount, then something uncomfortable might happen.”

  “I believe the lady said she is comfortable, or are your ears too crusted with sea salt?” A voice cracked through the thick morning mist from further down the dock.

  Both the men and Emma turned to see a figure casually stroll out of the fog and up to them. He was gaily and garishly clad in bright colors that starkly contrasted the drab surroundings. Even the walking stick he carried was a light pale pink. It took Emma no more than a moment to recognize him. “Lord Gallanville,” she said breathily.

  “Lady Emma,” he gave a deep bow. “I don’t mean to insinuate that I am a good escort. In fact, I would deeply rue that reputation, so don’t spread it around,” he commented before glancing at the dock workers. “But I believe these men have ill intent, and I do not. Which makes me an improvement.”

  Before Emma could comment, one of the sailors stepped forward. “I know this bloke. Just some Viscount who plays at being a trader.” The sailor was easily a head taller and a few years younger than Lord Gallanville. “Why don’t you mind your business, M’Lord, we work for someone higher up on the food chain than you.”

  “Taking the hard road then?” Lord Gallanville asked. “So be it.” And Emma let out an audible gasp as before she knew it, the sailor was unconscious on the ground, blood pouring from the bridge of his nose. “Now, what say you gentlemen scamper off? Unless you want more of what I doled out to that lout.” He gestured into the fog behind them with his walking stick as he cleaned the blood off the head where he had used it to strike the sailor. “Off you go now.”

  The sailors seemed to consider it for a moment, before fleeing into the fog, leaving their beaten companion to bleed in the street.

  Emma sat atop the horse, eyes wide with shock.

  What just happened?

  “Thank heaven they chose to run.” Lord Gallanville said flexing his hand and his arm. “I was bluffing. I definitely couldn’t take on all three of them. Are you all right, Lady Emma?”

  “I am now, I think.” Emma managed. “Where did you come from?”

  “A trade secret, but if you promise to keep it I’ll share. I do all my loading and unloading in the early morning. Costs extra to find competent sailors at this hour, but worth the leg up on the competition,” he said pragmatically. “Overheard the Captain of this vessel talking to his men about some rather clandestine behavior, sneaking furs and what not, so I decided to stick around and see what I could learn. But imagine my surprise when I see you of all people, being harassed by those very same sailors. I don’t suppose you know what is going on here?”

  “Only slightly,” Emma admitted and she was going to continue with her explanation before she was interrupted by a sharp crack through the morning air, catching her by surprise. “What was that?!”

  “Sounded like a shot,” Lord Gallanville observed, his voice a mixture of confusion and concern.

  “A shot?!” Emma exclaimed. “What do we do?” Her voice was fully of worry.

  “We should figure out what the blasted hell is going on for starters. Stay here,” Lord Gallanville said before he started to head toward the ship.

  “Wait!” Emma cried out, causing the lord to pause. “Lord Thetmont and Lord Stapleton are aboard. I think they are involved in some sort of dispute. I—” she hesitated, unsure of what she was trying to say. “I don’t know how safe it is.”

  “All the more reason for me to become involved, Lady Emma. We can’t have my rivals tearing themselves apart before I have a chance to ruin their business.” Lord Gallanville turned to head back to the ship but before he could make it all the way up the gangplank they heard a great splash.

  Emma saw it all, her voice caught in her throat. Matthew and Captain Todd were carrying Donald, who was tied up in a burlap sack up to his neck. His eyes were closed and he didn’t appear to be moving. Before Emma could process the situation, they tossed him into the sea.

  “Damn,” she heard Lord Gallanville swear. He began to rapidly strip down his outer layers with abandon. “Lady Emma? Lady Emma!”

  His voice sounded very far away. She couldn’t really hear him or see him for that matter. Her vision had tunneled, focusing only on the form of her dear love as he sank into the blue ocean. She could feel herself growing faint when the voice that she heard so far away came much closer.

  “Lady Emma, you need to run. I’ll get Lord Stapleton out of the water, but you need to go and get help. Find a constable and bring them back here. Do you understand?” he asked while looking her right in the eyes.

  She nodded, feeling her feet beginning to carry her away before she even realized she was leaving.

  She had just enough time to see Lord Gallanville dive headfirst into the water.

  Chapter 35

  Consciousness came rushing back to Donald all at once, and he didn’t like the circumstances he found himself in. Not one bit.

  Ice cold water flooded all around him, causing the wound in his shoulder to burn with a white hot intensity. This sensation was made worse by the fact that when he struggled to keep himself afloat, he was met with resistance in the form of burlap.

  A sack had been secured so tightly around his neck that it would have been hard to breathe if he wasn’t already underwater. He struggled, but he struggled weakly, the world darkening around him.

  His thoughts were becoming more quiet, less lucid as he ran out of oxygen. He needed to see her. He needed to be with Emma, needed to hold her and tell her he loved her one last time. To kiss her and touch, to know she was close and warm. That was his last wish.

  He suddenly felt an immense pulling motion, as if he were being yanked upward.

  Is this it? Is this what it feels like to die?

  Instead he felt his face breach the surface and he reflexively took in great painful lung full of air.

  “Why do you have to be so damned heavy?” he heard a gruff voice swear.

  Donald was still struggling to grasp at consciousness between his pain, blood loss, and the recent lack of air. He was certain the trauma to his body was causing him to hallucinate. He was absolutely sure that he was being yanked to shore by Lord Gallanville.

  He managed to yank him up to the rocky out crop under the pier. Moments later Lord Gallanville had cut the sopping, bleeding Donald free.

  “H-how?” was all Donald could manage to pant.

  “I happened to be in the area. And while I think you are a right pain in the ass, I’m not keen on watching you die. Not before I have a chance to pay you back.” Lord Gallanville remarked, looking him over. “Can you walk?”

  Donald weakly fought his reluctant muscles until he was standing on his feet. He stumbled when he tried to walk
forward, but Lord Gallanville caught him, supporting him by letting him rest his arm around him.

  They stumbled slowly topside, taking it slow step by step. Donald was frustrated by their slow progress, but any time he tried to push himself any harder Lord Gallanville made him slow. “You will be a great useless weight to me if you make yourself pass out.”

  Donald felt like his entire life had been turned upside down as his sworn enemy supported each of his steps because of a bullet wound inflicted by his closest friend.

  He heard Matthew and Captain Todd swearing ahead of them.

  “Where did your sailors go?” Matthew asked. “They were watching Emma. I swear if something happened to her, you will pay just as dearly as they will.”


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