In The Eye of the Beholder

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In The Eye of the Beholder Page 7

by Beverly Cialone

  I laughed softly and snuggled against him, and moments later I was fast asleep.

  Adam and I slept until noon, and the first thing he did upon waking was kiss me. Within moments I was aching for him again, but he was maddeningly slow as he gently slid his fingers into me and stroked an exquisitely sensitive spot deep within me. I gasped softly and clung to him as he slowly increased the pressure of his fingers, and I couldn’t help the strangled cry that escaped me as pleasure rushed over me like a tidal wave. At that moment I was in pure, total bliss, completely vulnerable in my oblivion of pleasure, and I gave a soft, ragged cry of surprise and ecstasy when Adam positioned himself between my thighs and bestowed upon me the most intimate of kisses. Every stroke of his warm, gentle tongue was a new pleasure, and when he gently pushed his fingers into me, I gave a ragged moan as I felt the hot coil of tension in my belly begin to unwind. Within moments I was moving restlessly against him as he gently drove me into a fevered frenzy, and I was more than ready for him when he suddenly appeared above me and kissed me hungrily as he urgently joined our warm, damp bodies. The first feel of him was always the best, the feel of our bodies becoming one, and I gripped his shoulders and moaned softly as he pushed himself deep into me over and over again. There was a frantic urgency to our lovemaking that had been absent the night before, and this time there was pleasure mixed with pain as he pushed himself deeper and deeper into me with every thrust. I dug my fingers into his shoulders and hoarsely called his name as our bodies simultaneously exploded with pleasure, and my cheeks were wet with tears of emotion and pain as he finally collapsed beside me, his breathing harsh and ragged. I lay absolutely still as I waited for his breathing to return to normal, and long moments later he propped himself on his elbow and dropped a gentle kiss on my lips before he inquired, “Are you alright, sweetheart?”

  “I think so…”

  “Did I hurt you?”

  “A little…but it was worth it.”

  “Are you sure you’re alright?”

  “I’m alright as long as I keep still.”

  “Why didn’t you say something earlier?”

  “I was kind of caught up in the moment.”

  “How bad is the pain?”

  “It’s getting better, Adam. I’ll be fine.”

  “Should I get more ice cubes?”

  I laughed then, and I laughed so hard that I rolled against Adam’s chest and buried my face there as tears streamed down my cheeks. He was laughing as well as he held me close, and when our laughter finally subsided he gently framed my face with his hands and tenderly kissed me on the lips before he murmured, “Dear God, Sophie, I think I’m falling in love with you.”

  It was what I’d been waiting to hear, but something told me to wait before making a similar declaration of my own. Instead, I gently touched his face and kissed him, and I hoped to convey with my kiss what I couldn’t yet say with words. I gently pushed him onto his back and straddled his body as I continued to kiss him, and he reached up to gently stroke my hair as it formed a sheer, silky curtain around our heads. He suddenly pulled me down onto his chest and simply held me as he breathed in the scent of my hair, but moments later the spell was broken as Maggie knocked on his door and inquired, “Master Adam? Are you in there?”

  Adam cleared his throat before he replied, “Yes, Maggie. Is something wrong?”

  “No, Master Adam. It just isn’t like you to sleep this late.”

  “I’ll be down shortly.” He laughed softly and shook his head, then said, “How does a shower sound?”

  “A shower sounds great.”

  I stayed at Adam’s until three p.m., and even then I was reluctant to return to my empty, lonely apartment and drab existence. Life with Adam was much more fun and interesting, but I knew when enough was enough. I sensed that he needed some space, even though he didn’t come right out and say anything unkind to me. I was smart enough to know when someone was withdrawing into themselves, and I left him with a chaste kiss goodbye and a generous thank you for dinner and the concert. He smiled and nodded and kissed me back, but I wasted no time in making my exit. I didn’t want to screw up a good thing before it even got off the ground, and fifteen minutes later I was back at my apartment, strangely exhilarated and depressed at the same time. I kept replaying our numerous lovemaking sessions over and over in my mind, but then I’d spiral into a dark feeling of depression as overwhelming uncertainty and anxiety settled over me. Now that he’d had me, would he still want me? Was that all he’d wanted from the beginning? Had I satisfied him? Then I’d remember his statement about falling in love with me, and once again my spirits would soar. By the time Monday morning rolled around I was an emotional wreck, but I tried not to let it show as I walked into the business office and quickly got down to work. Noon came and went with no sign of Adam, and that only served to increase my rioting emotions. By Wednesday I was near despair, but then he surprised me by showing up at noon. He was casually leaning against the wall right outside the business office, and when I walked past him he said, “Hi. Would you like to grab some lunch?”

  “Sure.” I was surprised when he linked his fingers with mine, but I said nothing as we made our way to the cafeteria and settled into a booth. He seemed unusually subdued as he toyed with his straw, and I wondered if he’d invited me to lunch just so he could break my heart by telling me he didn’t want to see me anymore, which was really a contradiction, since he couldn’t see anyway, but I kept my thoughts to myself and waited as I studied his handsome face. The thought of never gazing into those brilliant, intriguing blue eyes again, of never kissing his soft, full lips again, of never having his arms around me again, of never feeling him inside me again, was almost enough to bring on a mental breakdown right then and there. Instead, I concentrated on shredding the napkin in my hand as I waited for him to say something, and finally he said, “How’s your week been?”

  “Alright, I guess. And yours?”

  “The same.”

  “How’s Maggie?”

  “Actually, Maggie has the flu. I’ve been at home all week taking care of her.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “She gave Alex and me quite a scare Sunday evening. We had to rush her to the hospital, and we’ve both been trying to make sure she doesn’t develop pneumonia.”

  “I thought Alex was a dentist.”

  “He’s an oral surgeon, which means he’s also an MD.”

  “I see.”

  He suddenly reached over and covered my hand with his, then said, “I haven’t been ignoring you, if that’s what you were thinking.”

  I shrugged but said nothing as I sipped my soda and gave his hand a squeeze. He sighed and leaned back in the booth, then said, “I’d invite you over, but I don’t want you catching what Maggie has. We even have her hooked up to an IV at home. That’s how weak and sick she is.”

  “I’m sorry, Adam. I wish there was something I could do for her.”

  “I know she seems standoffish at times, but she’s just being Maggie. She really is a nice woman. She wants only the best for me and Alex.”

  “I can understand that.”

  “She’s been like a second mother to me and Alex since we were born. After our parents died, she became our official guardian. So in a way, she has been our mother.”

  “How did your parents die?”

  Adam sighed again and replied, “They were on vacation in the mountains when my mother became extremely ill. My father had an accident as he was rushing her to the hospital. They both died in the crash.”

  “God, Adam, I’m sorry.”

  He shrugged and said, “That was a long time ago. I’ve learned how to deal with it.”

  “How old were you when they died?”

  “Eleven. Maggie took over and made sure that Alex and I did our homework, took our baths, and brushed our teeth. She also tried to help us deal with our grief, which wasn’t easy. Alex has always been the quiet type, so it was hard to tell what he was feeli
ng at any given moment.”

  I nodded and chewed on my straw as I contemplated what he’d just said. I couldn’t relate, since I’d had no brothers or sisters, but that didn’t seem to matter to Adam as he leaned forward and murmured, “I had a great time with you Saturday night, just in case you were wondering.”

  “And Sunday morning?”

  He laughed softly and replied, “And Sunday morning.” He straightened and added, “Maggie should be better by the weekend. Would you like to come over and go swimming again?”

  “I’d love to.”

  I took Maggie some chicken soup Friday evening, but even I was frightened by how pale and fragile the woman looked. Even though she was able to sit up in bed, I knew there was no way she’d be able to get out of bed except maybe to use the bathroom. She thanked me for the chicken soup and then leaned back against her pillows, seemingly exhausted from the few words she’d uttered. I was getting ready to leave the room when she suddenly grasped my hand and rasped, “Sophie…”

  “Yes, Miss Maggie?”

  “Don’t hurt my boy…He’s already been through enough…”

  “I have no intention of doing that, Maggie. Now get some rest.”

  She released my hand and wearily closed her eyes, and when I walked out of the room Adam was waiting for me. “Well?”

  “She still seems pretty sick to me, Adam.”

  He sighed and said, “Yeah, I know. I think maybe we should take her to the hospital and have her admitted.”

  “That might not be a bad idea.”

  “She’d probably hate us for that. She’s pretty independent.”

  “I’d rather have her angry at me than the alternative.”

  “And what’s the alternative?”

  “I don’t even want to say it. My mother always says you speak things into existence.”

  “Smart woman, your mother.”

  “Yeah, she’s alright.”

  He laughed at my description and put his arm around my shoulders, then inquired, “Have you had a flu shot?”

  I shuddered and said, “God, no.”

  “Why not?”

  “I’m allergic to one of the ingredients they use. The last time I had one I got so sick I thought I was going to die.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that.”

  “But I still had to have a TB test, and I had to take the hepatitis vaccine series.”

  “That’s mandatory when you work in a healthcare setting.”

  “Yes, I know.”

  “Don’t you have to take the TB test every year?”


  “When do you have to take your next one?”

  “In a few months.”

  “Do you want me to give you the next one?”

  I shrugged and replied, “Depends on how good you are with a needle.”

  “I haven’t had any complaints so far.”

  “I’ll keep that in mind.”

  “Would you like to go for a swim?”


  He smiled and inquired, “Did you bring your suit?”

  “Of course.”

  “Damn. I was hoping you’d say no.”

  I laughed at his devious way of thinking and inquired, “Where’s Alex?”

  “He’s out on a date.”

  “In that case, then, I didn’t bring my suit.”

  He laughed and pulled me close, and moments later we were standing by the pool, as naked as two newborn babies. I sighed as I walked into the warm water, and moments later I was floating on my back as Adam lazily swam the length of the pool. He looked like a Greek god as he swam towards me, and when he stood upright I was sorry he couldn’t see the unabashed female adoration in my eyes as I stared at his body. He was well-muscled but lean, and his stomach was flat and boasted a rather impressive, well-defined set of six-pack abs. His legs were long, muscled, and powerful, and as he stood there with water dripping off his hair I knew that I’d never seen anything or anyone as magnificent as Adam. He smiled down at me and inquired, “Enjoying yourself?”


  “Good.” He pulled me into a standing position and gathered me close against his splendidly naked body, then kissed me deeply as his hands cupped my derriere. I felt him grow hard against my belly, but he made no move to remedy the situation as he began pulling me towards the deep end of the pool. Panic settled over me when I could no longer touch the bottom, and Adam’s voice was soft and gentle as he said, “Relax, sweetheart. I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”

  I nodded but continued to cling to him as he pinned me against the cool tile of the pool wall, and moments later I moaned softly when I felt his fingers slide between my thighs. He gently caressed my sensitive little bud with his thumb as he pushed his fingers deeper and deeper into me, and when he finally stroked that sensitive spot deep within me I thought I would die from sheer pleasure. I hoarsely breathed his name as my body screamed for release, but his only response was a smile as he slowly joined our bodies. I gasped softly at this new, intense pleasure as we slowly made love in the warm water of the pool, and I was nearly out of my mind with ecstasy as he gently cupped my bottom and drove himself deep into me. I cried out as my body throbbed with the force of my climax, and moments later Adam gave a hoarse cry as he finally allowed himself the pleasure of his own release. Long moments later he returned me to the shallow end of the pool, and as I got to my feet my knees were so weak I could barely stand. Adam smiled and inquired, “Are you ready to get out?”


  “How does spaghetti for dinner sound?”

  “Spaghetti sounds great.” I got out of the pool and wrapped a towel around myself, then quickly dried off and donned the same robe I’d worn a mere week before. Moments later, Adam led me into the kitchen and fed me spaghetti, and afterwards he said, “I think I’m going to go check on Maggie and then call it a night.”

  I nodded and watched him walk out of the kitchen, and a few minutes later he returned and said, “Her fever finally broke, and she’s asleep right now.”

  “Good. I know you were worried about her.”

  “Yeah.” He pulled me close and kissed the top of my head, and moments later he led me upstairs to his bedroom and shut the door. He led me over to the bed and released the belt on the robe I was wearing, then pushed the robe off my shoulders and gently brushed his thumbs across my nipples. I closed my eyes and shivered in anticipation as he bent his head and drew one nipple into his mouth as his fingers stroked and teased my other nipple, and within moments I wanted him so badly that my knees were weak. He gently pushed me down onto the bed and shed his own robe, then eased me against the pillows and stretched out beside me before he resumed kissing me and alternately licking and stroking my nipples. Even though I was aching for him, he deliberately took his time as he drove me into a frenzy. By the time he finally slid his fingers between my thighs I was ready to explode, and long moments later he rose above me and gently eased himself into me. The first touch of him nearly sent me over the edge, but I wanted to savor every moment of our lovemaking. He was excruciatingly slow and gentle as he pushed me closer and closer to the brink, and I gripped his shoulders and gave a low, strangled moan as I finally toppled over the edge. Only then did he allow himself his own release, and he groaned softly and held me close as his body shook with the force of his climax. Long moments later, he raised his head and dropped a tender kiss on my lips before he murmured, “I love you, Sophie.”

  Tears welled in my eyes at his tender declaration, and my voice was thick with my unshed tears as I replied, “I love you, too, Adam.”

  He kissed me then, a long, slow, deep kiss that was full of emotion, and as I kissed him back I was pleasantly surprised to feel him grow hard inside me. I smiled as he began to move again within me, and once again he was extremely tender and gentle as he introduced me to new worlds of pleasure. I’d never felt such complete, utter contentment and satisfaction as I did with Adam, and the only word to d
escribe our lovemaking was magical as I became consumed with pleasure. It rushed over me in waves and flowed through me like a raging river, and I was trembling and crying by the time Adam finally collapsed beside me, breathing hard and utterly spent. I fought to control my emotions as he propped himself on his elbow and dropped a gentle kiss on my lips, and he didn’t seem to need an explanation for my tears as he pulled me close and simply held me. Within moments I was fast asleep.

  Adam and I continued to have lunch together at work, and the following Thursday he could barely contain himself as we walked outside to have lunch by the fountain. He was so excited he didn’t even eat, and he was smiling broadly as he said, “I have some good news.”

  “I figured that much, judging from the way you’ve been acting.”

  He laughed and inquired, “It’s that obvious, huh?”


  “Don’t you want to know what the good news is?”


  He gently laced his fingers through mine and said, “There’s finally a donor. I’m having optic nerve replacement surgery tomorrow morning.”

  I gasped softly at his news, and when I remained silent he said, “I’ll finally be able to see again, Sophie. That means I’ll be able to really practice medicine again.

  And,” he added as he reached out and gently stroked my cheek, “I’ll finally be able to see you.”

  I bit my lip at his words, and I silently cursed the negative thoughts that began swirling inside my head. Oh God, what if he didn’t like what he saw? What if he met someone even better? I cleared my throat and replied, “That’s great, Adam. What time is your surgery?”


  “How long will it take?”

  “Several hours.”

  “Define several.”

  “Maybe six or more.”

  “What are the risks? I mean, is it fairly safe? How long will you be in the hospital?”

  He laughed gently at my anxious questions and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze as he replied, “There are risks with any surgery, and since this involves my brain and eyes, the risks will be a little higher than if they were doing a simple appendectomy. But I came through the last one just fine, and I’m sure nothing will be different this time. Except that when I wake up, I’ll be able to see.”


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