Darkwater Truth

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Darkwater Truth Page 24

by Robin Caroll

  Of all the times for her best friend to lessen technology’s grip on her! Addy sighed.

  “Here you go, Ms. Fountaine.” Hixson handed her back her phone. “You need to charge that soon or it’s going to die.”

  “Thanks. Please send a copy of the video to this number.” She rattled off Beau’s cell phone number, then turned back to Tracey. “I’ll call Beau on my way.”

  “On you way? Where do you think you’re going?”

  “To the address we have for the cult.” She still had a hard time believing such things as cults had a place in the world. Then again, with everything else familiar to New Orleans, why should a cult be so shocking? Many people in the gritty undersurface of the city thought themselves a witch or vampire or voodoo priest.

  “How do you have that address?” Tracey asked. “And why do you have it?”

  “Because it’s Solomon’s address, and I had to have it for the records for tonight’s events.” She waggled her phone. “And, it’s the same address of where Hixson was able to trace the remote access of the music.”

  “You can’t go there.” Tracey shook her head.

  “I have to.” No way was she not going to go.

  Tracey cocked out her hip. “And do what, pray tell? Knock on the door and nicely ask if Dimitri can come out and play?” She straightened and shook her head again. “Look, I know you and Dimitri have some romantic ties and you care about him, I get that. Trust me, I understand. But, you can’t play with these people, Ads.”

  “I care about Dimitri, yes, but we aren’t dating any more. He’s my friend and I love him in that capacity.”

  “Wait, y’all aren’t dating?” Tracey held up her hand.

  “Long story, but no.” Addy knew she’d have to do a full confession soon, or Tracey would drive her crazy. “It doesn’t matter, I have to go.”

  “You can’t, Ads.”

  “Dimitri came for me last month when I was abducted.”

  “He went after you with Beau. He was with a cop. You know, someone who can carry a gun, arrest people, and uphold the law?”

  “I said that I’ll call Beau and have him meet us there. I just need to be there.”

  “Then I’m driving you.” Geoff set down his cell on the counter and dug his car keys from the pocket of his slacks. “The police dispatcher said she’d would have someone look into it. It was odd. She seemed very interested until I gave her the address, then she said she’d have someone look into it.”

  “I can’t ask you to go, Geoff. Stay here and watch over everything.” Addy put her phone in her pocket. She’d have to run up to her apartment and grab her car keys.

  “Good thing you aren’t asking then.” Geoff glanced at Tracey. “I’m sorry to run off on you.”

  “Oh, I’m going with y’all.”

  “No.” Both Addy and Geoff spoke in unison.

  Geoff took her hand. “Look, I don’t know what we’re going to walk into over there, but whatever it is, I want to know that you’re here, safe. We’ll be back as soon as we can. I’m sure the police will send us away almost as soon as we get there.”

  She shook her head. “I’m not letting either of you go without me.”

  “Trace, will you please get with Dad? He was cleaning up to come back down to the show. Considering everything, I don’t want him alone.”

  Tracey’s eyes narrowed. “Adelaide Fountaine, don’t you dare try to give me busy stuff so I won’t demand to go with y’all.”

  “I’m not. There’s a very good chance that Dad’s head injury was caused by an axe, and both Beau and I think the cult may have been his attack. Please.” Tears burned her eyes. “You know how ornery Dad can be. I need someone I can trust to make sure he doesn’t go off half-cocked or something.”

  Tracey hesitated a moment, chewing her bottom lip. She then leaned over and gave Addy a quick hug. “You take care of you, Ads, but also of Geoff, cuz I really do like him,” she whispered in Addy’s ear.

  Addy nodded as she stepped back. “Thanks.”

  “Let’s go.” Geoff bent and gave Tracey a very quick, but very intense-looking kiss before he opened the door to the Darkwater Inn’s security office.

  “You come back soon. And safe.” Tracey flashed him a look that everyone knew meant she wasn’t playing around.

  He nodded and started across the lobby with Addy. “I parked by the courtyard today.” He led the way to his car.

  “Thank you for diving me. For going with me.” Truth be told, Addy didn’t know if she’d have been able to drive. Her hands were shaking as she latched her seatbelt. Fear of not knowing what was going to happen or fear for Dimitri and Sam and Zoey, she didn’t know which. All she knew was that her trembling hands were nothing compared to the double-time pounding of her heart.

  “Of course. I owe you and Dimitri my freedom. You two believed in me, were there for me during one of the darkest times of my life. I won’t ever forget that.” He started the car and revved the engine.

  She pulled her cell out of her pocket and showed Geoff the address she had for Solomon. The cult. That Dimitri, Zoey, and sweet little Sam were probably there by now to face…heaven only knew what. She swallowed and sent up yet another silent prayer as she called Beau.

  “Addy?” He answered on the second ring.

  “Listen, my battery is almost dead. Hixson is sending you a video. Watch it because it shows Dimitri was taken at gunpoint. Well, we think at gunpoint. Just watch the video and see. And Zoey and her little baby are with him.”

  “Addy, slow down. What are you talking about? What video?”

  “I asked Hixson to send it to you. Didn’t you get it?”

  “Not yet, I guess not.”

  “Let me send it. Hang on.” She tried to send the video Hixson had loaded on her phone, but she disconnected the call.

  Addy glanced at the battery icon. Two percent. She quickly sent the video. “Can I use your cell to call Beau back? Sending this will drain mine, if it’s even enough to send.”

  “Sure.” Geoff reached to his back pocket. “Uh, Addy, I left my phone in the office.”

  The little chirp sounded that the file had been sent. “It’s okay. I have one percent.” She dialed Beau’s number.


  “Did you get it? It’s the video from the hotel’s security—” The phone shut down.

  Addy groaned, then tossed the phone onto Geoff’s console. “It’s dead.”

  “But the video went through?” Geoff asked.

  “I think so. It showed that it did.”

  “Then Beau will figure it out and meet us there. He’s smart.”

  She nodded. Beau was smart. He would figure it out, surely. As long as the video went through.

  Lord, please. Be with little Sam, Dimitri, and Zoey. Let Beau have gotten the video and know what it means. Protect us all, God, I pray.


  — Dimitri

  “Dimitri, do you have any idea where we are? Where they have Sam?” Zoey’s voice, while only a whisper, cracked.

  He tightened his grip on her hand. “I don’t know,” he whispered back. “I think we’re at the cult’s home base. Don’t worry, we’ll find Sam.”

  “I want my son. What do you think they mean by ritual? I’m scared, Dimitri.”

  “I know. I know.” He squeezed her hand again. He was scared, too. He’d been praying ever since Jacob had led them across an alley into the back door of a run-down building. Men in varying ages had greeted Jacob like a prodigal son, this time returning with his own fatted calves. Dimitri had a strong feeling that they were like lambs being led to slaughter as they climbed creaking old stairs in a dimly lit, enclosed staircase.

  Jacob’s gun pressed into Dimitri’s back. “Stop.”

  Dimitri and Zoey did as instructed. Jacob opened a door off the hallway and pushed Zoey inside. Dimitri followed. Jacob didn’t enter, but shut the door behind them.

  The click of the lock echoed.

  “Who are yo�
�” A tall blond man about Dimitri’s age rushed toward Zoey. “Zo! What are you doing here?”

  Her face was as white as the moon lighting the night. “Matt?”

  “What are you doing here?”

  “I was brought here at gunpoint with…with my friend.” She turned and beckoned Dimitri over. “This is Dimitri Pampalon. Dimitri, this is Matthew Scordamaglia.”

  “What’s this all about?” Matt looked from Zoey to Dimitri, then back. “They told me I had a child, that a DNA test proved it, and wanted me to meet him. A son.” He shook his head. “But when I got to the house, they stuck me with a needle or something and when I woke up, I was in here. That was just a few minutes ago, that I woke up, I mean.”

  Zoey looked stricken as she stared at Dimitri.

  Dimitri knew she wanted answers. Wanted him to tell her what to do. But he couldn’t. He wouldn’t condone misleading this man, but he couldn’t make that decision for Zoey. All he could do was give her the most understanding smile he could muster.

  She tightened her lips into a thin line, and gave a quick nod of her head, then turned to face the other man. “Matt, there’s something I need to tell you. They didn’t lie to you in order to get you here. You do have a son.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because…” she licked her lips. “Because I’m his mother.”

  “You?” Matt shook his head. “But you are—I mean, you were a professional back when we, uh, hooked up. I mean, pregnancy isn’t supposed to be a concern with…well, with your type. I meant, what you did. Before.” He shook his head again. “Look, I’m not trying to be a jerk, but no matter how I say anything, it comes out all wrong.”

  Dimitri pressed his lips together to not say anything. He used the moments to inspect the room holding them. Wasn’t much. No windows. No closets. Just a room with a locked door.

  Zoey leaned against the wall and slid down to floor. “Yeah, well, sometimes, things just don’t go as planned, you know.”

  “How do you know the boy’s mine?”

  Despite wanting to punch the guy in his face, Dimitri knew it was a fair question.

  Zoey sighed. “I ran a DNA test. I don’t know how the cult got those private results and found you, but they apparently did.”

  “But how did you get my DNA?”

  Zoey glanced up and stared at him. Not saying a word.

  A moment passed.

  “I knew I was pregnant the last time you hired me. I got a DNA sample then to run the test later.”

  “Oh.” Matthew sat on the floor opposite her. “Why didn’t you tell me?”

  She gave a sad smile and shook her head. “What would’ve been the point? I mean, like you said, I was a professional. You came to me because you still loved your wife and didn’t want to leave her. Having a child on the way would’ve only complicated your life.”

  “I didn’t love her. Not really, but I get what you’re saying. No offense, but I should have never hired you.” Matt was quiet for a moment. “I still deserved to know.”

  “You did. You do. I’m sorry.”

  He stared at her. “Had it not been for this situation we’re in right now, would you have told me?”

  “No, probably not.”

  “Would you have ever told me?”

  She stared at him, then shook her head.

  They were both quiet.

  Dimitri felt like an intruder, but he had no choice. The bare bones of the situation had been revealed, so now they needed to move on. He cleared his throat to get their attention, but also remind them both that he was in the room with them. “We were told that all of us were part of a ritual tonight. Do you have any idea what they mean?”

  Matt shook his head. “Like I said, I was knocked out. But I heard a voice say that it was God’s provision that my last name was Scordamaglia, which is so close to Cortimiglia.” He looked up at Dimitri. “I haven’t ever heard of the name Cortimiglia, and it certainly doesn’t sounds like mine. I don’t know why they said that.”

  “Me either.” Zoey looked at Dimitri.

  “I have no idea, and certainly not why that’s important.” Dimitri crossed his arms over his chest. “What else can you tell me? Anything else you’ve overheard, even if it seems like nothing.” He suddenly caught himself channeling his inner Beauregard. Had he not been terrified of what was happening to little Sam, he might find the humor in that.

  “I’ve heard a lot of footsteps. Men’s voices, always kinda muffled sounding, but that could be a side effect from whatever they dosed me with.”

  Dimitri squatted down in front of the man. “Close your eyes and try to remember any of those conversations.”

  Matt nodded slowly, then closed his eyes. He rested his head against the wall. “Something about jamming cell signals, just in case one slipped by.” He looked at Dimitri. “When I woke up, my cell phone was missing.”

  “Yeah, they took mine and Zoey’s as well. Anything else you remember?”

  Closing his eyes again, Matt went silent. Dimitri could hear his own heartbeat, deafening in his ears. Zoey rubbed her hands together in her lap.

  Matt opened his eyes again. “Something about Moses called and has the owner, too.” He shrugged. “That’s all I can remember.”

  So, it hadn’t been their intention to bring him along. Dimitri didn’t know if that meant they hadn’t expected him, so would delay whatever ritual they were planning, or if that bode even worse for him because of his being there.

  A key rattled in the lock. All three of them shot to their feet.

  Jacob, gun still in hand, entered the room. “I take it you’ve all had a chance to become reacquainted.”

  “Where is my son?” Zoey took a step toward him.

  Jacob leveled the gun at her head, effectively stopping her in her tracks. “Yours and Matthew’s offspring is being prepared.”

  “Being prepared? What does that mean?”

  “It means you’ll see him soon enough. Don’t worry, all three of you are required for tonight’s ritual.” He pointed the gun at Matt. “Come on, it’s time for you to be prepared.”

  Matt took a defiant stance—feet planted about a foot apart, shoulders squared, and hands curled into fists. “I’m not going anywhere with you until we get some answers.”

  Jacob make a tsking noise as he slowly shook his head. “Make no mistake about it, you are going to die tonight. You all are. The choice is how painful that will be. If I shoot you now, it will hurt, and you will be in pain for the hours it will take to conclude the ritual.” He shrugged. “But the choice is yours. It makes no difference to me. I just need to know if I should call someone to drag your bleeding and sobbing body to be prepared or if you’re going to walk.”

  “Kill me? I haven’t done anything!”

  Jacob lifted the gun to point in Matt’s face. “You’re an adulterer.”

  A second or two passed as the two men stared off.

  “Fine.” Matt moved out the door, Jacob following. The door closed behind them, then the rattle of the key echoed.

  Zoey burst into tears and rushed to Dimitri. “I’m sorry I got you into this.”

  He hugged her, feeling her trembling. “No, you did nothing wrong. You can’t be responsible for the actions of these crazy zealots.”

  “I don’t want to die,” she took a step back, letting the tears still fall, “but if I do, and you have a chance to get Sam out, Dimitri, I beg you to save my son.”

  He knew he would die before he’d allow her to be harmed, but he also knew she needed reassurance at this moment. “I promise you, Zoey, I’ll do everything in my power to save Sam.” He just didn’t add he’d do the same to save her. He gave her another hug. Her heart beat against his chest. He sent up a prayer of protection over them and Sam.

  “Thank you.” She turned and began to pace. “What do you think they mean by preparing for the ritual?”

  A million images of cult rituals danced across his mind, none of which he was inclined to sha
re with a terrified mother. “I don’t know.”

  “I wonder where Solomon is.” She kept pacing. “They’ve probably got him drugged somewhere around here.”

  Unless Solomon was in on all this. Dimitri didn’t want to believe Zoey had been deceived, but he wasn’t going to discount anything at the moment. Not when their lives were clearly at stake. Especially little Sam’s. An innocent child. Dimitri clenched and unclenched his fists.

  “You don’t think they’d hurt Solomon, do you? I mean, he’s their flesh and blood, right?”

  “I don’t know.” Dimitri shook his head. He didn’t, but he was more concerned about what type of ritual they were planning.

  A child’s wail split the silence of the house.

  Zoey and Dimitri both turned toward the door. “Sam!”

  — Beau

  “Our call disconnected again.” Beau shook his head. “But whatever she sent is still downloading.” He pulled closer to the cult’s location, staying out of view.

  “The cell service here is awful.” Marcel checked his own phone. “I barely have a bar. Let me try to call Addy while your phone is downloading.”

  Beau stared hard at the status circle on the download. Not even fifty percent yet.

  “Went straight to voice mail. Do you have any idea what she’s talking about?”

  Beau shook his head. “No. She said she was sending a video and then the call dropped.” Yet everything in him said this was very important. To not only his case, but to saving lives. Whose lives, he didn’t know yet. It might just be a feeling, but he’d been saved by feelings many times before.

  “A video, huh?” Marcel waggled his eyebrows.

  Shaking his head, Beau rolled his eyes. “You’re too much, man.”

  Marcel chuckled. “Just giving you grief. How is that romance going?”

  “I wish I could tell you it was going well, but right now, it’s in slow motion.” He hadn’t had time to wine and dine her all that much since last month. Then this case hit…as soon as he could, though, he’d ask her out. They’d been on such a good path, but now Addy and Vincent were pulled into the vortex of danger.


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