Fighting Love: The Complete Series

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Fighting Love: The Complete Series Page 43

by Ash, Nikki

  And for the last couple weeks I’ve continued to do the same thing while I formulate a new plan to escape. With Georgia gone, I have absolutely no reason to stay here. I have the money I put away, and with our daughter dead, I doubt Justin will even care if I leave.

  I replay his conversation in my head. He mentioned me trying to leave him. He must be referring to before Georgia died, but how did he know I was planning to leave him? And he’s going to have me committed? To where? A mental institution? None of this makes any sense, but there’s no way in hell I’m going to stay here to find out.

  * * *

  “We’re here, babe.” Using his chin, Tristan nudges my head, which is resting on his shoulder, waking me up from my memories. When my head comes up slightly, he meets me halfway, giving me a soft kiss. “You good?” he asks when he breaks the kiss. I take a deep, calming breath, thankful that last memory was the final one with Justin in it. The day I found out what he was planning was the day I ran, only that time I was successful.

  “Yeah,” I say. “I’m good.” I give Tristan a small smile before standing up and making my way to the front to deplane.

  After picking up our rental SUV, we make the drive to the cabin in Breckenridge. The adults are quiet. Adam and Morgan worrying about how the family will take their news, Mason texting god knows who, Tristan driving, and me lost in my thoughts about meeting Tristan’s family.

  Lexi fills the silence with her excitement. She can’t wait to see her cousin Micaela, build a snowman, go snow tubing, and drink hot chocolate. When we pull into the driveway, the cabin is gorgeous. On our way here, Tristan mentioned we’ll be staying in the cabin his family owns, and Bella and Marco’s families will be sharing a separate one they rent every year. I know Tristan is good friends with Bella, but I’m not sure how I’m supposed to feel about a woman who strung Tristan along and took advantage of his selflessness only to throw him to the side when the father of her baby decided to man up. Tristan assures me it was for the best, and if he can let it go and not be bitter about it, then I guess I need to do the same. After all, her loss is my gain.

  “Yess! We’re here!” Lexi squeals as she quickly undoes her seatbelt. I jump out of the vehicle to help get the bags, but Lexi has other plans. Grabbing my hand, she pulls me up the driveway toward the front door. The door swings open and out walks a man and a woman, who I recognize from the pictures as Tristan’s parents. His mom smiles wide as she opens her arms for Lexi, and without letting go of my hand, Lexi engulfs her grandma in a hug.

  “Oh, Lexi! I missed you so much!” Mrs. Scott gushes over her granddaughter before putting her down as I force back the memories of Justin’s cold, heartless parents.

  “Grandma! This is Charlie. I told you about her on the phone. She is mine and Daddy’s friend. You know, the one Daddy loves on, and she lives with us but still in her own house, and she’s building a painting place!”

  And now… I die of embarrassment.

  Mr. and Mrs. Scott look from their granddaughter to me, and then to each other, both smiling and trying to refrain from laughing. If Lexi wasn’t holding my hand hostage, I can almost guarantee I would be running away. Of course, Tristan joins the fun, his arm swinging around my shoulders and tugging my body into his. And does he save me? Nope!

  “Lexi, what have I told you? Charlie isn’t living with us…at least not yet.” He gives me a panty-dropping wink followed by a wet smack of his lips to my cheek, and I wish for the ground to swallow me up.

  “Oh my God,” I groan, trying to hide my face in his neck.

  “Oh! Don’t be embarrassed,” his mom coos. “I’m Ashley and this is Kaden. We’ve heard so much about you.” She grabs me out of Tristan’s hold and pulls me into a hug—Lexi still holding my hand. “Thank you for making my son and granddaughter happy,” she whispers so only I can hear. I instantly get choked up at her kind words. I’ve only been in the presence of this family for a total of two minutes and I can already tell they’re nothing like Justin’s stuffy, stuck up, cold-hearted parents.

  Ashley pulls back from our hug, her eyes zeroing in on something or someone behind me, and when I turn, I see Morgan standing a few feet back, Adam by her side. The look on Ashley’s face confirms my earlier thoughts. She already knows her daughter is pregnant. Morgan looks so young in this moment as she waits to see how her mom and dad will react to the news, and suddenly, I feel nervous for her.

  But then Ashley closes the gap between her and her daughter, wrapping her arms around her in a motherly hug, and I know everything will be okay. I imagine how I would react if Lexi came home pregnant. After losing Georgia, I don’t think there’s anything Lexi could do that would have me upset. I learned the hard way that life is too short. Clutching my chest, wishing my little girl was here, I feel the hot tears trickling down my cheeks.

  “I need a moment,” I whisper to Tristan, and without waiting for a response, I let go of Lexi’s hand and take off toward… I have no clue where. My mind flitters through memory after memory of my little girl growing up. I only got three goddamned years with her! It’s so unfair! The tears are racing down in bucketfuls when I hear a voice behind me.

  “Are you okay?” I turn around, my breathing labored, as I fight off a panic attack. It’s Tristan’s dad.

  “Oh…um, yeah.” I attempt to swipe the still falling tears. “I’m sorry,” I huff out. “I’m just having a bad moment.”

  “Tristan told me,” he says, “about you losing your daughter.” I nod, the lump in my throat preventing me from speaking.

  “I went through something similar.” He gives me a sad smile and motions for me to sit on the swinging wooden bench. I must have ended up in the back of their house. We sit next to each other and he gives me a second to catch my breath before he continues. “I lost my wife and my son. I was driving the car on our way to the hospital when she was in labor. A truck ran a red light and hit us, and they both died.”

  “I’m so sorry,” I choke out, the tears falling once again. “My daughter was hit by a car, only I can’t remember any of it. I blacked out and when I woke up she was gone.”

  Kaden nods in understanding. “It’s hard… to balance what we lost with what’s in front of us. To try to love those alive without the guilt of leaving the ones we lost behind.”

  I glance toward him and take a deep breath at the comfort of someone else understanding. “That’s exactly how I feel. When I watched Ashley and Morgan, I imagined how I would feel if Lexi came home pregnant. I felt so guilty that I thought of her and not of Georgia.”

  “I went almost ten years before I allowed myself to move on. It wasn’t until Ashley and Tristan came into my life—and knocked me on my ass—that I considered opening my heart up again.”

  “It’s only been a year since I lost my daughter,” I say softly.

  “The timing doesn’t matter,” Kaden says. “Whether it’s six weeks, six months, or six years…” He shakes his head. “It doesn’t matter. I was waiting for Ashley and Tristan. My heart knew I belonged to that woman before I did. I can’t change what happened to Gabby. If I could, I would. I’m sure you know the inner battle… begging God to take away any happiness you feel to have them back.”

  “I do.”

  “Unfortunately, life doesn’t work that way. The moment I accepted I can still love Gabby and our baby, and move forward with Ashley, was the day I was finally set free.” He gives me a warm smile that reminds me of my father.

  “Thank you,” I say. “I needed to hear that today.”

  “What do you say we go join everyone inside? I hear my daughter is pregnant.”

  “I’ll be inside in a minute.” Kaden pats my knee in a fatherly way before getting up and walking inside, leaving me to my thoughts.

  I’m not even out here for five minutes when a little girl comes barreling up the snow-covered ground and onto the porch steps. “Hi! Is Lexi here yet?”

  A couple, who I assume are her parents come walking up after her, and my su
spicions are confirmed when I see the woman is pregnant.

  “She is,” I tell her, and she runs past me into the house, the door slamming shut behind her.

  “Sorry about her manners. She’s excited to see Lexi. You would think she hasn’t seen her in a year when it’s really only been less than two months.” Her hands go to her belly as she waddles up the steps. “My name is Bella.” She gives me a sweet smile. “And this is my husband, Marco.”

  I put my hand out to shake hers and then her husband’s. “I’m Charlie,” I say, not giving her anything more. Bella’s eyes widen at the mention of my name, but she quickly hides her reaction.

  “It’s nice to meet you,” Marco says before going inside, leaving Bella and me alone. She sits down next to me and I’m not sure where this is going to go, so I wait for her to lead.

  “I’m really glad to meet you.” My head whips around to face her with what I’m sure is a look of confusion marring my features. Bella laughs softly. “I was so nervous about meeting you… Shit, I guess I still am.”

  “What? Why?” I ask incredulously.

  “Umm…hello…I’m the best friend who hurt him. Sure, Tristan forgave me, but that’s only because he’s Tristan. He’s like the nicest guy in the world.” She laughs softly. “And I know if a woman hurt my husband, the man I love, I probably wouldn’t be too nice to her.” She shrugs and we both laugh.

  “I don’t really know what happened,” I admit. “But you’re right, I do love Tristan and Lexi…” I pause as the words I just said sink in. I love Tristan and Lexi. “And… I probably should be telling him that before you.” We both giggle. “I wasn’t around when it all went down, so I’m not going to judge. I’ve messed up so many times in my life.” I shake my head. “I’ve made horrible decisions that ended in tragedy, and lord knows I don’t deserve that man.”

  “Yes, you do.” I jump at the sound of Tristan’s voice. “I don’t know what’s going on out here, but I hope you aren’t giving Charlie a hard time. Today is hard enough for her.” Tristan’s jaw is clenched and he’s practically shooting daggers at Bella, who suddenly looks nervous.

  “Hey,” I say softly, standing up to join his side. “She was just introducing herself to me.” I reach up and give Tristan a kiss on his cheek, but he isn’t having it. Not caring that we’re in front of Bella, he turns his face to kiss me on my lips.

  Once he releases me, he says, “I don’t want to hear you saying some bullshit about not deserving me again. It’s me who doesn’t deserve you.” He pulls me into his arms and kisses my forehead.

  “I’m pretty sure you both deserve each other,” Bella says sweetly as she slowly stands. “Happy looks good on you, Tristan.” She pats his shoulder then turns to me. “Thank you… for what you said about not judging. I’m going to go inside and go pee. This damn baby has been pressing on my bladder for the last month.” And with that, she excuses herself inside, leaving Tristan and me alone.

  “You didn’t need to bite her head off,” I murmur, rising on my tiptoes to give Tristan a kiss. He sighs into my mouth as he deepens the kiss before ending it way too quickly.

  “I’ll apologize to her later. I just want to make sure you’re comfortable here and everyone is nice to you. I can’t even imagine how hard today is for you, yet you’re here because Lexi and I want you to be.”

  “I want to be here.” I wrap my arms around his neck. “There’s nowhere else I would rather be than here with you and Lexi.”

  “Good,” Tristan says, his voice suddenly full of emotion. “Because I really want you here.” His tongue darts out to wet his lips and my body hums, craving his touch. Without even saying a word, I know we’re on the same page.

  My legs come up at the same time his hands move down to catch me, my ankles locking together as he pushes me against the wall of the house. Our mouths crash into each other, the kiss quickly deepening as our tongues dart in and out of each other’s mouths. I let out a moan as I take in the taste of Tristan—peppermint with a hint of something that is uniquely him.

  My fingers pull at the tips of his hair as his lips break from mine and move to my neck, trailing soft kisses downward. Needing more, I grind my pelvis against his hard body as his lips go to the swell of my breasts.

  “Daddy! Charlie!” Lexi yells, the door swinging opening. Tristan quickly releases me, my body sliding down the cabin wall. I flinch as my back hits the curves of the logs and Tristan curses under his breath, trying to catch me.

  “Yeah, Lex?” Tristan asks, his voice rough.

  “Uncle Mason and Uncle Nathan said they’re going fishing tonight! Are you going fishing with them, Daddy? I don’t wanna go fishing.” Lexi’s hands go to her hips.

  “Who’s Nathan?” I ask.

  “Bella’s younger brother,” Tristan says, wrapping his arm around my waist. “No, Lex. I’m not going fishing. I’ve already caught my fish and I have no intention of ever releasing her.” He shoots me a wink and I laugh.

  “Ewww, Daddy!” Lexi yells before stomping back inside, Tristan and me following behind. She gets to Mason and a guy that looks to be in his early twenties. “Daddy said he caught his fish and he’s not going fishing!”

  Chapter Thirty-Three


  The next couple days go by way too quickly. The days are spent with my family—sometimes Bella’s and Marco’s families joining in—skiing, snowboarding, snow tubing, and building snowmen at the request of Lexi and Micaela. The nights are spent with bonfires and family dinners, and conclude with me deep inside Charlie. Thanks to my sister Emma for offering to bunk with Lexi, Charlie and I have a room to ourselves. I’ll be buying Emma an extra special gift for Christmas this year.

  It’s Thanksgiving day and the women have been cooking and baking in the kitchen all day. I was worried about Charlie being comfortable but she fits in perfectly with us. The guys are all watching football, but I couldn’t even tell you who’s playing. My eyes can’t seem to veer away from Charlie. In California, she’s almost always in shorts, but here she’s wearing some tight spandex looking pants which mold to her ass, paired with an adorable Texas A&M hoodie that looks like it’s been put through the wash a thousand times. Her hair is up in a high ponytail and she’s makeup free. She’s setting the table and every time she leans over I’m checking the clock, counting down the minutes until I can peel off those—

  My view is cut off when a pillow from the couch hits me right in my face before I can dodge it. “Hey!” I glare over at the guys, trying to figure out who threw it. Caleb is smirking and Marco is laughing. My dad is grinning ear-to-ear, and Mason’s face is completely void of all emotion minus the laughter in his eyes. Fucker!

  “What the hell was that for?”

  “I didn’t throw the pillow,” my dad says, “but I’m pretty sure it was because I called your name several times.”

  “And your pussy whipped ass was too busy staring at your woman to hear.” Mason chuckles. I throw the pillow back at Mason as Cooper and Nathan come walking out of the kitchen, their mouths filled with food.

  Not able to go another minute without touching my woman, I use the excuse of wanting some food. The guys all laugh, but I ignore them. When I enter the kitchen, it’s filled with women. Bella—and her huge belly—is chopping something, my mom is pulling something out of the oven, Hayley, Marco’s mom, is filling a bowl full of bread, but the only person I care about is the woman who is reaching up on her tiptoes.

  I come up behind her, my front pushing right up against her spandex covered ass. One of my hands rests on her sexy hips while my other one extends up toward her hand, which is currently trying to reach the good plates. My fingers trail a line up her tricep and forearm, ending at her fingers. Charlie shivers lightly at my touch. “Your ass in these pants are going to have me coming in mine,” I murmur into her ear.

  She shakes with silent laughter as she comes down from her tiptoes, her ass purposely rubbing up against my crotch, and turns around to face me. “Are y
ou in here to help me or to distract me?” She tries to sound firm, but her lips twitch, a smile breaking free.

  “I’m here to help you in any way you need.” I waggle my eyebrows as my hands go around her back, gliding down to that ass I can’t get enough of. I lean in for a kiss when my mom slaps my shoulder, reminding me we aren’t alone.

  “Tristan Scott, take it to the bedroom,” she scolds with zero seriousness in her tone. Charlie’s cheeks turn pink and I chuckle, not giving a shit.

  “I agree!” I exclaim, grabbing Charlie’s hand playfully and pretending to pull her toward the bedroom. “Let’s take this to the bedroom!”

  “Oh my God! Tristan, stop!” Charlie squeals, pulling her hand out of mine. “Grab the plates, please.”

  I do as she requests and then head out back to check on Lexi, who is sipping on her hot chocolate while swinging on the bench, watching everyone play. I sit next to her and steal a sip of her hot chocolate.

  “Why aren’t you playing?” I nod toward the others.

  “I’m mad at Micaela,” she states matter-of-factly.

  “Oh yeah…why?”

  “She said she’s getting a baby sister and that I can’t have one because I don’t have a mommy.” I store the fact that Micaela let it slip the sex of the baby—I’ll definitely be fucking with Marco about that one later—and focus on the issue at hand. I always knew the day would come when Lexi would ask about her mom. I just never knew what I would say. The truth is, I still don’t. It’s a shitty situation. I think a small part of me—the part that knows what it’s like to be without a parent—was hoping Gina would come to her senses one day and show up…or that she would die and I could say she’s dead and that’s why she isn’t around. I know that sounds horrible, but at least it would mean not having to tell Lexi her mom is alive and chooses not to be in her life.


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