Jack: An Enemies To Lovers Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Hockey Book 2)

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Jack: An Enemies To Lovers Sports Romance (Bad Boys of Hockey Book 2) Page 2

by Violette Paradis

  “Brendon, obviously.” She takes a swig of the wine.

  “Wait…” I look at Madison. “Did you think that too? That Brendon was a tool?”

  She shrugs shyly. “He had his moments.”

  “Oh no, this is even worse.” I rub my exhausted face. “Was I dating a loser this whole time? Come on, girls! We promised we’d warn each other when we were too love-blind to see it ourselves.”

  “Sorry,” Madison says, giving me a wry smile and looking at me with her giant eyes. “He seemed like a good match at first. He was all about manifesting good vibrations and balancing the yin and yang and all that shit… But it was a slow transformation into a… How do I put this?”

  “An egotistical douche,” Naomi says. She takes another swig of the wine before passing it to me.

  I take the bottle and wallow for a minute. It’s hard to believe that Brendon was an asshole this whole time, but considering the surprising way he ended the relationship, my whole worldview has changed. This was a man who slept next to me for almost two years, and now he’s gone. Not just gone, but apparently in a new relationship.

  “I can’t believe he met someone,” I say. “I feel so deceived.”

  I stare absently at the kitchen table.

  “I know what we have to do,” Madison says. She starts rummaging through her purse.

  “You can’t find the bar in your purse,” Naomi says. “Come on, let’s go get some real cocktails.” She admires herself in her phone’s reflection one last time before shoving the phone in her back pocket.

  “Well, obviously we’re going to the bar tonight, but first we have to do this.” Madison pulls a stick of sage out of her purse.

  My eyes widen. “I’ll get the matches!”

  I jump up and grab the matches from a drawer next to the fridge. I open the windows and the kitchen door that leads to the back alley which looks out onto an empty field. I rejoin the others at the table. Madison takes the matches and lights the end of the bundle of sage. Hypnotized, we watch as a small flame starts to burn.

  Madison blows out the flame until there are only a few embers still burning. She walks around my small kitchen, waving the burning sage back and forth. The smell of it permeates the room as wisps of white smoke curl through the air. She makes her way up the narrow stairs to my bedroom before coming back down to clear out the bathroom.

  Lilith reappears and jumps into my arms as we watch Madison work her magic.

  “Are you almost done extinguishing the negative Brendon energy?” Naomi asks as she fishes out a tube of lipstick from her purse. “The cute guys at the bar aren’t gonna wait all night.”

  “Naomi, how can you be so crass?” Madison looks at her. “Jem just got out of a long-term relationship! Let’s just go get some rosé and walk by the beach.”

  “No, it’s fine,” I say. “Maybe a night of music and fun and flirting with cute guys is what I need right now. If Brendon can be kissing another woman, then I can kiss another man.” I take another long swig of wine. “Besides, it’s not like we did much kissing with each other. Or anything else fun. At least, not lately.”

  “What do you mean by lately?” Naomi stops applying her nude lipstick to look at me. “Like… a few days? Or like… weeks?”

  “More like months. Eventually, the flame just burned out.”

  Madison blows out the stick of sage, causing a plume of gray smoke to curl through the air.

  “That’s why I’m not opposed to a little bit of flirting tonight.” I pause. “And maybe a bit more.”

  “Hell yes, sister.” Naomi snaps her lipstick shut. “Let’s get it!”

  “Okay, okay, I’m almost done.” Madison throws the charred stub out into the back alley before closing the door. “There’s no way that negative Brendon energy will affect this house any longer. Begone, douche!”

  “Good riddance,” Naomi says, pretending to clean off her hands.

  “Thank you, Madison,” I say. “I can already tell that it’s helping.”

  “I have some crystals that will help too. Kyanite for new beginnings, rose quartz for self-love, and some black tourmaline to keep the bad energy out. I’ll have to go back to the shop to get them.”

  Naomi shakes her head.

  “Nuh-uh, we’re not going to the shop tonight.” She swings her purse over her shoulder. “Mama needs a cocktail.”

  “You ladies go ahead,” I say. “I’ll meet up with you in a minute.”

  Madison and Naomi walk through the front door that leads through the studio and out to Apple Tree Lane. I stay behind, going to the bathroom where I stare at myself in the mirror. My eyes look tired like I’ve been crying sporadically throughout the day. My normally golden skin is pale with shock. My dark blond hair with bleached streaks from the sun is a mess of tangles. Brendon sucked everything out of me with his news this morning… news that came in a text. It still makes me sick thinking about it. How could someone I thought I trusted to do this to me? I gave up two years of my life for him.

  I wipe away a few tears, tears I’ve been hiding from my girlfriends. Dragging a brush through my long wavy hair, I pinch my cheeks until they’re pink and splash some water on my face. I smile at my reflection, hoping to hide the sadness in my eyes.

  “Tonight, you’re free.” My voice sounds thin and shaky. I clear my throat, square my shoulders, and speak louder and with more conviction. “Tonight, I’m free.”

  Taking a deep breath, I head out.


  After locking up the yoga studio, I join my two friends as we walk down the cobblestone road of Apple Tree Lane. It’s a crisp, clear, and strangely bright night. The fresh air feels good in my lungs after spending the better part of the night breathing in smoke from a burning stick of sage.

  As we get closer to the nightlife area, I hear music and the sound of people chatting, laughing, and having fun. This all reminds me just how long it’s been since I’ve been out enjoying myself.

  I stop in my tracks as my breathing starts to become more shallow.

  “You know, maybe this wasn’t such a good idea.” I pull back.

  “Are you sure?” Madison asks.

  “No!” Naomi steps forward. “You’re doing this.”

  She grabs my hand and pulls me along.

  “Trust me. Being around other people will be good for you. And heaven knows you need a break from that yoga studio. Living and working in one place can’t be healthy.”

  “Hey! I get out sometimes.”

  “Not nearly enough,” Madison adds.

  “Fine.” I stop resisting. “You know, I don’t mind living above my yoga studio. Do you even know how much I save on transportation?”

  “Where should we drink?” Naomi asks, ignoring me. She looks around at the bars that have music pouring through the windows.

  “Ooh! There’s Sun and Moon Terrace.” Madison points at the charming dessert and coffee shop that we usually go to. Strings of twinkling lights hang over the patio. “Madame Lacroix should be in tonight. She always does tarot readings on the full moon and look! That’s tonight. Just our luck!”

  “Of course today’s a full moon,” I mumble as I spot the bright white moon hanging low in the sky. A yellow halo glows around it. “I should’ve known all this bad news was coming.”

  “If we’re lucky we can get a reading for you.”

  I pull back. “I don’t know if I’m ready to hear what the cards have to say tonight. They weren’t kind to me last time and look what’s happened.”

  “Forget the cards and think about the drinks!” Naomi says. “They’ve got pairings for every dessert on the menu!”


  “Come on.” Madison pulls me along.

  As we walk toward the cutesy dessert shop, I hear familiar music pouring out of the window. The melody perks my ears and sends a jolt straight to my heart. I stop in my tracks once again.

  “Guys? I’m getting bad vibes from this place.”

  “What now?” Na
omi asks, exasperated.

  “That music. It’s Smoking Pots.”


  “They’re that folksy band that only uses kitchen cookware as instruments,” I explain. “That was Brendon’s favorite band!”

  Naomi laughs. “Damn, he’s lamer than I thought.”

  “Alright, the universe has spoken.” Madison takes my hand again. “No dessert and tarot tonight. How about this place?”

  She points to the microbrewery down the street called Barrels and Boots. I can see a live band performing inside.

  “Are you getting bad vibes from this R.E.M. cover?” She asks.

  I shake my head. “I don’t think so.”

  “Great.” Madison and Naomi guide me across the street toward the microbrewery.

  “Are you sure you guys are okay with this? They might not have the cocktails you want—”

  “Yes!” They both say in unison.

  “They have music, alcohol, and I’m pretty sure I see cute guys in there.” Naomi is on her tiptoes looking through the large open windows. “And that’s all that matters right now. Come on.”

  Naomi leads the way inside.

  Colorful dance lights move across the walls in time with the loud music. The place is packed with people chatting and laughing. The only place that’s not packed is the dance floor where only a few people are dancing.

  “What do you want?” Madison asks. It’s so loud that she practically has to yell.

  I’m staring at the colorful lights sweeping over the dance floor. The band starts playing a sexy dance song. The beat of the bass thumps in my chest. My body starts swaying to the music. At that moment I realize just how long it’s been since I’ve gone out dancing. In fact, Brendon and I didn’t dance once during the two years we spent together.

  “Jem?” Madison taps me on the shoulder. “What do you want?”

  “I want to dance!” I say.

  Pulling away from the bar, I make my way to the dance floor as if an invisible rope is pulling me. Once I’m there, I let everything go. All the stress in my shoulders quickly melts away.

  It’s funny, being a yoga teacher I thought I would never be stressed out ever again, but somehow I learned how to multi-task in the most contradictory way.

  I dance to the beat, letting all my frustrations with the boy who broke my heart out onto the dance floor. I let all the negative energy in my body manifest into something energetic, creative, and exhilarating. My arms are in the air. I close my eyes and drop my head back, shaking out my long hair behind me. The music overtakes my body and I can’t help but sing along.

  “Hold your body next to mine, find the rhythm in your mind.”

  As I’m lost in my own little world, I bump into someone.


  I turn around and make eye contact with a handsome man. He’s got scruffy light brown hair that’s falling into his mysterious dark eyes. He smiles at me. Biting my lip, I smile back.

  “Jem!” Someone taps my shoulder.

  Pulling my gaze away from the handsome stranger, I turn around and look at Madison.


  “Your drink!” She’s holding two drinks.

  Turning around, I look back at the handsome stranger but he’s gone. I scan the dance floor for him. My smile disappears when I spot him talking with another woman. She’s dressed for the club in vinyl pants, a low-cut top, and a face full of makeup. I touch my face, which is bare except for some lip balm. For a moment, I wonder if a bare-faced beach girl like me even belongs in a place like this.

  The stranger and the woman start to dance.

  “Jem!” Madison pushes a cold drink into my hand.

  I don’t even realize I’m still staring at the handsome man until I find him staring back at me. I pull my gaze away.

  Looking down at my drink, I see that there’s a pineapple on the rim.

  “This isn’t wine,” I say.

  “No, it’s coconut rum and pineapple.”

  “Are we ready to dance?” Naomi appears with the same tropical drink in her hand.

  “No,” I say. “I need wine, not liquor. I won’t be able to work tomorrow if I drink rum all night.”

  “Take the day off! You can at least afford that, right?” Madison asks.

  I shake my head. “My students depend on me. Here. You can have this.”

  I push the drink into Madison’s hand.

  “I’ll be back.”

  “Jemma!” They call out to stop me but I’m already pushing through the crowd.

  Breathlessly, I stop at the crowded bar. I wipe my hair off my damp neck and fan myself off. I catch the eye of the tattooed and bearded bartender. He leans in to take my order.

  “Pinot noir please,” I shout over the music. He nods as he throws a towel over his shoulder and grabs a wine glass.

  “You’re a really good dancer,” a deep voice says into my ear. I feel the wind of his breath on my neck.

  I pull back and see the mysterious man that smiled at me on the dance floor.

  “Where’s your dance partner?” I ask.

  He smirks and gives a half-hearted shrug. “Don’t know.”

  I look back at the bar where the bartender is re-corking the wine bottle and handing me my glass. I hand him a ten-dollar bill but he waves me off.

  “It’s already been paid,” he says, pointing at the man next to me.

  “You’re welcome,” the mysterious stranger says, a cocky smile on his face.

  “Here.” I push the bill into his hand.

  He pulls back. “No, it’s fine. It’s a gift.”

  “No.” I hold the bill out. “I don’t want to owe you anything.”

  “What?” He gestures to his ear as if he can’t hear me.

  Leaning in closer, I find myself close enough to smell his invigorating masculine scent. The clean laundry scent of his shirt mixes with the faint scent of his natural odor and his clean cedar-scented cologne. The scent isn’t overpowering or overbearing, but it’s strong enough to stir something primal in me. The masculinity in the air is a far cry from Brendon’s scent of patchouli, crunchy granola, and goat-milk soap.

  I look into the stranger’s dark eyes. His plump lips distract me for a moment as I realize just how close to him I am. He looks like a model in his fitted black shirt and blue jeans.

  “I don’t want to owe you anything,” I say into his ear. I breathe in again, taking in another inhale of his insanely addictive scent. Our shoulders rub accidentally and I instantly feel heated.

  He looks up at me. “You don’t.”

  “Well, now I really don’t.” I place the money on the counter in front of him and leave with my glass of wine.

  As I make my way through the crowd back to the dance floor, I feel unfit to be out here. I don’t want to be picked up by the guy testing out every lady in the room, the guy trying to buy me off with drinks. No matter how much I want to get back at Brendon, I still want to respect myself.

  Get back at Brendon.

  Ugh. I hate that I’m thinking so vindictively.

  “Jem, what’s wrong?” Madison pulls me over to the little corner of the dance floor that they staked out for themselves. “Why did you leave that guy behind?”

  “He’s freaking hot!” Naomi chimes in. “And so are his friends.”

  We look back at the mysterious man who’s talking with two other guys. They all look equally broad, tall, and muscular, but also equally young.

  “Wow, look at those muscles,” Naomi says. “Imagine being lifted into those arms.”

  “Brendon used to lift me in his arms,” I say. “Sometimes. Okay… maybe once.”

  “Pfft. His lean-ass yoga arms are nothing compared to those.”

  I look back at my mystery man. He does have a nice body. And I want to say he smells heavenly, but heaven wouldn’t evoke such naughty thoughts.

  “It’s my experience that the bigger the muscles, the bigger the ego,” I say.

  Naomi bursts out lau
ghing. “Brendon’s muscles were non-existent and he had the biggest ego I’ve ever seen!”

  “Well, he was also well endowed in other areas—”

  Naomi grabs my arm and squeezes. “Girl, is this the wine talking?”

  “Maybe,” I admit. The three of us laugh.

  When Naomi composes herself, she leans in. “Listen, if you don’t go for that, I might have to.”

  I shake my head. “I don’t think I will. He seems like a player. He was grinding with another woman.”

  “So? It’s not like he’s married. Plus, it’s a bar. That’s what people do here.”

  “I don’t know…” I play with the rim of my wine glass. “I don’t want to dance with someone just to get back at Brendon. I mean, we just broke up! It feels like bad energy.”

  “But you haven’t done it in months!” Madison protests. “Besides, you’re not doing this to get back at Brendon. You’re doing it to revive the feminine power inside you.”

  I laugh. “I don’t need a man to find my feminine power.”

  “Sure, but sometimes it helps.” Naomi looks over at Madison and they both start cracking up.

  “Oh my god, did you guys finish that extra drink? No wonder you’re both so giggly.”

  “Go dance with that guy!” Madison pushes me.

  Stumbling forward, I spot him talking to his friends. As if sensing my gaze, he looks up and catches me staring. I pull my gaze away but it doesn’t matter. He’s making his way over.

  I knock back the rest of my wine, pretending I don’t notice him walking over.

  “Psst! Jem… he’s coming!” Madison hisses behind me. “Remember it’s about you, not him, not Brendon. You!”

  “And you’re never gonna see him again after tonight,” Naomi adds. “Go crazy!”

  “Excuse me,” a deep voice says.

  I turn around to face my mystery man. His dark brown eyes stare deep into my soul, sending a shiver down my spine.

  “Do you want to dance?” He asks. He’s leaning in again so that I can smell that intoxicating manly scent of his.

  “I'm not sure,” I say.

  “You don’t like dancing with guys?” He asks loudly next to my ear so that I can hear him over the music. I can feel his breath on my neck.


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