Regretting Gabriel

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Regretting Gabriel Page 12

by Brooks, Anna

  I grind my pubic bone against her swollen flesh, and her back arches. Her breath comes out in shorter pants when I do it again. Never have I seen something more beautiful.

  “Gabe.” She pants against my lips. “God.”

  I circle and push even harder, and that’s all she needs to explode around me. “Fuck. Fuck.” I can’t hold off anymore, and I pound my hips against hers while she’s climaxing, unable to think rationally, and every time I bottom out, I chant, “Mine.”

  “Yes, Gabe.”

  “My pussy.” I plunge hard as the base of my spine tingles my impending orgasm. “My fuckin’ pussy. My girl.” I shove my face into her neck, and my dick twitches inside her, never ever having anywhere close to as good as her and knowing I’ll never have better.

  I collapse on top of her, and her nails glide up and down my back. Her breath begins to even out, and I push up. My lips find hers, and I caress them lovingly, slowly. A slight taste of her tongue, a little nibble. Her eyes are closed, and when I pull back, they open. “Hi.”

  She whispers. “Hey.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah. I am.”

  “Let’s get a shower.”

  “Together?” she breathes.

  Smiling, I nod. “Yeah, sugar. You just gave me you, so that means your little body’s mine. And I need to make sure I take care of it after that.” The wheels are spinning in her head. “Up. Let’s get washed up before we start in on any more deep shit right now.”

  I lift her into my arms, and she giggles as she grabs my shoulders. I set her outside her small shower and reach in to turn the water on. It warms up quickly, and I take her hand and pull her in with me. My back is to the water, shielding her, and I gently push her against the tiled wall. “Stay there a second.” I turn and grab her soap and squirt some in my hands. I lather it up, then turn around and drop to my knees.

  Small smears of red are on the inside of her thighs and on the trimmed hair covering her sex. I slide my soapy hands up her legs and gently rub off the blood, and then do the same to her swollen flesh. I stand and angle the showerhead to rinse off the pink-tinged soap. “Thank you,” she says as we watch the bubbles disappear down the drain.

  “Thank you, Cady. That was humbling, what you just gave me.”

  “Well, you were the one who made it that way.”

  I pull her to me, and she laughs when the water hits her face. I can’t spend too much more time in here with her naked, so I quickly wash myself and then the rest of her body. I massage the shampoo into her hair and kiss her nose as I’m rinsing it off. I do the same for the conditioner, and then I get us out.

  We shuffle hand in hand to her bedroom and get under the covers completely naked. We’re facing each other, and she looks anywhere but at me. “That was fucking phenomenal, Cady.”

  Her eyes snap back, and she breathes, “Really?”

  “Yeah. I knew you would be, but now that I’ve had you, I can confirm that you are, in fact, the best I’ve ever had. So stop whatever thoughts are making you unsure.”


  “Do you feel okay?”

  She nods and bites her lip. “Yeah. A little sore, but that’s it.”

  “Good. Get used to that, sugar. I’m gonna need your pussy often, and I’m gonna need it rough sometimes. I’ll get on the bus knowing every time you sit down, you’ll be reminded of who owns this.” I cup her between her legs, and she sucks in a breath. “You’re mine now.”


  He’s been so sweet to me, and he was just so gentle. He’s just as perfect as I always hoped he’d be.

  “And since you’re mine, I want to know everything there is to know about you.” His hand slides out from between my legs and rests on my hip.

  “Can we put clothes on?”

  He smirks. “Yeah. But let it be noted that I’d be perfectly fine with you being naked all the time.”

  I roll my eyes and get out of bed. He does the same, and we both throw on the clothes we were wearing before, and then head to the living room where we sit on the couch.

  He’s giving me so much, so the least I can do is tell him a little about me. “I’m not from here.”

  His tongue darts out and moistens his lips. “I coulda told you that.”

  “How’d you know?”

  “You have an accent.”

  “I do not.”

  He rolls his eyes. “Let me rephrase. You don’t sound like you’re from here.”

  “Where do I sound like I’m from?”

  “Well…” He settles in a little deeper. “Not Southern and definitely not East Coast, so that really only leaves West Coast. My gut is telling me you’re a Cali girl.”

  “Well, your gut would be right.”

  “What made you come here? To the land of beer and brats and winters that hurt your face?”

  I just spit out the truth without thinking about the consequences. “My stepbrother.”

  And just like that, in a flash of lightening, his jaw is hard. “Why?” he clips.

  Shit, what am I doing? He got to me. What he just gave me, in my bed and in the shower, it was straight-up beautiful. He sang to me, he gave me the beauty of taking my virginity, and I know it’s not fair of me to keep hiding everything from him.

  He’s going to find out eventually, but I’m terrified that when he does, he’ll be upset with me for lying. But I’m not doing it to hurt him. I’m doing it because once he figures it out, and he realizes that I killed my father, his idol, I know he’s going to hate me.

  “Why did he make you move?” I roll my lips and open my mouth, but he keeps talking. “What did he do? How did he hurt you? I’ll fuckin’ kill him.”

  I shouldn’t like that he wants to protect me, but I do. I miss feeling safe. “I’m fine.”

  “What did he do to you?” I try to get some distance from him, but he’s not having it. “What the fuck did he do to you?”

  I wince when his fingers tighten and dig into my skin.

  “Shit, Cady. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you.”

  “I’m fine. And he didn’t hurt me. Not in the way you’re thinking. I told you my dad passed when I was sixteen. Well—”

  “Is your mom still alive?”

  How do I answer that? Truthfully, I guess. “I don’t know. She, uh, got pregnant unexpectantly and was going to have an abortion, but my dad didn’t want to get rid of me.”

  “Thank God for that.”

  “So she had me, then signed whatever she needed to in order for my dad to have one-hundred percent custody of me, and left the hospital.”

  “She’s a fuckin’ fool. How could she ever even think about giving up something as precious as you?”

  I dig my nails into my palms because I ask myself that all the time. In truth, it’s probably where my insecurities started because as soon as I was old enough to know, my dad told me. Not about the wanting to get an abortion part but about the not wanting to raise a baby part. I had my moments when I was angry with him for sharing, but in the long run, I’m thankful he did. I’d rather know the truth than live a lie. “My dad got remarried, and she already had a kid. Unfortunately, my stepmother passed away from a drug overdose.” My poor father just didn’t have any luck in the love department. “So after my dad died, that left me in my stepbrother’s custody. He wasn’t around much, and we definitely weren’t close, but he was the only family I had.”

  “What did he do to you?”

  “It’s hard to explain.” I purse my lips, trying to figure out how to say it. “He was so weird. He never hit me or did anything like… touch me. But he got weird, Gabriel. Oddly possessive. Forced me to—”

  “What? What the fuck did he force you to do?”

  I place my hand on Gabriel’s scruffy cheek, and he reaches up and holds my wrist. “Shh.” I’ve never told anyone this before, and I can’t believe I’m about to tell him. “He forced me to quit school so he could homeschool me. He’d… he’d do t
hings like feed me. Wash my hair in the kitchen sink. Sit on the edge of my bed and tuck me in, and then he’d read me books.”

  “Jesus, Cady.”

  “He didn’t used to be like that, but something in him changed when my dad passed, and he took his role of caregiver to an unhealthy extreme. I stayed around until I was eighteen, and then that night, I snuck out and moved here. I got my job and went to college to get my degree and did it quick, doubling up on classes and doing most of it online. That’s it.”

  “Has he ever come here?”

  I shake my head, but still say, “No.” I’m surprised, considering how creepy he is, but I don’t question it, and I try not to think about it.

  “Why don’t you like the dark?”

  I try to look away, but he puts pressure on my neck. “Because I could never tell if he was watching me or not, so I started to sleep with a nightlight, but once I fell asleep, he’d shut it off.”

  “Does he still contact you?”

  My lips form a flat line, and he growls my name. “Just phone calls.” I inadvertently glance over at my answering machine, and Gabe does the same thing, but painfully slow.

  I reach for him, but he yanks his arm out of my grip. Then he marches over, and I rush after him, but he’s able to push the button before I can stop him.

  You have ninety-nine messages. First message.

  “Cady. Cady. Caaaady.”

  Next message.

  “Where are you, Cady?”

  Next message.

  “I miss you. Do you miss me? Cady. Do you miss me?”

  I jump when Gabriel rips the machine from the wall and throws it across the room. His back is to me, but through his T-shirt, it’s clear his shoulders are tense, and they heave with every harsh breath he takes. “He’s harmless.”


  He drops his head and clenches and unclenches his fists. I don’t know what to do, or if I should say anything, so I just wait. Beads of sweat form on the back of his neck, and the muscles in his shoulders bunch up.

  It seems like an eternity before he turns around, but when he does, something’s changed in him. A whole new layer of possession darkens his eyes; so much so that a hand flies to cover my gaping mouth at his transformation. “What’s his name?”

  “He’s harmless.”

  “If you won’t tell me, I’ll just find out.”

  Oh God. If he goes digging, he’s going to find out who I am. Shit. “Gabriel. I’m fine.”

  “You are not. Or you weren’t. But you will be because I’m gonna make sure you are. I’m gonna take care of you.” He hooks me around the waist, and I fall into him, his strong body supporting me, his muscles building a fortress around me. “I’ll deal with him, okay? You’ll never have to worry about him ever again.”

  Arguing is pointless, so I burrow into him and simply nod.

  “I wanna spend the night.”

  I’m glad my head is buried in his chest so he can’t see the expression on my face.

  But like he knows what I’m thinking, he continues. “I just wanna hold you. I won’t be able to sleep knowing that fucker’s out there, and you’re here alone. Promise, sugar. Just want you in my arms for the night. Will you give me that?”

  Will I? Hell yes, I will. I’ve literally dreamed about his arms around me. Every single thing I’ve done with him so far has been a dream come true, so there’s no way I’d say no to him spending the night. I don’t think I’d ever say no to anything he asked of me.

  I tilt my head back and answer him without words. He sighs and bends down to kiss my nose. “Go get ready. I’m gonna lock up, and then I’ll be right there.”


  Before he lets me go, his arms pulse around me, and he smiles, just the ends of his lips turning up ever so slightly. “Go.”

  I rush down the hall and take my turn in the bathroom, then go change in my room. It’s not until I’m climbing into bed that I realize my pajamas are sexy as sin lingerie. “Shit.” I don’t feel pretty often, but sexy underwear and pajamas make me feel good, especially after I’m done feeling like crap every month. It’s a silent confidence booster that I need, but I never thought anyone would see me in them. Especially not Gabriel.


  “What’s wrong?” He struts into my room in nothing but his unbuttoned jeans. That’s it. My pulse quickens, and I even feel the same rhythm between my legs. He stops on the other side of the bed and sits down. “What’s wrong?”

  I swallow and drag my gaze from his bare chest to his amused eyes. “Huh?”

  “You said shit.”

  “Oh, um. I, uh… forgot to grab a bottle of water.”

  “I’ll go get you one.” He gets up, and I take the minute he’s gone to get my breathing back to normal, or at least slowed.

  I wasn’t nervous until right now. He’s going to be in my bed. Next to me. Oh, my God. I don’t even understand how this is happening right now. I was less scared to have sex with him.

  “Here you go.” He comes back in and hands me the bottle. I take it and open the top while he pushes his jeans down his legs.

  His black boxer briefs leave nothing to the imagination, and I choke on my water. He turns his head, and I hold up my hand, telling him I’m fine as I catch my breath. “You good?”

  “Yup. Yeah, totally fine.”

  The jerk has the nerve to smirk at me. “You’re too sore, sugar. You’re just gonna have to wait.” He pulls the covers down, and I turn to set the water on my nightstand. When I twist back to straight, I realize why there’s still a breeze on my legs. He’s standing there, quilt in one hand, eyes on me. “What are you doin’ to me, Cady?” I rub my thighs together, and he groans. “Fuck, this was a bad idea.”

  “No, it wasn’t,” I refute immediately. I want him next to me.

  The smoldering depths of his eyes travel up my body, heating my skin. “But, sugar, bad ideas are the fun ones.” He practically dives into the bed, and I screech as his hands close around my waist, and he yanks me down so I’m lying on my back. His thighs are straddling mine, and he takes my wrists in one of his hands and hold them above my head. “I won’t touch your pretty pussy anymore tonight. Let me just look at what’s mine, okay?”

  God, I love that. “Okay.”

  “Leave your hands there.”

  He trails his fingers along my arms without touching them, yet I feel their heat. “My saintly Cady wears sinful pajamas.” I bite my lip when I feel him toying with the bottom of the fabric right at my waistline.

  He stares down at me and simply watches as his fingers trail over my skin, the silk, and back to my skin again.

  “Say something,” I whisper, and he shakes his head. “Gabriel.”

  “I’m speechless, baby. I mean, I’ve seen you naked, so I know how beautiful you are. But you’re so goddamned gorgeous that I don’t even have words. It’s not about this lingerie, either. It’s more. I don’t know how to convey that to you.”

  “You just did.”

  His face loses the tense lines on it, and he crawls beneath the covers and pulls me against me. We’re facing each other, and he has my hands in his and our legs tangled together. My lips are fighting a smile because I’m so happy.

  “What?” he whispers.

  “Nothing. I just never took you to be a cuddler.”

  “I’m not, or at least I never have been. Not with anyone but you.”

  I try to stifle a yawn.

  “Do you need the lights on to sleep?”

  I didn’t even realize they were off with the exception of the nightlight plugged into the wall. That’s what he does to me. He makes me forget everything about my past but reminds me to have hope for the future. He makes it safe to live in the now. “Usually… but I think… I think with you here, I’ll be okay.”

  And even in the darkening room, I can see a sparkle in his eyes. He pulls me in even closer and runs his nose along my jaw, then kisses my neck, and finally, with his lips tight by
my ear, he whispers, “Yeah, Cady, you’ll always be okay with me.”

  And I am. I fall asleep wrapped up in him and have the luxury of waking before him so I can see him in his rawest form. I push up to an elbow and watch the steady rise and fall of his strong chest. His scruffy beard that he’s let grow since he’s on vacation makes him look older. The way his dark eyelashes rest on the cheekbones of his olive skin. He’s just so handsome that it’s almost hard to believe he’s real.

  I wonder what my dad would say if he was still alive. If he’d approve of us together. I sure hope so because Gabriel makes me happy, and my dad would want me to be happy. I just hope that, in turn, I’m making Gabriel happy. He says I am, telling me all the things a girl wants and dreams of hearing, and since him saying those things means he would get more of me, I don’t see why he would lie.

  He’s not the kind of guy who’s going to say sweet nothings just to get laid. He can do that with a crook of his finger.

  As much as I enjoy sitting here and watching him sleep, I try to scoot out of bed so I can go make breakfast for him, but his arm hooks around my waist, and he pulls me over top of him. I let out a super girly squeal and brace my hands on either side of his head. “Hey.”

  His smile is playful but sexy as ever. “Mornin’, sugar.” He has one hand on my lower back, fingers toying with my waistband, and the other holding my face, his thumb tracing along my lips. He pushes it in slightly. “Gimmie some of that.”

  He puts pressure on my head, and I have no choice, not that I want one, but to bring my face closer to his. And when I get within a breath, he slides that thumb down and tugs on my jaw, forcing my mouth open. The second our lips tangle, I feel that spark ignite between my legs, and I clench them reflexively.

  I rub my silk-covered pussy over his cloth-covered thick dick, and he grunts. I love that. Love that I have the power to make him react in any way, but especially this way.

  The hand that was on my butt is now twisted in my shorts, and he’s using it almost like a handle, moving me up, then down. “Gabe.” I pant his name when the pressure begins to build. “Gabe.”


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