Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse Page 16

by L M Lacee

  Reighn said. “Thank you Keeper, we will just treat them as normal hatchlings and see what happens as they grow.”

  “Because something will happen.” said Claire. “We all can feel that!”

  “Yes we have the grounder attracting everything and anything to Dragon’s Gap. So the possibilities are endless.” said Sage.

  Edith sniffed dramatically. “Of course, blame the bear.”

  Olinda laughed with the others as Sage said.

  “Well truthfully. Who else is there?”

  “True.” said Edith.

  Storm and Charlie arrived. Sage asked, “Kids with grandparents?”

  Storm grinned. “Yes we left the nannies to help.”

  Charlie took a seat as Axl handed her a mug of coffee. She gave him a smile. “So what are we up too?”

  “Unicorns!” said Reighn. “The documents that Lady Jenny gave us?”

  Olinda said. “The language was easy once the code was broken. Also the basic history was more or less what we already knew. There is much more detailed history but it does not concern us. Cara may be interested when she is older. What was surprising is how much Cara and I are owed in compensation.”

  “Do you want it?” asked Edith

  “What do you think?”

  “I think they should give you and Cara everything you are owed and more.” She said fiercely. Olinda could see her bear in her eyes.

  “Maybe you are right. The decision for Cara is her parents, as for myself. I will think on it.”

  “Well think on your young. Their Dam is owed as they will be.” Said Sage.

  Ash said. “We will talk about it.” Which seemed to satisfy both Sage and Edith.

  Storm said “We will also talk about this, it is not ours to determine alone. We must think of Cara.”

  “Speaking of Cara were you able to translate the sentence?” Asked Charlie.

  Olinda smiled. “I did. What was said or what I said was very old language maybe the first Unicorn language. As you know language moderates, becomes changed over time. In Unicorn I said.

  Sanda mlo phojo Unicorn somta!

  Translation, Time to wake precious Unicorn from your slumber!”

  “Huh! Was that for you or Cara? I wonder? Said Claire.

  Olinda looked at her. “Maybe both!”

  Keeper said. “Most of what they gave us are just rules and regulations. Nothing earth shattering. They screwed up with Olinda and Cara and are covering as fast as they can.”

  Reighn looked at Olinda. “Is this Ri’, your grandfather?”

  “Yes he seems to be.”

  “So you will not be surprised to hear he has requested a meeting this afternoon?”

  “No! Not really. What time?”

  “Three in my conference room.”

  Ark said. “Do you want us there?” Reighn nodded.

  “Yes as well as you two Storm and Charlie.”

  “Just try and stop us.” said Charlie.

  Clare said. “We will babysit.”


  A t three o’clock precisely. Ri” Caderyn Lochlon and his three person team arrived. One of his entourage was Emissary Jenny Sanders. She was with two males that had to be brothers, they were so alike.

  Reighn knew the Ri’ had to be years older than his people. He wondered why he had brought such young ones with him. Did he not have older advisors? That seemed unlikely. What statement was he trying to make and to whom?

  Jenny bowed and said. “Dragon Lord Reighn, please allow me to introduce Ri’ Caderyn Lochlon from the Blessing Latherm.” The two males inclined their heads to each other. Jenny then said. “May I introduce Jordan and Ethan Reading?” They both bowed and Reighn inclined his head to them.

  Lars said. “Please take a seat we are just waiting for the couples to arrive.”

  Ri’ Caderyn said. “I expected them to be here. I did say three!”

  Reighn nodded. “You did but both have young and young do not care about meetings.”

  Lars opened the sliding door displaying a large oval table with chairs. Everyone moved to sit. Ri Caderyn said nothing just took a seat and then his people did also after Reighn had taken his. Lars stood behind his Lord’s chair.

  Within minutes Olinda and Ash, Storm and Charlie walked in. Lars showed them to their seats as Ark and Axl arrived and slid into place behind Olinda and Charlie. Which made her smile inwardly.

  Sitting at the table was a male that had to be Olinda’s grandfather. He had long fine golden hair. His eyes were the blue of the sky and he was tall, very tall.

  Olinda had his features and she was, or would be when she regained some weight, slim like he was although he had defined muscles. Ash thought his features were delicate, he did not know how else to describe them. He would concede he was handsome as all Unicorns seemed to be.

  Olinda stared at the male that was her grandfather and sighed. He was beautiful. She had to assume her father had been as well. As she watched the graceful movements of his hands she was glad to finally see where she came from and sad as well. She was not very much like her mother.

  Charlie watched the male like a bug on a slide, so this was Cara’s grandfather? As hard as she tried she could not see any of him in her Cara. It seemed her baby took after her mother.

  Storm sized the male up and found him lacking, his dragon snarled. He will not take our hatchling from us!

  No my friend he will not.

  Olinda sighed, she knew the documents had said Caderyn was at least nine hundred years old, he looked fifty. If that!

  Sage would have loved to be in this room the male looked exactly how a Unicorn should look, Olinda thought.

  The males with him looked similar to Jenny, they both had short golden hair swept back from their foreheads. Olinda wondered if it was a requirement to have hair like that and why was it short? The Ri’s wasn’t. She would not cut hers that was for sure. She wondered if Cara’s would be golden when her hair grew.

  The young males were handsome and were definitely not delicate, they reminded her of bouncers at a night club. Both looked hard and had brown eyes that stared at her with intensity.

  Ash tensed beside her, both sets of eyes swung to him assessing and appraising him. It was unclear if they found him wanting or not. He seemed to find them wanting, if his lack of response to them was any indication.

  They were dressed as Jenny was, in black pants and jackets with a blue shirt underneath. Again Olinda wondered if it was required by the Ri’. Olinda nodded at the male and Jenny who sat by him.

  Reighn said. “As you can see we have been visited by Ri Caderyn Lochlon and his emissary Jenny Sanders who we met a few days ago. These males are the Ri’s two guards, Jordan and Ethan Reading.

  This is Ash and Olinda Battle and Charlie and Storm Kingsley. Ri’ Caderyn wished to meet you Olinda and Cara. I explained that meeting with Cara was unlikely.”

  Storm said. “Most unlikely.”

  “Why?” Asked the male and his voice was like a memory that washed over Olinda’s senses. Olinda looked at him and found his eyes on her, then she felt a pressure on her mind.

  Ash slammed his hand on the table making Olinda jump. Charlie grabbed her hand under the table and held it as Ash said.

  “Do not, social politeness says I cannot kill you. That does not mean I will not! You will not break my shadows shield, it is a gift from a Goddess and is strong enough to withstand the Dragon Lord’s attempt.”

  The pressure on Olinda’s shields vanished.

  Caderyn sighed. “I apologize it was reflex only.” His smirk said otherwise.

  Ash remained tense as his eyes narrowed. The two guards shifted in their seats. Ash nodded as he said. “Do not, it would not be you Ri’s life that would be forfeited.”

  With a smirk the Ri’ watched his guards subside. Half-blood cowards, all of them, not like this dragon. What he could do with a warrior like him! Caderyn thought.

  Reighn said. “Refrain from anymore
reflexes. You are here as a courtesy only to Olinda.”

  Reminding the Ri’ he was the power here not him. Caderyn inclined his head in acknowledgment. The smirk remained in place but the tightening of the skin around his eyes told of his displeasure. The young Unicorns all looked at Reighn then Ash with shuttered eyes. Caderyn turned his amazing eyes on Olinda as he asked. “You say you are my granddaughter?”

  “No I do not. How would I know that? What I know is I am Cara’s sister, as to whether we are related to you. We do not know.”

  Ash said and his voice held his dragon. “He knows you are, that is why he wants to meet Cara. You cannot have either one.”

  Caderyn just kept the growl from his voice as he mildly stated. “They are of my blood.”

  Olinda asked. “What is going on?”

  Ash said. “He wishes to take you away.”

  Olinda shook her head as she felt Charlie and Storm tense. “No that will not happen!”

  Caderyn banged the table with a closed fist. Fortunately this time Olinda did not react.

  “He was my son, my only child. His mother died giving birth to him. My son was a strong, brave male. A spine of tempered steel which he got from me. His mother gave him her beauty.”

  “Oh I see. So you are implying, not all Unicorns are beautiful?” Olinda asked.

  He gave her a quizzical look as he answered.

  We are! All full blood Unicorns are!”

  By the look on the three with him he had said this often Olinda thought, so often the insult slid right off them. Unfortunately it did not slide off her. On behalf of Cara, she felt her anger rise.

  He looked Olinda over almost as one would look stock over and told her. “Klister was exceptional, you have the look of her. Only in the eyes.” He looked pained, Olinda wanted to believe it was because he had loved his mate and missed her but she could not. She felt it was because she did not quite measure up. “I am sorry for your loss.” she told him without emotion.

  “I know you have suffered as well. I read the information about you and Cara. I am sorry you were left, it was not intentional.”

  “Really!” Charlie scoffed. “Twenty six years apart? I think that ship has sailed. Your precious son left them both and you allowed it. Not once but twice. We know you did.” She held her hand up, anger slipped into her voice.

  My daughter Cara suffered, horrendously and your watchers did nothing on your orders.”

  He looked pissed off. Storm said. “There are only two reasons for that.”

  Ash agreed. “They and by ‘they’, I mean you and your son hoped they would die or be killed. You gave orders for your watchers to do nothing and that is what they did nothing! When neither of your granddaughters died, you waited and had them watched to see how they developed. When Cara went beyond your reach, you turned you attention towards my shadow.”

  He looked at Olinda, pain for what he was to say in his eyes. “You had her hunted, to see what strengths what abilities she had. To see if she could be harnessed for breeding.”

  Reighn hissed out a breath, along with the others there. All except Olinda who sat immobile. Ash said quietly. “For that alone you should be held accountable.”

  “You believe this?” Caderyn asked Olinda. “I am your grandfather, you know this. You knew my voice when you heard it.”

  “I did and yes I do believe my shadow. I know you hoped in the beginning we would both die. Then your son died and you turned your thoughts to preserving your line.

  I also know my shadow would not lie. Unlike you! We were told, no half-bloods are permitted. You have allowed just that. Our father was not the only one.

  These three here are half-bloods, you have watches to not oversee and protect humanity or Unicorns. It is to monitor the children to see what gifts develop, so you can claim them. You are disgraceful!

  You were the one to have me hunted. All along you knew who I was and instead of helping me or Cara. You left her to abusers. Were you hoping to see what she would do as a half Elf? Were you hoping her abilities would develop early? You think to claim both Cara and myself and you cannot. We were unclaimed you lost all rights to her and me.”

  Caderyn drew himself up in his chair. “You think to dictate Uformina law. My law to me?”

  “Sure! Why not you wrote it for all to know.

  I know it! I also know I and Cara are owed an inheritance from not only our father but also our grandmother and you and because of the neglect we both suffered and Cara’s two years of hell. You owe her!

  You owe me for the hunting you initiated.

  Quote: No one of royal birth shall be left unguarded.

  Unquote. Your words I believe!

  We are entitled to compensation. We deserve at least that! I am ashamed to be related to you. I will do all in my power to make sure my sister never meets you. And I will make sure all half-bloods are protected!”

  Caderyn stood anger bled off him in waves. His hands clenched and un-clenched showing his loss of control.

  Olinda was in no doubt if he could have reached across the table and throttled her he would have. “Entitled! You dare?” he hissed as his eyes went stormy grey.

  Olinda stood along with the others. “Yes you left us. You gave orders for us to be ignored. You had me hunted. You allowed Cara to be abused. My mother struggled. I struggled. I know he told her who he was, she called his name at the end of her life. She loved him desperately.”

  “You lie?” he raged.

  “You want what I say to be a lie. So it will sooth your conscience. Lindao is an unusually name, Olinda is just as strange.” She flipped her hand at him. “Please as if I would not remember him. I saw him until I was five then never again and Cara’s mother is an elf. She died giving birth to her daughter. He never even bothered to check to see if she needed help and neither did you after his death.

  Shame on you! She is your granddaughter. Our grandmother, your wife, would be ashamed of you both as I am!”

  “He was my son, my only child!”

  Ash, his features hewn from stone and with his dragon in his voice stated. “You could have had two granddaughters to remember him and your mate. You threw them away like trash.”

  Olinda said. “I have no more to say to you. Make sure Cara and I receive what we are owed.”

  Storm said. “You have no rights to our daughter.”

  Charlie stood slowly. “She is ours. We claimed her, you did not. Do not make my shadow and I have to enforce this because we will!”

  “You threaten me. I am Ri’ of Uformina.”

  Reighn said and his dragon was in his voice.

  “We are well aware of who you are. You should know I am Dragon Lord, Arm of justice for the Elementals and I declare you no rights to either Olinda Battle or Cara Kingsley. Do not test me on this! Do not test the dragon nation. We will go to war for our own.”

  Ash said slowly and no one could mistake the anger he held in check. “Your mission here should have been honest. Charlie knows when you lie, even in your heart and what she and I know is you never wanted Olinda. You did not come here to connect with her, your whole point was to have Cara.”

  Olinda laughed and it held bitterness. “Well that is true. I would bet you understood that from our meeting with your emissary. So as my shadow said. You thought to take Cara. You think if you take her now at two years of age you can keep her under your control and then mate her to some male of your choosing. Then you will have a grandson to raise.”

  Storm looked at the male. Charlie’s eyes turned to pale grey as the male snarled. “You think you know what I want?”

  Reighn said. “If she does not. He does.” He nodded to the male behind him.

  Caderyn and his people turned swiftly only to be confronted by an Elemental with swirling universes in his eyes.

  What you purposed to do here today was unwise. The one known as Olinda is Goddess touched. If you would open your senses more Ri’ Caderyn, you would see this is so. Who she is!

  They all looked at her. Caderyn eyes opened wide as he said. “Goddess touched. Which Goddess?”

  “Why would that concern you?” Asked Ash.

  The Elemental said. The glimmer known as Cara is not of your blood alone. Her place in this world, is by your sons design. Which you forfeited by not claiming her. Look elsewhere for your heir. Your child’s daughters are not yours for the taking. We will not permit it.

  Caderyn slumped back in his chair after the Elemental left. “I thought I could have him back or a piece of my Klister. I see I was wrong!” He looked up at Olinda. “You will not be contacted again. All that is owed to you and Cara will be forwarded.”

  Olinda inclined her head, she could not bring herself to call him grandfather. “Goodbye Ri’. She bowed to Reighn. “With your permission my Lord?”

  He nodded, she turned with Ash as he guided her from the room. Followed by Charlie and Storm with Axl and Ark walking behind them.

  Reighn said. “A portal is opened for you, please do not make me regret any more than I already do, this meeting!”

  Caderyn nodded. “No all will be settled the amount will be forwarded she is very much like my son but has my Klister’s softness. He and I were always missing that. I think I made a very bad mistake years ago and again just now.”

  Reighn said nothing. He agreed with him and still did not trust the male.

  “Goodbye Dragon Lord.”

  “Good bye Ri’. Remember your history, the last time our races met in battle. Unicorns barely survived.”

  Caderyn nodded he was unsure if Reighn spoke the truth but he would find out. He had a sneaky suspicion the Dragon Lord was correct. He and his three guards left through the glowing portal with a heavy heart for the Ri. And with thoughtful minds for Jenny and the brothers.

  Ark walked back in the room with Axl. They had seen the couples to the lift. The other three waited, while Ark closed his eyes and slowly turned in a circle searching for devices left by the Unicorns. When he found nothing, he said. “We are clear.”


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