Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse

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Dragon's Gap: Set Includes Stories 4-5 Plus Love's Impulse Page 31

by L M Lacee

  When he and his brothers met up with the Kingsley’s brothers for a night of drinking and renewing their bonds over games of pool, Ash quietly told him he was not content to leave Dragon’s Gap or his family, he was happy with the position he occupied it did not take much to see that his brothers were all happy where they were now. For that he was relieved and contented.

  Apparently Sharm conducted extensive testing on his brothers and come to the conclusion his father’s meddling in their genetics had done nothing more than make them stronger and given them abilities to heal quicker than any other dragons. It also seemed that all the Battle brothers were highly intelligent but Sharm was quick to point out that was impossible to say whether the manipulation of their genes contributed to this or they were naturally intelligent. What was not known, Sharm told him, was the effect on the next generation from the Battle brothers and only time would tell. With this information Ace did not raise an opposition to his brother’s desires or plans for their futures all he could do was to decide what it was he wanted for his future, other than his shadow.

  Sunday was family day, a new concept for him but one he found he was starting to enjoy. Apparently the concept started when Edith arrived at the castle. Being a Grounder she possessed the knack or gift of causing life to change around her at her urging or because she was a catalyst for change. When he had asked Edith which one it was, she had smiled and said. “Call me Edee and who the hell knows, does it really matter?” Ace tended to agree, it did not, this Sunday family day made Lady Verity happy and that was all that mattered as far as Ace was concerned.

  So family day involved every member of the Royal family or anyone considered family. Everyone was encouraged gently, by Lady Verity, or ordered by Lord Rene` to attend. It was Ace’s third family day, he had enjoyed every one of them so far. He relished the contact with his growing family and his extended family. Today marked just over two weeks since the meeting with his shadow and Ace was feeling restless. Breakfast had finished about thirty minutes ago which is why he was outside walking the well-worn path around the castle.

  He knew he was being observed by several unicorn stallions whom he supposed came to keep an eye on the male predator near their meadow.

  They had nothing to fear from him his dragon was quiet today, his shadow was returning which made him content to know she would be with him soon.

  The last few weeks had been an exercise in restraint that tested the renewed bonds between him and his dragon. It was as well the long journey to return home and the time spent alone united them once again as a team.

  In thinking of Harper he could feel his dragon’s pleasure Reighn had told him before breakfast she was due home today. He and his dragon were in a bit of a quandary on how to approach the feisty faerie. His dragon felt they should employ guile, Ace was more direct. So far they had not reached an agreement. As well as considering his approach to Harper, he also needed to decide on work, he like his brothers did not wish to return to scouting or leading a unit of Shields. Those days he hoped for them all were over. Rene` and Reighn basically said he could decide what position he wished to hold at home.

  As he laid awake again last night he finally realized like Ash, he wanted to remain home to find a place here with his shadow. Of course that did depend now on her staying home. He sighed now as he told his Dragon. I did not know it was this complicated having a shadow.

  His dragon snorted then said. No more than being in a battle, we plan for all contingencies and attack when she is not looking.

  I think that may not be the wisest thing to do with a shadow. Especially one who is as handy as she is with knives!

  His dragon huffed a breath. I forgot about that.

  Ace let him see his grin. I thought you may have!

  He laughed now silently as he passed the last of the meadow and out of the stallions range. He walked along the side of the castle where there use to be stables and saw what everyone had told him was Harper’s barn. He stopped to admire the huge place. It was nice seeing that someone planted shrubs and gardens around it, it also had what looked like a new walk way to the front stable doors.

  As he looked at it, he remembered the art he had seen when he went to the gallery. The only words he could think of to say about her pieces were inadequate to describe them, even to himself. What he had seen now humbled him for the talent she possessed.

  In truth he had been as stunned as Charlie, it was truly an insight to the female he was going to join the rest of his and his dragons long life too.

  Charlie had not left the gallery unscathed either, in that two hours she learnt much about her fragile sister. More he thought, than she really wanted to know.

  His musings were interrupted by a sharp demanding voice sneering. “What do you mean you have no idea? This is what you do is it not?”

  “No!” A quavering voice replied, which if Ace was not wrong seemed to belong to a young female. Ace started to make his way to where the voices were coming from, when he heard the male say. “Really you are my assistant and a shifter and you are unable to locate a few willing females to entertain me.”

  “I am not that kind of assistant.”

  “You are not any kind. Well if I cannot have some shifter females. You will have to do.”

  “What!” Squealed the young female and Ace’s anger spiked at the fear he could hear in her voice. Why she was alone with this male he did not understand. She must have family somewhere that should be protecting her and he damn well will find out where they were. The male’s voice was more aggressive now as he snarled. “Come here you little slut. I want what I was promised.”

  Just as Ace made the corner of the castle he heard Clint ask. “What are you doing with Joy?”

  “Be gone you worthless scum, this does not concern you.”

  “Clint.” Cried the frightened girl.

  “Shut up slut.” The male growled.

  Clint’s dragon growled as he snarled. “Let her go, she does not belong to you.”

  “I will do what I like, I purchased her to service me and she damn well will.”

  Then as Ace was ready to injure the insolent male, he heard the familiar drawl of Johner ask. “And what kind of service did you have in mind for our young Joy here. I know for a fact she was assigned to fetch and carry, I believe for you while at Dragons Gap. Or so my shadow told me. Was she lying Prince Tarin were you thinking of compromising one of our young females? One who is hardly in her teen years?”

  His voice had become harder as he had spoken and walked towards the trio.

  “He was.” Snarled Clint, his dragon still not receding completely. “He wanted her to find him females to bed and then when she would not, he wanted her to do it.” Proving he had been close enough to hear everything that had been said. Before any of them could react the Prince punched Clint on the side of his head knocking him out.

  Joy screamed as Clint dropped to the ground in a crumpled heap, the young female wrenched her arm free from the prince’s hold and fell to her knees beside the prone boy.

  Ace had the male by his throat before the prince knew he was there, his dragon rose to the surface as Ace’s eyes elongated and crimson scales dusted over his skin. His voice deepened and as he spoke the prince was sure he saw flames in his eyes. “You dare to touch my claim. I will kill you were you stand.” Fear wafted from the male as Ace squeezed his throat. He and his dragon watched as the male passed out.

  “I think he pissed himself!” Johner said as he rose from where he had been tending to Clint. Ace grunted in disgust.

  “Asshole faerie!” Johner pulled his phone from his pocket, he called Sharm and told him what had happened and asked him to call June.

  Ace with a flick of his hand threw the male away from him and the trio. He and Johner watched the prince as his body skidded across the dirt and his stomach caught on an exposed root finally coming to rest in a tangle of limbs.

  Ace shrugged as Johner raised his eyebrows at him saying. “Sorry, f
orgot my own strength, is Clint alright?”

  Johner nodded. “He better be! The females will kill that ass, if he isn’t.” He indicated the Prince lying groaning on the ground.

  Ace looked at the young female. She was lucky if she was out of her teens he thought, she had long sable colored hair and a narrow face that housed bright amber eyes. Ace could see she was definitely a wolf, as with all young wolves she had long limbs that gave her a coltish look but unlike other young wolves, her clothes hung on her thin frame.

  He could almost taste her hunger and anger boiled within him, he soothed his dragon. We will care for her, calm down.

  His dragon growled. She is young and frightened. She is hungry.

  Ace agreed. I know we will feed her.

  With Ace’s assurances his dragon’s anger faded away, thankfully he did not want to frighten her. The young girl was barely hanging on as it was, in fact if it wasn’t for Clint lying on the ground Ace was sure she would have bolted by now.

  He called his brother. “Axl find me and bring two of your sandwiches and a protein shake. Thanks and make it fast.” He grinned when he heard his brother swearing as he closed his phone. He turned his green eyes on the young wolf and asked. “Now who are you?”

  She brushed hair from Clint’s face before she answered. “I am Joy…Joy Danners. Clint’s friend. Why do you need food?”

  Ace looked down at her. “I do not, you do. I can feel your hunger from here.”

  She made a face and blushed. It was true she was starving, she had not eaten at all today, she was to meet Clint and get some food with him later.

  Ace smiled slightly and said. “Also you have not had a sandwich like my brothers. Do not tell him I said so but his sandwiches are to die for as my brothers shadow, Olinda would say.”

  She smiled as she said quietly. “I like Olinda.”

  “Who does not?” He squatted down beside her and asked. “Where are your parents?”

  She shrugged. “I do not know.” She looked at him from the side of her eyes as she whispered. “She made me leave. My mother never came with me. She was very sick I think she is dead.”

  “Who has been looking after you?” She shrugged again and mumbled.

  “Me and Clint.” Ace raised her face to look at him with a finger under her chin. “And have you been living alone in the dorms like Clint?”

  She shook her head no. “I have been living with some others.”

  “I see and how do you know Clint?”

  She smiled. “We met at the center last week, he helped me get a job.”

  “This job?” Ace could see he needed to have words with Clint. The boy may have thought he was helping the girl, and he was, but he would have been better in telling Ace about her.

  “Yes, he said it was easy.”

  “How old are you?”

  She sat up straight and lifted her chin, looked him in the eyes and lied. “Fifteen.”

  Ace nodded and said. “I give you an A for effort. Now the truth!”

  Her shoulders slumped and her chin lowered as she mumbled. “Thirteen!”

  “Okay, now the ones who gave you this job do they know how old you are?”

  She nodded with a frown. “Clint would have told them. I was just meant to show that guy around. You know fetch and carry that was all I swear.”

  Ace smoothed a hand down her hair, as he calmed her. “I know young one. I understand. Do you know who hired you?”

  She shook her head, no as Ace asked. “So you have been living rough for how long?”

  She ducked her head. “A long time before we got here, my mother was not good at keeping a job but when the tiger came through the town we were in she made him take me. I got here two weeks ago there was no one for me, I was hoping I would find someone I knew from before but there is no one here.” Ace knew she meant from her pack.

  Johner asked softly. So where have you been staying?”

  “I was living with the others.”

  “What others?” Johner asked. She sighed and rubbed her eyes. She whispered. “We sleep rough, all over the place.”

  “Here at Dragon’s Gap?” Johner asked stunned that this was going on and he did not know or that Conor or Claire did not. Things were slipping if this young wolf was falling through the cracks. She nodded as she bit her lip. “Yes my Lord.”

  Johner shook his head, saddened. “This is not right! Not right at all.”

  Just then Ace saw Axl loping over to where they were. He stood and moved a few feet away to meet him. Axl stilled when his eyes met Joy’s then he seemed to shake all over like a dog. She watched as the brothers talked, it was easy to see they were brothers as they looked so much alike and she could tell that they liked each other. She felt a wave of loneliness swamp her, which was almost instantly superseded by comfort just like a blanket was wrapped around her. It was warm and made her feel safe. Then everything went from her mind as the delicious aroma of food came closer.

  Ace walked back after talking quietly to Axl who had grinned and loped off again. He handed the bag to the young girl after she jumped to her feet, her hand was inside the bag before he had passed her the shake. Then she moaned in appreciation, her eyes lighting up after she had taken the first bite.

  Ace grinned as he whispered. “I know, remember not a word.” She giggled around her mouthful and nodded as he pointed to her to sit away from Clint.

  Axle had given her two sandwiches and several of his cookies or the cookies that Bay had made for him.

  Johner watched her with a worried frown on his face until they heard voices coming closer. He spun around as Sage, June and Reighn accompanied by Sharm and several of his healers arrived. Sharm raced to Clint.

  “Sage slow down. You will hurt yourself and my young!” Yelled an exasperated Reighn. Sage ignored him as she came to a halt and swore. “Hell’s bells, I thought he would behave himself with a female to assist him.”

  “Where is she, the assistant?” June asked.

  Ace pointed to Joy. June went pale as did Sage.

  “Oh no.” June groaned. Sage shook her head as her eyes took in the skinny young female eating, if she was not mistaken, an Axl sandwich. “Oh that looks so good!” She mumbled as June growled, “Sage! Mind on business.”

  “Yes… Yes of course! Frankie is going to be so mad at me.” She looked around at all the people there and her shoulders slumped. “There is just no way I can stop her from finding out.”

  June agreed. “You are in so much trouble she told you and Johner. The ass would not behave himself, regardless of who you gave him but this she is gonna be so mad!”

  Mournfully Sage looked at Johner. “I know. Johner what do we do?”

  Johner spread his hands. “Hope Frankie and Harper do not find out!”

  “Oh my Goddess Harper!” Sage screeched. “She will absolutely kill me.” She pointed at the young female still eating.” Is that a cookie now? That looks good too.”

  “Sage keep your mind on what is happening.” June hissed at her.

  “But I am hungry!” She wailed. “Please tell me she is sixteen…Eighteen?”

  Ace almost laughed at her hopeful look. “Sorry she is thirteen and I am betting barely.”

  “Wolf?” June then asked.

  “Yep pack less.” Ace told them.

  “Fuck!” Both females swore together looking at each other. Ace nodded. “Exactly. I will take her with Clint. She will be safe with me.”

  “Alright.” June nodded. Young wolves needed to belong or they chose badly. June had first-hand knowledge of what happened to pack less young girls.

  Sage whispered to June. “She will be okay with Ace at least Frankie cannot be mad about that.”

  June whispered back. “Do not count on it!”

  Reighn sighed loudly as he surveyed the battered body of the faerie prince. “Damn it Ace. Really?”

  “He told her to service him!” Ace replied. Several sets of eyes looked from a pale fearful Joy, who had finished
eating and stepped behind Ace.

  “And he still lives. I admire your restraint.” Reighn said as he bodily picked his shadow up and carried her away amongst her squealed complaints and June’s laughter.

  “So my problem then? You know if my Frankie blames me you are naming one of your hatchlings after me.” Johner yelled to Reighn’s retreating back, only to be answered by male laughter and squeals from Sage.

  He grinned at Ace and walked to meet Conor and Claire who had arrive and were talking to June while he had been with Reighn and Sage, Johner was going to need all the help he could get.

  This was a problem for the Gap and the castle. No young person, no one at all should be without a home. Ace could see June, Conor and Claire’s shoulders tense and their spines straighten as Johner spoke. He figured they would sort out and handle that problem. His problem was this sweet young female that was standing in front of him watching Sharm treat Clint while she devoured the protein shake. He moved her aside as Sharm and several males picked Clint up and placed him on a stretcher and as he turned he saw another three doing the same for the Prince.

  Sharm asked both Ace and Joy a few questions, mainly what happened? How long had both males been unconscious? When he was satisfied with their answers he gave the girl a smile then told her to come and see Clint later. Nodded to Ace with a knowing smile and followed the stretchers.

  Frankie arrived just as they were being carried away, hands on hips she demanded in tones no one had ever heard her use before. “What the hell happened?”

  Ace almost laughed as he saw Johner’s shoulders hitch around his neck. “Frankie my heart…”

  “So not…You…You!” She pointed a finger at Joy then Ace then Johner. She growled long and loud at him, stamped her foot and swiveled around yelling over her shoulder. “Fix this Johner or no loving time for you!”


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