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Big on Education

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by Laurie Ames

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  Valentino Publishing

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  Table of Contents


  Big on Education

  Bonus Romance Collection:

  Just Peachy (Lesbian Romance)

  Searching for Her Golden Girl (Lesbian Romance)

  Healed by Her (Lesbian Romance)

  The CEO’s Assistant (Taboo Lesbian Romance)

  More Than Stepsisters (Taboo Lesbian Romance)

  Finding New Love (Lesbian Romance)

  Will Power (Lesbian Romance)

  Behind Closed Doors (Lesbian Twist)

  Holding Hope (Menage Romance)

  Shameless (Romance)

  The Infamous Rock Star

  Cray (Rock Star Romance)

  Cursed Bears (Paranormal Romance)

  Holding Faith (Interracial Romance)

  Message from the Author

  Big on Education

  A Taboo Lesbian Romance

  By: Laurie Ames


  Tyreesha’s parents had passed away when she was still very young and because of this, she was taken in by the foster care system. She was bounced around from home to home, never able to be permanently adopted. To make matters worse, during her young childhood, she had to endure a lot of bullying from the other kids. The girls would often beat, tease and fat shame her. While boys generally treated her better, they would sometimes sexually harass her in the form of groping, probably just as a way of showing dominance, rather than actually being attracted to her. Tyreesha soon learned to take care of herself in the harsh streets and school yards by realizing her larger body size gave her a distinct physical advantage. While she never looked for trouble, anyone that tried to bully her would soon be wishing they hadn’t.

  Through it all, Tyreesha remained strong willed and optimistic. Finally, her break came when an elderly lady took her in on a permanent basis. Her new adoption mother lived in squalid poverty but none the less provided for Tyreesha in ways she had never known. She'd never been left wanting for hugs, smiles, laughter and acceptance within those four walls. She came to love her new mother dearly, and all seemed well until she unfortunately passed when Tyreesha was just 18. This was yet another tragedy in her young life, and she was deeply saddened by the loss. In her mother’s will, she had left Tyreesha the only thing she owned; a small life insurance policy that paid Tyreesha a very modest sum of money. Tyreesha was determined not to waste the money partying or buying fancy clothes. She had been a brilliant student in high school and earned a 4.0 grade point average. She was going to make something out of herself and end the cycle of despair in her life.

  Chapter One

  Tyreesha gave herself one last glance in the full-length mirror before leaving to her first college class. The reflection that stared back at her was someone she was now proud of, regardless of what other people might think. She was a sizable dark-skinned woman that would be considered big but not huge. She is pretty, outgoing and funny, with a sex appeal that made one think she would be good in bed. She had kicking curves, big breasts, small waist and a big butt. In her eyes, she was wearing a supersized pair of light blue jeans along with a fashionable sweater that hugged every curve of her one-hundred-and-eighty-pound voluptuous frame.

  Tyreesha was no longer insecure about her weight as she was now receiving plenty of compliments from both men and women who found her attractive. In her experience, there were two kinds of women that lusted after her. There were the ones that did it for the novelty of having sex with a larger woman. Then there were those who truly fetishized about her because of her voluptuous size.

  It was quite possible in her opinion, that the latter were the most annoying. They never seemed to want to know her as a person. It seemed that they only cared about the fact that she was a BBW and that was good enough for them.

  ‘Well, that’s going to change from here on forward,’ she vowed as she took one last appreciative look at her reflection in the mirror. She grabbed her heavy backpack and walked out the front door. ‘From now on, I’m not having sex with anyone, male or female, unless real feelings are involved’.


  Professor Alicia Wright had tied her best silk scarf around her neck that morning as she considered the new semester. As a former lawyer, she had taught many different types of law class, but this time around she would be teaching freshman criminal justice for the first time. The previous professor had just recently retired, and all his classes had been split up between the remaining professors. With Alicia’s current workload, this class was the only one she’d been able to take on at the time.

  ‘As if I didn’t have enough on my plate already!’ She thought to herself as she took in her appearance and hoped she didn’t look as tired as she felt. She had been up most of the night preparing the curriculum for her newly acquired class and the fact that her husband was snoring all night hadn’t helped her sleep. Neil had left for court an hour earlier which had given her plenty of time to think aloud while she got ready for the first day of her class. ‘I’m really getting tired of all of this—tired of all the lying I have been doing for all of these years. I’ve been lying to myself, to my husband, to family and friends—to basically everyone around me.’

  Alicia stood there and gazed at her reflection for a few moments. She knew that she looked pretty damned hot for a white woman in her mid-forties. Her hair showed just a tad bit of gray mixed in with its natural blonde color, but otherwise, there was only a mild case of crows’ feet in the corners of her eyes as the only proof she was no longer a vibrant young woman in her twenties anymore.

  Alicia knew that some people actually envied her life. She had been made partner of a prestigious law firm by the time she had turned thirty and was married to a very prominent judge. However, unbeknownst to many, there were two central problems in Alicia’s so-called fabulous life that people would not be envious of. One issue was her only child Betty currently living as a starving artist, and co-habitating with an equally starved poet in Italy. Neil had all but cut their daughter off years ago when Betty dropped out of law school. But Alicia understood her daughter all too well and still spoke to her behind Neil’s back.

  The second of these issues was the fact that although her husband was a well-known respected judge, he unfortunately over the years had gained quite a lot of weight. He was now a stoutly two hundred and fifty pounds and had grown another chin or two in the process. She had long gotten used to her female associates asking how she was still able to “do it” with him. She’d even gotten the usual uncomfortable questions about what she still saw in him. To both these questions, she always gave the same exact answer:

  “You don’t really know him at all, he’s really such a sweet gentle man.” It wasn’t really a thorough answer to the question, but most people took it as a subtle hint that it’s really none of their business.

  However, it wasn’t a total and complete lie. For the most part, Neil was really a sweet man, even if he was a workaholic. And besides, Alicia was somewhat of a workaholic herself. What she had never told anyone—and
she would probably die before she ever would—was that it had been Neil’s hefty size that attracted her in the first place. Her fetish for his large size became secondary when she later fell in love with him for his intelligence and kindness.

  At least that’s what she had been telling herself for years, when she was being a little less than honest with herself. For as long as she could remember, she always liked staring at bigger women more than large men. Men no longer drew more than a second glance, however when it came to BBW women, it was a different story altogether. She was utterly enthralled by the plentiful curves, the ample bosoms, their voluptuous bubble butts…

  ‘Not a good time!’ She chastised herself inwardly, as she added the finishing touches to her makeup and grabbed her briefcase before heading out the door for her first class.

  Chapter Two

  It was almost evening when Tyreesha dragged herself to the final class of the day, tired and looking forward to getting home and getting a jumpstart on homework. Her day had been uneventful so far, which seemed to be part of the curse of being a freshman: take all the required classes the first year to get them all out of the way—including the boring ones. You don’t usually get to participate in any of the “fun” classes until at least your sophomore year.

  ‘But this is the one class that you’ve been really looking forward to, so stay awake, damn it,’ she thought as she plopped down in the sturdiest-looking chair that she could find in the large classroom. As beautiful as she thought herself to be, realistically speaking, most of the chairs in the room were not exactly the most comfortable for a woman of her girth. Her silent pep talk did help, as she perked herself up in preparation for her last class of the day.

  Tyreesha had spent most of her high school years not knowing what she was going to do with her life. That changed one day in the middle of her senior year while she had been flipping through television channels. She’d ended up catching a rerun of the pilot for the show “Drop Dead Diva.” When she saw that a bigger woman had such an important career, she’d figured, ‘Why not me?’

  Her small inherintance was the catalyst that helped her financially. She had spent the rest of her senior year looking up the nearest colleges that offered law degrees. She’d nearly fainted after looking up the required classes and the astronomical costs of those classes, and despite her inherintance, she still ultimately had to push her entrance into college back a few years. That had been fine with her, since it had given her ample time to save up the money she needed to get started. She had taken the whole situation in stride, even though working at the local Subway was not, in her opinion, anywhere near as glamorous as being a high-priced lawyer.

  But she had the start she needed. Tyreesha had not been born privileged enough to be able to pay the high college tuition costs. She was not like many of the affluent students around her, which caused her to feel a slight twinge of envy.

  ‘But soon, you’ll be standing with or against them in the courtroom, defending high-priced clients and pro bono cases alike. You’ll show them what it means to make yourself something from nothing’, she told herself as she arranged herself in a “look alive” pose, with her pen and notebook ready, as soon as the door of the classroom opened.

  A tall, pretty, slightly blond woman made her way into the classroom and Tyreesha almost dropped her pen to the floor when she got a good look at her. Tyreesha immediately pegged her to be around forty something years old, but if she had seen her outside of class, she would certainly have thought her to be younger. ‘And I probably would have also hit on her’, Tyreesha admitted to herself.

  While she had slept with quite a few different men and women in her lifetime and would admit to being bisexual, Tyreesha definitely knew she preferred women over men. In her opinion, women had a better idea of what they were doing than men, at least when it came to bedroom activities.

  “Good afternoon class,” the hot blonde professor began as Tyreesha focused her attention on the woman more closely. “I’m Professor Wright and this semester, I will be your teacher for this class.”

  “Wright? Are you Alicia Wright, the lawyer?” Asked a young student from the front row of the classroom. The question definitely caught Tyreesha’s attention; obviously her pretty new teacher was fairly well-known in social circles.

  “The former lawyer, yes,” Professor Wright said correcting the student. “I no longer practice law; I only teach it now. But that’s enough about me. Are there any actual questions about your curriculum?”

  The sour note in Professor Wright’s voice had not escaped Tyreesha’s attention. To the curvy young black woman, it suggested that her new teacher was used to correcting people when it came to details of her recent career change, and that fact intrigued Tyreesha.

  “Okay class let’s get started,” the professor said with a tone of finality, before any of the other students could ask more questions that she likely did not care to answer. Tyreesha had to repress a snort of laughter at that.


  Despite the class lasting into the early evening, Tyreesha felt more alert than she had been since waking up that morning. She had been enthralled with Professor Wright’s authoritative voice, as if she were still fighting for a case in a court room. The teacher presented facts and arguments as if actually presenting a case in real court, however while teaching, she was actually presenting the “fake” cases from a point of view of both sides.

  Professor Wright lectured in a way that captivated Tyreesha. She had hardly been able to take her eyes off her attractive new teacher. Taking notes seemed painful when her mind was racing elsewhere. Somehow, though, by the time the class had ended, Tyreesha was proud that she had taken some thoroughly detailed notes. Of course, none of the other students in the class had talked to Tyreesha, but considering the slight age and social status differences, she wasn’t very surprised about it.

  However, just because the other students in the class ignored her did not mean she didn’t eavesdrop on them. It’s not that she cared about their personal lives, but her ears had tuned in when they mentioned the pretty and popular professor.

  According to the gossip that Tyreesha had overheard, Professor Wright had gone from being a highly sought-after lawyer to a college teacher out of shame that her only daughter had dropped out of law school and was living a pauper’s life somewhere in Europe.

  Tyreesha had never been one to put much stock into gossip, so she really wasn’t sure about how much, if any, was true. Not that she was planning to pry into her teacher’s personal business or anything, but she was curious as to why a beautiful, seemingly successful lawyer would give up her high-class profession just to teach others.

  Sighing happily, Tyreesha hurried home to prepare a late dinner and get her studies done before it got too late.


  Alicia had practically dragged herself into her house after class, which was also her newest acquisition. She had no papers to grade yet, but already, she was starting to feel as burned out as she usually did by the time a semester was complete.

  ‘Am I going to drop dead before this semester is out?’ She wondered to herself as she set her briefcase down onto the floor of her bedroom and began to undress. She knew that Neil would be home late that night. He was dealing with yet another case, so she had herself some peace and quiet for the evening.

  She had to admit she was a little bit disappointed with the students that had ended up in this class, that being prying snobby rich kids who were trying to snoop into her personal life. As usual, they’d had the high-end clothing and tech gadgets to match their snooty attitudes!

  ‘Well, not all of them’ she thought silently, as she put on her silky nightgown. She was thinking of the pretty curvaceous young black girl who had been sitting near the back of the classroom. She appeared to be a few years older than the other freshmen and seemed to have… less expensive taste. She hadn’t raised her hand once and if Alicia wasn’t mistaken, she had looked confused when the one young lady had
asked for confirmation of her identity. She took that to mean the young black woman had never even heard of her.

  ‘It was kind of nice, actually,’ she thought as she climbed into bed. ‘A nice change of pace. It doesn’t hurt that she’s good-looking. Now those are some buxom curves on her--that’s what you call a big, beautiful woman.’

  She knew these unspeakable thoughts were wrong, but the more she thought about it, the hotter she started to feel. ‘So what! It’s just a little sexual fantasy to feel this way, what’s the harm? Alicia could feel her nipples getting hard as they started to protrude through her silk nightgown. She squeezed the nipples firmly between her finger and thumb and could feel her crotch getting moist. These forbidding thoughts of her curvy student were all so new to her, but strangely it felt so good. She tried to clear her mind but couldn't stop fantasizing about Tyreesha. She thought briefly about grabbing her bedside dildo and pleasuring herself.


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