Big on Education

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Big on Education Page 28

by Laurie Ames

  “I’m next.” said Dawn. “Cheers to all of us, we are so lucky to have such good friends in our life, we truly are blessed.”

  “Cheers to Dawn whom is the love of my life and to my great friends whom I know will never let us down” said Adiva.

  “Cheers to Dawn for finding Adiva and making her life so happy” said Jane whom was feeling no pain after several glasses of champagne. “And special congrats to Dawn for investigating Yasmen and finding out she’s a criminal. She saved Adiva from getting scammed and then found the love of her life!”

  All of a sudden Adiva had a look of confusion on her face, she didn't know what Jane was talking about. “WTF! You investigated Yasmen behind my back?” she hollered out in angst. “I can't believe that no one bothered to tell me this—so you were spying on me?” Said Adiva as she turned and faced Dawn with a look of sheer disappointment.

  It was then that Jane realized that Dawn had not yet told her about secretly investigating Yasmen. Jane had accidentally let the cat out of the bag. She knew by the sour reaction that Dawn had failed to confess this deed to Adiva.

  “No, no she wasn't spying on you Adiva, she was spying on Yasmen, she had a gut feeling that Yasmen was not being truthful with you” spat out Jane.

  “You mean she thought Yasmen was not being truthful to me, just like she has been untruthful to me in not telling me about this?” argued Adiva.

  Fern quickly told Jane to be quiet, she was now angry with Jane because she had not mentioned it to her.

  Now it was exposed, and Dawn was feeling embarrassed for not coming forward to share the info with Adiva. Dawn felt crushed and the last thing she ever wanted in the world was to hurt dear Adiva like this. Dawn began fumbling to apologize and was trying to find the right words to say. “I’m sorry for not revealing this to you. I was going to tell her about it eventually, but I hadn't found the right time yet.”

  Adiva stood up, as if getting ready to leave. Dawn jumped up right beside her.

  “Please forgive me, yes I know it was wrong.” Dawn said almost begging. “Let’s just move on and enjoy this evening. I promise I will never go behind your back again.”

  “I want you to sit down” Adiva told her. She removed the ring from her finger and handed it back to Dawn. Adiva was now teary-eyed. “I am leaving on my own, I need to get some air.” I feel angry and hurt that the people I trusted the most have kept something like this from me. Right now, I just need to be alone.” She turned, then rushed out of the restaurant.

  Fern, Jane and Dawn sat speechless, all three of them feeling bad that this was not discussed sooner. Dawn apologized to Fern and Jane for getting them caught up in this. She especially apologized to Jane for getting her involved in helping investigate Yasmen's background. She should never have asked for her help with that.

  Fern looked over at Jane giving her a dirty look. “I can't believe that you were also involved in investigating Yasmen and you just somehow forget to mention that part to me. You didn't mention it because you know I would be against snooping around and getting into Adiva's personal business. I think the two of you owe Adiva an apology. I am going to try and catch up with Adiva to check on her. I will see you later at home Jane. Good night Dawn, thanks for dinner” said Fern with an angry tone as she stood up and walked out leaving the two accomplices alone at the table. Dawn looked at Jane asking her why she didn't mention that they had checked into Yasmen's background to Fern. Jane explained that Fern had told her before to keep out of Adiva's love life. Jane had wanted to check out others Adiva was dating in the past, but Fern had always said ‘don’t do it.’

  “Well I guess we are two idiots, we have lied and deceived the women that we love. We are both in a real pickle here.” stated Dawn with a sad tone.

  “I should have told Fern that I helped you out with the investigation of Yasmen, but I didn't want to hear the angry reaction that I knew I would get. So instead I decided not to mention my part in it. I guess I should have told you that I hadn't told Fern, just like you hadn't told Adiva. The two of us could have done the right thing and come clean, but no we decided to sit on the truth and look where we are now. Both women we love have walked out on us. I hope I don't go home to find that there is a packed bag at my door waiting for me” replied Jane sadly.

  “Well if that is the case, you are more than welcome to crash on my couch.” said Dawn.

  Dawn began to cry as she thought about how badly she hurt Adiva. She now knows she should have told Adiva the truth right from the beginning. She has broken their trust. How is she ever going to rebuild it? Adiva may never want to see her again. She became totally distraught at the thought of losing Adiva forever.

  Dawn payed the bill and they walked out on the street, both feeling miserable for letting down the women in their lives. Jane suggested that the two of them go and drown their sorrows over a beer at the ‘Irish Pub' across the street. The two women headed over for a pint, but soon ended up devouring many pints.

  Jane decided to call Fern, thinking she may be worried about her whereabouts. “Hi Fern. I’m letting you know we are at the pub crying in our beers about what we have done to the women we love. Why don’t you come down and join us? Did you know a few good Irish beers can make everything okay again?”

  “Jane, you can just spend the night with your drunken friend because I am not interested in seeing your face tonight. Also, Adiva is not interested in speaking to Dawn. I suggest you two spend the night together and figure out how you are going to fix this mess that you created.” With that Fern slammed down the phone with no farewell to Jane. Jane looked over at Dawn and told her the bad news. It was clear that neither of them was wanted by their partners tonight. “Can I take you up on the offer to sleep on your couch tonight?”

  The two women stumbled on their way back to Dawn's apartment where they drank more beer to ease the pain.

  Chapter 7. The 'Right Woman' Admits She Was Wrong

  It had been a week since the questionable celebration dinner of Adiva's and Dawn's engagement. Adiva still refused to speak to Dawn, feeling that she had been deceived yet again by another woman in her love life. She had spent the last week crying and thinking about how much she really thought Dawn was finally the right one for her. Just when her life was looking rosy, she finds out that Dawn deceived her. Why did she think it was okay to not tell her about this little bit of important information? She was now feeling so horribly depressed. Maybe it is just her fate to spend the rest of her life alone and miserable. Maybe the only living beings she was meant to live with were indeed her two cats. She thought back through the past year of dating Dawn and all the intimate times they had spent together in each other's arms making love. All the while, Dawn was looking into her eyes knowing that she had been deceitful. How could she hurt her this way? Adiva had made it clear to Dawn about how much she valued honesty in a relationship. She really believed that Dawn was not like the others, she was different, kind and understanding, treating her with respect or so she thought. She also couldn't believe that Jane was involved with the investigation of Yasmen. Adiva thought my goodness, what a complete mess my life has become. She started crying into her hands.

  The next thing her door buzzer was ringing, and she answered it to find it was Dawn's accomplice, Jane. Jane came up to Adiva's apartment to tell her how sorry she was that she was involved in the investigation, but on the other hand, to say she was somewhat glad that it happened. Jane came to tell Adiva that even though Dawn should have told her about the investigation, it was really done out of pure concern for Adiva. Jane pointed out that Dawn was very fond of her, and she didn't want to see her getting hurt yet again by someone that was not right for her.

  “Dawn had a really strong gut feeling that something was not quite right about Yasmen” said Jane. “That’s exactly the reason why Dawn was an outstanding cop and now is a competent private investigator. When her gut tells her something is wrong, it usually is dead on. That’s why she decided to do a little dig
ging and I agreed to help her with that digging. I just want you to know Adiva, that Dawn's gut feeling was right. Yasmen wasn't being honest with you. Dawn went to the Book Company where Yasmen told you she worked in accounting. Well it turned out that Yasmen did work there for about a year, but as a cleaning lady from which she was fired for stealing. We also learned that she was incarcerated in jail for fraud and other minor crimes”.

  Adiva uncrossed her arms and cracked the slightest smile, as if to say she’s willing to listen some more….

  “Dawn truly loves you and she only wanted to protect you, I guess she made the wrong call in not telling you about the investigation. She agonized about telling you someday, but as time went by, she felt no need to dredge up bad history. Adiva, I am so sorry that I opened my big mouth and ruined your special dinner. But you and Dawn are meant to be together! Don't throw away your chance at happiness just because we screwed up. We all make mistakes, but don't make the mistake of just giving up on Dawn. I have known her for many years, and I know she is a good person. You know I would not want you to be with someone who I did not feel was going to treat you right. Dawn will love and treat you the way you should be treated. I hope you will find it in your heart to give her a second chance. She is totally distressed that you gave back the ring and are refusing to take her calls. She is so lost without you, she really misses having you in her life.”

  After Jane had left, Adiva sat and thought about what she had said. Dawn had only done the investigating out of concern for her. And in any case, Dawn's gut feeling about Yasmen was right on the money.

  She started to pull herself together. She got up to have a shower, and then dressed in a perky summer dress that was adorned with light-yellow roses. She wore her beige high heels with matching purse, did her hair up in a gorgeous bun, put some makeup on and was all set to go. The first place she was heading was to the travel agency.


  Adiva buzzed Dawn's apartment from the ground floor. Dawn could not believe her eyes when she saw it was Adiva on the video screen. She buzzed the main door entrance to let her in and quickly rushed to straighten up her hair and clothing. When she opened the door, standing there was the most beautiful vision of the person she missed so much—Adiva, the woman that had captured her heart. Adiva was holding two tickets in her hand.

  Dawn grinned and reached out to give her a big hug. “Please come in and stay awhile. You look so lovely and it’s so nice to see you, especially after I have caused you so much grief. I was wrong to do what I did.”

  “Dawn, I would prefer not to talk about the past, but instead I want to focus on the future—our future to be precise. If we can be honest and faithful to one another, this relationship is going to survive.”

  “Oh, I couldn’t agree more. Strong relationships will always have bumps in the road. I have learned a valuable lesson. I will do everything possible to please you as much as you please me, I promise with all my heart”.

  “By the way, do you still have that ring? My finger is looking a little bare without it” chuckled Adiva.

  Dawn was absolutely delighted to hear this as she rushed to the bedroom and came back with Adiva's ring, placing it on her finger and kissing her affectionately. Adiva said that Jane had stopped by her place earlier and they had talked about what was revealed in the investigation and she understood Dawn's reasons behind doing it. She held out two tickets to Dawn.

  “I am hoping you can join me for a Mediterranean cruise for our honeymoon. I have booked us a cruise for late July. What’s more, we had better get busy deciding when we are getting married and where we are going to live. Since all this planning is certainly going to work up an appetite, I suggest we make our way down to Gino's Italian Bistro to do a “take-two” on the celebratory dinner. You need to hurry up and get ready because we are going to meet up with Fern and Jane at the restaurant in half an hour. Dawn hugged and kissed Adiva saying she was so delighted that she had forgiven her. And the Mediterranean cruise, that was something she had always wanted to do. Now that she has found her soulmate, she is not going to be travelling alone in life any longer. Dawn ran into her room to get herself ready. Adiva looked at Dawn running off thinking this is the 'right woman' for me, that I will spend the rest of my days loving and sharing my life through thick and thin!

  “Hurry up Dawn,” Yelled Adiva. “The two best women that are standing up for our wedding want to meet us for dinner!”

  ~The End~

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  Will Power

  A Mystery Lesbian Romance

  By: Laurie Ames


  Sophia and Alex are two strangers who meet after having survived tremendous ordeals in their individual lives. As they become close friends, Sophia is reluctant to acknowledge the sexual lust she has for the spirited Alex. She spends as much time as she can with her friend, offering help and advice whenever possible. But will she dare open up to Alex about her true feelings and share the dark secret she tirelessly guards?

  Meanwhile, Alex has had an eventful past of her own. She is afraid to bare her true self to anyone, knowing that her eccentricities may cause her to be rejected. She builds a solitary existence in her hometown and spends each day hoping to find the answer to a burning mystery she has spent years attempting to solve.

  Sophia and Alex are soon swept up by events which have escaped their control, stirring up the little town they both call home.

  Chapter One

  The machine powered through the countryside as if making a desperate attempt to escape the hustle and bustle of the big city. The green fields turned to brown as the train slithered into another town, another point in its journey, where the beast would spit out its passengers and abandon them to a place they needed to be.

  The passengers rode mostly in silence, heads bobbing to the rhythm of the train. Some whispered to each other confidentially concerning nothing at all. Others seemed to be engaged in “civilized conflicts,” where one party would speak quietly into the other’s ear before turning toward a window in an act of defiance. Lover’s quarrels and nagging mothers. It was all so normal.

  Sophia loved it. After the drama that had been her life for the past eleven months, she looked forward to welcoming the mundane. She thought about the first thing she would do when she reached her new home in Bryony. A little quiz started to develop in her mind as she deliberated; A) Make a cup of green tea, B) Set up the bedroom and take a nap. C) Call Alex. D) Have a relaxing hot bubble bath.

  As the quiz went on, a scrawny young man watched Sophia curiously. He sat two rows behind her, observing the back of her head as it turned toward the window before bowing to examine the coarse hands that lay in her lap. When she fanned out her right-hand fingers to criticize the severely chipped nails, he chided her hands as well. He liked a woman who took stellar care of herself--never mind that he looked like a vagabond.

  The young man wore a stained denim jacket and oversized jeans held up at the waist by a blue makeshift belt. The jacket poorly hid an allegedly white tee shirt and a notebook stored next to his chest. He carried a worn army green rucksack, weighed down with God-knows-what. The black sneakers on his feet were caked with dried mud. The smell that drifted from them told its own eloquent tale.

  Just then, the train pulled into Bryony Station. Both Sophia and the young man stood up and headed to the doors. He was pleased to see they were going to the same place. Dragging a small suitcase behind her, Sophia stepped onto the platform and headed toward the collection of buses parked outside the station. The ride to her apartment building took only ten minutes. She was relieved to find a friendly man waiting for her with the keys to her door. The landlord gave her a quick tour of the small apartment and left. Fifty seconds later, Alex had won the quiz.

  “Hello?” a woman’s voice inquired. Sophia took a deep breath and put on her best professional tone.

  “Hello. This is Sophia. I called some days ago about the assisting job. We weren’t able
to finish our conversation and I couldn’t get through to you after that.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. The position has just been filled.”

  Sophia felt her heart sink and prepared to end the conversation.

  “I see,” she started.

  “But … How tall are you?” the voice at the other end of the line asked.

  Taken aback by this strange question, Sophia instantly forgot her own measurements.

  “Not very tall. About average,” she managed.

  “Average is perfect! Stop by this time tomorrow,” the voice said enthusiastically.

  Sophia did not know what to make of this but had nothing to lose by stopping by. She thanked the voice and then remembered to ask if she was speaking with Alex.

  “Well, yes! You’re talking to Alex. Nice to finally meet someone open-minded enough to imagine I might be an Alex,” the voice replied, as if amazed.

  Sophia laughed and after a brief exchange, said goodbye. The thought of securing a job on her first full day in town filled her with optimism. It seemed that life was opening up to her. She felt sure the little town of Bryony would bring her a renewed energy. What could go wrong in a pleasant place like this?

  A grumbling stomach pulled her out of her thoughts and in the direction of the bedroom. She would try out the diner that Maxwell, the landlord, had told her about. Retrieving some towels and a tube of shower gel from her suitcase, Sophia headed to the bathroom.


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