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Big on Education

Page 38

by Laurie Ames

  When Liza came, Hope took it as permission. She fucked Bill’s hand as hard as she could, knowing she’d be sore in the morning, and not caring. But as the orgasm started to swirl in from the outside, his hand disappeared. He cupped her pussy, keeping her on the edge of torment, leaving her arching and bucking and begging.

  “Watch her,” he murmured, then bit her shoulder harshly.

  She watched Liza, who was fucking the dildo mercilessly, her eyes squeezed shut. It had to hurt, there was no way to slam into something that unyielding and have it not hurt, but it was twisting her face in a way that Hope read as the good kind of pain. The kind that made you clean and made you whole all at the same time. “Fuck,” Liza murmured in time with her downward thrusts. “Fuck, fuck, yes, fuck – “She grabbed for Hope’s hand and pushed it down exactly where she needed it, riding Hope’s body as she fought for the woman’s mouth. It wasn’t a kiss so much as it was a branding, the scream of an angry and desperate need. When the orgasm finally broke over Liza, she went wild, trembling and shaking and crying out. She rolled onto her back, pulling Hope with her, and showing Hope the motion she needed to drive her straight off one cliff and onto another. She cried out a second time, her hands grabbing at the sheets and twisting.

  “Yes,” Hope crooned. “Good girl, good, good girl, let it all out now. You have more for us? We’ll take everything you have. Give it all.” Her husband moved between them, sealing Liza’s mouth with his as Hope kept up her slowing, gentler movements.

  Suddenly it was Liza’s turn to burst into tears, and Hope’s turn to gather up a woman who was feeling a pain that she hadn’t known she carried. She wrapped an arm around her shoulders and pulled her close, gently rubbing her arm, and giving her tender soft kisses. Despite the heaviness in her stomach, Liza sunk into the warmth of Hope’s side, appreciative of the simple gesture.

  For Hope, the hug was a simple enough gesture - affection, perhaps the fragile beginnings of love.

  Chapter Four

  Being a strong-willed woman, Liza’s emotional storm passed quickly, and she turned back to Hope with a hungry grin. She then abruptly shoved her towards her husband.

  “Don’t you try and pretend you’re not still hungry for that big thick cock,” she said.

  Hope shivered, just a little. Bill had slid over to the other side of Liza during the crying rush, but his cock hadn’t softened. Liza took Hope’s hand and led it over to brush against the heat of her husband, and guided Hope’s hand to circle him.

  “Oh Yeah,” she said, in a tone like they were dragging a secret out of her.

  “I don’t imagine it’ll be too much of a hardship for you to fuck her rotten,” Liza murmured, casting a gaze back at her husband.

  Bill had eyes only for his wife. “I’ll do whatever you demand of me, my love. Anything for you.”

  They kissed, while Hope watched and that hurt her somewhere deep down. She watched them kiss like kids, like people who’d been in love for a relative second but was going to last forever. The truth was she also wanted to be loved again, but didn’t think she’d ever feel quite the same after Michael. For a good part of her life, he’d been the one she kissed when she woke up and before she fell asleep. She’d been mistakenly sure of him. She wasn’t sure she could ever be as innocently sure of another human being in her life. She just didn’t know how to do it all over again.

  When their kiss ended, Bill’s eyes focused all the heat back on Hope. “How should I take her,” Bill asked. It wasn’t a question for Hope, not at all.

  Liza made a “hmmm” sort of sound, and then sat up. She pulled her husband up, moving him to a seated position, his thick cock jutting up from his lap and his back against the headboard. She positioned Hope with her backside to him, her front facing Liza. “Yes,” Liza said, her voice warm. “Yes, that’s gorgeous.”

  She reached between her husband and her lover and wrapped her hand around Bill’s dick. She brought him to Hope’s entrance, teasing the tip around her nub and then pressing delicately into her opening. For their part, they both followed Liza’s strict directions, then held still, letting her move them around like play dolls.

  Even for all the teasing around her cunt, Hope still hissed a little when his tip pressed past the tight ring of muscle at her opening. It had been awhile since she’d had sex that didn’t involve her own hands and toys.

  “Okay?” he asked, holding carefully still.

  Hope caught Liza’s eyes, then pulled her in closer, pressing an almost chaste kiss against her bruised and swollen lips. “Yes,” she murmured against her mouth, then eased back, settling him deeper inside of her.

  Bill groaned gently, his hands coming to her hips, but more to help her balance than to try direct her. “You’re tight,” he muttered. “Are you okay?”

  He was pushing her threshold of comfort. Her husband Michael had been a lot of things, and average sized was one of them. Her pussy burned just a little, and she had to take a few deep breaths and consciously relax, but still, it was just a little difficult.

  She hadn’t said a word yet; when Liza nodded and reached beside the bed, digging in a drawer and coming out with a tube of lube. “This will help,” she said, her eyes glowing as she squirted her fingers and began massaging intimately between the two of them. Of all the things Hope had done and experienced in the bedroom, she was moderately sure this was one of the best. The feeling of Liza’s hand wrapping around Bill’s shaft below her and then stroking over her clit was delightful. The slippery lube provided a wonderful warm tingling sensation. She was able to find that little bit of extra space, where she was splitting open in a good way. She gave a little sigh as her hips collided with Bill.

  “Yes, pet,” Liza murmured, “Yes, just like that. Take him all for me. You don’t have to take him hard, I understand. He’s big but it pleases me to see you hurt a little. I like that you’re uncomfortable with my man.” She leaned forward again, licking a hot path down Hope’s neck as Hope started to shift on Bill’s cock, taking him deeper. “He doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable. He fucks me as hard as he wants and I take it all. He’s only fucking you because I told him to and because I want to see it. All you are is a distraction. Just a way to make me happy. How does that make you feel, pet?”

  There was only one word in her mind and heart. “Hot,” she whispered.

  “Louder. Louder, so he can hear you.”

  “Hot,” Hope shrieked. “So hot it hurts. I’m going to die if I don’t come soon.”

  “Good pet,” Liza said. She put her hands on Hope’s shoulder, easing her back until she was leaning on Bill’s chest. She straightened her legs out in front of her, and Liza bent Hope’s knees, pushing them out to the side, spreading her wide open.

  “God, you’re just gorgeous.”

  And then she leaned forward, sliding down onto her belly and laying the flat of her tongue over Hope’s clit.

  Everything in her body sparked into wild disarray. Liza’s tongue danced over her flesh with the expertise of long practice, but it wasn’t confined to Hope’s body. Bill wrapped his arms around her hips and gently slid her over the length of his cock as Liza suckled both of them. She felt Bill tremble when Liza’s tongue danced over the root of his cock, and felt her body clench painfully around him when she closed her teeth on Hope’s clit.

  She needed something to hold on to, something to ground herself, before her body broke into a thousand pieces and left her spirit behind. Her hands closed onto his head, pulling him down to her neck. He bit her viciously and she cried out, driving her body onto his.

  Suddenly, Liza’s mouth was just too much. She reached down and pulled at the other woman, dragging her up her own body. She slid up them, laughing quietly, and letting her weight fall lightly onto Hope’s form. Yes, yes, that was exactly what she needed. The heat and pressure of two bodies holding her in place meant that she could finally let go. She fucked Bill with all the merciless passion she possessed, not caring that it hurt, not caring t
hat she was going to be walking like a saddle-sore cowboy tomorrow, not caring that he was crying out right along with her. Liza leaned over Hope’s shoulder, sealing her mouth over her husband’s, drinking in his cries. Liza’s hand slid between them again – or maybe it was Bill’s, she couldn’t track whose hands belonged to whom anymore – and found her tight clit.

  “Yes,” she could hear someone crying out. Maybe her, maybe Bill, maybe all three of them together. “Yes, fuck – God, yes. Please, yes.”

  The first time she’d gone to the ocean, she’d laid down while the tide was coming in. She’d laid down in the sand where the waves were just splashing over her toes, and she’d let the waves wash higher with every splash. They’d soaked her calves, her thighs, her cunt, her stomach, and her breasts.

  The orgasm broke over her the same way. It came in waves, radiating out a little farther with each gasping breath. She held each moment as long as she could, riding each wave of pleasure until it broke and she needed to slam herself down into the next one, which expanded just a little bit further. Every muscle in her back and her thighs clenched painfully, sore from the workout they’d already been given, and she forced herself to wall away the discomfort, focusing on the total pleasure. When this was done, she was going to be limp dishrag for hours, and if she didn’t get it all out now, she would be sore and achy and twitching every time something touched her exhausted but still eager cunt.

  There was one last wave, one last peak that she couldn’t reach, even with Liza’s weight and Bill’s groaning gasps behind her. She squirmed, thrust, and begged, but there was something more there that she couldn’t quite find.

  “What do you need?” Liza asked, teasing her just a little farther. “Tell me what you need.”

  “I don’t – “she groaned, the sensations swamping her, dangerously close to becoming oversensitive, too hurt to let go.

  And somehow, Liza knew. Her right hand came to Hope’s breast, pinching her nipple between her fingernails, her left down to Hope’s clit, squeezing it painfully.

  The world went white, and her ears became full of silent noise. Distantly, she was aware of her body spasming, bucking, her throat tight from screaming. She felt Bill’s grip tighten as she came and came and came.

  When the world settled back in around her, she was gasping and crying and twisting away from both of them, her nerves painfully overloaded. She slid to the side of the bed, waving at them. “Don’t stop on my account,” she murmured, even as her body shook with an aftershock.

  Bill didn’t wait for more permission than that. He stripped off the condom he’d been wearing and reached for another before rolling his wife onto her stomach and sliding his fingers into her ass. She opened for him easily, and within moments, he was sliding hard into her. She groaned, twisting her hands into the sheets again. Hope watched them and their delicious movements. They were accustomed to each other, fully aware of where they were going with each other. For a moment, Hope thought of joining them, finding a place for her hands and her mouth – but not this time. It was their turn.

  “Tell me you were thinking only of me,” Liza gasped out, a plaintive cry for her husband. “Tell me how much better I am than her.”

  Bill swept her hair to the side and buried his mouth against her neck, clearly a move that he loved. “You’re my everything,” he said. “Every thrust into her, I thought of you. I wished I was fucking you. I hoped you’d let her come so I could have you. She didn’t feel good like this.”

  Liza cried out, spasming against him, and he followed her after just moments.

  Chapter Five

  They lay together in a sweaty, delicious tangle. As soon as Bill freed himself and disposed of the condom, he was pulling Hope into an loving embrace that Liza joined. Both of them started petting and cooing over Hope and thanking her for joining them. It was almost everything that Hope had wanted for so long – yet it made a deep dark part of her sad. The intimacy was nice for the moment, but they were only that way because she gave them everything they wanted. She tried to fight back the growing surety that this had been nothing more than some fantasy trip for them.

  ‘I thought I was better than a 'one-night stand'. It was time to walk away,’ she admitted to herself. She replayed the events in her head and wondered what was the right thing to do. She wanted to cry in frustration. All she could do was blame herself. As soon as she thought they were settled and about to fall into sleep, she asked if she could use the shower before heading out.

  The couple exchanged a glance, but whatever passed between them, they clearly decided not to argue. Whether it was about her or in front of her, she couldn’t tell. But with each whispered word... a piece of her heart broke.

  Either way, Bill pointed the way to the washroom, and she took a few moments to rinse off in the sink. When she came back out of the bathroom, her clothes had been collected and were neatly folded on the bed, which had been straightened. If not for the thick air of sex and human odor in the room, she could have almost convinced herself that it was a particularly passionate wet dream.

  She didn’t bump into either one of them on the way out of the apartment. She was both disappointed that neither of them tried to stop her, and relieved that she didn’t have to talk her way through an awkard conversation. And so, she left.

  It was two days before she heard again from Liza Bellerose. By then, Hope had managed to convince herself that the escapade in the apartment had been nothing more than an interesting interlude in what was now going to be the rebirth of a desirable young woman. She found herself optimistic in a way she hadn’t been since Michael left her. It was as if it was his fault that she found her gateway to a phenomenal new sex life. The door without him was now closed, and she was all right with that.

  But the idea that amazing sex and relationships were still out there, that she could still feel desired and sexual - that was incredible.

  Granted, the athletic sex was unlike anything before. She was quite sure she’d pulled something in her thigh, and she had to have a very long soak in her bathtub to undo the knot that had formed in her ass when she’d orgasmed so incredibly hard.

  She was a tangle of emotion but she could see her loose ends beginning to undo. Cynda was texting her often now, trying to convince her to start dating, and maybe for once she was right.

  And then Liza Bellerose appeared on her doorstep.

  Hope had opened the door, expecting someone else entirely. Mail delivery or a door-to-door prophet, not a gorgeous model who looked the picture of perfection and made Hope weak in the knees.

  She didn’t quite know what to say to Liza, should she say – “Had fun getting spanked and fucked while you sucked me off, want to do it again?” – so she tried to look both welcoming and reserved. She was moderately sure it wasn’t working; but was sure she just looked constipated. Delightful.

  “Why did you just up and leave like that?” Liza asked. There was pain and sadness in her tone, and Hope felt something in her heart give way. At least she wasn’t the only one afraid.

  “Please come inside,” Hope said. She stepped back to give Liza room to enter without needing to push past her or press up against her. Liza didn’t bother to take it. She didn’t full on kiss Hope either, not out here where the neighbors could see, but she didn’t seem too concerned about propriety. Not now.

  “Coffee?” Hope asked. Liza shook her head.

  “If you don’t want to talk about it, or you don’t want it to happen again, that’s fine, but you left so fast. I wanted to talk to you, to thank you, but Bill and I stepped out of the room to give you privacy to dress – we weren’t sure how you were feeling, you said it had been your first time since – and we thought you needed a good spanking – damn it.” Liza bit the knuckle of her forefinger hard, and shook her head. Hope recognized the signs of a woman who was fighting hard to keep her tears at bay. “It hasn’t been easy for us, finding a third. I know that sounds cold. Bill and I are not the same without you, we can’t get
you out of our minds.”

  She stepped into Liza’s space, and when she didn’t push away, she reached up and touched her soft cheek. “I’m sorry,” Hope said. “You two were so sweet together, and I didn’t think you’d want me there for that. You invited me into your bed, not your marriage, and I didn’t want to presume. And, yes – if I’m entirely honest, I miss what you two have together. I don’t know if I’ll ever have that again. But I missed it like a toothache all of a sudden, and I had to be gone.”

  “What if we didn’t want you to be gone?”

  Her heart gave a little skip. “I’d want to hear more about what that would mean to you.”

  Liza gave a fluid shrug. “I think it’d be open to interpretation. To what works for all of us. We just know that we want you in our lives.”

  They stared awkwardly into each other’s eyes, as if it were a silent argument. Their glances battled each other, until Hope’s tears started up, and then soon they both found themselves crying.

  Liza wiped her eyes, then slowly leaned in with a slow and soft kiss. Their worlds fell away and the kiss was comforting in ways that words could never be. Then the magic ignited, the kiss deepened, and all their worries were gone from their minds. A kiss like this was a beginning, a promise of much more to come. A smile grew on Liza’s face as they finally pulled apart.

  “How about you come to dinner tonight, and we start talking it out?” Asked Liza.

  “Dinner?” Hope raised an eyebrow, and she saw color flush into Liza’s dark cheeks. “Are you sure we’ll get a chance to eat?”

  Liza took Hope’s open hand and spanked it. “I am quite sure that something will be eaten. What that is, I don’t know. We’ll just have to wait and see.”


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