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Big on Education

Page 45

by Laurie Ames

  "Miranda baby, I am going to make you cum for me again. Would you like that sweetheart? I know you would. Turn for me baby. Let me show you how good it can get.”

  With a very wicked smile, he parted Miranda with his thumb and middle finger. Then with his pointed finger, he stroked her, spreading her juices along her open slit. Once, twice, thrice, he let his finger bump against her swollen clit and enjoyed the melody of her fast, erratic breathing.

  Her moans turned into desperate whimpers. Her inner muscles clamped down on his finger, so tightly as if afraid he would deny this heavenly pleasure. He smiled at the feel of Miranda clenching his finger; then he did something exotic and scandalous with that finger...Miranda screamed as she violently climaxed.

  He did not even try to hide his smug, satisfied smile as Miranda exploded around his hand. His smile widened and his cock hardened as she milked his finger over and over again. He gently turned her, admiring her face that now displayed the stunning intensity of her multiple orgasms. She looked sated and dazed. He sealed her mouth with his, then penetrated deep into her. His mouth muffled her scream as she came yet again, just from having him enter her so hard and quick. He relentlessly pumped into her and with each thrust his speed increased.

  "Say my name Miranda! Say who you belong to!" he demanded as his thrusts and breathing became shorter and faster and even more frantic, almost desperate.

  “Jason Dunford!”

  “Say it again Miranda!”

  “Ja…son Dun-fooooo….”

  Miranda’s inner muscles squeezed harder upon his cock until he began shooting stream after stream of cum deep inside her. As the first stream hit the back of Miranda’s inner walls, she came with a loud wail that sent shivers through both their bodies. He was drenched in sweat, deep inside Miranda, her inner muscles milking him over and over and over again.

  “Oh JD, you’re the best lay I’ve ever had. I think I love you…”

  JD lurched awake, wet in his shorts and drenched in sweat from his erotic dream. “WTF! She is one amazing woman.”

  He realized he had just made crazy passionate love to the girl of his dreams. He felt energized, as if Miranda had breathed new life into his soul. He quickly got up, stripped, changed into clean clothes then picked up his notebook. His creative juices were flowing like never before. He began to write the lyrics of a new song; a big smile pasted on his face.

  Chapter 7

  “JD, wake up!”

  Groaning, JD buried himself deeper into the covers, pulling a pillow over his head. He knew he was late for the scheduled studio session but he didn’t care. He had been up all-night composing music and deserved an extra hour or two in bed. He had already dropped the irritating alarm clock onto the floor, along with his cell phone that never seemed to stop vibrating across the nightstand.

  “JD, don’t make me get a bottle of water out of the fridge.”

  JD’s middle finger found its way out from the covers and saluted the annoying voice with the international symbol for “eff off.” Sleep started to take him again, until his pillow was yanked away and frigid water was poured on him from head to toe.

  He swore, jumping out of the bed.

  “What the hell is wrong with you guys?” he asked, amidst much laughter from Abe, Simba and Joe.

  “Wake up sleeping beauty!” urged Abe.

  “Rise and shine!” Joe said in a sing-song voice.

  “Man, you should have seen your face!” Quipped Simba, doubling in laughter all over again.

  JD sat down at the edge of the bed. He held his head in his hands, leaning his elbows on his thighs. He had never been a morning person but this morning he was feeling more out of it than usual. He tried to re-start his fatigued brain, urging it to remember why he was so tired.

  Oh yeah! The dream.


  That song I wrote for her!

  He headed for the shower as he was suddenly seized with a powerful urge to share the song with Miranda.


  Miranda was out of it today. She had the gift of remembering important dates and usually that gift was a big advantage. However, today, it was more of a curse. She would have loved to forget everything about today’s particular date. Today was the second-year anniversary of the day she was dumped by her ex-boyfriend. She couldn’t concentrate on work and couldn’t block her mind from going back to that ill-fated morning.

  The confrontation took place in the bright and cheery kitchen that they had painted together when they moved into the house. Miranda sat erect on one of the kitchen chairs. Her eyes were wet with unshed tears. He was pacing around the kitchen throughout their conversation.

  “How long have you been seeing each other?” Miranda asked him in a quiet, emotionless voice.

  “About six months.”

  Her ex-boyfriend must have seen the pain on Miranda's face and had rushed to explain himself.

  “Look Miranda, at first I thought it would be just a fling, that it would be over within a month. But I developed feelings for her. We developed feelings for each other. And I can't stay away from her. God knows I've tried.”

  “Don't you dare bring God into this!” The rage that Miranda had been holding back could be heard in her voice.

  Her ex-boyfriend sighed. “I'm so sorry Miranda. It just happened. I - “

  Miranda laughed in disbelief. “It just happened? You just happened to mysteriously fall into bed together?”

  “I didn't mean to-”

  “Do you love her?” Miranda cut him off.

  “I have deep feelings for her. But it's you I love.”

  Miranda laughed loudly, bitterly and hysterically at that. He became concerned and tried to comfort her with a hug.

  “Don't you dare touch me!” She erupted, standing up so quickly that the chair she sat on flipped backwards. Her ex-boyfriend stared at her in shock and fear because he had never seen this side of her.

  But then again, Miranda had never been cheated on before. The roles were switched then, with her pacing the small kitchen and him staring at her in shock.

  “What is wrong with you? Couldn't you just have come clean and spared me six months of your mood swings and angry outbursts? And your bullshit lies “I'm not in the mood” and “not tonight Miranda.” Six months of wondering what I did wrong. Six months of wondering if I should lose some weight or try some new sex positions then things would be back to normal between us? Couldn't you have just spared me all that and told me the truth? Did you have to wait until I found you two in bed – in our fuckin’ bed! Was that deliberate? Was that you’re not so subtle way of telling me that you no longer cared for me or even respected me?

  “No, Miranda. You have to believe me. I didn't plan any of this.”

  “Believe you? Believe you! The way I believed you when you told me you loved me and would never do anything to hurt me?”


  “Miranda? Are you okay?”

  Miranda suddenly came back to the present and to her horror, realized that tears were flowing down her face. Worse, JD was in her office, a piece of paper in his hand, a concerned look on his face, asking her if she was okay.

  She remained quiet, trying to figure out how to answer him. A “yes” clearly wouldn’t do because obviously, he had seen her crying. A “no” would also not do because that would probably prompt him to ask her why she was crying. And there was no way she was telling JD of all people, the real reason for her tears. That it was the second-year anniversary of the day her heart was irreparably broken by the one person in the world she had trusted the most.

  “Miranda? Baby? What going on?”

  The kindness in JD’s voice and the genuine concern etched on his gorgeous face broke down the walls that Miranda had built around her heart. Her remaining thread of strength frayed before breaking completely, sending her plummeting over the edge. She fought to reclaim control over her body, shocked by the sounds escaping from within her chest. She let go and cried with all her broken
heart. Hysterical sobs shook her thin frame.

  Chapter 8

  For several seconds, JD stood rooted to the spot as she watched Miranda crying her heart out. It was so unlike the professional image she had portrayed for the past year while working together. Usually so cool, calm and collected. Totally refusing to acknowledge the intense attraction between them.

  Now here she was, crying like her insides were being ripped apart. JD was all for professionalism but how the hell was he supposed to walk away when she was in pain like this? It was like an invisible thread pulling him towards her. He fought the pull for a few more seconds then finally could not fight it any longer. He gave in to the urge, closed the door and walked towards Miranda.

  How his innocent gesture to comfort Miranda turned into something not quite so innocent was beyond JD. One moment, he was holding Miranda tightly, whispering words of comfort. The next moment, he was looking down at Miranda, at those lips he had only dreamed of kissing. His heart began to beat faster and faster.

  She let out a heartfelt whisper. “JD, please…” JD closed his eyes against the pure, undiluted longing in Miranda’s voice.

  “No, we shouldn’t,” JD interrupted. He congratulated himself on saying the right thing even though every fiber of his being was screaming ‘Yes! Take what she is offering!’

  Each time he smiled, she felt another rush of warmth, and could no longer fight the infatuation growing between them. They locked eyes for just a moment, just enough to feel safe with one another.

  “Kiss me, Jason Dunford.”

  Her use of his full name was just like in his dream! – That made him want to crumble and give in. ‘Just grab a little taste. A little taste won’t hurt’.

  He brushed her lips with his. A butterfly kiss.

  She answered with a tsunami of kisses. And JD knew he had lost the fight even before it had begun.

  Miranda ripped at him and sucked at him and branded his mouth with hers. Their tongues were frantic, their fingers were everywhere they could reach. His back was against the wall. Literally. Miranda’s enthusiasm ignited him and he couldn’t help but push his tongue into her mouth. When she sucked on his tongue, he felt the pull travelling down his spine and right into his groin. He thought he was going to embarrass himself by having a repeat episode of what had happened earlier that morning in bed. It was definitely time to take control of the situation.

  JD rolled Miranda and trapped her to the wall of her office. He then proceeded to plunder her mouth, her chin, then her graceful neck. Up until this moment, he had never found anything that could exceed the thrill of alcohol in his system. Now, he realized that this, Miranda, was his new addiction. He filed that happy and at the same time disturbing thought to the “not now” folder in his quickly-turning-to-mush brain.

  His brain. It was like all the regions that made him a civilized 21st century man were facing a power outage. He was feeling like an beast, he even growled like an animal. Miranda answered with a particularly loud moan, responding to his raw, uninhibited reaction.

  He continued kissing Miranda as she directed them to the couch. He kissed her until they were lying on the couch. Then he was all business, undoing her top and jeans, pulling them off. He ran his trembling hands over her ass. He camped at her neck, kissing, sucking, gently biting. She began rocking harder and harder against him, her needy whines and gasps filling the room….

  ‘She’s so hungry for me. Her hunger for me will be my undoing. I’m not going to make it. Not going to make it…’

  He palmed her breast and thumbed her erect nipples. She tipped her head back and slammed into him, as though she was rising to an electric current. Her gasps and moans were sparring him on, fueling his fire, completely stealing his rationality, making him so hard, making him want to taste her.

  He put his mouth on her clit and tongued her as she moved into his face. He clamped his hands on her generous hips to keep her frantic rhythm in check. She dug her heels into the couch and arched back and he muffled the screams of her release with his hand. On and on it went, one muffled scream followed by another…

  He had done this to her, for her. He had made her cum and she was still coming…

  It was all too much for him. His cock spat cum in short, sharp waves, right into his boxers.

  She lay spent. He sat, panting.

  “JD, that was…it was…”

  He cracked a very manly smile and gently brushed the sweaty strands of hair from her flushed face. “Yes. It was. You did good baby. I love when you cum like that," he whispered.

  “What about you? You didn’t…”

  “I didn’t quite make it sweetheart. You have a really strong effect on me. Just like a drug. Only much, much better. More potent.”

  There, he had said it. It was out there. Almost the same as saying I love you. Now all he could do was wait for her reply.

  Chapter 9

  “Going to AA is the only chance in LA you get to see fellow musicians.”

  - Moby

  JD had been staring at the glass of whisky for close to an hour. He was waiting for his brain to reach the point to where the pros of not drinking would outweigh the cons of not drinking.

  He was hurting and he wanted to numb the pain. Alcohol would do that for him. All the other pros for not drinking seemed insignificant. If he did not drink, he would not be able to numb the pain. And right now, all he wanted was for the pain to go away. The pain of rejection. For once in his life, the tables were turned. He had never understood rejection, but now with Miranda, there was no kind of pain quite like it.

  He thought about the reason Miranda had rejected him, citing the usual bullshit rationale of wanting to keep things professional between them.

  “Too late for that!” he had yelled, anger coursing through his veins.

  “Keep your voice down JD.” She had yelled back.

  Fear and hurt and desperation had removed the filter from his brain and he found himself speaking his mind. “You didn’t keep your voice down when my tongue was between your legs. You were looking for me to comfort you and I did. You didn’t want to keep things professional between us then, did you Miranda? You were begging me to make things between us very unprofessional – “

  “Stop being an ass!”

  JD had found himself thinking that even angry, she was the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Her mouth was still swollen from his feverish kisses. It hurt his eyes to look at her and his heart ached trying to understand why she did not want to change their relationship. He felt a burning in his eyes. ‘Please, please, help me not break down and cry in front of her’.

  “JD, it’s complicated, let’s talk about it, please!” She asked.

  “I’ve heard enough Miranda. You’re the boss and I’m just the employee. It’s always got to be your way.” JD refused to listen anymore. He hurriedly walked towards the door, desperately needing to escape.

  “JD! Let me explain. I’m begging you, don’t leave like this,” she pleaded as he slammed the door behind him. But he left in a huff. He had gone on walking, needing to be alone so he could break down and sulk in private.

  Now here he was, in the privacy of a crowded bar, staring at the glass of liquor, trying to remember all the reasons why he wanted to be sober in the first place. He decided to try one last lifeline before giving in to the urge to drink his first glass of alcohol.

  His sponsor answered his phone after the third ring. Within fifteen minutes, his sponsor was outside the bar, picking him up so that they could go and talk in a neutral environment.

  JD never took his sponsor for granted. Michael was a no-nonsense sharp shooter who never minced words but also never judged. He called things as they were but never imposed his personal beliefs on anyone. After JD had explained what was ailing him, Michael tackled the problem in his usual manner; by simply asking questions.

  “Did she say that she never wanted to have a relationship with you?”

  “Not in those words no. But h
er actions were speaking louder than anything she could have told me.”

  “Really? So you think she only wanted you for your body, as it were? To give her some sexual release?”

  “No! Of course not! Miranda is not like that. She is the most caring giving person I know. She would never mess with me like that!”

  “Okay, so what makes you think she does not want a relationship with you?”

  JD sighed. “She wants to keep things professional between us.”

  “You know, a professional relationship is still a relationship.”

  “I don’t want just a professional relationship! I want…more. I have never loved a woman, but I love her!”

  “I hear you. But you can’t force her if she is not yet ready for something more. From what you’ve told me about her, she seems like a pretty driven woman and it seems she wants to make your comeback career as smooth and as successful as possible. Maybe she can’t handle mixing business with pleasure.”

  “Maybe.” JD conceded.

  “Can you handle mixing business with pleasure?”

  JD thought about it for a moment. The tour dates were already being set. Touring was extremely hectic on its own. Would he be able to add the additional stress of being in the early stages of a relationship? Sure, it was going to be positive stress but stress is stress. And JD knew himself very well. He had an addictive personality. It didn’t take much imagination or a PhD in psychology to foresee that he would get very attached to being with Miranda, both emotionally and physically.

  “Maybe not.” He admitted grudgingly.

  “Do you still think she rejected you?”

  “No. She was rejecting mixing business with pleasure.” It was great saying it out loud. He could already feel the weight of rejection being lifted off him.

  He smiled and said it again just to hear it again. “No, she wasn’t rejecting me.”


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