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Big on Education

Page 64

by Laurie Ames

  His hands came to her breasts, cupping them as he reached up for her mouth. The kiss was bright and hot, electric as lightning. She felt the tips of her breasts tighten, scraping harshly against the inner lining of her bra. Her hips shifted against him, seeking more contact, and he moved with her, urging her onwards.

  More. She wanted more contact; more skin being caressed. She reached down for the hem of her sweater, leaning back just far enough to tug it up over her head. He let out a whispery groan and dove between her breasts with his mouth, licking and nipping at the pale flesh that she'd exposed. She ran her fingers through his long ponytail and spent a moment thinking about wrapping it around her fist and yanking him back to where she wanted him.

  Maybe next time, she thought to herself, and then shivered at the thought of a next time.

  He reached into her bra and scooped out her breasts, bringing his mouth to the tip of one while he flicked the other with his thumb. She groaned again, her teeth closing on her lip as her body warmed and heated from top to bottom.

  She felt like a teenager – awkward, desperate, and unsure of where to put her hands. He slowed after a moment and looked up at her. His pupils were so wide that they all but swallowed his irises, but he steadied his breath and stilled his hands. "Are you alright? Do you need me to slow down, or stop altogether?"

  Faith shook her head and tried to find the right words. "It's – it's just been a long time." She laughed, suddenly. "I don't know where to put my hands."

  He laughed, too, and then rolled them both gently down onto the bed. The comforter was a soft dove gray microfiber, and it felt completely luxurious under her naked back. "I tell you what," he said. "Put your hands behind your head. Keep them there. Does that sound tempting?"

  Interest rushed through her again, and she nodded. He took the time to unbutton his shirt and toss it onto a chair across the room, and she let herself enjoy the view. He didn't look like the kind of guy who hit the gym every day; he was a little bit on the heavy side and had a thick coat of fur on his chest, leading down into his jeans. And god, somehow, without his shirt, his erection was even more apparent. "I'm regretting my promise already," she said, letting her eyes linger on the obvious bulge.

  He raised his eyebrows and then reached for her left hand. He pressed another one of those soft kisses into her palm and then brought her hand down, pressing it into his heat. His fingers tightened on her wrist, and he made a soft sound as he pressed her hand down.

  "Is that what you want?" He asked, and his voice wasn't conversational anymore. It was raw and thick and demanding.

  "Yes," she said, kneading gently at him, her breath speeding up. "Yes, please. Very much."

  He leaned back and made short work of her trousers, licking at her inner thighs as he tugged them down and tossed them in the direction of his shirt. His own jeans followed afterwards, along with his boxers, and then he laid down alongside her, his thick cock pressing into her thigh. She reached for him again, sampling his girth, then exploring the feeling of his flesh. She'd never really taken the time to see what a man felt like in her hand; he was velvet wrapped around steel, and her breath was already fast and hard thinking about what was coming next. He was slick and wet against her hand when he gently pushed her hand off.

  "My turn," he said before he leaned over again, taking the tip of her breast in his mouth as his fingers pressed down into her pussy.

  It was delicious to be slick, delightful to be wet. She spread her thighs as he circled her clit, then slid down into her opening. There was only the soft kind of friction, the kind that made her gasp and whimper and arch her hips. "Please," she said, the word blurring into a slight keen. "Please. More."

  "Where are the condoms," he asked, his voice tight again.

  It took Faith a moment to collect herself enough to reach over the edge of the bed to find her purse. She passed him one from a string of three she'd optimistically put in there during the afternoon. She then took the opportunity to explore his chest with her fingernails while he slid the condom lovingly into place.

  She expected him to cover her, but instead he lay back, his cock jutting up from his hips at an eager angle and took her hands. "Take these off before I rip them," he said, gesturing at her panties and bra. She giggled a little as she tried to skim them off without becoming stuck around her ankles. When she was naked, he pulled her up to her knees, then positioned her over his erection. "At your pace, " he said. "At your speed. I just want to follow you for right now."

  She'd never done this. Never. She'd asked Richard once, and he'd looked so upset and disgusted that she'd never brought it up again. For just one second, something inside of her twisted, and she thought it might all go to hell. But there was an amazing man beneath her, waiting with eager eyes and hands. The only thing she could do was run her body over his erection until she found the right place for him to drive up into her, and then slide down to take him in.

  It did hurt, for just a moment. Not like the first time, but it wasn’t nothing. She hissed with a mix of pain and need, and then cried out as his fingers came to her body, finding her nipples and clit. She took him in slowly, backing off and then sliding down just a little deeper. It was the best kind of burning dancing pain that she'd ever felt before. It was a pain that encouraged her to dive deep, to find the place where it evaporated into pleasure.

  When her hips met his, she gasped at the sensation. His fingers moved on her clit with a little more intensity as she began to shift herself, taking him in and letting him out, finding the perfect angle to drive him further into her. "Yes," he murmured underneath as he started to drive up into her, meeting her with soft thrusts that drove her into the softest, most complete ecstasy she'd ever felt. Faith’s eyes clenched shut and her mouth opened wide as though to scream, but her continued pleasure came out only as silence. Electricity charged through Faith's entire body as her orgasm ran its course like a freight train bowling her over. She came with an abandon that left her slamming down onto him as he met her, thrust for thrust. She moaned and gasped, until the tension finally left her body and she collapsed down on top of him. After just a moment's hesitation, he wrapped his arms around her back and held her gently as she started to piece herself back together. They held each other's naked bodies in the aftermath of their bliss, cuddling against one another's warmth.

  "That felt so good," Said Faith, her voice barely a whisper, her chest still rising with labored breaths. Leo cuddled his body close to Faith’s side; her hair splayed out over Leo's shoulder. The two embraced each other silently for several moments.

  "I should have been doing this a long time ago," said Faith grinning.

  Leo giggled with agreement. “I agree. You were fantastic.”

  “I know,” she bragged with a snicker.

  “Will I ever see you again after tonight, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to,” he asked.

  “Oh honey, as much as I enjoyed the great sex, it was a one-night stand. I told you that up front, please don’t make me feel badly about it.”

  “I understand,” he replied. His heart strings were tugging harder than he had expected.

  “Can we call it a night?” Asked Faith. “I’m drunker than a skunk. Actually, more drunk than I have been in a very long time. So please just kiss me good night.”

  Chapter Five

  It was several hours later when she let herself out of Leo's apartment. He was asleep in the bed; she'd covered him up after she'd slid out of the sheets. She'd taken the liberty of leaving her number in his phone. It had been a lovely night, and – well, she did want to see him again because it was great sex.

  She dialed Jackson’s number as she walked down the stairs and slipped out the back door of the bar, making sure that the push bar locked behind her. He answered on the second ring.

  "How did it go?" His voice was tighter than she'd expected. There was a touch of uneasiness in his question, as if hoping it didn’t go well.

  "Fun was had by all." She w
as being coy, but it was fun. "But now I want my prize."

  "Are you sure?" he said sounding relieved.

  She had to resist the urge to laugh. "So you think I don't want you because you told me to go out and get laid? Now I want you even more. I’m so horny!" She barked into the phone.

  "Tell me about it," he said. The tension was draining out of his voice, and that was delightful. That was more than delightful.

  "Meet me at my house, and I'll do more than tell you," she said. She paused, and then laughed. What was the point of being nervous? "In fact, if you're in, maybe he'd like to meet you at some point, if you know what I mean."

  There was a long, slow inhale on his end of the line, and then he was laughing too. "I think that might be nice. But for the rest of tonight, I think I’d like to have you all to myself. If you're willing, that is."

  She got into her car and turned the engine on, waiting for the call to transfer to the car's Bluetooth system. "I'm very, very willing," she said. "Race you there."

  "I'm on my way."

  ~The End~

  Message from the Author

  Wishing you all the best in 2019!

  Valentino Publishing

  ~ Life’s a climb but the view is wonderful at the top. ~

  I truly hoped you enjoyed reading ‘Big On Education’, as much as I enjoyed writing it!

  I appreciate your interest in supporting Independent Authors.

  Luv You!

  ¡Te amo!

  Je t’aime

  Vos amo

  Hou van jou

  Elsker dig

  Diligent te

  And more!


  Laurie Ames




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