Overlord: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Overlord: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 2

by Delta James

  “Yes, Beta,” she said, trying to sound contrite.

  The first trip over Tristan’s knee had taught her to refer to him as sir or beta when being scolded or punished and to not try to get up until he told her she could do so. He let her lay a minute longer before helping her to her feet and tucking her skirt into the sash around her waist. Tristan knelt down and helped her out of her knickers, tossing them over his shoulder before pointing her toward a corner of the barn.

  “Go stand in the corner.”

  She reached up for the dress and was rewarded with two more hard swats—one to each cheek.

  “No, little girl, you leave your skirt tucked up in your belt. If you behave, I may put it back down before taking you to the boat. Otherwise, like your mistress, you can have your very red bottom put on display as we go. Although that might not be a bad idea as it could lead some to consider you as a mate... a pretty backside can do that to a man.”

  “It doesn’t seem to have done anything for you,” she snarled as she went to stand in the corner. The humiliation of having her skirt raised up around her waist and her bottom on display was perhaps even more galling than the pain of the spanking.

  “No, it doesn’t. Although that tone makes me think perhaps Alaric had the right idea when he carried Rowan over his shoulder so that all could see she had been well disciplined.”

  Concerned that he might make good on his threat, Sloan pleaded, “Please, Beta, don’t.”

  She hated the sound of whining in her voice. Since joining Rowan’s pack, before Alaric had assumed the role of alpha, Sloan had enjoyed her freedom. She had done as she chose, whenever she chose, without so much as a by your leave from anyone. But the ability to do whatever she pleased with no consequences had evaporated the moment Rowan was forced to become Alaric’s mate. Sloan had begun to question whether she could live with the new reality... or whether she even wanted to.

  Nevertheless, at this time she had no choice but to do as Tristan directed and stand in the corner. Being forced to face the wall like a naughty child was humiliating. Tristan made Sloan stand there as several men came and went getting horses and equipment.

  Although nothing was said by the men, Sloan could feel their stares and hear their muffled chuckles. She squared her shoulders and gave a small, defiant shake of her head.

  As she started to turn around, Tristan growled quietly, “Unless you’d like another taste of my strap, you keep that nose in the corner.”

  “They’re laughing at me.”

  “No, they are enjoying both the view and seeing you being put in your place.”

  “And what place is that?’ she asked angrily.

  “Right now, standing in the corner as I told you to do.”

  Sloan knew Tristan was not one to make idle threats. Stomping her foot and exhaling loudly, she forced herself to do as she was told, despite all her inclinations to do otherwise. Being made to do something contrary to her nature, or be punished, was at the very heart of her questioning whether or not she wanted to remain at Calon Onest.

  Lost in her own thoughts, Sloan jumped when Tristan spoke standing right behind her.

  “You have a great deal to recommend you as a mate, Sloan. You are beautiful, strong, intelligent, and loyal. A man could do a lot worse. But you are right, I doubt Alaric would see you paired against your will with anything less than a fated mate. Alas, I do not feel called to you.”

  “Is that how you justify his treatment of Rowan? That somehow she was always fated to be his?”

  “Aye. And if Rowan is being honest with you, she’d tell you she knows it to be true as well.”

  Realizing that she could make no headway with this argument, she asked softly, “Tristan? Can a wolf mate with a human?”

  “Yes. But it is better to plan for her to be turned than to have her bitten in the midst of passion, although it can be managed either way. Would you object to being turned?”

  “I don’t know. I’ve thought about it. In some ways it would be easier, but I often wonder if I really want to leave my humanity behind... or even be part of a pack.”

  “The decision to be pack is no longer yours. That decision was made when Rowan took you in. And if you have no wish to be turned, you’d best make sure not to catch the eye of an alpha. Alphas always mark their mates and that would result in you being transitioned. Think you can behave, or do I need to humble you as our alpha did our mistress?”

  “No, Beta. I can behave.”

  “All right then,” he said, untucking her skirt. “Let’s go down to the boats. Arielle should already be aboard.”

  “So, he means to send us away?”

  “Alaric means to put all of the women and children on board so if this thing goes badly, our men can get you to safety. Come on,” he said, stretching out his hand to her.

  Together they walked down to the boat. Sloan had to admit that once Tristan had seen to punishing her, he was very kind and solicitous.

  Arielle ran to her as they boarded. “Sloan? Are you all right? Where is Rowan?”

  “Rowan felt there was something she had to do. She’s going to stay behind.”

  She snuck a glance at Tristan, who smiled and nodded. Bryan bowed slightly in deference to Arielle’s position as Rowan’s sister and motioned toward the stairwell that would lead them to their cabin. Sloan linked her arm through Arielle’s and followed him below.

  Chapter Two

  It had been a hard push across Britannia from Ravenscar to get to the point where they were closing in on Calon Onest on the coast of Wales. Gareth only hoped they’d be there in time. If not, he would make Edwyn of Chepstow pay and would consolidate his brother’s pack with his own.

  He heard the outriders approaching even before Ruari joined him. He turned in the saddle to see two of his men accompanying a mahogany-haired beauty atop a white stallion. She came to a halt as she drew alongside him.

  “And who might you be, pretty thing? Some kind of urchin on a well-bred charger with a sword and bow? You ought to be at your mate’s side minding the home fires,” said Gareth, looking her over appreciatively.

  The she-wolf growled, and Gareth felt her push an alpha wave at him. Taken aback, he snarled, “Best you settle down, little wolf, lest you find yourself across the front of my saddle getting your fanny paddled for such behavior. I am Gareth, Alpha of Ravenscar.”

  She raised her chin defiantly. “Good, then you are who I seek. You should know that your brother finds knotting me far more effective in quelling my unseemly conduct. I am Rowan of Calon Onest... your brother’s fated mate.”

  Gareth started to laugh. “So, the rumors are true? My brother mated the wildcat of the Welsh coast! I thought he meant to marry your sweet sister. No wonder there’s to be a war. You must have put him in a foul mood. He’ll welt you good when I return you to him.”

  “Unless you get your ass in gear, Gareth, there may be nothing to return me to. He means to meet Edwyn on the battlefield and we’re outnumbered.”

  “Bloody, noble fool. Always the warlord, rarely the alpha.” Gareth’s bantering tone was gone.

  Rowan growled again. Apparently, his brother had yet to teach his mate proper behavior.

  “Mind your manners, sister dear, or my brother will need to find soft pillows for your backside when he climbs back between your legs. I take it Alaric did not give you permission to come on this bold, but dangerous errand.”

  “He didn’t say no... but then I didn’t ask,” she rejoined in a teasing manner.

  Gareth laughed again. “Now I have to save him. I can’t wait to see how he deals with you. I’ll have a small company of men take you back to Ravenscar. He can fetch you home when we have defeated Edwyn. Perhaps his temper will have had time to cool off.”

  “Are you not paying attention? He’s outnumbered. He needs all of your men. Besides, I’m the only one who knows this country and knows how to get between Edwyn and Alaric on two sides and then flank Edwyn after he passes through. But we’
ll need to ride hard,” she said.

  Gareth watched as Rowan turned her horse and spurred him into a gallop, calling back over her shoulder, “If you think you can keep up, brother, you’d best come along.”

  Ruari grinned at him. “I want pick of the litter from that cross.”

  “Sweet Jesus, why couldn’t he have picked the easy one...” sighed Gareth.

  “Perhaps he left her for you, Alpha.”

  Gareth shook his head. This was a conversation he was tired of debating. He understood Ruari’s point of view as beta—Gareth needed to mate and sire heirs and daughters, but the topic was both painful and frustrating. Frustrating as he knew Ruari was right. And painful as he carried guilt for the death of both his mate, Eloise, and the child she had tried to give birth to.

  “Don’t start on me, Ruari. I tried taking a mate. Eloise was everything a mate should be and yet we lived very separate lives. The only thing I ever did for her was give her a child, the birthing of which killed them both.”

  “It was never meant to be, Gareth. But you must mate again... especially now that Alaric has taken a mate and is alpha to his own pack.”

  Gareth looked up; Rowan had not slowed down. “Christ, we’d best go catch up with her. If she gets hurt, my brother will end up with two estates... right after he kills me.”

  They signaled the men they would be moving swiftly. Gareth and his men charged after her.

  “About damn time,” she challenged them as they crested the top of the hill. “That path there will take you around these foothills and bring you in alongside a river. Edwyn’s men will be riding along that river. Gareth, take half your men and head that way. I’ll take the other half and go around to get to the other side. It’s not as straightforward so I’ll need to lead them.”

  Gareth reached out and snatched her horse’s rein.

  “You, my sister, will ride with me and will show me the way. My beta will take the rest of the men. And when we close your trap on Edwyn, assuming it actually works, you will be with my standard bearers and stay out of the fray.”

  “Don’t be an ass, Gareth. I’ve led men into battle before... on this very ground. And I won.”

  Gareth tamped down his temper. His brother’s mate was in need of a good welting.

  “Ass and alpha I may be,” he said, “but I am first and foremost Alaric’s brother and will keep his fated mate safe regardless of what she thinks.”

  “We don’t have time to argue. Do what you want.”

  She brought the bow down on his hand, forcing him to loose the rein. The she-wolf was even more misbehaved than the rumors led him to believe.

  “I’m going to try and get behind Edwyn so he is trapped between us,” she said.

  Rowan turned her horse and galloped off; Gareth called to his men to do as she said before he charged after her.

  As he rode up alongside her, he said, “I am going to ask that he allow me to see him punish you.”

  “He’ll probably let you. Maybe that’ll give you reason enough to quit fucking around and help,” she said as she wheeled her horse away.

  The girl was incorrigible. He truly wondered if any amount of welting or knotting could make her into a proper mate. He hadn’t loved Eloise, but at least she had known her place. Apparently, the hellion Alaric had taken to mate was far worse than her reputation had hinted.

  Keeping up with Rowan was not as easy as he had expected. She signaled them to slow and then to stop. When she dismounted and crept toward the hillside, Gareth did the same. There was an outcropping of rock from which they could spy Edwyn of Chepstow and a large army moving toward Calon Onest.

  Gareth looked up to see the rest of his men already in position on the other side of the river. He motioned Rowan back to his men, and she swung up onto her horse. He took hold of the rein once more.

  “You will stay with my standard bearers.”

  She snatched the rein away before charging. Gareth shook his head. He really meant to see his brother welt her; she was in desperate need of it. Gareth mounted his horse and beckoned his men forward. He would have to trust that Rowan had the skill on the battlefield she was reputed to have.

  Gareth watched and waited, hidden from Edwyn’s army. The army of men filed through the narrow chasm between the two huge burial mounds that were extensions of the naturally occurring foothills. Once they were through and just getting to the top of the hill, Gareth had his men join ranks to cut off their escape and make ready to charge their flank.

  He heard Edwyn’s trumpeter and the cheer of his men as they looked down the hill toward Alaric’s men. They would use their position on higher ground to try and rout the men of Calon Onest. Gareth knew his brother. If Alaric was exposing his army on lower ground in an open field, he too had plans and Gareth was willing to bet that Alaric’s men were far more experienced than Edwyn’s.

  Without sounding a trumpet, Gareth’s men formed ranks and charged. He’d lost sight of Rowan. Christ, if she was Alaric’s fated mate, younger brother or no, Alaric would kill him if she was seriously hurt. He chuckled; seriously hurt by anyone other than Alaric himself. But Gareth did know Rowan by reputation; she was said to be deadly in battle.

  The company of charging horses created a thundering sound. The sound alerted Edwyn’s troops at the back of the formation that they’d been flanked moments before they were run through. Gareth had a brief glimpse of Rowan cutting a man in two as she galloped into the maelstrom. He had to admit his brother’s mate was magnificent. He shook his head and marveled at his brother’s tenacity to take a warrior like her to his bed. Although he rather imagined having her capitulate and surrender might be well worth the risk.

  The sound of the dying and defeated, as well as the smell of blood and taste of dust filled Gareth’s senses for the next hour. The battle was short but decisive. Many of Edwyn’s troops showed their cowardice as they fled the field, some in their wolf form, once their defeat was certain.

  Surveying the devastation of the invading army before him, Gareth was certain that Alaric would have prevailed with or without him. There were few injuries received by the defending army—some severe, but none mortal.

  Spotting Alaric, Gareth spurred his horse forward. The two men greeted each other briefly. Gareth watched Alaric scan the bloodied ground all around them. He was quite certain he saw him breathe a sigh of relief when he spotted Rowan standing alone on a hillside.

  “I have no words,” started Alaric.

  “None are needed. See to your mate, brother. She is in desperate need of your attention, some of which ought to be disciplining her to the point she cannot ride astride.”

  Alaric grinned at him. “Your words of advice are well taken.”

  Gareth watched as Alaric rode to her side. Without a word, Alaric leaned across, cupped her head in his bloodied hand and drew her to him. He captured her mouth with an intensity fueled by anger, need, and the lust that always accompanied a triumphant conquest. Gareth smiled, as he saw Rowan return his brother’s depth of feeling. Perhaps his brother had made a wiser choice than he had initially believed.

  Ruari rode up beside him. “As I said, pick of the litter.”

  “You’ll be far too old and had best look to finding a mate before then,” joked Gareth.

  “Perhaps, but as Alaric has chosen the warrior, that leaves the younger sister available for you to consider taking to mate.”

  Gareth glared at him. “It’s too soon.”

  “It has been almost a year, and everyone knows it was a political match and not a fated or even loved one. I do not say this to be harsh or critical, Alpha. But you need to mate and provide for the continuance of your line.”

  They were interrupted as Alaric’s beta, Tristan, joined them.

  “Alaric has asked that I see you back to the castle.”

  “So, he will leave his mate to take Edwyn’s sword and allow Edwyn to retire from the field?” asked Ruari.

  Tristan grinned. “I fear our alpha does not h
ave the courtly manner of yours. He’s having one of our captains escort Edwyn to the dungeons at Calon Onest.”

  “And what will my brother be doing?”

  “Seeing to his mate. While happy to see that she still breathes, he is not as keen on the idea of her sitting.”

  All three men laughed and turned toward Calon Onest.

  * * *

  Word of Alaric’s victory reached the ships quickly, but Alaric’s men would not allow the women to leave until they were assured it was safe. Sloan remained aboard helping the women and children into the longboats to get to shore. Finally, Bryan helped her into the last of the boats.

  “They’re all safe?” asked Sloan.

  “All of our men as well as Gareth’s will live. Some will need time to recover, but none will succumb to their wounds.”

  “That’s good. So, Rowan got to them in time?”

  “Aye. But you should know, our winning was never in doubt. Gareth arriving merely meant it was done more quickly and with less loss of blood on our part.”

  “What happens now? To me...”

  “You were punished before coming aboard. Not only has your behavior been exemplary since doing so, but I have watched you help calm people’s fears and help with anything you could turn a hand to. Depending on Alaric’s mood he might further scold you, but I believe your backside is out of danger and you will be allowed to join the celebrations.”

  “If it’s all the same to you,” she said, “I’d prefer trying to get a bath ready for Rowan. She always wanted to be able to soak after a battle.”

  Bryan hugged her to him. “That would be very thoughtful. I will have the tub sent up while you start heating the water.”

  Once they had reached the castle, Sloan began seeing to it that a tub was prepared for Rowan and that clean sheets were made ready for her bed. Sloan grinned as she worked. More than one of the household staff had made note that the sheets of the alpha’s bed were changed more often than ever before. Even when the bed just needed making, it clearly showed that more than sleeping had occurred the previous night.


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