Overlord: A Dark Shifter Romance

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Overlord: A Dark Shifter Romance Page 17

by Delta James

  Sloan swung up onto the big bay roan. Leaning down, she touched Tyler’s shoulder. “Take care of him for me.”

  “Be safe. If something happens to you, he’ll storm the gates of hell to get you back. Fact is, he’d trade the devil my soul for yours.”

  She smiled. “I’m not sure that’s a trade the devil would be willing to make.”

  Sloan reined the horse away from Tyler and headed out, following the directions he had given her.

  * * *

  Tyler watched her ride to the crest of the hill and saw her turn and wave farewell. As he did so, he heard a noise behind him. He turned slowly and realized someone else was entering the barn. Concealing himself behind one of the support posts, he saw Mira. She was dressed as though she was planning a long ride—comfortable, non-gender-specific clothing—and holding a bundle that looked to be food.

  “And where might you be headed, little wolf?” he said, coming out into the open.

  Mira whirled around, the fear in her eyes plain to see. “I... uhm... It’s not what you think. I wasn’t trying to steal,” she stammered.

  “I’m glad to hear it’s not what it looks like. Because it most definitely looks like you were planning to steal food, clothing, and a horse.”

  “I swear to you... I meant no harm.”

  “Then why don’t you tell me what you were about and let me decide how best we go from here.”

  “I only wanted to help. I know you said my leaving my pack had not brought trouble to your doorstep, but I can’t help but believe that my presence here has contributed to the danger the pack is in. I thought if I left, and perhaps got to Calon Onest, that I could give them warning and maybe get help.”

  “So you thought to add to Gareth’s worry by running away and most likely getting yourself captured and used as a hostage?”

  “What makes you think I’d be caught?” Mira asked defiantly.

  Tyler shook his head. “As I understand it, you were rescued from mutants. Wolf-shifters are far more intelligent and deadly. Our mistress notwithstanding, the she-wolves of Ravenscar do not go galloping about the countryside unescorted and without permission... especially when we are preparing to do battle. Is that clear?”


  “I asked if I had made myself clear?” Tyler scolded.

  Mira ducked her head. “Yes, Tyler.”

  Tyler walked toward her and wrapped his arm around her. “I will let this be the end of it as you have only recently joined us. Let’s go back to the main house and see where we can both be of the most help. But you must promise me to behave and not try to run away again.”

  Mira nodded as they entered the back kitchen door as Winifred was preparing to leave.

  “You found her. I think Mira was going to take something out to the sentries...” she said in an attempt to cover what she feared might be Mira’s attempted theft.

  “I’m afraid he caught me,” said Mira.

  “And is choosing to let it pass as she is new to us and her goal, while laudable, was foolish and against the rules. I have explained to Mira should she put herself in danger again, she will be subject to the same punishment as any other female at Ravenscar.”

  Their conversation was interrupted as Gareth’s howl for Sloan reverberated throughout the manor. Both Winifred and Mira looked at Tyler.

  “I’d better go try to calm him down. He is going to be none too pleased with his mate. I suggest we speak no more of Mira’s plan at least until our mistress is safely returned to us.”

  * * *

  Gareth had slept more soundly than ever before. Having been able to spend the past two nights tied to Sloan had left him deeply sated and profoundly happy. Even though there was a large army riding toward them, Gareth realized that he had a sense of peace that he had never experienced until he had claimed her as his mate.

  As he began to wake, Gareth reached for Sloan. Finding that she was not snuggled up against him as he had come to expect, Gareth opened his eyes. Sensing that she was not in their room, he scanned the perimeter; his eyes came to rest on a single sheet of parchment propped up against a book on his dresser.

  He rolled out of bed and read the short missive.


  I love you. I’m not sure when that

  happened, but there it is. As you

  have pointed out, I am Mistress of

  Ravenscar and like its alpha, I will

  do what is necessary to protect our

  pack... even if that means incurring

  your wrath.

  I have gone to Calon Onest. Try not to be too angry;

  I will return.

  I plan to spend many more

  nights tied to you, conceiving our

  offspring and hearing them, and their

  children, laughing and playing in the


  Forever yours,


  “Stubborn, proud, foolish female,” he seethed. “You won’t sit down for a month when I get my hands on you.”

  He opened the door into the hallway and howled, his concern and anger evident for all to hear. Gareth pulled on his breeches and boots and grabbed a shirt as he started out of their room and down the stairs. Tyler approached him.

  “My lord?” questioned Tyler.

  “Gather our men. Your mistress has decided to test my resolve as well as my patience,” answered Gareth.

  “That she did, but I don’t know that you can do much about that...” started Tyler.

  Gareth spun on his heel and confronted his omega. “What do you know of this?”

  “I know that your mate is a determined she-wolf and not inclined to wait on the sidelines and leave the protection of her pack and her mate to others.”

  Gareth growled menacingly as he stalked toward his underling, who dropped to one knee and did not meet his eye. “Tell me,” he ordered.

  “She left this morning for Calon Onest...”

  “You let her ride into the waiting jaws of our enemy?”

  “No, my lord. That’s where she was headed, but I persuaded her to ride for Ruari instead. He can send word to Gareth and aid to us.”

  “So you plotted with her against me?” Gareth said, backhanding his omega and knocking him across the room.

  Tyler got to his feet. “Never. Sloan is your mate and your equal in her commitment to this pack. She would not be stopped. I felt guiding her to Ruari was the safest thing to do.”

  “Slapping her in chains and dragging her to me was the safest thing... for both of you.”

  “I would point out that trying to contain Sloan has not proven effective in the past. For God’s sake, Gareth, she went out a window and down a cliff, stole a horse and galloped away as she was transitioning, and then shifted before she was fully recovered... and that was when she thought only to save herself. Did you really believe she would do less to protect those she has come to love? The only way you’re ever going to be sure about what she’s up to is if she is tied to you. And you can’t fight a war with Sloan impaled on your cock.”

  Gareth heard those gathered gasp in shock at Tyler’s bold words. They were right to be dismayed. Normally an omega never spoke to his alpha in such a manner, especially in front of others. But Gareth was not the typical alpha.

  “Are you sure?” he asked, reason beginning to replace his initial fear and concern. “I was thinking we might introduce a new way to wage war.”

  Tyler grinned. “Certainly it would be unique and keep everyone’s attention focused on something other than battle. Although to keep our own men focused, we might have to design a helmet that would negate their ability to hear or see...”

  “Which could prove problematic when wielding a sword,” quipped Gareth as the rest of the pack began to breathe easier. He extended his hand to Tyler. “I’m not yet convinced you did the right thing, but I do know you did what you thought was best at the time and that is all any alpha could ask of his omega.”

  Tyler took Gareth’s
hand. “I did. Sloan is smart and resourceful, and it won’t hurt to have Alaric and Ruari apprised of the situation.”

  Gareth addressed the pack. “Let’s get everyone fed and begin to prepare for battle. As Tyler pointed out, my mate is capable and intelligent and will return to us victorious,” he took a deep breath before adding with a trace of amusement, “right before I ensure she never sits or walks comfortably again.”

  Their concerns allayed, the pack dispersed into the dining hall, but a few remained close to Gareth and Tyler.

  “I wasn’t sure what else to do, Gareth. I knew I could stop her this morning, but worried that it would only be temporary and Edwyn’s army would only be closer were she to make a run for it later.”

  Gareth clasped Tyler’s shoulder. “Your logic is sound. My apologies for questioning your loyalty. I will need to plan for how to deal with Sloan in the future.”

  “No need. Your concern for your mate is warranted.”

  Gareth and Tyler hung back while the others preceded them into the dining hall. When they were finally and truly alone, Gareth said, “You think she believed you?”

  “I do indeed.”

  “I didn’t hurt you too badly, did I?”

  “No, but it should serve us well if you need to protect her again.” Tyler laughed. “But why not just tell her?”

  “Because she wouldn’t have left me. She would have insisted I send someone else.”

  Tyler shook his head. “Your mate is truly like no other.”

  “That she is,” Gareth agreed as they joined their pack for breakfast. “That she is.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sloan had ridden hard for the past two days and the ocean’s scent had begun to assail her nostrils in the last several hours. She was relieved to see the ironwork remains of Blackpool Tower; it was proof that she had reached the right destination. Tyler had said that the one remaining dock that was still functional was the central pier located behind the tower.

  Sloan located a livery run by a group of fox-shifters that had once been nomadic but had found a home in Blackpool and established a boarding stable that Tyler said could be trusted. The seaside town had become a gathering place and home for several species of shifters... none of them wolves.

  “What’s a tasty little piece like you doing in Blackpool all alone?” asked the fox-shifter who seemed to be in charge.

  Sloan pulled down the neck of her shirt to reveal Gareth’s mark. The fox might not be wolf, but he immediately recognized and understood its significance.

  “I am joining my mate in Dundalk,” she answered.

  “I understood the new alpha was unmated,” said the fox, stepping forward.

  “Yes; he was once beta to my mate, Gareth, Alpha of Ravenscar.”

  Sloan had to suppress her smile. Just the mention of Gareth’s name was enough to stop the fox-shifter in his tracks.

  “We would be most happy to offer you any assistance, Milady.”

  “If you could see my horse well-fed and direct me to some place where I could do the same and find passage to Dundalk, I would be most appreciative.”

  “Of course, Milady. The pub inside the tower building isn’t fancy, but it is safe, and the food is good.”

  “Thank you. I will be sure to mention your kindness to my mate,” Sloan said as she handed him her reins and started into the building.

  The fox-shifter had been right. The pub was clean, and the food was excellent. Sloan was finishing a delicious bread pudding, when a small man who was mostly body, and whose skin was speckled all over, approached. Sloan had never seen a seal-shifter before.

  Nervously, he twisted his traditional fisherman’s cap around in his flipper-like hands as he spoke softly. “Mistress, Charlie says you’re looking for passage to Dundalk.”

  “Passage for my horse and me, preferably on the morning tide. And there may be additional work should you serve me well.”

  He shuffled his feet. “It would be my honor. I’m sure he wouldn’t remember me, but many years ago, your mate showed me a great kindness. I would suggest you gather your things. I’ll have my man here get your horse and we’ll be off.”

  “What’s the rush?” asked Sloan a bit suspiciously.

  “Word was passed around the dock earlier today that there was money to be made for anyone knowing your whereabouts. Even more if you could be delayed until morning. I think it is best we are gone tonight.”

  “It would seem that my mate and I shall be in your debt before this is over,” remarked Sloan as she stood and left money for her bill on the table.

  They left the pub quietly and one of the seal-shifter’s men gathered her horse. They loaded the frightened beast into the middle of the small fishing boat and set out across the moonlit Irish Sea. As the sun began to ease the darkness from the sky, the port of Dundalk came into view. Sloan could see the anxiousness of the seal-shifters as they pulled up to the open dock and were approached by the much larger wolf-shifters. She moved to the forward side of the boat that would be tied up.

  “And what would the likes of you be doing with a lovely she-wolf like this?” asked the guard.

  Again Sloan revealed Gareth’s mark before saying, “I am Sloan, Mistress of Ravenscar. I need you to take me to your new alpha, Ruari.”

  The mention of Gareth’s name as well as that of their new alpha made them spring into action. They helped her off the boat and eased her horse up onto the dock.

  “I would thank you to look after my friends on the boat. They have been of great service to me today.”

  “Yes, Milady.”

  Turning to the seal-shifter, she pressed more coin into his hand as she whispered, “Stay until I return, and I will double your profit for this venture.”

  The seal-shifter nodded his head.

  Sloan rode with a small contingent of soldiers out of the town and through the rolling hills to the castle. The main gates stood open. Like Calon Onest, the castle at Dundalk was a fortress and, to Sloan’s eye, could be more easily defended than the manor house at Ravenscar. The soldier accompanying her had sent one of his men ahead. Sloan breathed a sigh of relief as she saw Ruari coming out to greet her. She was surprised when Arielle pushed past him and ran toward her.

  “Sloan! Sloan! How wonderful to see you! Is Gareth here? Or Rowan?” she cried, rushing up.

  “What? Suddenly I’m not good enough on my own?” laughed Sloan.

  “No. Of course not. I just didn’t think he’d let you go off by yourself.”

  “And did he let you ride off by yourself, Sloan, or should I have my men take you into custody?”

  “By now he knows,” Sloan answered dismissively. “I need to speak with you. And we were sorry to hear your brother had passed.”

  Ruari came up and helped her from her horse. “Thank you for that. Are you all right? Should I have Fallon attend you?”

  “I’m fine, Ruari. I didn’t ride for two days to see Fallon. Now, Ruari.”

  “Sloan, I would remind you that I am alpha here and you are the reluctant mate of a friend with no reason to be here and no word from Gareth that you were coming.”

  Sloan closed on him and said in a voice only he could hear, “Edwyn rides for Ravenscar and perhaps for Calon Onest. There are mutant beavers in the valley at his behest that Alaric knows about. Now, can you get me something to eat and drink? I need to talk to you and then either you need to send someone to Calon Onest or I need to ride to Rowan.”

  Ruari placed his arm around her in what would have appeared to be a congenial manner, but was, in reality, a death grip.

  “If you think I’m escorting you anywhere but back to his bed, think again,” he growled at her.

  He ushered her into his council chamber before continuing, “You will tell me what the hell is going on and what you are doing up here on your own.”

  Sloan quickly filled him in on what had taken place during the interim between his riding to Dundalk and their return to Ravenscar. “So you see, at a m
inimum we need the rest of our men if you can spare them. And Alaric needs to be told about Edwyn.”

  “Gareth will have more than just his men. He will have some of mine as well, and we will send word to Alaric. You and Arielle will remain here for safety.”

  “The hell I will. I’ll return to my home, my pack, and my mate at Ravenscar.”

  “Don’t test me, Sloan. You are not my mate and I’ll toss your ass in my dungeon if I have to, but I will keep you safe.”

  “And will you imprison Arielle?”

  “That won’t be necessary. Arielle knows her place. She will behave and be a good girl.”

  Sloan shook her head. “I think Arielle has far more of Rowan in her than any of you would like to think.”

  They entered the main keep at Dundalk. Sloan was impressed by the sense of history that seemed to emanate from the stones themselves. But still, she thought, she preferred the ambiance of Ravenscar. Ruari escorted her to his council chamber with Arielle trailing along behind them. Sloan sat at his meeting table and before he could send her away, Arielle had seated herself beside Sloan, who thought it a bit odd, but had more pressing things on her mind.

  Sloan filled Ruari in on everything they had been able to learn about the armed force moving on Ravenscar as well as the information gleaned from Mira and the conclusions drawn by Gareth. Ruari called his beta to join them and quickly dispatched orders to ready a company of men to ride to Gareth’s aid.

  “I think you need to stay here at Dundalk,” said Ruari’s beta. “There are too many outside the pack who might try to take advantage of your absence to move against us.”

  Ruari nodded. “I have to agree. I am thankful that those forces are outside our pack and not within.”

  “Our people were glad to see you ride up to the gates before your brother passed. To see the pack pass within the family provides a continuity that is comforting. And to see your brother’s mate and his daughter treated with such kindness, let us know our new alpha is kind and honorable and is someone we can be proud to serve,” continued Ruari’s beta.

  “My brother’s mate, Bridget, and their daughter are family and pack and will remain here. I’ll need you to take the men and ride for Ravenscar as soon as possible.”


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