Deadly Fallout

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Deadly Fallout Page 7

by Katie Reus

  “Timing?” Sawyer’s jaw tightened and he took a step forward too. Not exactly menacing, but it was clear he wasn’t going to back down to Vincent.

  Uh, oh. She didn’t think they were big enough jackasses to fight, not at their age, but…she stepped forward so that she was semi in-between them. Not that she could actually stop them if they decided to brawl.

  Sawyer noticed her move and gave her an apologetic look.

  Vincent still ignored her. “Yeah, timing. She’s got all this shit to deal with then you just stroll in like a fucking knight in shining armor. What kind of game are you playing?”

  “Oh my God! Vincent, enough!” Zoe stepped in between them fully now, hands on her hips as she faced off with her brother. She wished she was wearing more than a robe and slip and had on some damn heels so he didn’t tower over her so much, but she’d never put up with his crap before and she wasn’t about to start now. No matter how good his intentions were. Because she knew he was just looking out for her. Too bad he was going about it all wrong.

  She held up a hand when it was clear he wanted to start his tirade on her. “Whatever this thing between Sawyer and me is, it’s none of your business. None. I’m a grown woman—older than you. I actually can’t believe you’re here doing this.” Vincent had never given her grief about any of the guys she’d dated in the past. Of course she’d never brought anyone around the family before, but still. The way he was acting was over the top and so unlike her brother. “It’s not like Sawyer had anything to do with me having a stalker or said stalker being killed. We’re attracted to each other, we’re both consenting adults, get over it.” He opened his mouth again, so she stepped forward and pressed a finger into his chest. “And if you say one word about me being vulnerable, like I haven’t been handling this shit for the last six months all by myself, I will call Mom right now.” It was the best threat she had.

  Vincent’s jaw tightened again, his pale blue eyes flashing fire. Finally he spoke again. “I know you’re capable of taking care of yourself. I’m just not convinced Sawyer has your best interests at heart.”

  A sliver of worry wormed its way through Zoe. Vincent had never reacted about anyone like this. “Why’s that?”

  For a moment Vincent looked almost embarrassed or even ashamed. He scrubbed a hand over his face and sighed. “After Jordan left, I was in a dark place.”

  Zoe’s entire demeanor immediately softened. When his now-fiancée had suddenly left him without a word seven years ago because she’d gone into WITSEC, Vincent hadn’t handled it well. That being the understatement of the century. “Yeah, I remember,” she said softly. She still remembered when Vincent had confessed everything to her, how Jordan had just disappeared on him without a trace. Now he knew what had happened to her and they were a strong couple, but back then, he’d been a mess with her gone. Once he’d realized she’d left him, he’d lost it.

  Vincent shot a quick look over her shoulder at Sawyer, then focused on Zoe again. “I slept with a woman he was seeing. To be fair, I didn’t know they were together, but…after I found out, I was a dick about it to him.”

  “Jeez, Vincent.” She frowned, wanting to cut him some slack, but it was hard to. If Vincent was actually admitting he’d been a dick, it must have been bad. And it sounded like Sawyer had more right to be pissed than Vincent about the whole incident. “Mom and Dad raised you better than that. You’re better than that.”

  He held up his hands. “I know! It was a long time ago and that’s not the point.”

  “So what is the point? You think because you did something douche to him that Sawyer is sleeping with me to what, get back at you?”

  “You’re sleeping with him?” His voice kicked up again.

  She covered her face with her hands. “So not the point,” she groaned before looking back at him. “You need to leave. Now.” Because this was ridiculous and embarrassing. She was in her thirties and a professional, not someone trapped on a bad talk show—even though that was what it felt like at the moment.

  Vincent looked incredulous. “You’re kicking me out of your house?”

  “Um, yes. Because this is childish.” She narrowed her eyes at him as another thought occurred to her. “Does Jordan know you’re here?”

  He got that sheepish look she was very familiar with. “Not exactly. I told her I was going to grab breakfast—which I am.”

  Zoe snorted. “I bet she told you not to bother me about Sawyer.”

  That sounded exactly like Jordan. When she and Vincent had gotten back together Zoe hadn’t been the nicest person to her because she hadn’t known the circumstances of Jordan’s disappearance. Now Zoe deeply regretted it. She hadn’t been awful, but she might have called Jordan a bitch the first time they met. “You want me to call her and Mom? I’ll do it.”

  “You’re mean,” he muttered. Vincent’s lips twitched as if he was fighting a smile so she knew they’d be okay. He let out a sigh, shot Sawyer a dirty look that basically said ‘this isn’t over’ before giving Zoe a kiss on the forehead and a hug and leaving.

  Once he was gone she turned around, dreading to see Sawyer’s face. Unfortunately his expression was that blank one she couldn’t get a read on. He’d already been with her when she’d been arrested. Sure she hadn’t done anything but he must think she was a drama magnet. “Sorry about that,” she muttered.

  “You don’t have anything to apologize for.” He still didn’t reach for her, so she wrapped her arms around herself, feeling insecure. After everything they’d just shared it was like a chasm was growing between them and she couldn’t stop it.

  An awkward silence stretched between them. She wasn’t sure what to say and maybe he wasn’t sure either. Finally she decided to just ask the question. “Is there any truth to what Vincent said?”

  If anything, Sawyer’s expression became even more unreadable, and that was saying something. “You really have to ask that?” There was a bite to his words.

  She realized he thought she meant the part about Sawyer possibly using her to get back at Vincent. “No, I just meant the whole thing that happened between you guys. Is that how it played out?” Because there was always more than one side to a story.

  “More or less.” His jaw tightened once before he continued. “I…loved her. We hadn’t been together that long, but things were getting serious. Or I thought they were. Then she slept with Vincent—and threw it in my face.”

  Something told Zoe there was more to the story but right now, she didn’t want to ask. It wasn’t like she’d been expecting forever from Sawyer, but this cast a dark shadow on what they’d shared, whether it was fair or not. Her only serious boyfriend had still been in love with his ex when he’d been with Zoe. Something Zoe hadn’t known until he’d dropped the bomb on her the day after they’d graduated from med school. Deep down she’d always wondered if Rubin hadn’t gotten over his ex, but had never pushed it. She’d wasted two years with him.

  She wasn’t going to go through that again, not for anyone. “I’m sorry for what happened between you two and for what happened with your ex.” She pushed out a breath. “Listen, a lot’s happened in the past couple days and I’ve got a lot of stuff I need to do today. I know we were going to do breakfast but maybe we can take a rain check?”

  She was simply feeling too raw to deal with him right now, even if her actions were unfair.

  His jaw tightened as he watched her. “You shouldn’t be alone right now. Whoever planted that weapon with your fingerprint is still out there.”

  “I know.” The knowledge hadn’t been far from her mind. But she couldn’t cower and hide.

  Blowing out a sigh that sounded a lot like frustration, he rubbed the back of his neck. It was clear he wanted to argue with her. “I don’t like leaving you.”

  “I’ve got an alarm system, a gun and pepper spray.” Not that she ever wanted to have to use either weapon.

  There was a long, heated silence as he just watched her. Oh yeah, he did not lik
e this at all. Before guilt completely suffocated her, he spoke. “You’ll lock your doors and set your alarm when I leave?”

  Gritting her teeth, she nodded. She didn’t mind a little over protectiveness, but she could take care of herself. “I’ve got errands to run and stuff to do but I’ll set it when I leave.”

  He paused and she guessed he was probably annoyed she’d be leaving her house, but seriously, she wasn’t going to stop living her life. If she started down that path, she could get sucked into a life of fear and she refused to let anyone control her like that. “Are we still on for dinner tonight?” he finally asked.

  “Yeah.” The word was out before she could stop herself. She needed some time to herself, especially after everything that had happened the past couple days—months, really—but she still wanted to see him again. And she wanted to ask him about his ex, to find out if there was more to the story—if he still had feelings for the woman.

  After he gathered his few belongings, she walked him to the front door and opened it. To her surprise, he pulled her tight against him, his big hands clutching her hips in a way that sent tingles straight to her toes.

  And when he brushed his mouth over hers, stroking his tongue sensually against her lips, demanding entrance, she melted against him, holding his shoulders for support until finally she pulled back.

  His breathing was uneven, his green eyes seeming darker as he looked down at her. “Tonight. Seven o’clock, I’ll pick you up. And be careful.”

  “I will.” Breathless from their kiss, she shut the door behind him and immediately locked it. He clearly wanted to see her again tonight, or she assumed he did. God, what if Vincent was right and he’d only made a pass at her because of—No. She wasn’t going to let her mind go there. She wasn’t going to obsess about him at all.

  Not today when she had her freedom in more ways than one. She was going to do something she never did for herself—go to the salon and get the works done. Sawyer had left her feeling incredibly confused and if they were going out tonight, she was going to look like a million bucks when they did.

  * * *

  She wrapped her fingers around the hilt of her knife as she watched the tall man leave Zoe’s home. He scanned the neighborhood, pausing at different intervals before finally he got into his truck and left.

  She remained where she was, hiding in plain sight on the sidewalk across the street. She had one foot propped up against one of Zoe’s neighbor’s trees as she bent toward it, stretching. With yoga pants, a zip-up fleece hoodie and earbuds from her mp3 player in her ears, she looked like a mid-morning jogger, perfectly blending in with her surroundings.

  So, Zoe had a lover? Or maybe this was a new boyfriend? The bitch had had a party last night when she should have been in jail. Instead she’d been celebrating that Braddock was dead. Of course she wouldn’t have come out and said that was why she’d had the party, but it had to have been the reason. If it had been big enough, she’d have gone inside, but she hadn’t been invited and while she knew Zoe, they weren’t friends.

  The whole situation wasn’t right. Zoe should be suffering. It was her fault that Braddock was dead even if Zoe hadn’t been the one to cut his throat. If he hadn’t wanted Zoe so much, been so obsessed with the idea of her, then Braddock would have been with her. She could have made him forget that bitch.

  But he’d been a fool, wanting what he couldn’t have. So now he was dead and Zoe was next. Killing her would be tricky though, especially now. Since Zoe hadn’t been arrested, the police must have figured out the doctor hadn’t done it. Planting that knife with her fingerprint had been a long-shot, but it had been worth it. Unfortunately it hadn’t worked out.

  That was okay. Toying with Zoe would be so much more fun than just killing her. Once the truck was out of sight, she continued jogging, looping back around the neighborhood multiple times. On her third time around, she saw Zoe’s car pulling out of her garage.

  Her heart rate kicked up. Zoe was leaving. This was perfect. She knew the bitch had an alarm system, or she at least had stickers on her windows and a sign in her yard that said she did, so she wouldn’t bother breaking in. No, she was going to leave Zoe a present for whenever she returned.

  Her entire body heated up as she thought about the expression on Zoe’s face when she found it. Unfortunately she wouldn’t be around to see Zoe’s horror, but she could still fantasize about it. Though it killed her, she didn’t slow down as Zoe left, just kept jogging, kept her pace even. When she reached the end of the road, instead of looping back the way she’d come, she crossed the street and headed back down the sidewalk toward Zoe’s house.

  Once she reached it, she glanced around casually, keeping up that steady pace as she headed up the driveway then the stone walkway to Zoe’s front door.

  On the front step, she pretended to ring the doorbell as she pulled a small package out of one of her hoodie’s pockets. Since it was so cold out she was wearing gloves and wouldn’t look odd, which made this so much easier. She’d been careful not to leave any prints on the package or the wrapping.

  The wrapping itself was a bright silver and green with little snowflakes on it. An early Christmas present for Zoe.

  Laughing to herself, she set it right on the front stoop, propping it against the door. The present was small but the contents inside would be very effective.

  It was just a shame she wouldn’t be able to see Zoe’s face when she opened it.

  Chapter 8

  Zoe shut one of her desk drawers and looked up as Gerard stuck his head in her office.

  His mouth pulled into a frown. “What are you doing here?”

  She held up her hands in mock self-defense. “Not working, I swear. Just had to pick up a few things.” She’d gone to the salon and felt like a new woman. She was about to head home but had needed to stop by work first.

  He leaned against the door frame and stuck his hands in his pants pockets. “Hair looks good.”

  “Yeah?” Zoe self-consciously ran her fingers through it. She’d had it straightened for a little change. Once she washed it, the curls would return but she’d wanted something different for the next couple days. Almost like a cleansing of all the drama from her past—and if she was being completely honest with herself, she wanted to look amazing for Sawyer.

  “Why the change?”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “I thought you said it looked good.”

  “It does. But…something’s different about you.”

  Her cheeks flushed as she thought about what she’d done this morning with Sawyer, then she cursed herself. It wasn’t like Gerard could read her mind. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”

  He started to say something but was cut off by a familiar female voice. “Gerard?”

  Zoe rolled her eyes but Gerard just sighed. Viola, tall, willowy and beautiful, the physician’s assistant had been crushing on Gerard for a while and couldn’t seem to take a hint that he wasn’t interested. It had placed him in a weird position and Zoe knew he was starting to feel uncomfortable about the woman’s attention. Zoe understood all too well what that felt like since her stalker had been like that with her.

  “Want to head out with me?” Zoe murmured quietly. Before he could answer, Viola appeared in the doorway.

  She gave Zoe a tight smile that didn’t reach her eyes.

  Well the feeling is mutual, Zoe thought. At least the woman was good at her job, very organized, one of her only redeeming qualities.

  Without giving Zoe another glance she turned to look at Gerard, already crowding his personal space as she leaned closer, practically shoving her breasts at him. “What are you two doing here? I didn’t think you came in on Saturdays, Zoe,” she said, still looking at Gerard. There was an almost accusing note in her voice.

  Zoe didn’t bother answering. Just locked her top drawer as Gerard cleared his throat. “Just catching up on some paperwork, but we’re heading out now.” He gave Zoe a pointed look.

p; She resisted the urge to smile as she slipped her coat on. “Yeah, Gerard owes me dinner.” A complete lie but she had no problem covering for him.

  Viola frowned and glanced at her slim, silver watch. “This early?”

  “Gerard likes to get the early bird specials. Especially at his age.” Zoe snickered now, unable to contain her laughter.

  He just shot her a dirty look as Viola’s pink-painted lips pulled into a frown. She stroked a hand down his forearm, an action that could be considered casual, but the possessive glint in her eyes was anything but. “I’m heading out to get some drinks before dinner with friends in a couple hours. Do you guys mind if I tag along?”

  Zoe couldn’t think of a polite way to say no. Viola might annoy her but she couldn’t be all out rude to her. It was weird that she’d stopped by the office though when clearly she hadn’t done any work since she’d just arrived. Good Lord, was she really here simply to see Gerard?

  “Of course not,” Gerard said smoothly and Zoe wanted to kick him as she stepped toward them. She didn’t even want to go to dinner, not when she had plans with Sawyer in a couple hours.

  They both moved back and she shut her office door and started down the hallway with them. As they walked, Viola continued chatting. “So where are you guys going?”

  “We haven’t decided yet—”

  Zoe was cut off when Gerard let out a frustrated curse.

  “What’s wrong?” Viola asked as they reached the front door.

  “Nothing. Just an issue with my sitter,” he said, looking at the screen on his cell phone. Which hadn’t buzzed or dinged. His expression was apologetic as he looked between the both of them.

  Zoe knew he was just pretending that he’d received a text, but Viola seemed to believe him. The woman made a lame excuse why she couldn’t have dinner with Zoe and hurried toward her car as Zoe and Gerard locked up.

  “Guess she didn’t want to have dinner with just me,” Zoe murmured.

  He scrubbed a hand over his face after locking the door. “I don’t know what to do about her. I’ve been careful not to be alone with her, but…”


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