A Deception of Massive Proportion: A Romantic Comedy (The Billionaire Club Book 3)

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A Deception of Massive Proportion: A Romantic Comedy (The Billionaire Club Book 3) Page 7

by Victorine E. Lieske

  “Where in New York do you live?”

  “New York City.”

  “What part?”

  She paused and assessed him before answering. “Queens. Do you know the area?”

  “No.” It didn’t really matter. He just wanted to keep her talking and get her mind off her injury. “Do you live with your father?”

  She shifted, her gaze dropping to the floor. “Yes.”

  “In a house?”


  She was answering his questions, but he wanted to get her talking more. He tried to think of questions that might require more than just one-word answers. “Is that where you grew up?”

  “No. I grew up north of New York, in Chester.”

  “Is Chester a big town?”

  She snorted. “No.”

  “What’s there to do in Chester?”

  She made a face. “Why do you want to know about where I’m from? Chester isn’t that interesting. I mean, our claim to fame is that it’s where Philadelphia style cream cheese was invented.”

  “Really? Not in Philadelphia?”

  Riley laughed. “I know, right? Makes no sense.”

  Jalen relaxed a bit. She didn’t seem to be having any symptoms of shock. “I feel lied to my whole life.”

  Her lips twitched. “It’s a travesty.”

  He pulled back on the towel to check the bleeding. It hadn’t stopped, but it had slowed quite a bit. He gently prodded to see how deep the cut was. “Good news. I don’t think you’ll need stitches.”

  “That’s a relief.”

  Neil must have come back while they were in the bathroom because there was a first-aid kit sitting on the end table. Jalen opened it and put some ointment and a bandage on her cut. Sir Barks watched his every movement.

  He raised his gaze to hers, still keeping pressure on the bandage. “Does it hurt?”

  She stared down at his hands. “No.”

  He’d forgotten he’d taken off his gloves. And his boots and socks. It was the most exposed he’d been to another person as Shadow. He suddenly felt vulnerable. He slowly set her foot down and stood. “I’m glad it doesn’t hurt. You should probably stay off it tonight and see how you feel tomorrow. You can text me if you feel like you need more time.”

  She shook her head. Quite a few tendrils of hair had come loose from her bun and swayed with the movement. “I’m sure it will be fine. I don’t need any time off.”

  “Well, you should be given some time off.”

  She pulled up her foot, placing it on her other knee, almost in a protective stance. She said it didn’t hurt, but he wondered if she lied. “Shouldn’t Jalen be the one to decide that?”

  “I’m sure he’d agree with me. We’ve worked together long enough, I feel quite confident in saying he would be fine if you needed a break.”

  “I honestly don’t need any time off. Seriously, you’re being way over-protective. I swear, I’m not going to sue you or anything.”

  She thought he was worried about a lawsuit? He would be offended if he thought she was serious. He couldn’t quite tell, though. “I’m not worried about you suing.”

  “Look, it’s fine.” She stood to prove her point. Except she couldn’t keep a cringe from her face.

  “Ha.” He pointed at her. “You flinched.”

  She whacked his arm with the back of her hand. “It’s a cut. I’m not dying.”

  He stepped closer. “You’re a stubborn woman.”

  “And you’re treating me like an invalid.” She squared her shoulders.

  Man, did she know how sexy she was at the moment, with her hair all messy, her glasses slipped down her nose, and that little pouty look on her face? Jalen wanted nothing more than to kiss that pout off her lips. The thought shocked him, and he stilled.

  Did he really want to kiss her? He really didn’t have to think about it. His gaze traveled over her lips, memorizing their shape. Without meaning to, he found himself drawing closer to them. He imagined what it would be like to kiss her. Would she pull back? Or would she want to kiss him?

  She swallowed, and he made note of the way her lips pulled down into a slight frown. “What are you looking at?”

  Oh, he was so busted. He raised his gaze to her hair. “Nothing.” But instead of stepping away from her like a sane person would, he reached out and brushed her loose hair away from her face.

  “I must look a mess,” she said, her voice quiet.

  “No.” He might have said more, if he could talk. His heart raced, and he couldn’t quite catch his breath.

  “But my hair…”

  He held back a smile. “If I’m being truthful, your bun isn’t doing its job anymore.”

  “I figured,” she said, frowning.

  “Might as well just take it out.”

  She stared into his eyes. “Yeah.”

  “May I?” It was a weird thing to say, but it popped out, nonetheless.

  She didn’t answer. All he got from her was a slight nod.

  He reached to the back and slowly tugged on the hair tie that held the remaining bun in place. Her hair spilled down around her shoulders, soft and silky. It gave her a completely different look. He wondered what further transformation she would go through if he took off her glasses. Before he could stop himself, he removed them.

  She blinked like he’d startled her, but she didn’t object. Instead, her green eyes followed his movement as he set her glasses on the end table and turned his attention back to her. “You’re beautiful.”

  Heat rushed to his ears. He hadn’t meant to say that. It just slipped out. And a lovely blush colored over her cheeks in response.

  “I…don’t think we should…” she said.

  He put a finger to her lips to stop her from finishing the sentence. The zing of attraction that shot through him at the contact shocked him. Her lips were so soft. He couldn’t help himself. With his index finger he slowly traced their shape. He was mere inches from them. He could easily lean down and close the distance.

  Sir Barks let out a growl, and the moment burst like a bubble. Jalen stepped back and looked at his dog, who was by the sliding glass door. Riley went to him and crouched down. “You see something outside? Huh?” She petted him. “Is it another dog?”

  “Most likely,” Jalen said, struggling to compose himself. What was he about to do? How could he have let himself get all wrapped up in the moment like that?

  Riley crossed the room, her movements rushed. “Well, I’d better get going. Text me when you need me in the morning.”

  “Okay.” Why was he reduced to awkwardness again? Where was the confidence that surrounded him just moments before?

  Riley gathered up her things and left so quickly, he felt the breeze as she shut the door. He tore off his mask and skullcap, plopping down on the chair. Things had been going well, he’d thought. But he’d pushed it too far. Had he offended her? Or worse, frightened her?

  Frustrated, he ran his hand through his hair. A knocking sound came from the hallway, but it wasn’t on his door so he ignored it. Why couldn’t he get his act together? Why was he so mesmerized by Riley that it was clouding his judgement?

  The knocking came again, and this time he realized it could be coming from next door. The room he’d rented for himself as his manager. He shot out of his chair and rushed to the adjoining room. What was he to do? He was dressed as Shadow. Plus, he had the sunburn. He couldn’t answer the door. His mind raced as he thought about what to do. More knocking came, this time louder.

  “Hello?” he called through the door.

  “Jalen? It’s Riley. Can I talk to you for a second?”

  Dizziness overtook him. What was she going to say? Did she want to complain about Shadow’s behavior? He’d thought she’d been feeling the same thing, but maybe he read her signals wrong. All kinds of curse words ran through his head as he grabbed the duvet off his bed and wrapped it around himself. Cocooned in with only his eyes exposed, he cracked open the door. “Ye

  Her eyes widened. “Did I wake you? I’m so sorry. I would have texted, but you gave your phone to Shadow.”

  “It’s okay,” he said, then coughed. “I just haven’t been feeling well. I don’t want you to catch anything.”

  “Can I come in for a quick second? It won’t take long, I swear.”

  He had no choice. He had to let her in. “Okay.”

  Riley stepped inside. Sweat beaded up on Jalen’s forehead as he waited for the terrible words to come out of her mouth. I’ve been sexually harassed by your pop star.

  “I’m sorry to bother you. I just wanted you to know the story from me first, in case you spoke to Shadow.”

  He coughed again, covering up more of his face so she didn’t see the embarrassment creeping over him. This was horrible. How could he have let himself get into this situation? How could he make things right with her?

  “Go ahead. What is it?”

  She twisted her hands together like she didn’t know exactly how to say it.

  Guilt made him want to throw up. Is this how he’d made her feel? Too embarrassed to even talk about it? He wanted to sink into the floor. “It’s okay. You can tell me.”

  “I stepped on some glass on the beach and got a cut on my foot. It really isn’t that bad, I swear. It already feels better. Just a little tender. I don’t need to take any time off.”

  Jalen waited for the part about how Shadow almost kissed her, but Riley had finished and was now looking at him expectantly. “Uh…are you sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes. I’m fine. Honest. I just wanted you to know it happened. I don’t hold you or your company responsible. I was the one walking on the beach in the dark.”

  He gaped at her. She wasn’t there to complain about Shadow at all. She just wanted to make sure he didn’t have to give her time off for her injury. “Oh. Well, if you’re sure you’re okay…”

  “I’m fine. Really. I’ll let you get back to sleep. I’m sorry I disturbed you.” Riley backed up toward the door.

  Jalen was still so stunned that he just stood there wrapped up in the blanket like a worm. A mute worm…with sandy feet. Oh, no. Please don’t let her look down and notice all the sand still on his toes.

  Thankfully, Riley simply left, and he leaned against his door, sighing with relief. That was close. Now, he just had to remember to keep things professional between them. And maybe make up an excuse as to why his manager suddenly has to leave town.

  Chapter 11

  Riley closed her eyes and leaned back in her chair, straining to hear the faint music coming from next door. Shadow had been strumming his guitar all morning, and she could almost make out the new song he was working on. Of course, the lyrics were totally muffled, but she could hear the sound of his deep voice as he sang, and it had been distracting her from her real job—searching the internet for more clues about Shadow. She’d been at it all morning but hadn’t had much luck.

  The sound of her phone made her jump, and she leaned over to grab it off the desk. She saw the call was from Mrs. Lewis and swiped her screen to answer. “Hello?”

  “Riley, I don’t want to alarm you, but I can’t get your father to answer the door.”

  She froze, her mouth going dry. “How long has it been since you’ve seen him?”

  “I brought dinner to him yesterday, and he was doing okay. But ten minutes ago I tried calling, and he didn’t pick up, so I went over, but he didn’t come to the door.”

  Riley’s heart thumped as she tried not to panic. This wasn’t the first time her father had decided to avoid Mrs. Lewis. “Maybe he’s in the shower.”

  “No, I listened for the water, and it’s not on.”

  Of course, Mrs. Lewis would think of that. She was a bit persistent. Probably because she had a crush on her father, but that was beside the point right now. “He could just be busy. I’ll give him a call.”

  Mrs. Lewis sighed. “All right, sweetie. I just wanted you to know.”

  “Thank you, Mrs. Lewis.”

  She hung up and dialed her father. It rang twice before he picked up. “Hello?”

  Relief poured through her, and she rubbed her tight shoulders. The music from next door stopped. “Dad? Why didn’t you answer the door for Mrs. Lewis?”

  He scoffed. “That old bat? What does she want now?”

  Riley stood up from the desk and walked to the patio window. Her foot still hurt, but it was a low throbbing and wasn’t too bad. “To check on you. Duh.”

  Her father’s low chuckle came through the line. “I don’t need a nurse.”

  She scanned the beach dotted with children playing and adults lounging in deck chairs. “Let her in. You’re incorrigible, you know that?”

  “Do you know what that woman did yesterday?”


  “She brought me stroganoff.”

  A small dog ran past her window, and she could have sworn it was Sir Barks. Riley pressed her nose to the glass to try to see. “You love stroganoff.”

  “I love stroganoff with no strings attached.”

  “What does that mean?” She couldn’t find the dog, so she slid open the door and stepped out onto the patio.

  “She bribed me. I wanted the stroganoff, so I had to sit and listen to her blabber on for an hour about her dead husband.” He grunted. “It was horrible.”

  Sir Barks ran past again, and she turned to see Shadow step out onto his deck as well. She gave him a nod before turning back to the phone conversation with her father. “You like talking to Mrs. Lewis.”

  “Usually. Not when she’s talking about dead people.”

  Riley rolled her eyes. Really? Her father was jealous? She swore sometimes they were worse than teenagers. “Dad. Answer the door when she comes back. I’m sorry she talked about her late husband, but you still have to let her check on you.”

  After some huffing and puffing, he agreed to let Mrs. Lewis in, and she hung up with him. Turning to Shadow, she shook her head. “He’s being stubborn with the neighbor again.”

  “What’s the issue?”

  Riley walked to the railing that separated their decks. “Honestly, I think he likes the woman. He just doesn’t like to be reminded that she once loved someone else.”

  Shadow nodded. “Ah, I see.”

  “Do you need anything? I texted earlier, but you must have been busy.”

  He adjusted his mask. “I’m good. How’s your foot?”

  “It’s fine. When will you need me to bring lunch?”

  He frowned and looked out at the ocean. Sir Barks ran up the deck stairs and jumped on his legs. “Maybe in an hour.”

  “Sure.” There seemed to be an awkwardness between them that Riley couldn’t quite figure out. Had she made him uncomfortable last night? She’d been kind of in a flirty mood, but she’d felt like he was dishing it out right back at her. Had she read his signals wrong? She had been a bit embarrassed when she’d almost kissed him, but she didn’t actually go through with it, so how could that be making him feel awkward?

  She ran a finger along the railing. “Have you spoken to Jalen this morning? He wasn’t feeling too well last night. I could run and pick up some cold medicine for him.”

  “He actually stopped by this morning and said he had something come up. He’s flying off the island today and won’t be back until Saturday.”

  “Oh.” This surprised her. “I thought he usually stayed with you when you had gigs.”

  He shrugged. “Usually. But not always.”

  “Will you need extra help, then?”

  He raised his gaze to hers. “No. I should be fine.”

  It felt like he was putting the brakes on whatever he’d started yesterday. They’d gone on a date and had what she thought was an intimate moment. But now, he was shoving her away. She adjusted her fake glasses and squinted at him. “Did I do something to make you upset yesterday?”

  He blinked and took a step back, like she’d surprised him with her boldness. She’d never be
en one to beat around the bush. His gaze traveled over her, and he shook his head. “No.”

  “Okay. Just wanted to make sure. Because I thought something was maybe going on.”

  Shadow stepped closer to her, his boots making the deck creak. He glanced at his security, as if to gauge if he could hear their conversation. “What did you think was going on?”

  “I thought we had a date last night.”

  He folded his arms. “Good. Because that’s what it was.”

  Riley gripped the railing. “But today I’m feeling a bit of a pull back from you. Did it not go well, in your opinion?”

  “I was worried I may have overstepped last night.”

  Ah, there it was. He had worried she didn’t want his advances. She shook her head. “You didn’t.”

  “But…is it uncomfortable to date someone who could be seen as your employer?” he asked quietly.

  Riley paused for a moment, unsure how to answer. She was only pretending to be his employee. But if she were being honest with herself, she had a real interest in Shadow. Yes, she was trying to figure out who he was, but she also was intensely attracted to the man. Which was dumb. She couldn’t fall for him. That was the last thing she should be doing. Still, she wanted to see where things might go. She shook her head. “You didn’t hire me.”

  “I hired Jalen, who hired you.”

  She wasn’t quite sure if he was trying to get out of the situation he’d created with his flirting or if he wanted to make sure he wasn’t going to be sued for sexual harassment. “Would Jalen be upset if he found out we were dating?”

  Shadow chuckled for some unknown reason before he came a step closer to her. “No.”

  “Then I don’t see a problem. This isn’t exactly an office dating situation. I’m a temp.”

  “You’re making it very hard for me to stay away from you.”

  Her heartrate picked up speed. “I don’t see why you should.” Wow, talk about flirty. She was feeling particularly bold right now.


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