Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance

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Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance Page 14

by Jarica James

  “Something is down there, Emrick. Something powerful," I whisper absently, my main focus still on the magic below. His hands tighten even more around my waist. He’s ready to pull me back at the first sign of danger, but it’s already ebbing away like it can’t hold the intensity for long.

  Knowing I won’t get anything more, I pull my magical essence back and wiggle for him to pull me down to the ground. He grunts when I go limp, dropping into a sitting position right on the ground, both palms flattening against the dirt and stone. Now that I’ve learnt what I could from the well, I need to see if the healing effect has made its way here.

  I’m once again overwhelmed by the pain and distress I can feel coming from the land. It breaks my heart, and the tears running down my cheeks are a testament to how deeply the pain affects me. I’m no longer able to focus on the world around me, falling deeper into the emotions of the land until pain is all I know and all I am.

  My mind is muddled, but somewhere under all the pain I’m aware enough to try and push the emotions back and reclaim control. My effort is wasted when images begin to flash into my mind. The images are in quick succession like a rapid firing slideshow. I don’t have long to focus on one image, before the next flashes into my mind’s eye.

  The scenes seem to follow a timeline, starting with images of the town and land of Spring as the war broke out. Then the images morph into different levels of devastation to the land and the fae. I see children and families lining the streets, already dead or dying. Brothers turning on each other, reluctantly killing in the names of their kings. Magic blasts against magic, as the Fae fight for their home and lives.

  As the war comes to an end, the devastating images fade away and my senses slowly return. The moment I have control again, I pull the last of my magical essence into my body and slowly blink my eyes open.

  Five sets of eyes, varying in color and intensity, stare down at me. Somehow I’m lying flat on the ground, but I have no recollection of how that happened. I try to sit up, but Emrick’s protective hands lift me until I’m sitting, leaning against his hard chest for support. The moment his skin touches mine, I feel a spark of magic between us, but neither of us pull away.

  As I blink a few times to clear the tears away from my eyes, a gentle touch wipes away the remaining tears and my eyes meet Gerwyn’s worried gaze.

  “I’m fine, guys,” I promise, even if it’s a lie. “Help me up, big guy?” I glance back at Emrick and he gives me his silent half smile, before helping me to my feet.

  “What happened, Bella?” Allwyn asks, surprising me with my preferred name. He must be really worried but at this point my patience with him is shaky.

  “The land was giving me a glimpse of the war. Faerie flashed images of the people and destruction and devastation… it was heartbreaking and I could feel every ounce of her sorrow.” My chest begins to ache at the reminder, the agony palpable even secondhand

  “She mentioned that something is down there," Emrick says, gesturing to the well.

  “Oh! Thanks, big guy. He’s right, something powerful is down there. It didn’t feel alive, but it’s so strong. It’s magic brushed against my own without me even searching for it, and that hasn’t happened yet.”

  “We can inspect later, let’s make it to the castle before dark my Queen," Allwyn encourages. I bite back an argument only because I don’t have the energy to disagree just yet.

  “Bells!” Jacob yells in the distance. He must have been further in the village. I quickly follow the sound of his voice and find him in an abandoned home.

  “What’s wrong?” I call out as we burst into the house, my guards’ weapons at the ready. Jacob gives me a sheepish smile, apparently realizing he’d made a scene and had us all on edge. “Sorry, girl. I didn’t know how far away you were. We found the homes full of supplies. Clearly not food or water, but clothes and stuff,” he explains, gesturing to the pile of clothes and blankets in front of him.

  “Maybe we should stay behind and see what we can salvage for our camp?” Andras suggests.

  “Plus, real beds," Gwen points out, giving me a pleading look. Laughing, I nod in agreement.

  “I think I can repair some of the clothing here," River adds absently, as she ruffles through the growing pile of clothing and blankets.

  “I’d prefer us to stay together, we need the extra protection," Allwyn says firmly. I tone down my glare, before turning to him.

  “There are weapons down the road at the shop I entered. Surely they can protect themselves if they wish to stay. The people need these supplies," I remind him. “We can’t run headfirst into the hardest tasks and ignore the finer details that will make us stronger.” He studies me for a moment, his frown deepening. Apparently he’s not used to women fighting back, but I’m not going to be complacent.

  “Fine, if they wish, but the guard stays with the queen," he says firmly, almost like a petulant child. The man is stubborn, that’s for sure.

  “We’re capable adults,” Jacob says with an exaggerated eye roll. “Not like a rabid animal is coming for us here.” I stifle a chuckle, relieved he’s got the same mindset that I do.

  “Let’s go gather some weapons?” I suggest to the men who are quickly becoming my personal shadows. After whatever happened by the fountain, they haven’t let their focus stray from me.

  We make our way back to the blacksmith shop and grab an assortment of daggers, swords, and bows and arrows. I still don’t think they’ll need them, but better to be prepared.

  After we drop the weapons off with them, I crush Jacob in a hug. “Stay safe, my Prince," I whisper in Jacob’s ear, not willing to let go yet. He laughs off my clinginess and rolls his eyes.

  “Always the dramatic one, Queenie.” His tone is light, but he squeezes me back just as hard.

  “If anything happens you bolt the door and stay inside. Don’t wander around at night, just in case, this isn’t the middle grounds we’re used to," I lecture, a hand on my hip. River rolls her eyes and gently pushes us out of the door.

  “We’re big kids, stop worrying, Bella,” she urges, giving me a quick hug of her own before closing the door behind me. Without further argument, we head for the castle, bracing for the challenges I know will be coming our way.

  Chapter 13

  “We need to pick up the pace, I’m not sure what darkness could bring," Maddox urges, sounding nervous as his eyes dart around. They’re all on edge and have been since we left the others behind. Something passed between us when I got taken over by Faerie’s magic and now they’re protecting me from the unknown with a fierceness I’ve never seen.

  We’ve already passed the second village, and found it in the same shape as the first. The buildings are similar and the town itself is eerily silent. The difference is the war had hit the second town harder. Some buildings are caved in and parts of the town are completely destroyed and reduced to piles of rubble.

  I’m no expert, but I’d estimate that we have about an hour’s walk left, and the sun’s already slowly dropping behind the trees. We need to hurry and if I pegged these guys right, I’d say they take to competition like moths to flames. Stopping to stretch and warm up my legs, I look over to see Gerwyn looking at me curiously. He doesn’t seem to get what I’m about to do, but he knows something’s up. I can’t help the mischievous smile that turns up the corners of my mouth.

  When I spare a look at the others, Bowen’s eyes narrow at me, clearly picking up on my plan. Lucky for me, he seems to be just as competitive and mischievous as I thought he was. I make a show of stretching out my back before leaning down and bracing myself to run. With one last glance at the men ahead, I figure out just how to get past them and maintain speed. With that, I take off in a sprint, Bowen at my heels.

  “Race you!” I yell as my legs carry me down the road. Bowen’s next to me in seconds and it’s my turn to narrow my eyes in challenge. Before I can overtake him, a rumbling laugh comes between us as Emrick passes us both effortlessly, jogging backw
ards for a moment just to wink at me, before turning around and running ahead.

  “What the heck, Em?” I huff and Bowen chuckles at my shock.

  “He wins every challenge, he can’t help it," Bowen informs me, now keeping pace next to me on purpose. I turn around and notice the others jogging a few paces behind us, not a single one of them looking affected.

  “Not today, he doesn’t.” Pushing ahead, I run as hard as I can, but I’m not quick enough. He’s still out of reach and I’m not sure I can go any faster. I continue to sprint, the castle just within reach. An urge to beat him grows stronger as he makes a show of walking for a few seconds before turning and laughing openly at us. A laugh bubbles out of me at the sight of the stoic mountain of a man acting like a goofy kid.

  My short stature isn’t doing me any favors so I have no hope of winning. Unless… using magic would be a bad idea, right? But maybe it’s worth a shot. Drawing my magic out is as easy as breathing now. Once it’s thrumming through my system, I push it into my legs, willing them to move faster. A rush of wind blows over me as my body propels me faster than should be possible, leaving Emrick in a cloud of dust in moments.

  The gate to the city looms ahead, and I pull my magic back just before crashing into it. The only problem is that I don’t know how to stop myself gently. As my magic sucks back into my body, I tumble over my legs and roll a few times across the gravel until my entire body hits the city wall… hard. My breath is knocked out of me and I take a minute to regulate my breathing again. I stay that way for a few seconds before heaving myself upright. Standing on shaky legs, I turn and give the guys a bow. I’d just made a complete ass out of myself, but their laughter only has me cracking up right along with them. The four brothers are bent over belly laughing, but Allwyn looks as exasperated as ever. I have a feeling he doesn’t appreciate my humor or use of my magic.

  Not wanting to look at Allwyn and his annoyed glances, I turn and start to walk into the city, my legs buckling under me the moment I take a tentative step. I crumple to the ground and Allwyn rushes forward. He bends down in front of me, looking me over from head to foot.

  “I guess using magic to beat Emrick wasn't the best choice. But I won!” I cheer halfheartedly while Allwyn stares down at me like I’m crazy. But Bowen’s howls of laughter and Emrick’s half smile keep my mood light. At least they appreciate my humor.

  “Can you even walk?” Allwyn asks, bringing my eyes back to him. I can see the hint of jealousy in his eyes, so I reach out and grab his hand. I really do like him, despite our differences, I just think he’s way too serious sometimes.

  “Help me up?” I ask softly, giving him a gentle smile. His eyes soften as he helps me to my feet, wrapping his arm securely around my waist. Maddox walks ahead to the city gate and I noticed this gate actually has a large bar built into it so it can be pulled open. Emrick steps forward and between them they’re able to pry it open. The gate creaks and resists, but it’s no match for the giant fae men in front of me.

  The more I walk, the easier it gets. My legs eventually become strong enough that I don’t need help. Allwyn steps away at the first sign of steady steps and moves ahead of the others, not even sparing me a parting glance.

  “He’s a bit stiff, isn’t he?” Bowen teases, giving me a wide grin. “I for one thought that landing was majestic.”

  His words have a surprised laugh bubbling out of me. “Well, in that case you’re welcome for the free show.”

  “I’m actually impressed you were able to manipulate your magic that way,” Gerwyn notes. His face is more relaxed than when we first met, but his smile is still reserved.

  “It’s actually getting easier each time I use it,” I say with a shrug. “But it’s obviously not an exact science.”

  “Well, from the gossip going around, you’ve got Winter and Spring magic. I can help with the Winter side,” Gerwyn offers. The prospect of getting some proper training has me perking up.

  “Really? That’d be great,” I said excitedly.

  “She’s got training already in order. But thanks,” Allwyn says sharply, all three of us turning to him to see if he’s fucking serious.

  “Last time I checked, your offer of being a guard, and me accepting, has nothing to do with my personal schedule or decisions, Allwyn,” I shoot back, matching his tone. Bowen snorts softly but Allwyn just turns and walks ahead again. This is going great, I think sarcastically as we walk past the gates.

  The town beyond the gates is a dream come true. My architect heart is happy. The buildings are strong and beautiful. The homes in this city are made of stone and have intricate carvings decorating the trim. Beautiful statues and fountains decorate the town center, though the fountains are dry now.

  Beyond the beauty I can see in it, the town itself has seen more of the war than the other villages we’ve passed. Many of the buildings have crumbling walls or are caved in completely. The stone streets have craters and cracks running through them, making the walk a bit harder to navigate. I don’t feel the need to explore inside of the buildings, since I know we’ll just find more of the same devastation. Someday I want to come back here and help rebuild it to its former glory, but for now we have more pressing matters.

  The castle sits on a hill near the end of town. I’m not surprised it’s poised above the homes of the citizens, it fits with the high and mighty vibe I keep getting from these royals. If I thought the architectural quality of the town was fantastic, it doesn’t even hold a candle to the castle. The walls are covered in green ivy and the trim is made of some kind of polished stone. Stone creatures are carved in place of gargoyles, their toothy grins and mystical natures giving it even more of a mythical vibe.

  Standing underneath the castle, I’m finally able to appreciate its full beauty. I reach out and run my fingers along a section of green, unsure of what it could be made of. It’s smooth and glossy, almost like a green sea glass. Every piece of the structure seems to be made from the highest quality stone and carved by the gods themselves.

  “Welcome home, Queen Arabella," Allwyn whispers. Pulling my eyes away from the impressive structure, I glance up at my guards, letting the words sink in. They all have beaming smiles on their faces, happy to truly be home. The moment is monumental, another one of those situations where I’m reminded that this is so much more than a simple adventure. It’s the future of all fae and Faerie itself.

  With that lovely weight on my shoulders, I turn to push open the door to the castle. The issue is that it’s been shut so long it refuses to budge for me.

  “Hey, my big muscled friends, help a girl out?” Calling back to them, I signal them forward to help. It takes our entire group of six to push it open, though truthfully, I probably didn’t contribute at all.

  The doors shift open with a loud creak and a plume of dust, the musty air swirling out at us before revealing the dim hall beyond. I take a moment to feel with my magic, but nothing feels out of place. It’s just a skeleton of a former life, waiting for us to reclaim.

  “Feels safe,” I say as I step into the dusty foyer of the castle. A wave of powerful magic engulfs me, lifting me into the air in a whirlwind. The men shout below me, but I’m completely immobilized and barely able to make out what they’re saying. The ceiling here is tall and I’m practically right on the ceiling now. All I can think about is the men below me, and hoping I won’t die up here alone for triggering some sort of magical trap. That’d be a hell of a welcome back to Faerie.

  The air quickly shifts, the magic electrifying until every hair on my body stood on end. My heart is pounding so hard in my chest that I barely notice when my vision starts to blur. But I don't have long to freak out before it fades to black.

  “Open your eyes, child," a woman’s voice calls to me. Her voice has an echoing quality, like layers of hundreds of voices overlapping.

  Her words confuse me until I realize I must have squeezed my eyelids shut in my panic. When I open them I’m still floating, just no longer in the cast
les. I’m in a forest clearing, filled with an ominous fog that blurs out everything beyond the clearing. Vines grow thick and wind around a large stone altar in the center. Intricate symbols are etched onto the surface, clearly a language native to Faerie. Underneath the altar sits a shallow stone pond, filled with a magenta moss that gives the water a pink reflection.

  Spinning around, I take in every inch of the space I can see, but there’s no one with me. At least no one visible. Before I can voice my confusion, a bright light glows on the altar, slowly gathering in intensity until I have to close my eyes. Slowly the light dims behind my closed lids until I’m not afraid to look. I open them cautiously, afraid of what I might find. Floating above the altar is a woman, though it’s hard to see her features through the light and swirling magic that surrounds her.

  “Who are you?” I ask in a stunned whisper. I may not be familiar with Faerie or any legends of this realm, but something tells me she is worthy of my admiration and respect.

  “We are Faerie. The spirits of this realm, or a Goddess as your people perceive me. Parts of me were corrupted during the Dark War. We need you, the queen of all courts, to balance out the lands of Faerie again. You are the only hope we have of being restored and finding peace once more.” Her echoing voices reverberate through the foggy air around me, sending shivers down my spine at the sheer power behind it.

  “I tried, I passed out and it made no difference," I explain. The reminder of the pain I felt making my heart sink. I’m not the person for this job, she should know that better than anyone else.

  “You cannot do it alone, you are just the catalyst. Your journey is different from what you’ve been told. Your magic is too strong for you alone to bear, and will instead be shared… five souls tied as one. When Faerie was created, four stones were created from my essence. One remained in each land, feeding its power and keeping our realm balanced. When magic and blood soaked into the soil, the stones were corrupted. That same darkness still lingers, feeding on those that remain. You must find my stones and cleanse them. Once you do this, Faerie will be cured of the poison and will start thriving and healing itself again. Once that is done, the animals can return and Faerie will be back to her former glory.” My mind is reeling from her words, and I have so many questions.


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