Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance

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Fated Fae: A Why Choose Fantasy Romance Page 19

by Jarica James

  “I think I’m up for the challenge,” he says confidently.

  “Then I’m happy to have you here,” I say without hesitation. So far it seems we won the lottery of councilors. Turning to the next, I hope our luck continues.

  An athletic older woman stands next, giving me a quick nod. “I am Brynn, I was a magic trainer.” She has a slight accent, her words almost harsh. I had a feeling she was the no-nonsense type.

  “Welcome,” I smile softly. “Training will come in handy, I know many will appreciate your assistance and mentorship, myself included.” She nodded again but offered no other words, so I continued. “I’m going to cast a spell that will keep our discussions to ourselves. You will not be able to tell anyone about what we discuss here, if you do not agree with that level of privacy for our meetings, you may leave now.” My tone is firm, but kind. I want them to make this choice for themselves.

  After a few moments when no one stands to leave, I use my magic to create a spell that will stop them from breaking their promise of silence. At least I hope it will.

  “Thank you. Please call me Queen Bella, or simply Bella. I prefer it over Arabella. To start, I want to get rebuilding efforts underway. Tristan, I would like to work with you soon on that. We need to make blueprints and get to work on procuring materials. I may need a bit of a lesson on what materials Faerie has to offer. Our people need a proper mess hall and shelter. Then we need my home, not castle, and council chambers for meetings.” He smiles broadly at the news and I can practically see the gears turning already. The fact that I have all of these more experienced fae listening to me is humbling.

  “Does that mean the council will live in the town when it is built?” Brynn inquires. I study her for a moment, both visually and with a brush of my magic, trying to get her feelings on the matter before proceeding. She’s got amazing mental walls and keeps her face emotionless, giving me nothing.

  “Not a requirement, but encouraged for now. The other lands aren’t safe. We can revisit it when I’ve made more progress. And I’ll find a way to communicate between us when that time comes so you know when I’ve called a council meeting.” Several of them nod, looking pleased with that answer. I’m glad we’re all on the same page, because this whole thing is definitely a work in progress, and will be for a while.

  “Is there anything we need to do now?” Tristan asks.

  Looking at the makeshift town below, I make a quick plan in my head before giving them my attention again. “I would like Gareth, Adara, and Andras to come up with a census list of our current residents. Ask each individual what their skills or preferred jobs are. That way we can direct them in the best effort to help. For now our society is what we make it and everyone is expected to help if they’re able.”

  “And the rest of us?” Brynn asks excitedly.

  “If you could help to train the younger fae who haven’t had the chance to learn their magic, I would appreciate it. Earth didn’t give them much use of it, so they’re likely behind. And finally, Tegan, if you could seek out and train potential guards. Once I am able to restore the lands, that means the creatures of Faerie will be back as well and we’ll need protection. We also found out the hard way that not everyone is trustworthy. Be vigilant and report any odd behavior to me or my knights.” Pausing, I give everyone a moment to process.

  “Queen Bella, what about the trial?” Maddox inquires, respectfully reminding me to deal with Allwyn’s treason.

  I nod in acknowledgement, keeping a mask of calm in place even though the reminder has my emotions a mess. Anger has officially replaced hurt, likely thanks to my new knights, but I’ll still need to find his partner. But that’s a problem for another day.

  Turning back to my council, I catch them up. “Allwyn has betrayed us, we need to decide on his fate. He was found plotting to kill me, after allowing me to restore our lands. He is a threat to the humans and mixed fae we have here. We need to create a fair punishment for his crimes.” Keeping my voice emotionless, I explain his crimes for them to pass judgement on.

  “Banishment to Earth would be perfect," Tristan suggests, and as I think over his idea, I love it more and more.

  “I would also permanently bind his magic," Brynn adds. “I could help with that.” It’s honestly the perfect show of justice. He will forever live as a human… ironic.

  “I like the way you two think," Emrick states with a belly laugh. He wasn’t happy Allwyn betrayed us and has been itching to take care of him since we left the castle. He sees the beautiful irony in the sentencing too. I knew I liked him for a reason.

  “I do like that plan. We shall announce it tomorrow and carry out justice. I want to make his exile permanent and bar him from entering the portal," I decree.

  “We will meet before dinner each night for several days, just to keep updated on the plans we are making. I would also like to announce that we have made progress on restoring the lands of Spring. We have our first King of Faerie, which is Bowen. He will be treated with the same respect given to me. The king of each Court will be finalized as I travel to those lands, it’s a decision made by Faerie itself," I finish speaking and stand, officially dismissing our meeting.

  “Four kings? You will have four mates?” Brynn asks in her guarded voice.

  “Yes. Faerie has decided for me. The Spirits themselves handpicked four men, perfectly suited for the role," I reply firmly, meeting her emotionless gaze with my fiery one.

  Bowen holds out his wrist to show his new marking, before spinning me around and showing her the mark that is clearly visible in my loose tunic. She nods, her face still indifferent as she and the rest of the council walk away. It left me with a feeling of unease, but I don’t have time to give it too much thought.

  “Are you ready to go to your place of power, Bella?” Bowen asks, extending his hand to help me stand.

  “Yes, please. I just want to see if our efforts were worth it. Would you three stay behind and protect the camp? Bowen and I can handle this mission, and I don’t trust new guards with Allwyn just yet," I confess, glancing uneasily at the line of tents like he’d come rushing out of them at me. That and I have a bad feeling about the woman working with him. Illusion magic is a thing with fae and I have a fear that she’s hiding amongst us. It seems so silly I haven’t voiced it yet. But I’m still unable to shake the fact that she seems so oddly familiar.

  “We will guard him, don’t worry," Maddox promises, giving me a slight bow.

  “Actually, Wyn, maybe you and Andras could work out some plans for our new way of life? That seems better suited for you than guard duty, and the others can take care of the census without him. We’ll join you as soon as we get back.” He gives me a bright smile that tells me I made the right choice.

  Bowen links his fingers with mine, like he seems to do every time he’s next to me, and leads me through our camp and over the bridge and into the garden again.

  “Holy shit!” Bo shouts emphatically. I can’t even respond to his words, I’m too stunned... staring slack jawed at the garden in front of us. Instead of the empty, quiet place it was before, it now has glowing blue butterflies, double the plant life, and a small stream winding through. Apparently we did something right.

  Magic seems to radiate from the ground, reinvigorating the court with the power we restored, though I know it has a long way to go. We cautiously make our way to the stone gazebo in the center of the gardens, unsure of what else we may find here. Though, so far I only see insects and water, the rest will likely come with time.

  “Stand up here with me, I don’t want you getting attacked down there.” I don’t hesitate to pull him onto the dais with me, unwilling to leave him with any potential creatures. He gives me a look that clearly conveys his thoughts on me insinuating he’s helpless without his brothers. “I didn’t mean you couldn’t handle yourself, I just don’t want you getting hurt," I pout.

  “I promise I’ll be fine. However, if you want me closer to you, I can oblige.” He laughs and
steps up to the raised stone stool I’m on. He takes a seat on the floor, leaning against one of the stone pillars, green gaze flickering from me to the land around us.

  Closing my eyes, I send my magic into the land again. Instead of the sorrow and pain I felt from the land previously, I now felt the hope and growth. My healing magic is spreading, slowly taking out the darkness.

  When I open my eyes to tell Bo the good news, I feel the familiar vision blurring of being transported to the Spirits of Faerie again. Once my eyes can focus again, I see a faint white glow approaching, though this time I’m not afraid.

  “I see you have found your first king,” the voices speak. The echoing, layered tone enveloping us like a strong breeze.

  “What’s going on?” Bowen’s shocked voice comes from behind me. I’m surprised she brought both of us this time. I guess my magic chose the perfect king.

  “This is the Spirit of Faerie, Bo.” My voice is low and soft, as I hold my hand out for him to come forward. Instead, he scoops me up like I’m light as a feather, and sits me in his lap. Once we are settled, his hands circle protectively at my waist. The fact he’s protecting me from the very deity that created Faerie is comical, but I give him his moment.

  “Yes, I’ve found my first king. Though it was a bit unexpected. I thought I had until the crown was complete until I chose," I state dryly.

  “That was my intention, but fate has a way of changing the best of intentions. His magic called to yours, and the stone chose for you," she echoes back, a melodic laughter intertwining with it. Bo tightens his grip around me, clearly not trusting the Spirits just yet.

  “It seems your magic is going to choose for you on all of the stones. You, my child, are the very definition of change, even in this.” Relief slams into me so hard it leaves me breathless. I’ve come to think of them all as my knights and future kings already, I don’t want anyone else and I’m glad the magic agrees.

  “Well, I’ve already found my kings, and I know my magic will choose them," I state confidently.

  “The Court of Spring is already healing, you did well, Queen of all the Fae Courts. Some animals and life have already returned, the others will join slowly. The land is still too hostile to support them. We fear the land won’t be completely self-sustaining until you restore all four stones. Once their corruption is clean, our magic will be fully restored. For now it takes all we have to keep the land from worsening. It is up to you and your kings to return Faerie to its former glory.” The voices waver a bit, as if to convey their exhaustion.

  “Who is we?” Bo asks. I thought the same thing at first, but I know it has something to do with the many voices.

  “We are the strongest souls of Faerie, we have become one with the Spirit of Faerie, adding our knowledge to hers. We are one now. We sustain the land, water, and air of this realm,” the voices echo proudly. It’s harder to concentrate on their words, when all of the voices are loud and strong.

  “We will restore our realm, but how will the people survive without clean water and food?” I ask desperately. We can’t exactly ship supplies across realms and it will only raise suspicion if we keep disappearing into the woods on the human side.

  “We will restore the land between the bridges for you. This will require us to release more animals, your travels will become more dangerous. Do you accept this?” What choice do we really have? We have weapons to fight back, and enough people to guard us.

  “Thoughts?” I turn in Bowen’s lap to look at him, waiting for his answer.

  “We have enough protection. Safety is not more important than health." I nod happily, glad we’re on the same page.

  “We would be honored for you to restore the land between the bridges. Thank you Spirits," I stand and give a deep bow. Bowen does the same next to me.

  By the time we straighten from the show of respect, our vision is blurring and we’re back on the dais once more.

  “Well that was different," Bo laughs.

  “They’re definitely unique,” I agree, getting to my feet. As I start to walk, I waver and nearly tumble off the stone. It seems the Spirits used my extra magic as a means to communicate with us, leaving me near empty.

  Bo reaches over and scoops me up, once again knowing my needs without me having to say. “Rest now, darling. I’ll carry you to the bridge and then I’ll let you walk." I appreciate that, I’ve been carried in far too many times already and Jacob would kill me.

  Somehow I fall asleep to the sound of Bowen’s strong heartbeat, not waking again until I feel something brushing against my cheek.

  “Wake up, Bella. I assumed you would want to walk back into camp this time,” he whispers as he nuzzles his nose against my cheek to wake me up. I smile and wiggle for him to let me down. When he places me on my feet this time, I feel strong. It’s just a hunch, but I think his magic helped fill mine. My powers are still weak in my core, but there’s a hint of green magic there, and it feels like Bowen.

  “That’s odd, I feel normal again now. It took me an entire night’s sleep last time she spoke to me.” I should have shared my theory, but I feel like I’ve dumped enough on his plate so I file it away for later.

  “Didn’t you say that the Spirits said we would share powers now? That probably means I can help lend some of my magical essence to you,” he reasons with a shrug, seeing right through my secrets.

  “I was afraid to admit it, but I had thought the same thing,” I say, wincing at his sharp look, eyes narrowed and mouth set in a thin line.

  “How many times do I have to tell you I’m not going to just run?”

  “Probably a few more,” I admitted. “I’m not used to people outside of Jacob giving a fuck about me, or sharing my thoughts so freely.” He frowns at that, but when I look away, he doesn't press it.

  Honestly, there’s far too much we don’t know or understand here, and I would have to learn to give them a chance to help me figure it out. Starting with Bowen.

  We link hands and walk over the wooden bridge leading to our lands. I’m relieved to see only a few people, instead of a crowd this time.

  “Queenie, you did it!” Jacob yells when he spots us. He runs over and grabs my hands to dance me around, oblivious to my confusion. “My best friend is a magical badass!” He sings as he spins me. His enthusiasm has my excitement rising and I try to peek around to see if the Spirits managed to work their magic yet.

  “What are you talking about? How do you know I did it?” I question, not really seeing anything new from here, though most of our view is blocked by the tall canvas tents.

  He finally stopped and focused on me, eyes wide and excited still. “I was working with Tristan on designs for your new castle, when a rush of magic blasted through the camp. We thought maybe Allwyn got loose, but he was still secure. Then all of these plants sprouted up at the base of the hill, and a well just popped up out of nowhere next to it.” His arms are gesturing wildly as he explains. Eventually he gets annoyed with my lack of reaction and pulls me forward. Bo lets out a noise of distress at me being pulled away, and I can hear him following behind us.

  “The queen is not your ragdoll, let her go," Emrick rumbles from a few feet away. Jacob looks at me and smirks. Clearly he isn’t scared of my guards. I giggle to myself and Jacob drags me away even faster, only making them protest more. I’ll have to talk to them soon about our relationship, so they don’t freak out every time he gets overly excited.

  Jacob finally stops in the middle of camp and gestures toward the plateau. The land still thrums with the Spirit's power, and my jaw drops at the changes.

  There’s a well, just as Jacob said, but it’s the garden that shocks me. It’s all growing in one plot of land, and flourishing like it had grown there for years, not minutes.

  “I’ve begun the restoration process. As a reward, the Spirits of Faerie have provided us with safe water and food. We’ll need to find a crew to work on harvesting the food soon," I announce to the gathering crowd. They erupt in cheers and
a few of the older fae wipe away tears. My grin is bright as they rush forward to check it out now that they know it’s safe. The morale is higher than I’ve seen it, especially now that they have a visual of the changes happening.

  “I’m going to go find Tristan and see how the plans are going. Then I’m going to speak with Gareth. We need people on this," I tell my guardian shadows as I walk away. It feels odd to have to announce my every move, but I’ll have to get used to it eventually. I have a strong feeling they won’t be giving me privacy that often.

  I find Gareth and Tristan working in the same area, which makes my life easier. They pushed several camp tables together to create a large workspace. Papers and charcoal pencils are covering the table and both men are so focused they don’t even look up when I walk over.

  Stopping next to Gareth first, I look over his census list. He’s marking notes down and already breaking up potential work duties.

  “Apparently I found the right man for the job,” I say with a smile. He yelps and jumps at the sound of my voice, both of us cracking up as he clutches his chest. “Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “A few people came over to see what we were doing and some aren’t happy about getting work duty. But I made sure as I went around to ask their preferences,” he says, frowning.

  “They would have to just get over it,” I shrug. “We need everyone to contribute, and it isn’t like we’re choosing blindly. I want them to use their skills and strengths as well.”

  “Well, according to my list, it seems we have a variety of skills, which will help our makeshift town run a bit smoother. People have stepped up a lot, but we’ll need more than a few,” he agrees.

  When he looks back at his work, I shift over to Tristan to see what kind of progress he’s made. I’m way more excited to work on this than assigning work, but being a queen means giving the important stuff time.

  “Queen Bella, we were just working on the castle design. Would you like to look it over and add anything?” Tristan asks, giving, or rather shoving, the building plans my way. With a small smirk, I pull it toward me and pluck the pencil out of his front pocket. He studies me as I glance over the blueprints and notes. Without hesitation, I make a few adjustments, like adding more windows to the council hall, and making the cafeteria an open floor plan.


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