On the Run

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On the Run Page 3

by Glenn Gamble

  “I think so.”

  “Okay, I’ll take your word,” Jim said “Guys, hold this motherfucker against the wall.”

  The goons carried Jeff and slammed him against the wall.

  “Not so rough, gentlemen,” Jim said sarcastically. “That big dick might get bruised since he can’t move it out the way.”

  Jim made a hash mark at what he thought was five and a half inches. He then walked behind Jeff and smacked both of his ass cheeks.

  “Damn boy, you got a really nice ass,” Jim shouted. “Hey crying bitch, do you like to play in his ass?”

  “What are you going to do with him,” she cried.

  “What would you do if you were me,” Jim asked. “I lost $20,000 in a burglary; my friends were tied up—one beaten, and the motherfucker responsible has been so disrespectful toward me. What should I do, woman?”

  “I don’t know,” she cried.

  Jim looked at her as she cried. The silence made everyone uneasy. The woman continued to cry as she reflected on her transgressions. Ted’s anger toward his ex-girlfriend and Jeff turned into fear and sympathy. Then Jim jammed his mini-bat in Jeff’s ass. Jeff screamed for dear life as Jim rammed the bat in his ass.

  “You fucking bitch, take it up your ass like you’re doing another stint,” Jim taunted.

  Jim tore through Jeff’s anal tissues as he continued to ram the bat in his ass. Everyone there was mortified. His girlfriend screamed to the top of her lungs, begging for Jim to stop as the blood from Jeff’s ass dripped on the ground.

  “Motherfucker, you and your bitch better not ever fucking steal from me,” Jim yelled.

  “Do-you-un-der-stand-me?” Jim said as he thrust the bat in his ass as he was pronouncing each syllable.

  “Yes,” Jeff yelled.

  Jim stopped, then the men let him fall to the floor. His ass crack continued to spot blood. Jeff was in extreme pain as he lied on his stomach, unable to move. His girlfriend cried in horror, Ted vomited throughout the ordeal, and Jim brandished a small tube of salt from his pocket, spread Jeff’s ass cheeks and poured mercilessly onto the torn tissues in his ass crack. Jeff screamed in agony.

  Jim stopped pouring, placed the salt back in his pocket, then he knelt toward Jeff.

  “See motherfucker, when you fuck with my money, you’re fucking yourself,” Jim shouted. “Don’t make a habit of fucking yourself.”

  “Steve, you all drop this piece of trash off at the county. Frank, take the girl and the baby to St. James Hospital,” Jim said.

  “One more thing, if you or your bitch talk…you’re fucking dead,” Jim threatened. “I can kill your whole fucking family from a jail cell. You know that, don’t you?”


  “Bitch, do you understand, too?”


  “Get these pieces of shit out of here!”


  “Bitch, I’m kicking your ass when we get home, now shut the fuck up and apologize to this man,” Ted ordered. “I can’t send you on vacation for five fucking minutes without you bumping your gums to Jim fucking Money of all people! You’re lucky you’re alive. Ask Jeff if you don’t believe me.”

  “I don’t give a fuck about what he did to Jeff, I’m not apologizing, especially to a guy named Jim Money. What kind of fucking name is Jim Money?”

  She pretended not to be afraid of Jim, but Ted’s mention of Jeff sent chills down her spine. She remembered him being hospitalized for six weeks, but didn’t make the connection between Jim Money and the brutal attack on Jeff. Even when she took those factors into consideration, she still couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She lost her dignity once she realized that her husband wouldn’t defend her honor.

  The slap Ted administered to her face was quick and sudden. “Bitch, didn’t I fucking tell you to apologize to this man,” Ted scolded. “Next time, I’ll let him have his way with you, fucking rat bitch.”

  Jim saw her son in the car crying after Ted slapped her. He was disgusted with himself for allowing the situation to boil to this point. He was even more disgusted with Ted hitting a wife and mother in front of her son. After seeing Ted steal his wife’s dignity, Jim had to do something.

  “No Ted, I’m the one who should be apologizing,” Jim interrupted. “Ma’am, I apologize for the way I acted toward you.”

  Jim turned toward Ted and hit him with a left punch to his ribs and a right to his jaw. A dark green car drove up to Jim and instructed him to get in. Realizing that he needed to get away before airport security caught wind, he complied and they fled.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you, Jim?” the driver shouted. “You haven’t been in Chicago five minutes and you’re already kicking someone’s ass. What’s the matter with you?”

  “I got caught up in some bullshit,” Jim said. “Who are you?”

  “Getting in a car with a total stranger is a bad habit that you should never start,” he said.

  “I’m going to ask one more time,” Jim said. “Who the fuck are you?”

  “Relax Jim, I’m Pete’s son,” the driver replied.

  “How did you know who I was?”

  “Carla sent me a picture text.”


  Chapter 5

  They drove 45 minutes south to Pop’s restaurant in Homewood, IL. Jim started to go to Starbucks to order a venti as Pete had requested, but realized that he was never told which beverage he wanted the venti size in, so they walked inside Pop’s and saw a familiar face.

  “Are you fucking kidding me?” Jim reacted. “If it isn’t the best pool player in town.”

  “Man, I haven’t seen you in years,” Pete said.

  The two men shook hands as they were getting reacquainted with one another. Pete used to partner with Jim when he was playing pool for cash. Jim saw that Pete was skilled, yet short on cash so he financed his bets in exchange for a juice on the profits. Both men profited from this arrangement as Pete made enough money to finally play in pool tournaments. He’d won thousands of dollars on tour, but made the majority of his money selling stolen handguns. He also ran the Cobras motorcycle gang which provided the muscle he needed to operate his business. They weren’t confrontational, but they were powerful. The Cobras liked stealing more than bloodshed, and they had a stranglehold on the black market for handguns until a recent shipment was stolen in a hijack.

  “Jimmy, I thought you were dead.”

  “Is that what they’ve been telling you?”

  “Yeah, now everything makes sense,” Pete said. “The south side got really crazy last year, and Steve was making a lot of noise over there.”

  “That’s because he thinks I’m dead,” Jim said. “I wouldn’t mind if it stayed that way because when I rise from the dead, he won’t know what hit him.”

  “I never liked the fucker. He made a big deal over his area not being Cobra territory when I was conducting some business over there. I should have blown that big head off his stubby body. Had he not been Carla’s husband, I would have.”

  “You and I both know that he can hold his own.”

  “That does make me want to do business with the fucker.”

  “I wish I never had myself,” Jim said. “Anyway, Carla said that I should see you.”

  “Jimmy, you forgot something.”

  “No I didn’t, you never told me what beverage you wanted that venti in—asshole.”

  Both men erupted in laughter.

  “Oh, that makes sense. Green tea, but I’ll have my son grab them for us. Green tea for you, too?”


  “Jimmy, you’re the only man who can call me an asshole.”

  “Okay, asshole.”

  They laughed again.

  “So you’re Carla’s uncle?” Jim said. “Wow.”

  “You know, Jimmy, I think Carla would make a good wife for you.”

  “I think she would make some man a good wife, but I don’t know if that
would be me.”

  “Don’t bust my balls here,” Pete said. “You’re both intelligent, she’s pretty and you’re good looking. I’d like to see her with a real man for a change.”

  “Pete, your niece is everything you say about her, plus more, but I still have a foot in the street, albeit a very tiny foot these days.”

  “I trust that you’ll do right by her when that day comes. That’s why I’m going to keep you alive.”

  “Is that the only reason?”

  “Well, that and the fact that I owe my life to you—asshole.”

  Jim chuckled. “It’s good to see you, Pete.”

  “Oh, forget the mushy stuff, let’s take a drive.”

  “Fuck…this is the part of the gangster movie where you put me out of my misery, right?”

  “Quit busting my balls and come on.”


  Pete and Jim ordered Italian beef sandwiches to go, and stopped by Starbucks for their green tea. Then they drove to Crete, IL to his compound. Jim was impressed.

  “Pete, when I first met you, I had to convince you not to dig in the garbage cans for food.”

  “I remember you telling me that pool sharks don’t dig in garbage cans.”

  “You’ve come a long way.”

  “Because of you of course.”

  “No Pete, because of you.”

  “Are you coming in for dinner, or are you two love birds gonna continue stroking each other’s dicks?” the woman shouted.

  “Yes dear,” Pete said. “That’s my wife.”

  “I like her already.”

  Jim went inside and ate with Pete’s family then he was shown his temporary living quarters, his towels and some extras.

  “Hey, see that gray car over there?” Pete asked.

  “The coupe?”

  “Yeah, that’s gonna be yours while you’re in town.”

  “Fuck yeah!”

  “Open up that suitcase over there.”

  The suitcase contained a 9mm Ruger, a glock, four clips of ammunition, and cash.

  “You sure know how to make a guest feel welcomed—nice.”

  “You’re welcome to stay for as long as you need to. We have plenty of room for you.”

  “I’ll only be here for the weekend to visit my friend’s daughter at the hospital.”

  “That’s fine. Just remember that for as long as you’re in town, you’ll have protection.”

  “What makes you think I need protection?”


  “That makes sense, but I’m out here to see an old friend.”

  “Jimmy, some of your enemies are still alive.”

  “True indeed, but you all won’t be able to protect me when I’m on the south side.”

  “Let me worry about that.”

  Chapter 6

  Jim woke up the next morning, showered, got dressed, and ate. After some convincing he waited for Pete and they drove to Northwestern Memorial Hospital with Jim being dropped off. Once Jim checked in and went to the appropriate wing, he heard voices. As he got closer, he realized that it was an argument.


  “I should cut all the ribs and pork chops we can eat off your fat ass right now!”

  “You better do it right now, because if you don’t I’ll will kill your child molesting ass right in front of your mother and when I get done with you, I’ll murder that bitch too,” Frank shouted.

  “You son of a bitch!”

  Steve hit Frank with a jab and a right cross. If Frank hadn’t been close to 400 lbs., he would have dropped to the floor, but he could take a punch. Adrenaline kicked in and he charged Steve like a defensive as they both fell onto an empty gurney with Steve on the bottom of the missionary position. Frank pummeled him with as many punches as he could sneak in until security intervened. It took eight guards to pull Frank off Steve. After they were able to restrain both men, the lead security guard spoke with them.

  “Both of you are gonna have to leave, right now.”

  “My daughter’s in there in critical condition, I can’t leave her,” Frank shouted.

  “You should have thought about that before you two decided to fight.”

  “What was I supposed to do? This is the fucker who’s responsible for my daughter being here. He punches me in the face twice. What would you have done, sir?”

  “None of that matters. Fighting is not tolerated in this hospital. Now sir, I will ask you to leave one more time, or you will leave me no choice but to have you arrested.”

  “No need to tell me twice, I’ll deal with this fat fuck soon enough,” Steve said. “Your family better have a life insurance policy on you. I’m going to kill you on earth and in the afterlife, and then I’m going to kill you some more. You will fucking die within 24 hours.”

  Jim watched the debacle unfold from a hallway leading from the visitor’s lobby to the elevators. Before Steve began his stride toward the elevators, Jim dashed across to the men’s bathroom. Once he heard the elevator doors open and close, he came out the bathroom and saw Frank still arguing with the lead guard.

  “You can call the cops,” Frank shouted. “Do what you have to do, but I’m not letting you or any other rent-a-cop keep me away from my daughter?”

  “Suit yourself, sir.”


  As the guard walked toward the nurse’s desk to call the police, Jim placed the phone down as the guard began to pick it up.

  “Sir, if you knew what was in your best interest, you’d go ahead and allow me to place this phone call,” the guard said. “You don’t want to be the next person escorted out of here, right?”

  “With all due respect, sir, I saw the entire situation unfold,” Jim said. “The guy who just left…”

  “Sir, the only thing I’m concerned with is the patients and staff’s safety. I could care less about the details.”

  “Would you care to hear me out as you fill out your report?” Jim said as he looked toward the clipboard next to the phone. The guard looked at the clipboard and stopped in his tracks. A small stack of money was affixed to the clipboard over the report that he needed to complete.

  “I don’t know what you’re trying to pull here, but…”

  “Sir, I just need you to hear me out.” Jim revealed a roll of $100 bills and began counting them. “Will you please?”

  The guard looked around to see if anyone else was present.

  “Relax, no one can hear our conversation from where we’re standing,” Jim assured.

  “Okay, go ahead.”

  “Now that guy that you pulled off the other gentleman is a concerned parent who’s irritable because his daughter was brutally beaten and raped. The other guy had that ass-kicking coming. He instigated the situation and attacked first. Now under normal circumstances, I’d agree with your assessment to kick the two dumb fucks out of the building, but I’m asking you to reconsider your decision with the angry gentleman in the lobby.”

  “Sir, I can’t…”

  “Sir, how many children do you have?” Jim interrupted.

  “Two, sir”

  “How old are they?”

  “Seven and nine.”

  “Boys or girls?”

  “Two girls.”

  “Listen, I hope you don’t find this proposition offensive, but if you can allow the gentleman to stay and you give me an address along with a phone number, I’ll see if Macy’s on State Street is running a sale in their kid’s department.”

  “Are you…”

  “Officer, here just write it down,” Jim said as he slid some large bills underneath a scratch sheet paper.

  “I’ll be back,” the officer said.

  Jim waited in the area near the nurse’s desk as someone walked behind the desk.

  “May I help you, sir?”

  “I came to visit a friend after finding out that his daughter was hospitalized, but I see him right there,” Jim said. “Is everything okay?”

  “No, it’s not,
” the nurse responded. “A pretty ugly fight occurred and they’re thinking about calling the police on that man.”

  “I sure hope not, it’s been pretty rough on him these past 48 hours.”

  “Off the record, the other guy deserved to get his ass kicked.”

  “Trust me, I know,” Jim said. “In fact, I know both guys.”

  “I didn’t want to call security, but your friend might have killed that guy had I not.”

  “Ma’am, I understand,” Jim assured. “You did the right thing for everyone’s safety.”

  “Sir, you can call me Tracey,” the nurse said. “Ma’am makes me feel like I should enroll in AARP.”

  “It looks like that time won’t come for many years.” Jim smiled.

  “And you are?”


  “Jim, believe it or not, it won’t be long before I’m eligible to sign up.”

  “Then you must repent.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “For breaking one of the Ten Commandments. Thou shalt not lie.”

  Tracey laughed. “Jim, you’re something else.”

  “And you’re a bad liar for telling me that you’re only a few years away from an AARP membership.”

  “Well Jim, I have two boys that are in graduate school right now. Now that’s as close as I’m going to get to telling you my age.”

  “Two boys in grad school? I bet you and your husband are proud.”

  “Ex-husband, and yes we are.”

  “I would be too.”

  “Sir, I don’t mean to interrupt, but I need to talk to you,” the officer said.

  “Tracey, if you’ll excuse me.”

  “No problem, Jim,” Tracy said. “Here’s my extension if you need anything.”

  “Thank you.”

  The officer pulled Jim to the side and looked around to ensure no one was coming. After being satisfied with what he saw, he began talking with Jim.

  “Sir, I talked to Frank, and I’ve decided to let him stay.”

  “I appreciate it and I’m sure that he does, too.”

  “Listen, if that man causes anymore trouble, I’m calling the police and we’ll have him arrested.”

  “I assure you that Frank will be on his best behavior.”

  “He better be.”

  “Thank you so much,” Jim said. “A sale at Macy’s will begin soon.”

  Chapter 7

  “Are you fucking crazy?” Jim shouted. “You could have fucked it up for both of us.”


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