The Guy Next Door Amazon Final

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The Guy Next Door Amazon Final Page 1

by Angel, Claire


  A Single Mom Romance

  (Book 4)

  (Unexpected Love Series)


  Copyright © 2019 by Claire Angel

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other non-commercial uses permitted by copyright law.

  This is a work of fiction. While, as in all fiction, the literary perceptions and insights are based on life experiences and conclusions drawn from research, all names, characters, places and specific instances are products of the author’s imagination and used fictitiously. No actual reference to any real person, living or dead, is intended or inferred.


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  Table of Contents


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16



  Chapter 1




  When I saw my next-door neighbor for the first time, I felt I needed him right there. He was about six foot and pure perfection, someone that would never want someone broken like me.

  I was a single mom with a young daughter. I never let anyone to enter in my life in past few years. I could deal with anything. Couldn’t I?

  The more I got to know him, the more I ached to have him.

  I wanted him to do things to me, and I hadn’t felt that way in years now. I tried to keep a distance. But he was smart enough to judge the naughty things running in my head.

  The moment he touched me; I lost all control. He was sexy as hell. I was failing to resist him.

  I liked the way he made me feel alive again. He knew how to tempt me.

  I was falling in love with this man, and while I trusted him with my daughter. I was scared for what might happen if he leaves.

  I had to remember that as he held me tight, kissing me softly and reminding me that this wasn’t anything but a casual one-night-stand.

  Would he want the package deal that I had to offer or choose something easier for him?

  Was it worth risking my heart to find out?


  Chapter 1


  I turned to run up the steps to my brownstone after my ten miles, sweating and thirsty. I glanced at the door to see it closed, punching in my code to get in and jog the stairs to my second story place. I stayed with Lachlan for a while when I joined him to work on the business on the East Coast, but he was with the first woman I’d ever seen him serious with. They were crazy in love, and I needed to get out of the way, so I used the money I saved up in LA to rent this apartment.

  I stopped on the second floor and pulled the keys out of my pocket to unlock my door. I heard voices and turned my head to see the door across from me cracked open and raised a brow. It was empty for a long time since the last family moved out and someone must be moving in. I enjoyed the quiet and wondered what they were like as I unlocked the door. A squeal rang through the hallway, and I sighed.

  That sounded like a toddler to me. I didn’t hate kids, and in fact I had some nieces and nephews at home. They were great, but I saw them even less than I did when I lived by them. I just wasn’t sure if I wanted one so young living in my building. Oh, well. I’d buy a house somewhere down the line.

  I closed my front door, locking it before I walked through the cozy living room to the kitchen. It wasn’t a large space but worked for me. The three bedrooms offered a guest room for family and friends that popped into town, and I had an office. My new job was partly done from home, and I enjoyed having the space to focus on the communications from Lachlan’s office in California.

  I drank a large glass of water from the fridge before following it with another one. I glanced at the clock as I decided to take a quick shower and get some work done for a while before meeting my boss Lachlan for lunch. I finished the drink and walked down the hallway to my room with the attached bathroom, stripping off my running gear and turning the water in the shower to hot. I glanced in the mirror, appreciating the way the running was helping me to tone up. I went through a phase when I moved here, eating everything in sight. The fucking pizza here was incredible, and I enjoyed it a few too many times.

  Now I ate a lot cleaner and exercised religiously, enjoying the good food occasionally. Home cooked meals were included in that list when I had them, but a lot of my new friends ate well. We were all at the age that we needed to work a little harder to stay in shape.

  I took a long shower. I let the water wash over my skin and washed my wavy hair slowly, breathing in the steam. Life was a lot different here in New York City. It was bigger than LA, and the vibe was electric. I never thought I’d want to move like this but jumped at the opportunity when it was offered. I got on well with Lachlan, and the change would be good for me. I would miss my family, but I was twenty-nine now. It was time to try something new.

  I stepped out several minutes later, drying off in front of the mirror. I slipped on some sweats and walked to the kitchen to make some coffee to get me motivated to work. I took the steaming cup of black liquid to my office and opened the blinds to let in some Spring sun.

  I read through emails and responded, saving a few spreadsheets to look over. I chatted with some of the staff back home about work and life as I typed and added together some figures. An ex waved through the chat app as I frowned. We broke up a few months before I left LA. It wasn’t a long relationship, but she got attached quickly, and the clingy behavior drove me away. I ignored the message and focused on the numbers at each office, pleased by the money we were bringing in.

  I checked the clock and realized I needed to head out to lunch. I slipped into worn jeans and a white button up, sliding my wallet into my pocket. I put some black boots on and ran a hand through my dark hair, knowing that I’d get some shit for the way it was growing out.

  I walked into the hallway, seeing that the door across from mine was closed. We’d run into each other, eventually with the proximity of our homes, and I’d decide how difficult the situation might be.

  Chapter 2


  I looked around the boxes stacked around my living room where the furniture wasn’t set up. Sighing, I went to make some coffee
and pulled my red hair into a low ponytail. I needed to settle in, but since Sienna was still sleeping, I wanted to enjoy the silence with some coffee. I knew that it would take time to feel relaxed here since I came to help my sister with my ailing mom. She was a full-time college student, and I was a single mother, but between us, we’d make it work.

  I sat in my worn, oversized blue chair and looked over the city as I sipped my sweet, creamy drink. It was a sight to behold, considering I was from a small town in Oregon most recently. I moved to this apartment when my sister found it, and Mom was just down the street, so it made sense. Sienna was only four, but she’d be in school before I knew it and there were some good ones in the area.

  Dad left Mom a good chunk of change when he passed away from a heart attack five years ago. She could afford her home without worry. I never thought I’d say the same thing at the age of twenty-six. My husband Kyle had been killed in action in Afghanistan three years ago, leaving me alone with our young daughter. I stayed in Oregon for a while and tried to keep my head above water, but there were too many memories. When my mom was diagnosed with breast cancer, my sister Jane pleaded with me to come home and help her.

  I agreed and came out four months ago. I stayed with Jane in her shoebox apartment for a while, but it was too crowded with my daughter trying to run through the rooms at all times of the night. So, I rented this three-bedroom place with my Mom and future in mind. I probably didn’t have to work again, but the idea of just sitting around didn’t make me happy. I’d be busy with Mom and Sienna for the time being, but after that, I could decide what I wanted to do.

  I heard the door across the hall close and glanced back, wondering who my neighbor was. It would be nice to have a friend in the building, but that wasn’t easy with my lifestyle. I turned my face back to the window and watched as the sun rose and the city came alive.

  I heard my daughter calling my name and set my cup down. I rose and walked to my room, where she was stretched out in my King bed, rubbing her stormy blue eyes that matched Kyle’s color and intensity. “Hi, baby pickle. How did you sleep?” I knew the answer since she was with me like every other night and pushed those tine feet into my body most of the night.

  “Good, Mommy.” She sang as I chuckled. She was always ready to face the world in the morning while I still had issues with it.

  “Want to have some breakfast and go see Gram?” I asked her as she smiled and rolled to the edge of the bed.

  “Will Auntie Jane be there?” She asked, and I thought about my answer for a second.

  “Later after class. We’re going to eat dinner together tonight.” I took her hand, and she used the bathroom before we walked to the kitchen. I gave her some juice and made eggs and toast as she watched a cartoon on the TV set up in the living room. I joined her at the table, and we ate together as I thought about our day.

  Mom had a nurse coming in to look her over. She had a hard time getting to her appointments in the city, so they made exceptions and came to her place half the time. I needed to be there in an hour, and I told Sienna that I was going to take a quick shower and locked the door with the thick chain.

  I pulled up my hair and stepped under the hot water for my quick moment of privacy if I was lucky. I rinsed off and stepped back out to dry off, sipping my coffee before I slipped on some jeans. I pulled on a purple Henley and kept my hair up as I finished the coffee. I brushed my teeth and went to tell Sienna to get dressed.

  She put on leggings and a t-shirt that clashed. I knew better than to say anything to her and handed her shoes so we could walk to Moms. When she was ready, I grabbed my purse and keys before walking to the door. I led the way and jumped when footsteps pounded through the hallway. I held Sienna to my side, glancing up to see a man rushing towards us. My heart stilled in my chest as I took in the tall, muscular man dressed for jogging. His hair was wavy and hung to his shoulders, and his chest was broad. He looked like he ran every single day and I shifted from left to right as I stared at him,

  His light green eyes lifted and took me in for a second before glancing down at Sienna. Oh, God. He probably hated kids and had women over at all times of the night. I’d probably be in his way.

  “You’re the new neighbor?” He asked as I forced a smile to my face.

  “Yes. I am.” I looked down at my daughter as I ruffled her hair. “We are. I’m Rory, and this is Sienna.” I looked up at him to see his eyes focused on my face before they drifted down my body.

  “I’m Jacob. It’s good to meet you.” He offered me his hand, and I shook it, feeling the heat and sweat before he pulled away to kneel before Sienna. “Hi, Sienna.” They fist bumped, and surprise filled me as I watched.

  “Hi, Jacob.” She said softly as I kept watching them. “Do you live here too?”

  “Right there.” He pointed to his door, and I felt my heart ache at the sight of them. She had such a short time with her father that I could hardly remember the images. I focused on my daughter and didn’t date since his death, despite my sister telling me I could move on. He glanced at me and held my gaze as I offered him a weak smile. “Welcome to the building.”

  “Thank you. It seems nice, so far.” I offered as I looked down the hall. “We should go, Si. We need to be somewhere. It was nice meeting you.” I told him, his eyes burning into mine.

  “Yeah.” He replied softly as I blushed and took my daughter’s hand. We walked to the elevator, and I pushed the button, refusing to look back at Jacob. Sienna asked a few questions about him, and it was clear to see that she had a crush. I smiled, knowing that it would pass and feeling relieved at the thought.

  When the door opened, I walked inside and pushed the button for the first floor. I planned for my day with Mom, reminding myself to keep a smile on my face. I needed to be strong for Mom and Sienna, and I could break down later when the night was quiet.

  We arrived at Mom’s apartment, and she was resting in her recliner with the TV on. I knew that it was background noise since she was never one to sit and watch it before. “Hi, Mama!” I called cheerfully as I walked in and smiled at her.

  “Gram!” Sienna called as she ran in and threw herself into Mom’s arms, making me wince. I told her the best way I knew how to be gentle with Mom, but she loved fiercely. She was so much like Kyle. He loved me with a fervor that I missed every day.

  “Be careful, baby,” I called out as I walked into the kitchen. I poured some coffee for Mom and me, bringing that into the living room before getting a cup of water for Sienna. “How are you feeling?”

  It was a daily question, but we both knew the answer. Mom had cancer. She had a mastectomy and was going through cancer treatments with a good chance of beating it. The doctors were positive, but I could see that everything was taking a toll on her. “Tired today. I’m glad the appointment isn’t until tomorrow.”

  I was myself. We had a car that we used when needed, but it wasn’t easy. My sister drove more than I did since she was used to big cities, but there were days I simply needed to.

  “Yeah. We can relax and have some girl time. Jane is bringing dinner later.” I sat beside my daughter on the couch and sipped my coffee, needing it.

  I worked for an author before Kyle died. It was all stuff online promoting her and setting up her schedule and worked well during my pregnancy, and when Sienna was little. When Kyle died, I still managed to keep going with it but suffered from an uncontrollable depression for a while. If it hadn’t been for the friends, I had in town that were also military wives; I would have never gotten through it. I missed the work and the excitement of watching my friend’s career as an author grow. I missed being something more than this shell of me.

  Mom said something, and I focused on the present, even as Jacob passed through my mind a few times. I hadn’t had that happen for a long time, not since I met Kyle.

  Chapter 3


  I joined Lachlan at the table in the bistro, setting my tablet down as
the waitress stopped to ask if I wanted a drink. I asked for a beer and glanced at my boss as he read something on his phone.

  He wasn’t the cool guy that I knew back in LA. He was warmer now and the smile on his face showed how happy he was.

  “So, did you get through the mountain of emails?”

  “I did. I think that it’s working well, having two locations.” I replied, and he nodded as his phone vibrated again. “Everything okay?”

  “Peyton is in Belize doing a shoot. We keep in touch when we can.” He replied, and I saw the lines across his forehead. His fiancée was a top photographer that worked with two other women, Delila and Priscilla. One of whom was seven months pregnant and not traveling now. That meant the other two handled that part and Delila just handled the editing part. “The hours are fucking crazy when she travels.”

  “I can imagine. You know that I am here now, and you can go along. She usually isn’t gone for that long, is she?” I asked as the waitress set the beer and a glass of ice water down on the table. We both ordered and leaned back as he sighed.

  “I had new clients I wanted to keep in touch with so I could make more money to travel with her more often.” He replied, and I rolled my eyes.

  “You have the money.”

  “I want to run this business the best way I can. If I do that, I stay here in New York with everyone.” He reached for his whiskey and sipped it gently as he looked me over. “How do you like it?”

  “It’s great. The apartment is nice and in a good location. There’s plenty of things I need around it and work is going smooth.” I shrugged and sipped my beer. I felt unsettled from meeting Rory and Sienna this morning. The young mother was stunning, and something was charming about her little girl. I wasn’t someone that dated women with kids, and I forced the idea from my head. I wasn’t going to date, my neighbor. There was sure to be a boyfriend or husband around, but I never looked at her empty ring finger. Maybe next time… no. Not next time. I could be the good neighbor and leave it at that.


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