The Bull Rider's Son

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The Bull Rider's Son Page 15

by Cathy McDavid

  Then what? A kiss good-night? At that precise moment, the back porch light turned on. Her mother must have heard the truck engine. No way could Cassidy kiss Shane with her mother twenty feet away on the other side of the wall. If he intended to kiss her at all, considering how strangely he was acting.

  “Wait!” she blurted.

  His hand paused on the handle.

  “Um.” Had she lost her senses? “Can we...” Oh, jeez. She was insane. Or a fool. Both, in all likelihood.

  “What, Cassidy?”

  She wished she could see his face. Read his expression. Then, she’d know what to say next. But the interior of the truck was too dark.

  “Can we go to your trailer? Just to talk,” she clarified. “For a while. I’m not ready to call it a night.” Was this what one beer and a basket of fried shrimp did to her? Turned her into someone who invited themselves inside a man’s home? “Unless you’re tired.”

  “I’m not tired.” He threw the truck into Reverse.

  As they passed beneath the arena’s security light high atop a post, she saw his wide, satisfied grin.

  Dammit! She’d been played. He’d wanted her to be the one to ask.

  Cassidy squared her shoulders, not bemoaning the loss of her pride. Played or not, she wanted to be alone with Shane.

  He unlocked the trailer door and waited for her to enter first. She hesitated before climbing the steps, remembering the last time she’d been here and their smoking hot kiss, rivaled only by the one on the bleachers. She was, she admitted, ready for another.

  Wow, she barely recognized herself. This wasn’t how she behaved. Shane had completely changed not just her life but her. He’d given her courage. Filled the large empty void surrounding her heart. Taught her to let go of what wasn’t important while still holding on to what was.

  It was on the tip of her tongue to tell him how much he’d come to mean to her, but she couldn’t.

  “Cassidy?” Shane switched on the dim kitchen light. “Is something wrong?”

  “Yes,” she whispered and raised her hand to cup his strong jaw. “We’re not doing this.” Standing on tiptoes, she pressed her lips to his.

  The kiss was sweet. Chaste. And all too brief. On a scale of one to ten, his response was maybe a one-point-five.

  What an idiot she’d been, thinking he wanted her. Well, she wouldn’t make that mistake again.

  “Sorry,” she muttered and spun, ready to flee.

  “Don’t go.”

  “I’ve made a terrible mistake.”

  “If you think that, then go ahead. Leave right now. Because if you don’t, I’m going to kiss you again. Really kiss you this time.”

  Cassidy didn’t move, except to part her lips in anticipation.

  “Exactly what I thought,” he said and wrapped her in his arms. When his mouth crashed down on hers, she was ready. And willing.

  Chapter Twelve

  More than once, Shane had cursed the trailer’s cramped bedroom. He stubbed his toes on the corner of the dresser. Banged his elbows into the wall. Repeatedly walked into the closet door, which never quite closed all the way.

  Tonight, he was grateful for the tight quarters, which put him close to Cassidy, and for the wall lamp with its low-energy bulb that emitted just the right amount of minimal light.

  It hadn’t been easy breaking down her defenses. Finally, with a lot of effort and double the patience, he’d succeeded. His reward was the passionate, sexy woman he’d glimpsed hidden beneath the surface.

  She returned his kisses with a fervor matched by his own. It had been she who entered the trailer first, peeling off her jacket as she did. Then, when he’d unzipped his vest, she’d insisted on divesting him of it. Now, she tackled the buttons on his shirt.

  “Whoa, sweetheart.” He stayed her hands by taking them in his.

  “Sorry,” she murmured, her cheeks blushing a lovely pink.

  “Don’t be.” Tucking a lock of hair behind her ear, he lifted her face to his. “I liked your enthusiasm. More than you can imagine. But I’d also like the night to last.”

  She smiled shyly, which was a charming contrast to her earlier unabashed eagerness. “I’m probably woefully out of practice. Which, I’m sure, the last five minutes demonstrated.”

  He bent his head and skimmed his lips along the side of her neck, paying special attention to the delicate skin beneath her jaw. She shuddered when he nibbled on her earlobe.

  “Follow your instincts,” he whispered, his voice rough with desire, “and we’ll both be just fine.”

  She grabbed the front of her shirt and tugged, popping open the snaps in quick succession. Shane’s eyes widened, at her lack of restraint and at the glorious sight before him. Beneath the lacy peach bra were a pair of beautifully rounded breasts, the loveliest he’d ever seen.

  “Aw, hell,” he said and scooped her up, one arm behind her knees, the other supporting her back. Walking to the bed, he deposited her in the middle. “Going slow has always been overrated.”

  With a low, sexy chuckle, she fell back onto the mattress. Shane swallowed, his throat sudden dry, and he lowered himself on top of her. The next instant, they were right where he wanted them to be, amid a tangle of arms and legs.

  “My boots,” she protested and toed them off. With a hollow thud, they fell to the trailer floor.

  Shane did the same with his, then removed his shirt, nearly shredding the fabric in his haste. His white T-shirt came next.

  “Oh, my.” Cassidy stared at his bare chest with a look akin to wonder, then trailed her fingertips down the length of him, from collarbone to belt buckle. He hissed, his muscles clenching in response as her nails lightly scraped his skin.

  “Sweetheart.” He groaned when she unfastened his belt buckle. “I thought it was my turn to undress you.”

  She slid down his zipper. “Or you can watch me undress myself when I’m done here.”

  No man in his right mind could pass up an offer like that.

  He wound up having to help her with his jeans, and was happy to oblige. She sat back on her calves while he removed his socks. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his briefs, he started to tug.

  “No, let me,” she said with relish and took over the task, easing the briefs over his hips. Her heated gaze lingered.

  Shane was no Adonis, not in his opinion, anyway. But, thanks to years of hard, demanding labor, he knew he could hold his own in the physically fit department.

  “My turn.” He sat up and reached for her.

  She withdrew. “That’s not what we agreed on.”

  No, it wasn’t. She’d promised to make all his dreams a reality.

  Standing, she removed her shirt, fully exposing her peach bra and all her lovely bare skin. Next, she shimmied out of her jeans and tossed them onto the floor. In the pale light of the wall lamp, wearing no more than her underwear, she resembled a golden goddess. Shane had never been more enamored.

  “You’re incredible.”

  Her gaze softened. “You make me feel that way.”

  He fitted his hands to her waist and pulled her forward until she stood between his knees. Next, he skimmed his hands up her rib cage, stopping just shy of her breasts.

  She slipped the bra straps off her shoulders. A moment later, the flimsy piece of lingerie lay on the floor beside her jeans.

  Shane could only stare, unable to remember ever seeing, much less holding, such beauty. His hands were on the verge of shaking as he raised them to her breasts. The nipples instantly beaded at his touch. What would they taste like? He couldn’t wait to find out.

  He brought his mouth to first one breast, then the other, sucking greedily. Her breathing quickened. His was coming in great, loud rasps that filled his ears.

  Oh, yeah. He’d
been right, she tasted as delicious as she looked.

  She threaded her fingers into his hair and kissed him soundly. “Make love to me, Shane.”

  “Count on it.”


  He tugged on her bikini panties, sliding them down the length of her long, shapely legs. Once she stepped out of the skimpy garment, he ran his hands back up the same path. Her skin was like silk. He didn’t want to stop.

  Circling her waist with one arm, he pressed his splayed fingers to her belly. Like her breasts, the skin there was smooth as satin. Did it, too, taste delicious?

  Shane found out for himself. She inhaled sharply as his mouth replaced his fingers. Trembled when his tongue circled her belly button. Not stopping there, he dipped his tongue inside, causing her to shudder.

  “That tickles.” She attempted to wriggle away from him.

  He held fast, his arm circling her waist. “What about this?” He slipped his hand between her thighs and nearly lost it when he encountered her moist folds.

  Her answer was a low, desperate moan.

  She wanted him. As much as he wanted her. The knowledge excited him further.

  Growing bolder, he slid a finger inside her. Then a second.

  “Oh, Shane.” Her limbs trembled, and she swayed unsteadily. “This is...”


  She braced her hands on his shoulders and rocked her hips in rhythm with his thrusting fingers. “I was thinking indecent.”

  “Want me to stop?” He rubbed his thumb over her most sensitive spot.

  Her eyes drifted closed.

  “Yes?” He increased the pressure. “Or no?”

  “Don’t...stop.” Her grip tightened, her nails digging into his flesh. “Please.”

  Taking his cues from her, he stroked and fondled and caressed her. She was incredible to watch, unbelievably responsive. He couldn’t take his eyes from her expressive face. A moment later, she rewarded him, her body quivering as a stunning climax claimed her.

  “Shane!” She threw back her head and gave herself over to the sensations.

  He steadied her, not removing his hand until the tremors subsided and her legs grew stronger.

  She exhaled a long, uneven breath. “Wow.”

  “My sentiments exactly.”

  “I don’t usually... I haven’t ever let a man...” She smiled shyly down at him, brushing the hair off his forehead. “I’m glad it was you.”

  The sincerity in her voice and the warmth in her eyes caused his chest to swell. She wasn’t playing to his ego or feeding him a line. Her enjoyment had been genuine and real and, for him, just the beginning.

  “Cassidy, this isn’t a casual hookup. I care about you. A lot. I hope you know that.”

  When her gaze met his, he saw understanding blaze in her dark eyes. “I do.”

  “Our date tonight, it’s the first of many.”

  “Maybe we can take the kids along with us sometime.”

  She was truly out to win his heart. “Sounds great.”

  Assuming she needed a few minutes to recoup, he was surprised—and delighted—when she pushed him down onto the bed and straddled his hips.

  “Wait.” He grabbed her hips and anchored her in place. “We can’t yet. Not without protection.”

  “You’re right.” She nodded thoughtfully. “Do you have any?”

  Shane almost laughed. She’d asked the question with the same nonchalance she might have when inquiring about the weather or his day at work. Would she ever cease to amaze him?

  “There’s some in the drawer.” He reached for the built-in night stand.

  She eyed him wryly. “You planned this?”

  “No, no. Not at all.” He faltered, realizing nothing he said would make him sound less of a heel. “They’re left over from...” He was making this worse by the second.

  “It’s okay.” She bent over him until their foreheads were touching. “I’m not upset.” She kissed him, slow and sweet and thoroughly. It quickly escalated to fire and heat. “Now, Shane,” she whispered when they broke apart, their former sensual mood restored. “I’m not sure I can wait any longer.”

  Damned if she wasn’t the most extraordinary woman. Quickly donning the condom, he positioned her above him and drove inside. Incredible. Smooth. Slick. Tight. His body bucked involuntarily as sensations overpowered him.

  Her moan of pure delight incited him to thrust deeper and harder. Within seconds, sweat broke out on his skin, as much from forcing himself to hold back as the physical exertion.

  She shifted, the new position allowing him to go deeper, feel more, give her greater pleasure. He ground his teeth together, unable to take much more. Filling his hands with her breasts, he squeezed and fondled.

  After that, there was no going back and no stopping. His release came with all the force of a thundering stampede. He was aware of calling out her name. Of holding on to her as if he didn’t dare let her go. Of needing her with a desperation exceeding all others. Ever.

  When their breathing returned to a semblance of normal, she fell onto his chest, limp as a rag doll and completely spent. He, too, had yet to recover and might never.

  “That was...pretty great,” she said at last, dropping light kisses on his face and neck.

  “Pretty?” Shane might have laughed if he wasn’t exhausted. “Speaking for myself, I’ll never be the same again.”

  She rose, her smile conveying just how aware she was of her effect on him. “I think we did okay for two people out of practice.”

  “We did great.” He was already imagining the next time. Possibly later tonight.

  When she went to roll off him, he pulled her down onto the mattress beside him.

  “I should go,” she murmured.

  “Why?” He stroked the length of her back, familiarizing himself with the exquisite contours of her body. Round, lush hips. Narrow waist. Flat belly. Full breasts. She might not realize it, but she was made for a man’s touch. His touch. “Isn’t Benjie staying at Tatum’s tonight?”

  “My mom will notice I’m gone.”

  “Your mom’s busy with your dad. He told me earlier they were having dinner together. He’s at the house now.”

  “Ah.” She made a wry face. “Now I understand the porch light.”

  “Didn’t you see his truck?”

  “I guess not.”

  “You okay with that? Your dad staying over?”

  He felt her relax. “I’m better these days than I was.”


  “Yeah.” She stretched and sighed contentedly. “It is.”

  Shane had heard from Mercer that he and Cassidy had a heart-to-heart talk earlier today. His boss was of the opinion he and his daughter had rebuilt all their burned bridges. She seemed to share that opinion, to a degree anyway.

  Shane was much more interested in the two of them than in Cassidy’s parents.

  “Stay with me tonight.” He propped himself up on one elbow in order to gaze down at her. “I can’t let you go.”

  “Can’t?” she asked playfully.

  “I’m serious. You’re necessary to me and what we just had together, well, it doesn’t happen often. Never to me. And I don’t want it to end.”

  “If I stay here, my family will find out.”

  “I’ll speak to them. Let them know my intentions are honorable.”

  “Honorable, huh?” She grinned and nestled closer.

  “I’d like to see where this leads. I have a chance to make a real life for myself and Bria here in Reckless. I’m thinking I’d like that life to include you and Benjie.”

  Her expression softened. “I’d like to see where this leads, too. But I should warn you. I’m not the easiest person to get along with, even o
n my good days.”

  “Sweetheart, I wouldn’t have you any other way.”

  Shane kissed her then. A moment later, when the smoldering embers between them had been stoked into a fiery blaze, he pressed her onto her back and covered her body with his.

  She was spending the night with him. He wouldn’t take no for an answer. And in the morning, they’d make plans for the day, and the next day and the one after that.

  * * *

  “DO TELL.” LIBERTY’S eyes lit up.

  “There’s nothing to tell.” Cassidy dismissed her sister with a nonchalant wave. Inside, she was still tingling from Shane’s good morning kisses.

  “You spent the night with him!”

  “Technically, two nights.”

  Liberty gasped with delight. “Details. I demand details.”

  Cassidy obliged her sister by summarizing the first night with Shane after the trail ride. Luckily, Benjie had yet to wake, giving the sisters some time alone.

  “It’s been incredible. Yesterday, while Hoyt took Benjie to the Phoenix Zoo, Shane and I went on a drive in the mountains. On the way home, we stopped in Punkin Center for dinner. I haven’t been there in years.”

  “That’s all?”

  Cassidy grinned slyly. “All I’m telling.”

  Parting from Shane last night had been hard. Which was why, after Benjie had gone to bed, Cassidy had slipped out to his trailer, then hurried back to the house before anyone was awake. Liberty, at the arena earlier than usual, had caught sight of Cassidy and confronted her in the kitchen a few minutes ago.

  “Not one juicy tidbit?” Liberty implored. “You’re mean.”

  At that moment, their mother stumbled into the kitchen, took one look at Cassidy and announced, “Didn’t you sleep? You look terrible.”


  With her hair in complete disarray, her robe hanging off her left shoulder and dark shadows beneath her eyes, her mother wasn’t one to talk.

  “Dad spent the night,” Liberty said.

  “Again?” Cassidy raised an eyebrow.

  Her mother huffed defensively. “People in glass houses have no right to judge.”

  Cassidy rolled her eyes. “That’s not how the saying goes, Mom.” She grabbed a mug from the cupboard. After pouring herself some coffee, she joined her mother and sister at the table. “Fine. I’m seeing Shane. You care to comment?”


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