Dark Baby: Captive Romance (Scottish Doms Book 2)

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Dark Baby: Captive Romance (Scottish Doms Book 2) Page 1

by Esme Devlin

  Dark Baby

  Scottish Doms #2

  Esme Devlin




  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26


  This story is the second part of a two-book series and it is crucial that they are read in sequence, in order to understand the events in this book.

  The first book introduced the main characters, Jed and his rival David Kimber. Jed abducted David’s granddaughter, Sarah, and the pair fell for one another during her captivity.

  Sarah and Jed’s sister, Megan, ended up being taken by David Kimber, and this is where this story picks up- from Megans point of view.

  I hope you enjoy reading this is much as I enjoyed writing it.

  Esme X


  Sweat tricked down my bare back as I circled the swinging bag of dead weight, cutting and jabbing again and again until the muscles in my arms felt like they were on fire.

  “Megan Campbell.”

  Davie said the words as if he was letting me in on a secret.

  I stopped what I was doing and turned to face him. Amusement danced in his eyes. He had an idea, and when his ideas happened, he usually left it to me to turn them into reality.

  “The sister?”

  “Aye, the sister.”

  “They’ll have her guarded tighter than the crown fucking jewels.”

  I turned away from him and returned to what I was doing.

  The more I thought about this latest idea, the more I didn’t like it. Situations played out in my mind at a lightning speed, each one messier than the last one.

  “You’ll make it happen, James, you always do.”

  My jaw clenched as I caught sight of him walking away in my peripheral.

  The name was all he gave me. This was his usual style; just a name. No detail, no instructions, and no help.

  I took my gloves off and dropped them to the floor.

  Megan Campbell.

  Chapter 1


  The last thing I remember is that I was driving down a dark, windy road when a car traveling towards me swerved into my car. The world turned upside down, and everything spun out of control. Then it all turned black, and nothing mattered anymore.

  I woke up in a chair, each one of my limbs strapped down to its own arms and legs. My neck fucking ached as I lifted my head from where it dangled above my shoulder. I quickly realized the rest of me hurt too.

  The room was dark, lit only by a single green fire exit sign above the door in front of me. I wasn’t in a house; houses didn’t have those.

  It didn’t take long for me to work out where I was. This was Hell. Or at least, it soon would be. I was a dead woman walking, ever since my brother had changed the rules. Now I had stopped being able to walk. Now he’d use those same rules that my family had twisted on me.

  My heart began to thud in my chest as the reality of the situation sunk in. I tried to twist my arms to loosen the ties, but they were completely secured and my movements only burned my wrists as the rough twine scoured them.

  My throat was dry, but I’d be damned if I would wait silently for my fate. I would face whatever was going to happen head on. I tipped my head back, opened my mouth and let out a sound that started as a scream and ended in a roar. When the doors didn’t immediately fly open, I did it again. Louder and longer this time, until I was panting for breath by the time I had finished.

  I heard footsteps approaching on the other side of the door, but when it opened, I couldn’t see who was standing in it. The light from behind flooded in and he was just a dark silhouette before me. My eyes blinked, trying to adjust to this change.

  “Kimber will be with you soon. If I was you, and I was smart, I would shut my fucking noise before he gets here.”

  A male voice; rough like gravel and icy cool. The figure disappeared, leaving the heavy door to slam shut behind him.

  I waited. What else could I do? My suspicions were confirmed. David Kimber had taken me in an act of retaliation, revenge, reprisal.

  He was going to beat me, of that I was confident. There was a high probability he’d use my body, and perhaps he’d do one worse and finish me off properly. He likely didn’t hate me, but that didn’t matter. He hated my brother Jed for playing him, for taking his only living relative and playing with her too. If Kimber were a fraction of the man I assumed he was, he’d devise a way to enact this in the most brutal manner possible.

  I tapped my feet against the ground for something to do. When that got boring, I began to wrap my nails along the arm of the chair, slow at first and then faster, and faster. He needed to hurry the fuck up. I was ready for him.

  About twenty minutes had passed when the door swung open again. The man who entered flicked the fluorescent lights on and regarded me with a smirk on his face. His shoes clicked on the concrete floor as he took a few steps towards me, closer and closer until he filled my field of vision.

  I had never seen this man before, but I knew it was David Kimber. I’d heard enough stories about him. The ‘Silver Fox’ girls had called him. He was well dressed, with a dark gray suit that was tailored perfectly and a crisp white shirt that set off his colorless hair and his piercing blue eyes. He wasn’t a huge man, though not small either. He stood before me casually with his hands in his pockets — as if we were old friends. As if he wasn’t about to order my execution.

  A fucking friendly killer. How do you play a friendly killer?

  “Megan. I’ve heard a lot about you.”

  I smiled sweetly. “I could say the same about you, David.”

  “My reputation proceeds me,” he smiled, and gestured a faux-bow. “Now tell me, how did a young, pretty little doll such as you, find yourself in the basement of an old evil drug-lord such as I?”

  He was playing my little game. I was smart enough to know that if I amused him, he might keep me around for a while longer.

  “I must have gotten lost.” My eyelashes fluttered coquettishly. “Or perhaps trouble just follows me around?”

  He paced across the room before returning to stand before my chair. “Perhaps. Then again, perhaps you go looking for it?”

  “Well, I don’t believe trouble always has to be a bad thing.”

  “Is that right? You like trouble?”

  “I like trouble when it likes me.”

  He stared at me as he bent down to remove the ties that held my feet against the chair. I didn’t move them when they were loose, and he moved up to untie my wrists.

  When I was free, I stood up to face him. His hands came to my shoulders, and he switched us around. He removed his suit jacket slowly and sat down on the chair.

  “Prove it,” he smirked.

  “Prove what?”

  “Prove just how much you like trouble, and then we’ll see how much it likes you.” He pushed the chair back, and it scraped across the floor. His eyes stared me down. Cold eyes, at odds with the expression on hi
s face.

  For a moment, panic rose in my chest, restricting my throat until I had to remind myself to breathe. I swallowed, trying not to show any fear. Could he hear my heart beating, racing like a string of cantering horses? Fucking hell.

  My fingers gripped the bottom of my top and I pulled it up and over my head, revealing a black lacy bra that his eyes instantly focused on. I kicked off my boots and my bottoms were next, my tits bouncing as I shimmied out of my tight jeans.

  I decided to be someone else. If I was going to survive this, I needed to shut down. Don’t think. Don’t feel. Just fucking do it, do what he says and do it better than he expects. Davie’s eyes lit up and focused on the little jewel that dangled from the waistband of my panties. I always wore expensive underwear, and I always matched. The approval in his eyes spurred me on.

  “Here.” His head pointed down to his lap.

  I walked over to him, confident as fuck, and slid my legs under each arm of the chair so I straddled him, both of my feet just reaching the ground. I didn’t think for one second about what I was actually doing. I was a different person now, and she could do whatever the fuck she wanted.

  We stared into each other’s eyes in silence and I felt him harden beneath me. I started to move, so fucking slowly I wondered if he could even feel it. He held his breath, and I had my answer.

  I leaned into him and undid the top three buttons of his shirt. My mouth hovered over his neck, his collar parted in my hands. My lips brushed his skin. It was delicate, almost feathery, and I felt his throat vibrate as he groaned.

  His hands ran up my thighs and came around to my ass, reaching up under my panties at either side to grip it firmly and move me across his cock. I sighed and let my head roll back, giving him an absolutely perfect view of my full tits while my hand gripped on to my bra.

  “Does trouble like this?” I asked, biting my lip as I ground down on his lap, hard. It was laughable, really. But what choice did I have?

  He let out a moan of approval in response. It seemed to be working.

  Behind me, I heard the door open, and my head automatically turned to see what was happening.

  A man stood in the doorway. Tall. Dark. Wickedly fucking handsome. Our eyes met, and I swear I felt a bolt of lightning instantly rip through my entire body. This man was terrifying, dangerous, wrong. One look at him and I knew he could break my fucking heart with a snap of his fingers if he wanted to. My heart, my neck, my entire world. I didn’t care. I wanted to lose myself in those unsettling deep, dark eyes.

  At the sound of Davie’s voice, I was snapped back to reality. What the fuck was I thinking? Suddenly I felt sick. I couldn’t do this. I wanted to get off him, and to get dressed. If that meant I’d take whatever fate he had in mind for me, then so be it.

  Chapter 2


  I cleared my throat as I took in the sight before me. If I’d known the girl would rip her clothes off within five minutes, I’d have fucking knocked first.

  “James! Come in. This little beauty is putting on a show for us.”

  I did as he asked, closing the door behind me. The girl stopped what she was doing and stared at me, her mouth open slightly and her cheeks flushed. I lowered my eyes. I had absolutely no interest in this shit.

  “What’s the matter, honey? Are you shy?” Davie taunted.

  She moved to get off him but he caught her wrists. Her breathing increased as she struggled. I went from not looking to not being able to tear my eyes away.

  “Fuck you, you old cunt!”

  She was brave. Brave and stupid. Davie’s face turned from mild amusement to thunder in an instant.

  “James, get this wee slut off me, now.”

  I stalked over to them and grabbed the girl around her waist, lifting her easily from the chair. She thrashed and kicked her legs back against my thighs. I gritted my teeth, waiting for her to realize it was hopeless. I could go all fucking night.

  “We’re going to send your brothers a message.” Davie stood up from the chair and approached us, staying just far enough away to avoid her kicks.

  The girl froze in my arms and Davie laughed as he watched her change.

  “James, see that it’s done. I’m bored with her already.” He picked his jacket up and dusted it off, before throwing it over his shoulder and walking straight out the door.

  Fuck's sake.

  The wee thing was trembling. I put her down on the ground and she backed away from me instantly. She was beautiful, even with the bruises that began to appear as red welts all over her skin. When I’d swerved into her car it had flipped over on its head before landing the right way up. I probably shouldn’t have been so forceful, in hindsight.

  “What are you going to do to me?”

  “Nothing as bad as your brother did to Sarah.”

  Her eyes flashed, panic spreading across her petite features. “He did nothing bad to Sarah. It was makeup.”

  I chuckled. “Is that right, is it? Tell me, why would your brother go to all that trouble?”

  She looked at the floor. She was hiding something.

  “I.. I don’t know.”


  “Sit in the chair.”

  “What are you going to do?”

  “What needs to be done. Now sit, or I’ll tie you up again.”

  She shook her head and backed away from me. I stalked her across the room until she came up against the racking behind her. Her eyes sparkled like emeralds as they flitted around the room and then back to me; my hands, my chest, my face, my cock. My own gaze did the same, her hands leaning behind her, resting on the racking. Her toned leg kicked up off the floor slightly, the light above us reflecting from her glistening skin. Her tits, full and heaving against her tight bra as if they were begging to escape. Her panicked eyes, her parted lips, her honey colored hair; now wild as it fell in waves around her shoulders.

  This one was trouble. Capital fucking T. I shouldn’t have been thinking like that, not about a job. I’d never had a job like this one though. I’d never kept a prisoner alive this long. Blood rushed to my cock at the thought of taming her. I’d yank that defiant little chin of hers and show her exactly what her defiance would bring. That sounded more interesting than putting a bullet in her pretty little head.

  She wasn’t mine to play with though. She was Davie’s. And I didn’t enjoy playing with victims, anyway. I liked clean.

  I pushed all thoughts of yanking and taming to the back of my mind.

  “He wants your hair.”

  Her face changed as my words dawned on her.

  “I’m completely fucking shaved, honey.”

  I chuckled; couldn’t help it.

  “You will sit back on that chair or I will shave every inch of your scalp until I can see my face in its reflection.”

  Her head tilted forwards as she swallowed hard. I could see she was trying to think quickly. Should she fight, or should she obey?

  “If I sit down.. are you going to cut it all off?”

  “Davie would have you bald as a coot. I just need enough for it to look realistic. So be a good girl for me?”

  She nodded slowly and began to smile. Her smiles turned to little giggles and before long her head tilted back as she full on chuckled. “Davies’s good. Really fucking good. My brothers will flip.”

  I shrugged, grinning back at her. “Probably.”

  She slid by me and skipped to the chair like she was about to get her highlights done. Jesus. She was a strange one.

  “Can you just take the under layer?”

  “I’ll do what I can. I’m no fucking hairdresser.”

  I pulled the scissors out of my jacket pocket and crossed the room to stand behind her.

  “What are you?”

  “Just a man who works for Davie.”

  “You do his dirty work?”

  “Sometimes.” I replied, as I parted her hair and took a chunk from behind her ear.

  “Does he pay you well?”

bsp; “Sometimes.” I snipped another piece and watched as it fell to the floor.

  “Do you enjoy it?”


  “Are you loyal to Davie?”

  I paused. “Of course.”

  A few moments passed in silence and I snipped away, little chunks here and there. It looked like a lot more hair on the floor than it did on her head.

  “You are a shit hairdresser.” She giggled. “You’ve not even asked me if I’m going abroad this year... That’s like the rules of hairdressing.”

  I chuckled. “You’re not going anywhere this year.”

  She pretended to huff.

  “Unless you count old Davie’s bed as ‘abroad’.”

  She stiffened in the chair. “He’d have to kill me first.”

  I finished and walked around to look at her from the front. It wasn’t horrendously bad. She still had hair, although I admit, much less of it.

  “You looked like you were really putting up a fight when I walked in, right enough.”

  “What do you know about fighting?” she challenged.

  “Apparently not as much as you.”

  “I don’t fight with my fists.”

  “You fight with your pussy, do you?” I chuckled.

  “Fuck you. Cheeky bastard.”

  I snorted in reply and grabbed the box Davie had left on the shelf for me. The same one they had sent to him. She was right; he was good. I bent down behind her and picked up her hair from the concrete floor, placing it in the box. She turned around on the chair to watch me, her eyes burning holes into me.


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