Dark Baby: Captive Romance (Scottish Doms Book 2)

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Dark Baby: Captive Romance (Scottish Doms Book 2) Page 3

by Esme Devlin

  Her eyes glanced towards me, my bare legs still kicked up over James’ arm, and then back to James.

  “We’re full.”

  “You need to make space, Jenny. Davie’s orders.”

  The woman tutted under her breath, but opened the door anyway and stood aside to let us pass. James carried me through the dark living room and put me down in the kitchen, turning back to flick the light on.

  The woman followed us through and stood there at the door of the kitchen, watching James with beady eyes.

  “You can fuck off now,” he didn’t look at Jenny but we all knew he meant it for her. She stiffened at the insult and her mouth hung open slightly.

  When she made no move to retreat, he stormed to the door, grasped the handle, and went to close it in her face. “James,” she breathed. He slammed it shut anyway, and she had to jump back to stop it catching on her bare toes.

  “I’ll have my coat back now.”

  I gripped it tighter around my body, and he winked at me. He walked by me to fill up the kettle.

  “Just kidding. I’m thinking it looks better on you anyway,” he chuckled. “Coffee?”

  “Uh… yes, please.”

  “Milk? Sugar?”

  “Just Milk.”

  “Sit down.”

  He nodded towards the small table that wedged between the fridge and the clothes-horse. I could barely see the color of the wood from the clutter that scattered over the surface. I sat down and watched him as he washed two cups and hunted in the drawers for a spoon.

  When he had finished, he put the cups down on the table and took the chair next to me.

  “You’ve turned quiet.”

  “I’m tired.” I wasn’t lying. I didn’t know the time, but it was definitely the early hours of the morning. The adrenaline that had rushed through my body earlier had seeped away now. I just wanted to go home. It felt like ages since I’d been in my room, in my house. I wanted to be there now; warm and comforting, clean, familiar. Mark had forced me to flee when they’d feared for my safety, and I’d been living with Jed since. It was okay, but it wasn’t home. I looked down at my hands and fiddled with the ring on my middle finger, twisting the little diamond around and around.

  “You won’t get a bed tonight I’m afraid. Jenny needs to kick someone out to make room for you.”

  “How many girls work here?”

  He shrugged. “Not sure. You won’t be seeing them, so it doesn’t really matter.”

  I took a sip of coffee. The milk tasted like it had seen better days, but I wasn’t complaining. My throat was dry, and I needed the boost it offered.

  “It doesn’t look like a place men would visit for a night of passion…” I looked around the kitchen. The cabinet doors were blue and years of nicotine stained the once white walls, the dirty tiles covered in a thick layer of grease. It was probably older than me.

  “The sort of men who visit this place don’t care about that shit.”

  I swallowed another sip of coffee. Surely, this couldn’t be happening. I didn’t want to think about the sort of men who came here. I knew I would take whatever they threw at me, I’d switch off and I would survive. But I didn’t want it to come to that.

  I needed a plan. I needed to work on the man sitting in front of me. Get him on my side- just like I had told Sarah. But I didn’t know how to do it. This was different; Sarah knew what would work. I didn’t. I needed time to work that part out.

  “Don’t you think those sorts of men would be wasted on me?”

  He stared at me and I met his gaze. My lips parted, my eyebrow raised slightly. He would know exactly what I was saying. If he rejected me, it would fucking hurt. He was my only option, my only choice.

  “You’re suggesting I take you for myself?”

  “Would that be so terrible?”

  “I don’t sleep with whores, love.”

  “I’m not a whore.”

  “Not interested.”

  “Why not? You got a girlfriend?”


  “You got a boyfriend?”


  “You like your hand?”

  He laughed. “No.”

  As the silence grew, I leaned back and let his jacket fall open. He cleared his throat, his face growing more serious now. “It’s an option. You’d have to make it worth my while though.. to go against Davie’s orders.”

  “Try me.”

  “Maybe I will.”

  “I’ll break your heart.”

  Chapter 6


  She probably fucking would. Sitting there like an angel surrounded by chaos. She didn’t belong here. She was different. I looked down at her hands- nails cut perfectly; pink and white and sophisticated, diamonds on her fingers, a bangle brushing the bone of her wrist.

  She was calm, even when I had made it clear what would happen. This was a girl who didn’t lose her reserve easily. She would do whatever she had to do to survive. That would work to my benefit.

  “We’ll sleep on the sofa until morning,” I decided aloud. I wasn’t even tired; I had survived being awake for much longer than this before.

  She nodded and stood up to put her cup on the counter beside the sink, pausing before deciding to take my cup too.

  I flicked off the lights in the kitchen and led her through to the living room. I decided it was probably better I didn’t turn the lights on in here, who fucking knew what state this room was in. I slipped the jacket off her shoulders and lay it flat over the sofa before guiding her towards it.

  She lay down and curled her legs up to her chest in a little ball. I slid in beside her. She was cold to the touch.

  “Come here,” I demanded, perhaps a little too sharply.

  I slipped my arm under her neck and hugged her close, entwining my legs with hers to cover her bare flesh. She snuggled deeper, her breath warm on my chest even through my t-shirt.

  I lay awake for ages listening to her breath grow steadier as she drifted off to sleep. My fingers traced circles on her back, soft and smooth like silk. She was so fucking perfect. The second she was in that bedroom I would claim her and make her mine.

  Megan lay sleeping long after I had gotten up and went to fetch Jenny. It was 6.30am, too early for it to be dawn at this time of year but I didn’t give a fuck. I was growing impatient.

  Jenny slept downstairs in what would have been the dining room, if this had been a normal house. I stood outside the door and knocked repeatedly.

  “What time is it?”

  “Time to get up.”

  “Doesn’t look like it.” She glanced towards the glass panel of the front door that was faintly glowing orange from the still-lit street lights outside.

  “You need to clear two rooms. Now. I’ve asked around; Carol will take one and Diane will take another. Get them in a taxi before sunrise.”

  “I run a clean house James, I don’t want no part in whatever the fuck you and Davie are up too.”

  “Then you can leave too.”

  She shook her head and huffed before retreating into her dark room and closing the door in my face. She wouldn’t argue with me; no one dared to do that. This was Davie’s house, and he let Jenny run it because she’d been useful to him back in the day. As had Carol, and Diane, and all the other 'Madams' in all his other houses. Davie had a penchant for whores.

  With that out of the way, I woke Megan up and took her hand to lead her up to her new bedroom. I switched the lights on and swore under my breath at the state of the place. This would not do at all. At the least, the sheets needed changing. I put Megan in a chair in the corner of the room and told her to sit, while I went to find some clean bedding.

  When I returned, she wasn’t where I had told her to be.

  “I told you to sit.”

  She looked up, cocking her eyebrow in amusement. “I guess I didn’t like the way you asked me.”

  “I don’t ‘ask’ — I fucking tell. You obey.”

  “And when I
don’t obey?”

  “You always obey.”

  “Or what?”

  I sighed in exasperation, then walked towards her until we were chest to chest. Her breath quickened. I sensed her heart race. My eyes locked into her own, but they weren’t really seeing me. They were a bright green, like emeralds, but hollow too. She had a hundred-mile stare, and I didn’t fucking like that.

  I took her shoulders and shook her. “Are you stupid?”


  “I’ll fucking hurt you, Megan, and I’ll enjoy every agonizing second of it. If you’re the smart little girl you claim to be, you will obey. And you’ll do it with a look in your eye that says you love every fucking moment.”

  She swallowed and her eyes changed, like she was seeing me for the first time.

  “What makes you think I’m scared of you hurting me?”

  “You don’t even know half of the ways I can hurt you. And you sure as hell don’t want to find out. Not this early in our relationship.”

  “We have a relationship now?”

  “We have whatever I say we have.”

  She laughed and pulled away from me, but I grabbed her back.

  “Get that bed changed, now.”

  She seethed at me and made her way over to the bed, starting with the pillows.

  I sat down in the chair and watched her as she worked, her arse in my face as she reached over the bed to pull the sheets off. I’d paint it bright fucking red until tears streamed down her pretty face, and she was sorry she’d ever taken that tone of voice with me.

  She would learn.

  When she finished, and the fresh sheets were on, I told her to get in and not dare fucking move this time. I picked up the old bedding she’d flung carelessly around the room and locked the door behind me. She’d have roughly three minutes to adjust her attitude.

  Chapter 7


  So he was that type of man, just as I had suspected. All it had taken was a simple disregard for his order and he’d shown me his true colors. This was a good thing though, I knew how to play the bratty submissive well enough.

  He wanted to hurt me? Pain did not phase me. He wanted a princess? I’d suck his cock while he placed that crown on my head. He wanted to feel powerful? I’d beg for every touch.. every word.. every beating.

  Whatever he desired, I’d give him it better than he’d ever had it before. I would survive, and I’d walk away from this stronger than I’d come into it.

  The door creaked open, and he flicked the lights off before he closed it behind him. He made his way to the window, the first hint of morning light creeping in, and rolled down the blinds. I could barely see him; he was just a shadow as he moved to the side of the bed before me. I heard his shoes roll on the floor, and his t-shirt crease as he moved it up his body and over his head.

  “You going to fight me?” He grunted, unbuckling his belt. I was almost certain that was a threat.

  “I offered you my body, didn’t I?”

  He removed the belt from his jeans and dropped it, the metal buckle clattering as it hit the solid wood floor. I heard his jeans come down and his steps on the floor as he shuffled out of them.

  The covers flicked back, and he got in beside me, the bed creaking and the mattress shifting when his weight pressed down on it.

  “Why did you offer?”

  I paused while I thought about how to answer. “I’d rather have one man than ten.”

  “You might regret that.” He rolled over towards me and lay across my body, taking my wrists in his hands and pinning them down around my head.

  “I’m not scared of you.”

  “You’re not smart then. You’ll learn.”

  “You’re going to teach me... hm?”

  I shifted my leg to the side and his stomach pressed down on my now parted thighs. His head came down above my own and his breath was warm in my ear.

  “No. Not yet. First, I’m going to fuck you so hard that you forget everything that ever came before me.”

  I wanted to say something snippy. A smart comment that was a mix of backchat and flirtation. He didn’t let me though. His hands reached down and pulled my panties off, and the next thing I knew his body was between my thighs, splitting my legs apart.

  I moaned as he let his full weight pull down on top of me and I struggled to breathe. His cock edged at my entrance, sending me all sorts of crazy in anticipation. I tried to pull my hips up to meet him, but his thick body locked them in place. I couldn’t move a fucking inch.

  His thrust himself inside me and every muscle in my body clenched at his invasion. I wasn’t expecting that; he was too big. Far too fucking big. My sharp intake of breath acted as a signal for him and his teeth clamped down into my neck. I could take this. I would take this. He didn’t let go though, forcing himself further inside of me, biting me harder until tears pricked in my eyes and my hands flew to his shoulders.

  “Okay. Okay, you win. Stop.” I cried. I couldn’t take this. But he was just getting started. His cock slid out of me and he did it again, more forcefully this time, hitting me in places I’d never felt before. He bit down even harder and I screamed. “Stop!”

  “Stop? I’m just getting started, baby.” His lips crashed down hard on my own. I opened for him, taking his tongue in my mouth, thankful that it was there and not locked onto my neck. “I’m going to fuck that tiny little cunt of yours until you can’t take any more.”

  I chocked on a scream that quickly changed to a moan as he pulled my ass up off the bed and buried himself in deeper. Every thrust brought fresh tears to my eyes but I couldn’t deny how fucking good it felt. He wanted everything, every single piece of me.

  “I’m going to make you come, again and again until you forget your own fucking name.” He was pounding me now, my arms came down, and I tried to shift my body up the bed, so he couldn’t go so deep. I couldn’t come from a cock inside me.

  “I’m going to fill every single one of your holes until you feel empty without me inside you.” His breath, hot in my ear, was sending shivers down my spine. I moaned in delight, in panic, in sheer ecstasy as he pushed all the way in and held still, so fucking still.

  His hand gripped around my neck and he squeezed. “Come for me, baby. Come on my cock for me.” I tried to breathe, but he was making it damn near impossible. My legs gripped around him, he didn’t move, he just lay there solid as a rock while I wantonly slid my body under his, trying desperately to climb higher. To do what he wanted.

  The thought of how helpless I was, pinned under him and impaled on his shaft was helping me get there. I focused on that, on how it was the only thing that mattered and eventually when I thought I would pass out from lack of oxygen, my body tensed and every muscle clenched tighter as I shuddered around him.

  “Good girl. Good little girl.” He whispered, as his grip loosened slightly on my neck and I gasped for air. “So fucking perfect when you’re coming for me.” His tongue flicked around my ear and across my cheek and I felt a little current of excitement pool between my legs again. What had he done to me?

  He pulled out of me and with a few strokes of his hand, spilled his load all over my stomach. I didn’t have my pill with me — obviously — so I should have been pleased. But in that moment I had wanted him to come inside me, to feel the essence of him at my core.

  “You like your hand better?” I hadn’t meant it to sound so accusatory.

  He chuckled and grabbed my panties, brushing them across my tummy before he collapsed back on top of me.

  “I’ve got forever to put a baby in your belly. You want one right this second?”

  “Wait... Forever?”

  “That’s what I said. You don’t believe me?”

  “You’ll get bored.”

  “Was that boring?” His voice was stern.


  “You made a deal with the devil, little girl. You offered yourself willingly. You should have thought about that before you leaped so blindl
y into my arms.”

  “What choice did I have?”

  “You had Davie. You think he would have been worse?”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “You will, in time.”

  I woke up alone and sore. Every muscle in my body ached as I stretched my arms above my head.

  I bent down over the bed, trying to locate my panties he’d so savagely ripped off me. The place was a fucking mess. I pulled the covers off me so I could get up and look properly, but I stopped to look at my body in all its shocking glory. Big purple bruises had appeared on my arms, my legs, my torso. That had been the car crash... But there was something else. Dried blood stained the insides of my thighs. James had fucked me so hard I had bled for him. So he was into pain then. This should be interesting.

  I’d done all the ‘normal’ stuff before — biting, choking, the occasional slap on the arse. I’d never had a man fuck me so hard I bled though. Would it always be like this? I was sore, really fucking sore. But it was soothing, strangely. A memory of the most intense orgasm I’d ever had, imprinted in the form of pain between my legs.

  I stood up on shaky legs and found my underwear over by the chair. I quickly remembered that he’d used them to clean up and decided against putting them back on.

  Checking the door, I realized he locked it from the outside. Why had I expected any different?

  I hunted in the wardrobe to see if the previous inhabitant had left anything behind in her rush to vacate. There was a shirt, a man’s shirt that smelled slightly stale but looked clean enough. I put my arms in and did the buttons up, letting it fall around me like a dress. There was a pair of pajama shorts that would double just fine as underwear, and I stuck them on praying that they were clean. How the fuck was I supposed to play the dirty little slut for him when I looked like a piece of swamp shit? I was already feeling conscious of my hair. I hadn’t seen it yet, but it felt considerably thinner.


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