Crimson Reign

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Crimson Reign Page 15

by V L Moon

  “What the hell…” Stunning, the only word to pop into his brain at the first sight of the female waiting for him completely covered by a throat to ankle cape.

  It never ceased to unnerve him; the change in the angel so complete. The hard planed muscular physique transformed in the blink of an eye. Lustrous black hair piled atop the female’s head. Teasing tendrils brushed softly at her cheeks. Molten chocolate eyes issued an erotic invitation. Cherry red lips pouted prettily as he stared.

  Known for their lithe, agile forms, most vampire females sported few curves. Occasionally, due to the encroachment of human blood into the race, there were those who exhibited more lush frames. But, none equaled the voluptuous beauty crossing the room to take his arm. He stood transfixed watching her approach, rubies glittering against the pale flesh of her throat just above the cloak. When her hand curved around his arm, the scent of sex, the sharp bite of release, teased his nose. The beast inside him raged. Who had dared touch what belonged to him? He tensed, his head swinging around to track the room. The challenging growl rumbled out automatically.

  “There is none here save me, Malachi.” She tugged gently on his arm. “We must go, we will be late.”

  With a last inhalation that confirmed she was indeed alone, Malachi tamped down the beast and followed her into the elevator. “You look lovely.” His brow arched when the female gave him a very Laz like smirk.

  “Well, well, maybe I did teach Batman some manners.” When Malachi rolled his eyes, Loz laughed, the light breathy sound so different from Laziel’s booming laugh. “You haven’t even seen my dress, Malachi. It could very well be an atrocious puce color with a million ruffles.”

  As she teased him, Loz moved closer pressing her curvaceous body against his side. A soft breast pressed against his arm as she gazed up at him. His tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. He met her gaze questions in his eyes. Before he could voice any, a quiet ding indicated they had reached the lobby. When the doors slid open, the guards stood sentry and fell into step behind them. The chauffer held the door of the limo, eyes carefully averted as Loz slid into the luxury car. Pheromones from the two guards slapped at Malachi. He spun around eyes glowing and fangs distended.

  “Meet us there.” In the blink of an eye, they disappeared. The acrid scent of their fear stung his nose. His sanity returned and he shook his head. What the hell was going on with him? Why was she affecting him so strongly tonight? He’d encountered Loz on numerous occasions both for formal reasons and quite by accident in their private chambers. He’d never reacted this way. Although Loz and Laz were the same entity, their personas were unique. His gaze flicked to his side where Loz sat. The long cape split around one leg revealing a smooth expanse of skin. His body responded to her allure, but the gut clenching need he felt for Laziel did not manifest. At least not until the angel’s scent kissed his nose. That never changed.

  A soft hand slid over his thigh and Loz pressed against him again. “We have an audience, Lachi.” The voice sounded in his head seconds before her other hand turned his head so their lips met. “Chauffer keeps sneaking peeks.” The hand on his thigh skated higher followed by a delicate moan. Anger flared. Darklon’s minions hid everywhere.

  Snaking an arm around Loz’s slender waist, he tugged her across his lap, deepening the kiss. Although he preferred a hard male body beneath his hands, he didn’t hesitate to palm her lush breast through the cloak. He broke the kiss to trail his lips down the smooth column of her throat. Nimble fingers tangled in his hair.

  “Oh, Malachi, it’s been too long. Do we have to go straight to the ball?” Husky with need, Loz’s voice filled the interior of the car. The limo slowed, a clear indication the chauffer was indeed listening. Lachi paid him no mind having caught Laziel’s voice underlying the feminine tone. He hid his smile against the curve of her shoulder. So, he wasn’t the only one feeling the strange vibes. Massaging the breast he held, he lifted his head to meet desire laden eyes.

  “If we do not go straight there, Bella Mia, we may not make it. The need to be inside you consumes me.” Deliberately, he lowered his voice, allowing the growl to work its way through the words just the way Laziel liked it. In his arms, Loz shuddered even as her eyes narrowed. Her arousal blossomed, spilling a heady fragrance into the enclosed space. A rare grin crossed Malachi’s face.

  “You should know by now, angel, not to tease me.” The statement slipped from his mind to hers, and his smile froze when a perfectly arched brow lifted in amusement.

  “Just you wait, vampire. We shall see who wins this skirmish.” Another passionate kiss ensued, interrupted only by the limo coming to a stop and the driver’s door swinging open.

  “We have arrived, Sire.”

  Malachi broke the kiss and eased Loz back onto the seat. “So we have. Give us a minute to freshen up, will you?” With a quick nod, the chauffer exited the car and circled around to stand patiently at the passenger side door. Nonchalantly, Loz pulled a small compact from her purse and reapplied her lipstick. A white handkerchief appeared and she brushed carefully over his lips erasing any sign of cherry red. Malachi reached up to still her hand. Luminous eyes locked on his gaze.

  “Stay close to me. We cannot afford a slip up; we must appear the eager, loving couple. Darklon is not as easily fooled as the chauffer.”

  For a moment, the silver color Laz favored flashed in those dark eyes. “Do not forget yourself, Malachi Azarian Denali. Beneath the breasts and finery, I am still the angel sent to this Earth to protect you. I need no instruction in keeping you safe. It has been my duty since you were…since you first opened those beautiful onyx eyes.”

  Loz tapped the glass and the door immediately swung wide. She took the offered hand and slid gracefully from the car. Malachi joined her on the curb and pressed a hand to the small of her back as they traversed the short distance to the door of the Vatican.

  “May I take your cloak, Mistress?” The waiting maggiordomo offered his services. Loz accepted graciously, a small wry smile curved her lips showing barely the tips of her fangs as she slowly unclasped the fastenings of her cape, and then tilted her head so her gaze locked with his own.

  The maggiordomo slid the cloak off of her shoulders and stepped away to check it. Malachi’s eyes drifted down over the barely there black satin and a low growl started in his chest. Peaked nipples and acres of bare flesh meant to drive a male wild filled his vision. His gaze wandered down stopping at the thigh high hemline and snapped back up to meet an arched brow and come...hither eyes. Maintaining the eye lock, Loz stepped around him and broke their gazes momentarily as she reached the entrance to the ballroom.

  Malachi stared in disbelief at the bare flesh of her back and the long line of rubies artfully attached to the choker around her neck. The ebony material draped her curves barely covering the swell of her ass. The top just barely met the last link in the…fuck him, it was a damned collar and leash. He swallowed and narrowed his eyes. The angel played a dangerous game.

  “Whatever you are playing at angel, I call your bluff.” He sent the thought on a tight line straight to Loz’s mind. A slight inclination of her head indicated her acceptance of the challenge.

  With deceptive calm, he brushed his fingertips over the ripe mounds of her ass and swept the rubies up in his palm. Deftly, he twisted the links around his forearm and tugged her backward to his side. Another curl of his arm brought her chin up and head back as she arched to meet the demand of his powerful grip. Eyes brimming with the fire of arousal, Malachi brought his mouth down hard on hers branding her before those who waited in the lobby. Twitters of amusement filtered to their ears. When Malachi lifted his head, he avoided her gaze, instead sweeping his black stare in the direction of the ballroom. Somewhere in the mob, Darklon lurked. Malachi felt the stabbing heat of his gaze.

  He released the ruby chain slowly, and with each turn of his wrist, Loz took a step toward the ballroom, swaying sensuously. Malachi’s dark eyes locked on the unhampered slide of satin
over silky flesh. The cheeky angel wore nothing beneath the thin material of the dress. Obviously reading his mind, Loz glanced back over her shoulder and gave him a slow wink. With the last ruby clasped between his fingers, Malachi took two long strides to reach her side. He nestled the gem in the cleft of her ass and leaned down to brush his lips over her cheek.

  “We’ll see how brave you are after the ball, darling,” he threatened. Loz inhaled sharply, her chest rising to push her distended nipples against the material of her dress. Before she could respond her name rang out over the assembled.

  “Signorina Lorenza, Diplomatic Envoy of the Court of His Majesty, Malachi Denali.”

  The announcement quieted the room. Every head turned; eyes glued on the statuesque beauty, posing for the perusal. Ravenous, heated stares from males and females alike abounded as the vampires ogled her. A rush of pheromones swept up the slight staircase to clog Malachi’s nose. With a wolfish grin, he defied protocol and stepped through the portal to slide a possessive arm around her waist. Hastily, the maggiordomo cleared his throat.

  “His Royal Highness, King Malachi Azarian Denali, Sovereign Leader of the Vampire Societies, Imperial Emissary of the Vatican Enclave.”

  Turning his gaze to the crowded room, Malachi released the tight control he maintained on the savagery of his true nature. The fierce burn of dominance swept the room. Every vampire in attendance succumbed to his demand going down on one knee, heads bowed. Bewildered humans stood uncomfortably twisting the baubles at their throat or wrists. Fear, human and vampire, stained the air. A whisper of resistance battered at his mind. Ah, Darklon. Malachi followed the twisting thread with his thoughts. When he zeroed in on the Elder, he noted his location and placed a hand to Loz’s back.

  “Shall we?” He asked softly.

  “Oh yes, Malachi. It’s time to have fun.”

  Several hours later, Malachi leaned against the wall blanketed by the shadows. On the dance floor, Loz swayed gracefully in Synta’s embrace. He needed the brief respite and trusted Synta would be nothing but a gentleman. Malachi counted his breaths and worked to rebuild the wall of indifference. The weird vibe for the night had not abated, in fact, it had only gotten worse. After he’d growled and glowered at the first several males who’d asked for a dance, Loz had skillfully maneuvered him to the Pope’s side and demanded he stay.

  Coy glances and flirtatious smiles found him at odd intervals as they worked the room, but the beast inside refused to be mollified. With the exception of Gabriel, the Popes private secretary, the humans tried to avoid him and visibly trembled when the weight of his gaze rested upon them. The distraction was so complete; he’d given little thought to Darklon or his sycophants.

  During the five course meal, with Loz perched firmly at his side, he’d settled somewhat and enjoyed the creations of the master chef. But then, the dancing had ensued once again, and he found himself battling to tame the possessive ferocity of his vampiric nature. Beguiling laughter drifted to his ears and drew his gaze. Loz clearly enjoyed Synta’s company. A snarl vibrated his chest. Fists clenched and muscles tensed. His skin went taut, the savagery inside surged to the surface.

  “Lachi.” Soft fingers slid over his cheeks. When she pressed herself against him, Laziel’s scent surrounded him. “You must settle my darling, you will frighten the humans. I only toy with the males here. You know I am for you and you alone.” The words fraught with emotion and her touch… one of a lover… soothed him. But, it was Laziel’s scent that conquered the brutal monster thirsting for the blood of an innocent. Each deep inhalation quashed the hunger a bit more. Slowly, his fists unclenched. He brought his hands up to rest on her hips.

  “Loz, I…”

  “Come, dance with me.” She brushed aside his explanation and tugged him out of the shadows and into the mass of swaying bodies. With his fangs still prominent, he buried his face in the mass of curls on her head. While the humans knew they were vampires, it wouldn’t do to scare the shit out of them at an event arranged to celebrate the good will between the races. His heart rate returned to normal while he puzzled over his reaction.

  “May I have this dance?” The request came with a tap on Malachi’s shoulder. He knew before he opened his eyes who it was that stood at his side: one bold arrogant motherfucker. The denial sprang to his tongue, but went unspoken. Loz broke from his embrace, a warning in her eyes.

  “Of course, Signore Darklon. It would be my honor to dance with such an esteemed Elder as yourself.”

  The pair moved away, Loz chatting brightly about the elegant surroundings. Unconsciously, he took a step toward them when Darklon’s hand came to rest against the bare skin of her back.

  “Sire.” It took immense effort to bring his head around. A nervous smile trembled on pink lips. “I know it’s forward to ask, but…” Kimberly Stroner cleared her throat, “I think it would, umm, help if you danced with someone else instead of glowering at her.” Kimberly stepped closer and rested a hand on his forearm. “You are quite the handsome male and you’d have these human females eating out of your hand if you’d just smile. You’re scaring them.” The fingers on his forearm slid down to his hand and pulled it to rest on her hip. “Tonight is about harmony, good will, so we need our King to be popular, if you will.” By the time she finished the sentence, they were already moving in perfect unison to the music. Though a confident smile graced her lips, the erratic beat of her heart betrayed her. His gaze swept the vicinity around them to find surreptitious glances being sent their way.

  His lips quirked. “It seems I have been remiss in my duties, Ms. Stroner. Thank you for the advice.”

  Kimberly flushed a delicate shade of rose. “I’m afraid it was Darklon who noticed. I overheard him bragging to his cronies that you were defeating yourself with that dark scowl and ferocious temperament. He is only dancing with your…with Loz because he wants to draw a reaction from you.”

  Malachi swung his secretary under his arm and brought her back flush against his chest. “He should be careful. Loz is dangerous and not to be trifled with in any situation. It is why she is my Ambassador.”

  In the middle of the dance floor, a pained groan swirled higher than the music. The dancing couples parted and Loz stood in the middle of the opening, Fangs bared and hands on lush hips. Darklon writhed at her feet, his hands clutching at his head.

  “Make it stop, oh God, make it stop,” he mewled between convulsions.

  Several of the male’s friends pushed through the crowd and knelt beside him. They tried in vain to control his flailing limbs. Taking his time, Malachi strolled to Loz’s side. Together, they bent as if checking on the stricken vampire.

  A fierce feminine voice sounded in Malachi’s head. “My loyalty is to my King, you treasonous bastard.” When the others flinched, he knew Loz mind spoke to them as well. “If you ever try to invade my mind again, I will cut you down where you stand.” She flicked a disdainful gaze over the Fallen male and his friends. “Surely you didn’t think Malachi would choose a weak willed female as his mate. Your miscalculation almost caused your death.” She rose with all the grace and dignity befitting a queen. A reassuring smile radiated to the onlookers.

  “He’ll be fine, everyone. A small seizure.” At her words, Darklon slumped against the hardwood floor. Harsh breath sawed in and out of his lungs.

  Shielded by Darklon’s underlings surrounding them, Malachi landed a fist on the Elder’s chest and gave him a nasty smile. “Magnificent, isn’t she? Just be glad you didn’t get overly handsy with her, or you’d be spitting out your balls right now. After which, I’d have cut your heart out. Touch her again and die. Relatively simple instructions. Ciao, bastards.”

  Shoving to his feet, Malachi located Loz standing alongside Ms. Stroner. He strode in their direction, forcing a smile to curve his lips. “Two beautiful females shouldn’t stand so close together. You’ll make the masses jealous.”

  A possessive arm snaked around his hips and Loz purred. “No one is lookin
g at us with the imposing and dynamic vampire King strutting around as if he owned the world.”

  Something flickered in the angel’s eyes. His brows drew together as the evening’s peculiar ambiance washed over him.

  “If you two will excuse me,” Ms. Stroner inclined her head in respect. “My date is waiting. Sire, please remember what we spoke about.”

  At his side, Loz bristled. The arm around his waist grew tighter. Finding the bare skin of her back, Malachi trailed his fingers up the column of her spine as he addressed his secretary.

  “I will keep your suggestions in mind, Ms. Stroner. They were very valid points. Please enjoy the rest of your evening.” When she walked away, he turned so he stood face to face with his angel. He couldn’t hide the smirk. “You tell me to behave and then flatten the male in the middle of the dance floor?”

  She shrugged and gave him an impertinent wink. “That’s because I wanted to have all the fun, Batman.” She sobered and closed the distance between them. “He’s got something planned for tonight. I could see the eagerness in his mind before I put him on his ass.”

  His head came up and rotated to where Darklon had regained his feet. With his composure shot and his clothes disheveled, the male shoved through the crowd toward the restrooms. His fury stained the air behind him. Fear wormed its way into Malachi’s gut.

  “Congratulations Loz darling, you just made his shit list.” He leaned closer in the guise of kissing her neck. “You must be extra careful in this form now,” he whispered low. “As female, he sees you as weak. And, given you just publicly announced yourself as my mate, you are a target, a prize he will not be able to resist.”

  Delicate fingers threaded into his hair and tugged until he lifted his head. “Have you forgotten who you are talking to again, my Azarian?” A sharp, quick slap in the cheek made him growl. “I’ll send the fool up in an inferno if he dares lay a grimy finger upon my person. Weren’t you listening when I told him as much?”


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