My Lucky #13

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My Lucky #13 Page 8

by Piper Rayne

  I hold my hand out for her, helping her out of the taxi.

  “Thank you,” she says.

  We walk into the arena where the commercial is being shot and find Joran waiting for us. It’s one of the rare times he’s not on the phone. He smiles and heads over, shaking my hand before hugging Saige and kissing her cheek.

  “Aiden Drake.” A woman comes out, her hand already poised for a handshake midway toward me. “I’m Gia Santos, and I’m your bitch today.”

  I laugh and shake her hand. “I promise not to take advantage.”

  Gia’s eyes sparkle. She’s attractive. Dark hair, dark eyes, and an exotic look I’m sure helps her with the guys. She points at me.

  “He’s trouble, huh?” She poises her question to Saige, who looks momentarily put off by what she just witnessed, but she snaps on a fake smile quickly enough. I’ve been around Saige enough to know when her smile is genuine or not and this one isn’t.

  “This is my agent, Joran Peters, and—”

  “My girlfriend, Saige,” Joran interrupts, and my gaze falls to the floor.

  Saige gives him an annoyed look, then returns her attention to Gia. “I’m also Aiden’s social media advisor. I hope it won’t be a problem if I create a little buzz about the commercial by taking some pictures?”

  “I’ll talk to my boss, but as long as you don’t give away any details—since it’s a new product launch—I think we’re in good shape.”

  “Perfect.” Saige smiles more genuinely this time.

  The two women walk in front of me, and Gia talks as she escorts us to one of the locker rooms. “There will be two wardrobe changes today. First, we’ll have you on the ice with some kids. Second shoot will be in the locker room.”

  I nod, understanding the drill. This isn’t my first shoot. I just hope I can concentrate with Saige here.

  “We should probably let you get ready.” Saige hovers by the door with Gia.

  “Yeah, I’ll kick it here with him if you’re cool with that, Saige,” Joran says.

  Gia turns to Saige. “Hungry?”

  “Sure.” She shrugs.

  The women leave, and I turn to Joran. “You don’t need to stay with me.”

  Joran sits on the bench across from me. “No biggie. I’ve barely seen you since your game’s back. Speaking of…”

  I grab the outfit they want me to wear on the ice and undress. When you’ve spent almost your entire life in a locker room full of naked guys, you tend not to be too averse to nudity.

  “Have you seen the psychologist yet?” Joran asks.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Well, Gerhardt was pretty firm on that. I’m sure he’s happy you’re playing well, but make that appointment pronto. You still have to be an altar boy until trade deadline.”

  I shrug off my slacks and put on the track pants and team jersey they brought for me to wear. I eye the skates but decide to leave them until right before I get on the ice. There’s a makeup chair set up at the far end, so I head over there and take a seat. The next part of this will be them putting fucking eyeliner on me.

  “He should be happy I’m scoring goals. Period.”

  Joran leans forward. “I talked to him last week. He’s ecstatic, but you know how these things go. Once a player gets in a slump, that’s all people remember for a while. I’m just suggesting that you keep up everything he wants you to do. And keep Saige at your disposal to throw a drink in your face before every game.” He laughs and doesn’t notice that I don’t join in.

  I clench my fists from hearing him say she’s at my disposal as though she’s a beach house I can stay at when he’s not using it.

  “What’s up with you two anyway? Girlfriend?” My attempt to bring it up casually doesn’t come off as flippant as I would like, but if Joran senses anything, he doesn’t acknowledge it.

  “What was I supposed to say? This is the woman I hook up with?”

  I pull out my phone to distract myself and hope he can’t see right through me. “So that’s all she is… a hookup?”

  He laughs. “What’s with the big brother act? I get that the two of you hang out now, but you know where I stand on relationships.”

  I thought I did until I wanted the girl he saw first. “I’ve never heard you call someone girlfriend before, that’s all.”

  “It was easier than to explain. Plus, what does that Gia care anyway?”

  A knock sounds on the door and I’m thankful for the reprieve so I can compose myself and quell my incessant need to drill him with questions about Saige. It’s the makeup team, and I welcome them in.

  Joran stands. “I’m heading out to meet up with Saige. See you out there, big guy.”

  The makeup artist compliments me on my dark eyes and how mysterious they are. I don’t have to sit in the chair too long before Gia comes in and grabs me for the shoot. I pick up the skates they’ve supplied and head out to the ice with her. There’s no sign of Saige or Joran anywhere.

  “You think you can beat us tonight?” Gia asks with a smile.

  “Are you a hockey fan?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t follow extensively, but I can’t say I mind watching hot alpha men skating on ice and letting their tempers flare.”

  I chuckle and nod. It’s not the first time I’ve heard that, and it probably won’t be the last. “Glad we can entertain you.”

  She says nothing and brings me over to meet the director and the kids who will be in the shoot with me. They’re decked out in their hockey gear and head out onto the ice.

  “So from what I’m told, I’m just teaching them how to play?” I ask the director.

  He nods. “You got it.”

  I sit down and tie my skates, looking up every time I think I hear someone coming, but it’s never Saige or Joran. I sigh. This is a problem. I figure I should get this commercial over with and go back to the hotel. Maybe I should pick up a girl tonight to channel these feelings that are consuming me. At this rate, Saige is gonna become a distraction, not a source to help my game.

  I skate out to where the three kids are and fist-bump them all. I push the puck around with my stick and one kid tries to steal it and I laugh, following him. Instinctually, I give him some instructions on his footwork. The other two kids come over and I show them a drill to work on their back skating.

  I swear it’s not more than twenty minutes when the director calls cut. I feel like we barely even got started.

  “Whoa, you’re awesome,” Gia says when I get off the ice. “Really good with kids. Got any?”

  I laugh. “No.”

  The director has me do two more scenes with me skating through the rink and stopping quickly to hold up the sports drink. Then one more where all the kids are around a table with a pizza, drinking the same drink. I fist-bump the kids, tell them they did a good job, and head back to my locker room. There’s still no sign of Saige or Joran.

  Gia opens up my locker room for me. “Change into the bag marked ‘wardrobe number two.’ There’s a robe in there to wear out if you prefer. I’ll be back in five.”

  I open the bag and find a pair of boxer briefs and a robe for the locker room scene. Since I’m by myself, I take off what I’m wearing and use a Sharpie to sign the jersey, leaving it across the back of the chair.

  I’m pulling on the boxer briefs when the door springs open. I turn to find Saige there and freeze. Her gaze roams down my body until it lands on my dick. She fixates there enough that it twitches as if to say if she keeps looking, I’m gonna be hard in five seconds flat.

  “Saige?” I say.

  Her eyes flick to mine. Her cheeks flush as though I just said the dirtiest words to her, which makes my dick think it’s definitely time for him to show himself in his full glory. I hurry and slide the boxer briefs all the way up before I embarrass myself further.

  “I’m sorry.” She turns and slams the door.

  I stand there trying to calm myself so I don’t go out to shoot the rest of this commercial with a f
ucking hard-on.

  I strip my arm out of Joran’s after he leads me into some supply closet. “What are you doing?”

  “I thought we could have some fun while Aiden’s filming the commercial.” He leans toward me, and I put my hand on his chest.

  “Did you miss the part where I have to snap some candid pictures for his social media?” I step back, but his hands land on my waist, tugging me closer to him.

  “Do you really? Who cares? All the women want is to see him half naked.” He bends over to get to my neck, and I shove him off me. His back hits a metal rack and a bottle tumbles off the shelf to the floor.

  “How about you try taking my profession seriously?”

  He laughs and holds up his hands. “I do. I do.”

  “Then why would you think I was here to make out with you in some disgusting closet rather than take pictures for Aiden?”

  He looks at me long and hard. “What’s up with you two?”

  I can’t help but get an uneasy feeling, so I shift my weight from one foot to the other. “Exactly what do you think?”

  “Do you like him?” His eyes narrow the slightest amount.

  “No.” I should’ve been crossing my fingers, but even if I did like him, there is no chance for Aiden and me. There’s no way I’d put myself in that position again.

  “Come on. He’s a big shot hockey player, flying you all over, putting you up in hotels. I see his social media accounts… I assume it’s you he’s exploring cities with.”

  I cross my arms. “Do I like him as a person? Yeah, he’s really nice. And oh yeah, he calls me more than you ever do. Speaking of… why are you here right now, Joran?”

  “Because it’s a shoot that I arranged for him. A sponsorship.”

  I roll my eyes. “Do you go to all your shoots with your clients?”

  “The ones where the girl I’m seeing is there, yes.” He crosses his arms now.

  “So a few dates, a few phone calls and texts, and now we’re dating?”

  He steps toward me. “What would you call it?”

  “I’d say that you asked me to your boss’s house on New Year’s Eve, followed up with a few lunches and a hockey game, and now you think I’m screwing your client, so here you are to make sure I’m not.” I jut out my hip.

  “You’re wrong.”

  I shake my head, ready for this to be over anyway. “Regardless, we should probably end this. Whatever this is. I’m too busy to be at your beck and call. Plus, I want a guy who would’ve picked me up at the hotel today to bring me here.”

  “Why, when you could come with Drake? I wasn’t anywhere near the hotel.”

  I huff and stare at him. “One day, some woman is going to twist your world up and you’re not going to know what to do about it, but I’m not that woman. So.” I pat his suit-ladened chest. “Have a great life.”

  I open the storage closet and walk out, sucking in a deep breath. I feel as if a fifty-pound weight has been lifted off me as I walk down the hall to the ice rink. I end up off to the side and I snap a few pictures from far away as Aiden’s having pizza and drinks with the kids. He’s adorable the way he ruffles their hair and laughs at whatever they’re saying.

  Gia comes by and says it’s time to go, but he takes the time to sign things for each of the kids before heading back to the locker room to change.

  I feel good about dropping Joran. He’s not a bad guy, but he’s definitely not relationship material. The end of us was inevitable anyway.

  Before heading to the locker room, I stop at the refreshment area and take a cookie, needing some sugar in my veins before I have to confront and deal with whatever this is developing between Aiden and me. We can’t do anything about these underlying feelings. I know men like Aiden, and he’s a prime candidate to hurt me. What is it that they say? Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me? I learned my lesson with Jeremy, and I’m not a fan of repeating my mistakes.

  I grab a Diet Coke and head back to the locker room. I’m hoping Joran doesn’t return to set anytime soon. If not, things will be awkward.

  Maybe I’m too wrapped up in my mind with what just happened with Joran, but I open the door to Aiden’s locker room without knocking and all I see are naked body parts flashing before my eyes. Legs, thighs, hands, arms, stomach… oh shit, is that? I blink. And stare. Yep, it is. I’m staring directly at Aiden Drake’s dick and I’m not diverting my gaze. It’s like I can’t control my eyes.





  I haven’t been with a ton of guys, but this might be the most beautiful dick I’ve ever seen, which is probably because it’s attached to the most gorgeous guy I’ve ever seen. Of course he’d have a perfect cock and of course I’d get a good look at it, so I know exactly what I’m missing.

  The clearing of a throat finally jolts me from my stupor, and I balk. “I’m sorry.”

  I rush out and shut the door. Gia bounces down the hall toward me.

  “Joran wanted me to tell you and Aiden that he had to step out.” She smiles brightly. “How’s our guy doing?”

  Should I say hung like a horse? Probably not. Where is Tedi when I need her?

  I clear my throat. “He should be out soon. You know, I might just run out to…” I step forward to head… anywhere but here. Maybe hop in a cab and go back to the hotel.

  Gia clasps my elbow. “You barely got any pictures with the kids. Plus, I’m sure all the ladies will love seeing his abs on display.”

  I smile tightly and the locker room door opens.

  “Perfect. You’re ready to go. Come on.” Gia starts off down the hall.

  I peek over and Aiden’s standing there in a white terrycloth robe. Let me tell you, I’ve never been a robe person, for myself or anyone else. But damn, he makes something a mom of four would wear after a long day sexy as hell.

  “Gia, can you give me a minute with Saige?” Aiden asks.

  My heart drops to the depths of my stomach. Can’t we just act like nothing happened?

  She stops and turns around. “Sure. We’re down the hall to the right. Not too long though.” She smiles and continues on her way.

  I step away from Aiden until my back hits the wall and I close my eyes, hoping this will be quick so we can carry on like it never happened. I feel his breath on my face before he speaks.

  “Open your eyes, Saige,” he whispers, and shivers run up my neck.

  I peek one eye open and he chuckles.

  “We’re adults,” he says. “So you saw mine. I’m not gonna ask you to show me yours.”

  I open my eyes. He’s being so adult about this and I’m acting like a thirteen-year-old girl. “Well, I know that. I wasn’t worried about you wanting to see mine.”

  He places his finger to my lips and steps closer, his body pressed right up to mine. My nipples pebble in my bra. “I wasn’t finished.”


  “Unless you want to show me yours.” He winks and laughs as though it’s a joke. Does he think this game is fun? Because I’m hanging on by a frayed thread here. “Honestly though, it doesn’t have to be a big deal. Just forget it.”

  “Okay.” I’ll never forget that vision for the rest of my life, but I can pretend to. He may have just ruined every man’s opportunity with me in the future.

  “Let’s go get this over with.” He motions for me to walk down the hall, so I do. “Where did you disappear to before?”

  “Oh, Joran needed something. He had to head out, by the way.” I say it casually with the hope that he won’t ask me any more questions. I’m going to keep quiet about the fact that I broke off whatever I had with Joran because it acts as a barrier between Aiden and me. And after what I just saw, I’m gonna need all the fortification between us that I can get.

  “So just us two heading back to the hotel?” he asks.

  “I guess so.”

  “Good. I have somewhere I want to take you first.”

  I ope
n my mouth to say no, but Gia ushers us into the room with a set made to look like a professional locker room. It even has Aiden’s last name on one of the lockers.

  The director heads over to us. “So, we’ve decided to change it up. We’re going to put you in a towel and get you wet so it appears you just got out of the shower. Then you’ll head to your locker, sit down, look at the camera, and say, ‘After a win, I only drink…’”

  Crap. I’m stuck here because I have to take pictures, but I really should excuse myself. The last thing I need on top of everything else is visions of Aiden taking a shower swimming through my head.

  “And, Saige, we haven’t forgotten about you. Can you take some pictures and short videos as we’re prepping him? We think that’ll be good for social media and get people anticipating when the commercial will come out.” Gia smiles brightly, but I want to scream and run away.

  “Great,” I choke out.

  Aiden laughs. “Saige, you ready to get me all wet? You’re always so good at it.”

  I narrow my eyes. He thinks this is funny? “Remember Tedi with Ford in the booth at Carmelo’s?” I remind him of the titty-twister. “You might be next.”

  I watch as he hikes up his boxer briefs so they won’t be seen in the shot. At least they’re not being perfectionists and actually having him be naked.

  Gia thrusts a water bottle in my hands. “Can you spray him down?”

  I make the mistake of looking at Aiden, who smirks as if he’s loving this entire situation.

  “Payback is a bitch,” I remind him.

  “Hey, I’ll spray you down anytime you want. Just ask.”

  I shake my head. “You’re incorrigible.”

  “And you love it.”

  God help me, but he speaks only the truth. I spritz water on his chest, and it makes his skin glisten like a juicy apple. Man, do I want to take a bite.

  “All over, Saige,” Gia says.

  Why exactly can’t she do this?

  Aiden spreads out his arms.


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