Still Mad
Page 46
Take Back the Night marches, 8, 239
Taliban, 297
Tate, Sharon, 128
Taylor, Billy, “I Wish I Knew How It Would Feel to Be Free,” 100
Taylor, Holly Rae, 304–8
Tea Party, 296
Teena, Brandon, 284
Thelma and Louise, 267
This Bridge Called My Back, 237
Thomas, Clarence, 259–61, 337
Thomas, Marlo, Free to Be . . . You and Me, 8
Three-Percenters, 352
Time magazine, 112, 135, 136, 141, 142, 261, 290
Tiptree, James Jr., 188–97. See also Sheldon, Alice Bradley
Title IX, 8, 136, 205
Tobias, Sheila, 214
Tometi, Opal, 320–21
“Too Late for Prince Charming,” 286
totalitarian regimes, 297
“Toward a Politics of Sexuality,” Barnard College, 242–43
Town Bloody Hall, 143–45
Traister, Rebecca, Good and Mad, 244
transgender, 312
transgender studies, 270
transgender visibility, 311–17
transnational feminism, 311
Transparent, 312
trans people, 266. See also nonbinary people
Civil Rights Act of 1964 and, 297
violence against, 284
visibility of, 311–17
transphobia, 311–12
lesbian separatism and, 282
trans rights, 311–17
women’s rights and, 283–84
transsexual, 312
transsexualism, 281–84
transsexual theory, 282
trans studies, 312
Trilling, Diana, 144
Trump, Donald J., 166, 214, 269, 312, 341
Access Hollywood tapes and, 340
administration of, 20–21
Capitol insurrection and, 350–53
family separation and, 244
impeachment of, 343
misogyny and, 297
presidency of, 308, 320, 333, 334, 340
presidential election of 2016 and, 1–2, 4–6, 18, 19, 311
presidential election of 2020 and, 345
racism and, 338
supporters of, 338
Truth, Sojourner, 2, 3
Tubman, Harriet, 60, 137
Turner, Tina, 285–86
Twain, Mark, 264
Updike, John, 156
U.S. Congress, 8, 9, 135, 174, 297, 338–39, 341–44, 346
U.S. Constitution
Fourteenth Amendment, 136
Nineteenth Amendment, 346, 347
U.S. House, 9, 135, 174, 297, 338–39, 341–44
U.S. Senate, 9, 174
U.S. Supreme Court, 8, 25, 58, 174, 260–61, 294, 337, 343
Bowers v. Hardwick, 267–68, 271, 297
Griswold v. Connecticut, 103
Roe v. Wade, 136
utopias, 175, 187–88, 194–95, 198–99, 201–3, 267. See also speculative fiction and poetry
V-Days, 308–10
Vidal, Gore, 144
Vietnam War, 102–3, 113, 118, 119–24, 174, 175, 179
protests against, 119–24, 125, 137, 143, 176
The Village Voice, 142, 197–98
violence against women, 238–44, 284. See also domestic violence
Virgen de Guadalupe, 247
Vogue, 67
Voice of the Women’s Liberation Movement, 130
von Kraft-Ebbing, Richard, 41
Wagner, Richard, 174
Walker, Alice, 204, 205, 207–10, 218, 221, 230, 236, 295–96, 335
marriage and, 208
“In Search of Our Mother’s Gardens,” 208–9
“In Search of Zora Neale Hurston,” 209–10
Walker, Kara
Fons Amerianus, 326
Gone, An Historical Romance of a Civil War as It Occurred b’tween the Dusky Thighs of One Young Negress and Her Heart, 325–26
Walker, Rebecca, 208, 260
Walters, Barbara, 288
Warhol, Andy, 75, 125, 126
Twenty Jackies, 76
Warren, Elizabeth, 4, 25
Watergate, 174
Watson, Emma, 20
Waymon, Eunice Kathleen, 93. See also Simone, Nina
Wayne, John, 114, 115
Weill, Kurt, The Threepenny Opera, 96–97
Weinstein, Harvey, 336
Wellesley College, 13, 338
Wells, Ida B., 56
West Coast feminists, 220–27
Wevill, Assia, 77
Wevill, David, 77
Weymar, Diana, Tiny Pricks Project, 333
Wheatley, Phillis, 209
Wheeler, Pat, 198–99
white entitlement, 264
white feminism, 215, 217, 262–63, 264
eurocentrism and, 215
patriarchy and, 218
whiteness studies, 259
white suits, 346–47
white supremacy, 320
Whitman, Walt, 254
Wilde, Oscar, 161
The Importance of Being Earnest, 299
Wilke, Hannah, 282
Will, George, 268
Williams, Patricia J., 262, 263, 324
Williams, Serena, 323–24
Willis, Ellen, 211, 240
The Wind in the Willows, 299
Winfrey, Oprah, 236, 264
Winnicott, D. W., 305
WITCH (Women’s International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell), 126, 127, 128
Wittig, Monique, 248
Wofford, Chloe Anthony. See Morrison, Toni, 154
Wolf, Naomi, The Beauty Myth, 287–88
Wollstonecraft, Mary, 60, 61, 90
WomaNews, 300
womanhood, traditional, 124, 305–6
implosion of the category, 231, 273–74
sexualization of, 174
silencing of, 276–77
as a suspect category, 237–38
troubled category of, 273–74
in the workforce, 135, 246, 267
Women Against Pornography, 239, 242
Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps, 188–89
women’s history, 9–12, 174–175
Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM), 212
Women’s March, 1, 7
women’s movement, 8, 76, 92–93, 103, 119, 125–32, 149–50, 175, 236, 306. See also Women’s Liberation Movement (WLM)
antiwar movement and, 123–24
continuing vitality of, 320
gay liberation movement and, 269–76
infiltrated by FBI, 212–13
Ms. magazine and, 211
protesting patriarchy, 135–72
reorientation of, 269–76
“revival” of, 20
seventies, 135–72
targeted by Reagan administration, 265
victimization and, 285
Women’s Radical Action Project, 127
women’s rights
Black rights and, 263, 265
gay men’s rights and, 265–66, 275
trans rights and, 283–84
Women’s Strike for Equality, 135, 141–42
women’s suffrage, 346–47
fiftieth anniversary of, 135
women’s suffrage movement, 174–75
Women Strike for Peace, 119–24
women writers, 9–12. See also specific writers
resistance to label, 11–12
“Womyn’s Lands,” 241
Woolf, Virginia, 10, 23, 154
To the Lighthouse, 306, 307
A Room of One’s Own, 208–9
Three Guineas, 149, 248
workplace harassment, 238
W. W. Norton, 69, 75, 218
Wynn, Natalie, 333
Y2K bug, 293
Yeats, William Butler, 10, 175–76
“The Second Coming,” 115–16
Yoho, Ted, 338–39
Yousafzai, Malala, 297
The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination
No Man’s Land: The Place of the Woman Writer in the Twentieth Century (in three volumes)
Masterpiece Theatre: An Academic Melodrama
Shakespeare’s Sisters: Feminist Essays on Women Poets (editors)
The Norton Anthology of Literature by Women (editors)
MotherSongs: Poems for, by, and about Mothers (editors, with Diana O’Hehir)
Feminist Literary Theory and Criticism (editors)
Acts of Attention: The Poems of D. H. Lawrence
In the Fourth World: Poems
The Summer Kitchen: Poems
Emily’s Bread: Poems
Blood Pressure: Poems
Wrongful Death: A Memoir
Ghost Volcano: Poems
Kissing the Bread: New and Selected Poems, 1969–1999
Belongings: Poems
Death’s Door: Modern Dying and the Ways We Grieve
On Burning Ground: Thirty Years of Thinking about Poetry
Aftermath: Poems
The Italian Collection: Poems of Heritage
Rereading Women: Thirty Years of Exploring Our Literary Tradition
The Culinary Imagination: From Myth to Modernity
Judgment Day: Poems
The World is Made of Poetry: The Art of Ruth Stone (editor, with Wendy Barker)
Inventions of Farewell: A Book of Elegies (editor)
Eating Words (editor, with Roger Porter)
Racechanges: White Skin, Black Face in American Culture
Critical Condition: Feminism at the Turn of the Century
Poetry After Auschwitz: Remembering What One Never Knew
Rooms of Our Own
Lo largo y lo corto del verso Holocausto
Judas: A Biography
Memoir of a Debulked Woman: Enduring Ovarian Cancer
Reading and Writing Cancer: How Words Heal
Late-Life Love: A Memoir
For Adult Users Only: The Dilemma of Violent Pornography (editor, with Joan Hoff)
English Inside and Out: The Places of Literary Criticism (editor, with Jonathan Kamholtz)
True Confessions: Feminist Professors Tell Stories Out of School (editor)
Copyright © 2021 by Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar
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The Library of Congress has cataloged the printed edition as follows:
Names: Gilbert, Sandra M., author. | Gubar, Susan, 1944–, author.
Title: Still mad : American women writers and the feminist imagination, 1950–2020
/ Sandra M. Gilbert and Susan Gubar.
Description: First edition. | New York, N.Y. : W. W. Norton & Company, [2021] |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021012937 | ISBN 9780393651713 (hardcover) |
ISBN 9780393651720 (epub)
Subjects: LCSH: American literature—Women authors—History and criticism. |
Feminism and literature—United States—History—20th century. |
Feminism and literature—United States—History—21st century. |
Women and literature—United States—History—20th century. | Women and
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