Patsy Murray

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by Douglas E Roff

  Torii was the middle ground of perversion, aberration, and lust. Unlike Hanta whose pets never escaped alive, Torii was more “catch and release’. She chose both rural “innocents” and hardened inner-city girls from the flesh markets of London. Clubs were her scene, and she never failed to secure volunteers. She had repeat guests who often brought fresh meat to her and were well rewarded with not only playtime but with financial compensation. Favorite procurers might be invited to remain for a weekend, or weeks at a time.

  She enjoyed both varieties along with a new specialty: professional women who wished to be handled and treated in a certain way.

  Torii delighted in and drew satisfaction from causing and listening to the angst and pain of her willing and, occasionally, not so willing guests. But the touch and feel of skin on the skin couldn’t be duplicated in any other sexual act. She, like Hanta, recruited only women. They found men disgusting and useless except for procreation. With today’s medicine, they wouldn’t need male physical intercourse any longer anyway; only their seed, which could be bought on the open market.

  Torii’s delight was the infliction of pain, the begging, and pleading that often accompanied it, and the gradual recognition by the victim that escape was not possible, that Torii alone was the sole object of their service and that their suffering was the sole cause of her sexual gratification. Of course, Torii and Hanta were fond of other physical delights derived from their victims who were often promised freedom if they did well and if they followed directions. The daughters craved physical stimulation of the senses; torture and painful foreplay and gratification could last for hours.

  Mom tolerated these tastes and deviant behaviors but was no longer willing to view or participate in them. The three, absent Darii, found women more entertaining and more easily terrified by the infliction of pain and suffering as well as for the potential for it. The two deviants liked the foreplay associated with showing their victims what their fate would be in excruciating detail, and what pleasure each tormentor needed to experience. They explained in minute detail what would be done upon the victim’s failure to please and dangled the prospect of freedom to each.

  For Hanta it was offering false hope; when the time came, the victim soon realized there was no hope of release and freedom. Hanta almost had an orgasm just watching her victim, so utterly satisfying was the look in the eyes of the victim; giving in totally to despair and anguish.

  Torii, on the other, had simply drugged and dumped her victims; sometimes Rohypnol and sometimes ketamine. But other narcotics were often used: opioids were always in fashion for Torii; she was immune to their addictive qualities, but not the high. She liked to use and reuse the girls she favored, especially the innocent young ones and the high-power ones. She might have both types of her favorites in a single session; the games they could play were endless when enough willing bodies were added.

  Darii was different. Her sisters wanted her dead; she was the black sheep of the family, didn’t partake in the joy of domination, pain, and death, and held on steadfastly to the belief that her Dad was coming for her. Darii was not free from her obsessions, but she was more into mainstream fetishes, like her real Dad than the extreme versions her sisters preferred. One day, Darii vowed, she would kill them both before they killed her.

  Darii needed a very special blade, and if her mom’s tales were true, she knew where she might get one.

  Murder was a family enterprise, and she didn’t hesitate to use lethal means to protect her Mom, her sisters or their way of life. She was a faithful and obedient daughter. Her Mom loved her the best. She was young, but she was sweet and unblemished by unkindness. She was the very image of her father and every bit his daughter. A year or two with him, and she would be his very own creation. Mom would leave, kill the other two monsters and let Darii have a chance at happiness for this life and all others with her birth father.

  The One had to find Adam St. James. She would begin with Kalindra, asking her to send him a note only he would understand. She would ask for a meeting, as arranged by him, no tricks and with the promise of a great surprise, one he would forever regret passing up if not taken.

  Her two psychos would be sent on missions, as would Darii, but Darii would be recalled immediately.

  The One had much to fear. There was a risk in this plan, first from Hanta and Torii but also from another figure even more powerful even than her. She would meet with and beg for Adam’s protection and for the destruction of the one she obeyed.

  There would be betrayal, just not practiced on Adam.

  Not this time.


  Cia and Eene, as well as Patsy, were staying. The other three didn’t wish to remain, given that the experiment would continue and that they would be subservient to his demands; however, they had little choice. Leaving the safety of their Island world was very risky, and the benefits of staying were well worthwhile. In work matters, they were less bothered and even admitted that Adam’s single-mindedness and planning were an improvement, though they still bristled at being treated as underlings. They had input as before, all were heard equally, but Adam decided. Adam had always decided, however; this was nothing new. Somehow, this was different though, and they didn’t like it.

  “We’re not into men, never have been with one exception, so we cannot agree to be ordered about by you. Sex is off limits.”

  “And that’s different from our former arrangement in what way? When have I ever asked any of you, even Eene and Cia, for anything sexual as quid quo pro? I recollect that foreplay began with you five, not me. Don’t want sex with me? That’s quite alright.”

  Patsy said, “What about me?”

  “What about you? What have I ever made you do?”


  “During the experiment?”



  “Not unless I asked.”

  Alana began to speak, “You two never …?”

  “Shut up Alana. Your biting sarcasm could easily be matched by mine. Want to wound someone deeply? Let’s begin with you.”


  “So, I do as you ask, am always gentle with you and your emotions, and now you think what? I’m going to make you do something against your will? Force myself on you? Lose patience?”

  “No. I guess not.”

  “You fucking ‘guess not’? Really?”

  “No. I don’t think that. A slip of the tongue to save face.”

  “I honestly don’t know what you want — any of you. Only Eene and Cia here have been honest; no ulterior motives and no holdback. Just honesty. The rest of you are just using me, and when the all-clear siren goes off, you’ll be the same arrogant women you were before. Stay if you wish, but I’ll never trust any of you but Cia and Eene again. You’re like strangers.”

  Beata said, “And you think that you understand what Eene and Cia want from you? Same as Patsy if she could ever be honest with herself.”

  “And now that your revenge is to ‘out’ them, what have you to say?”

  “They want you. They want to be with you, to never leave you. They want to mate, to marry and have a white picket fence around their abode with you. They want children and lots of them.”

  “Good. I do too. If that’s the worst thing on their minds, wow they are evil, rotten to the core. I recoil in terror. No, that’s right, I can’t wait for them to get started with me.”

  “I never said any of that,” said Patsy.

  “You didn’t have to, Patsy. But I’m sure my soul will heal eventually. As to Eene and Cia, we’ll work things out.”

  “Or in,” the ladies giggled.

  “You can’t marry them both. You’ll have to choose, and then the bonds will begin to fray; jealousy, envy, and resentment.”

  “I think you’re wrong. And I think you wish for that because you’re small, angry and lonely.”

  “We’ll see.”

sp; “The yacht is ready for all who want to leave; if you stay, work starts after breakfast. But I warn you all. If you stir up discord, gossip, and lies, you’ll be in a rowboat headed for shore. You are all welcome, but do not trouble me, Cia or Eene in the evenings. As for everyone, including them, you may satisfy your physical demands in any way you wish. You are not bound to me in any way.”

  Beata asked, “Even me?”

  Patsy asked, “And me? Even though I’m neutral?”

  “Even you. Consider it an open invitation to play only if you want. Cia? Eene? Any objections? If there are, you decide. Your votes are the only ones besides mine that matter.”

  Cia said, “I think having our entire lives as they were before all this acrimony began, with you in charge Adam, is best. We need one voice. No one is obligated to do anything Adam says except Eene and me, and that is our choice. We all are obligated to work, however — no more secret side projects. If they’re are worth doing, they are worth discussing and getting appropriate resources. Adam will decide. Those are the rules. Follow or leave. As Adam said, the yacht awaits.”

  Cia and Eene were never very vocal.

  Eene said, “I agree with Cia. I never have much to say, but it doesn’t mean I don’t have thoughts or opinions. In truth, I have no idea what any of you want from Adam. You are all ungrateful, arrogant and selfish. I think that those wishing to leave, especially Beata, JoJo and Alana, will regret your decision. Personally, I wish you’d leave now. Don’t ever approach me outside of work, don’t ever touch me again and don’t ever invite me to your bed. You are never invited to mine.”

  Cia said, “Ditto that. Work only and only when Adam says so.”

  The room went silent. Nobody moved.

  “Now, Cia and Eene, may I speak to you alone?”

  The girls beamed. “A surprise?”

  “I’d have to say yes. To my bedroom, if you please.”

  When they arrived, Adam shut and locked the door.

  “If I said we could all be married, what would you say?”

  “All three of us? Together as one family?”

  “Yes. As family forever, with the usual rules.”

  “Yes! Cia and I are like sisters. We’re already wives. All we needed was you. Been that way forever.”

  Eene asked, “Agreed! But how?”

  “I have a friend in another country. The philosophy in his culture allows for different arrangements so long as they are consensual. It’s not like a religion, just that it is what you want to be, to mean, and that you remain faithful to each other and your family.”

  “When do we start?”

  “When do you want to start?”

  “We practice the honeymoon tonight. Just us.”

  “Deal! Then we leave tomorrow.”

  Where are we going?”

  “To the Kingdom of Nabataea. To the Palace of the King and Queen. You’ll have servant girls to bathe and dress you. The Queen will be overseeing the marriage in a week’s time.”

  “And you?”

  “Dune buggy with the King. Then Physics with the Queen.”

  “Not Abdul and Bunny?”

  “The very same,”

  “This will be fun.”


  The three left the next night unannounced and were gone for a week. When they returned, the ladies were wearing huge wedding rings and Adam, a plain gold band. The women were also wearing new diamond jewelry, pendants, tennis bracelets, and earrings. They brought home an assortment of color stones too: Yogo sapphires, pigeon blood red rubies from Burma and Emeralds from Columbia. Though neither had ever shown great interest in upscale and fashion clothing, they did now. They wore smart slacks, shorts, blouses, suits, skirts, and dresses that came from Europe, though were purchased in the finest shops in the Emirates and Qatar. Other suitcases contained new lingerie for the ladies, though the women wore this new nightwear more as a gift from Adam to Adam.

  He didn’t even try to deny it. But the girls liked their new garments as much as Adam and could not wait to model them for their new husband. They each had a reason why, but nothing needed to be analyzed. If Adam enjoyed unwrapping them, that was fine with them.

  The other women were curious, but Adam suggested that since it didn’t concern them, or their work, they should carry on.

  Patsy was the only one to ignore Adam.

  “Really? I wasn’t given a chance?”

  “You said you were leaving after this was over, and you were with the other three.”

  “And you believed that? You’re not a genius in everything, are you?”

  “Nope. Neither am I a mind reader. You were looking pretty serious when you said we were through and this was temporary.”

  “I didn’t mean it. I love you. I’m next. And from now on, don’t believe a single harsh word I ever say to you. I’m … mercurial and a little lacking in confidence. Maybe I push you away when I’m scared. I’m horrible at relationships.”

  “I disagree. I love you exactly as you are. To me you’re perfect. Next time speak what’s in your heart. The rest will follow.”

  “I want to marry you, have a ring, a wedding, and vows. And you know a …”

  “Honeymoon. Wedding night? Sex.”

  “The usual. Just be gentle.”

  “When have I been anything but gentle with you?”

  “Never. But men can be cruel and rough. Unexpectedly so, and I don’t like it.”

  “Then tell me about your past, so I understand you, and how to please you. Then we can have our own rules, our own world. Just us.”

  “Promise? No games, and no Players?”

  “Yeah, I’m a Player all right.”

  “Then we talk when we can. I understand the girls have you all to themselves for now. Will this cause a problem.”

  “Doubt it. They both want you in the club too. Not the other three, just you. Maybe we can all talk tonight. What do you say?”

  “There will be the mind thingy?”


  “There will be other naughty behaviors?”

  “All that please you, none that don’t.”

  “What time?”

  “After dinner.”

  “Skip dessert?”

  “After dinner is dessert. Low cal.”

  Chapter 20

  Adam sat alone in this Study facing out to the north of the Aegean Sea toward Crete. The sun was bright, and the waters were calm. On days like today, Adam found his mind wandering more than usual and his serenity enhanced.

  His Sat phone rang, meaning it was either Kalindra or his father calling, the only two people left who knew exactly how to contact him. If Kalindra was on the line, the call was welcome. If his father, he expected trouble. It had been weeks since he sent out his appeal to his Barrows Bay family to leave immediately, through a circuitous route, arriving finally in Cadiz where a boat would meet him and bring them to the Island. Last he heard, Misti was still missing, so whether that would be a cause for a call was unknown.

  Adam breathed a sigh of relief. It was Kalindra.

  “Well, I am so happy to hear from you. How are things at the Mindwerks? Everyone happy?”

  “So far so good, though your absence has raised the general level of anxiety to new heights. Many senior managers are fearful that you’re selling the place. No Adam, no Mindwerks and they didn’t sign on to work for Xerxes or some other suitor.”

  “We both know why I’m gone so if that’s the worst problem we have, let’s do a conference call with everyone at the Warehouse and put that fear to rest.”

  “I’ll schedule the call and inform the ranks to chill.”

  “Everything else hunky dory?”

  “Hardly. But, first, how are things? I’m getting different vibes from your colleagues on the Island. Not all are good. And the projects? Both seem stalled.”


  “The Society contract and whatever else is re
ally going on. Remember San Diego? Octavio? Those adorable and yummy Paz Twins? Patsy Murray?”

  “The main contract project is going well, and the other project equally well. We don’t have all the answers, but we’re closing in. The power behind the throne is also winding its way toward success. I don’t have names, but we have structure and more data than we thought possible. The team is getting results, including our friend Patsy.”

  “That’s my next question. How’s the team?”

  “Up and down, good and bad. The Witches Four are down to two plus Alana. Cia and Eene have decided to sign on permanently with me; same deal, just permanent. Patsy is the same. Alana, JoJo and Beata want one deal for one activity and one deal for another. They’re in; they’re out. I can’t keep up.”

  “Is that why you have re-tasked some of our better people to you?”

  “Of course. The remaining three headed by Beata seem to feel they’ve outgrown me in every way. The other three wish to get closer.”

  “How much closer?”

  “Cia, Eene and I got married in Nabataea a few weeks back. Patsy wants her turn next. When we get a break in the action, I intend to propose.”

  “Congratulations, Adam. I always suspected you would choose either Cia or Eene. I didn’t consider you’d get that old felon Abdul to marry you to two women, though. Bold fucking move, chum.”

  “Yeah, I know. We’ll be three plus me soon. Patsy is becoming important to me, though her indecisiveness and constant anxiety are troubling. We’re talking over her childhood issues and personal fears.”

  “Who are we?”

  “Patsy, Cia, Eene and me. No holding back and, so far, it’s very therapeutic for all concerned. I should have been open to therapy a long time ago.”

  “Hate to say I told you so, but …”

  “I know. Better late than never.”

  “And the other three?”

  “I’m growing weary of their BS. They think I’m helpless without them.”

  “Go easy; you might still need them more than you think.”


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