Patsy Murray

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Patsy Murray Page 21

by Douglas E Roff

  Misti said, “Niona is the only one who can wield it. We would hate to lose you so soon after reconciliation.”

  Adam said, “Now for the tests. Darii you first.”

  Niona entered her first, then Misti to expose all she found. The same procedure followed with Saldana. Soon after that, Nocera “Noki” Lee, a long-time friend of Adam’s and an Immortal, appeared in the room, and the procedure was repeated a second time with both women.

  Saldana and Darii appeared nervous. “Why a second time?”

  “And a third time; Noki is next. We can both enter minds in this life, as in the first. But the examination of a full Immortal is more thorough, and do not wish to examine them. Mist can too, and has.”

  What Adam left out was his lack of trust in Niona. She had acted oddly; now he would determine why.


  Adam asked Saldana and Darii to leave the room and return to their quarters, being now carefully watched by one of Octavio’s men. They were confined for three hours before Adam returned.

  “I am very sorry, Saldana, but the consensus is that at least some of your thoughts and memories were planted, expertly and, likely, by Liara. You may not even be aware of what was done to you, or maybe you are. Noki Lee notices some very fine work on your ‘doors’ to your memories; we cannot take the chance that the real stuff is located there. We want to help; we don’t know how as yet. Niona will unlock these doors in time.”

  “We think that Darii is fine. We believe that you, Saldana, are the object of very fine mind surgery.”

  Saldana said, “Then keep our daughter. I’ll go. But there may be another way.”

  “Go on.”

  “I’m to meet my other daughters in Costa Rica in two weeks. Do the procedure on them. They belong to Liara now. They’ll know for sure what my condition is. We’re not close.”

  The women not exploring the two women’s minds were shocked that when faced with separation from her mother, Darii said nothing, reacted to nothing.

  They asked, “Will you miss your mum?”

  She shot an outraged look at them. “Of course, I will. But if you weren’t so ignorant, you would know how Liara uses me. Mother and I will never go back to her. I won’t. I’d die first. And I know my mother is innocent of any wrongdoing. When the entire truth comes out, you will apologize.”

  Adam nodded.

  “Our apologies right now, then. You are both welcome here.”

  “Mother stays, or I leave too.”

  Adam said, “That will not be necessary.”

  “You will visit?”

  “Every day. Walks, hugs, and kisses. Anything you want.”

  “Mother is not a spy. She will be proven innocent. I promise on my life.”

  “I’m not saying she means to be, only that Liara might be using her that way. But we can fix it, I promise, and we’ll all be together and happy.”

  “Can we live on one of the flower islands?”

  “You pick.”


  It was only Misti, the two wives, Patsy and Niona who remained behind in a conference room. They all stared at Adam, who had not told an ounce of truth to either Saldana or Darii. Saldana no doubt believed that her memories might have been altered by Liara, though they had not. Darii no doubt was confused, but would never leave her mother's side; she wouldn’t believe Adam anyway if he turned against her mum. Adam was counting on that. What Adam and Niona had detected, however, was that Darii’s brain function and mind were virtually identical with his and that what they had in common was Saldana Ri; part genius, part extraordinary leader and part sociopath. Again, not so different from Adam.

  “You lied.”

  “I did. But it was for their protection. They must stay together, Saldana must live, and we must protect them at all costs. Everything we know so far is but camouflage for the real endgame, and this whole genealogy thing is another cover for a part in that larger plan. Hence Patsy Murray did not end up in a relatively obscure Clinic in San Diego by accident; she was directed there somehow to meet me. So far, whosever idea that was, it was brilliant, and I am happy that it happened as it did. I got lucky in so many ways.”

  Misti said, “My idea. Extra-long sex for me tonight. Your Dad was in on this too after my Dad’s death, and some other strange occurrences, but it didn’t take us long to figure this out after you visited us in Barrows Bay. We are very sorry this caused you such pain; we never suspected it would. It didn’t start out this way; it’s just a strange series of events and some very lucky/unlucky events that got all the players together.”

  Patsy asked, “Such as?”

  “The deaths of your friends, including your presence, was fortuitous. They were going to die anyway, but they wanted you there with them at the end for the reasons we now know. We didn’t know their motives nor could we have prevented it.”

  “Then, technically, this is all Adam’s fault.”

  “Agreed. His punishment: we share him. Even Steven.”

  Adam said, “I’m standing right here, and I’m not a commodity to be bartered.”

  The ladies looked at Adam and said, “Wrong.”

  “I’m in control, you know. That’s the rule.”

  The ladies looked at Adam and said, “Wrong.”

  “You must make certain to let Saldana know what is at stake.”

  “We shall.”

  “And, I shall never trust any of you again. If you are a woman, I will suspect you of duplicity from the get-go.”

  “You should have known better by now anyway. But your threat is idle, as are most of your threats. You will always love us and therefore trust us. It is your way and your curse. Besides, one night of raw, unbridled passion with your ladies and I and, in the morning, you will wonder why you were ever angry at us in the first place.”

  “Unfortunately, true. My women rule my life.”

  “Your life yes; your intellect, passions, intuitions, and anger, no. We must work on them to perfect you as our mate.”

  “Anything else I need to know?”

  “Yes, it is time to visit Saldana and Darii and apologize for all your foolishness.”

  “But … but, it wasn’t me.”

  “But hearing it from you will heal them immediately.”

  Chapter 24

  Adam made a surprise unannounced visit to the largest of the two garden islands, looking for Saldana and Darii. He walked the gardens slowly taking in the sights and eventually found the two women seated, one in front of the other. Saldana was braiding Darii’s hair in an intricate style he had never seen before, while Darii had picked a profusion of flowers and placed them in baskets surrounding her cushion on the ground.

  “I see you ladies are making good use of nature. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”

  Darii said, “Never. I would fly to your arms for an obligatory kiss and hug, but mother would be annoyed. My braids are special for you and the others when they visit. I am making ‘May Crowns’ for all who come in peace.”

  “Good; it sounds so much like you both. We shall walk together today as a family, and you know my love for you will always be expressed.”

  “Oh? When did suspicion change to belief?” Saldana kept braiding Darii’s hair while keeping one eye on Adam. Darii paid no attention.

  “I have come here now to discuss something with you both. And it is an admission and an apology. A very deeply felt apology that, although I make it, it was necessary for me to take these actions in the first place. If you wish details, I shall share everything I know.”

  Darii said she didn’t care what was done; whatever it was could only come from a place of love.

  Adam said, “You are right, sweetie, but then your mom will likely not be so easy on me.”

  “Don’t be so sure. I know much and have watched everything as it has taken place. Hecate gone, replaced by Niona the Huntress who carries the Blade. Coincidence? Misti and Noki Lee all of a sudden back
in your life. Patsy Murray, the genealogist. Wow, all that’s missing is a geneticist. Don’t tell me, let me guess, Ian Miller?”

  “Perhaps I should retire, let you women take over, and spend all my time with Darii instead.”

  Darii dropped her crown. “Really?”

  “No,” said Saldana. Back to work.”

  “You’re mean,” said Adam.

  “I know! Glad someone else sees it too. You are my Dad.”

  “Now and forever.”

  “So, you have something to say to us.”

  “I’m very sorry I had to do what I did. I knew right away that you were telling the truth, but the Lord has put a plan in place; I am a part of it, so are you and so is Darii. But Niona had to return, Hecate is dishonored and dead, and my other Immortal wives are uninterested in me, and my children all hate me. In fact, they live in the ‘Community,’ where my wives and consorts reside with my children. I can only visit them there.

  The Lord made a pact with Liara at the creation of her race of beings, and now he wishes to end it finally and entirely as Liara is up to no good again. A loophole the Lord thought minor then, can now, as they say, drive a truck through it.”

  Saldana, always the suspicious one to a fault, but never without reason, said, “That was then, but this is now. Correct? If all goes well, Darii and I are back in the fold for services rendered. Maybe a bump in rank?”

  Adam said, “Indeed. And a further complication is that there may be spies. The Lord is furious and is taking extreme measure to set things right.”

  “We will be back in, that is the main thing.”

  “You were never out. That was an unfortunate misunderstanding. Didn’t the Lord mend you to allow our child to be born?”

  “He did.”

  “Truly?” Darii hadn’t known that factoid.

  “Yes, truly. Both your mother and I were fools, should have known better and asked our Lord. We didn’t.”

  “So, all this drama and pain and doubt is to convince Liara that things are going badly between us? She must die, but not know anything about it?”

  “Nor your other daughters. They abide with Liara. They too will die by my hand too. Sorry.”

  “By mine if you prefer,” said Saldana. “Darii would also be amenable if she was old enough.”

  Darii said, “May I ask an obvious question? Why doesn’t our Lord simply evaporate Liara into a Galaxy somewhere?”

  “The Lord creates, that’s all. He sends others to handle problems depending on size. In the mortal Universes, there are people like me who resolve the small things. The world of the true Immortals is dangerous, and our Lord fears rebellion from time to time.”

  “And what is wrong with that, if say, he was oppressive?”

  “But he isn’t. He creates then leaves mortal life to manage its affairs. If mortals are evil and seek to dominate other peaceful mortals, he may step in.”

  “The term ‘step in’ covers a lot of territory.”

  “Sometimes re-education, sometimes exit from existence. Seems arbitrary. Take it up with him sometime.”

  “Him? Does the Lord now have a gender?”

  “He or she is OK, but doesn’t use the term ‘it.’ That neutral term annoys him. And yes, the lord now favors the male gender, but that is merely to make us mortals more at ease.”

  Adam switched subjects wanting to stay off those topics which have no end for a fifteen-year-old girl.

  “In any event, I am here to apologize and make amends. I am deeply sorry for the subterfuge and dissembling. Would you like all the newest knowledge plus the you-know-what modules?”

  Darii interjected, “What the sex modules? Like I haven’t already seen them.”

  “But you’ve never done them, right Darii? Saldana?”

  “Maybe a small experiment here and there. With girls her own age. Very innocent.”

  “You will tell me more of this ‘experimenting’ later Saldana Ri St. James.”

  Adam turned to Darii.

  “How old are you, young lady?”

  “Sixteen. Soon, I mean. I get a car, don’t I?”

  “I will ground you for a century if that is not true and your mother is forbidden from lying to me about it.”

  “Now, how old are you Darii St. James?”

  “Thirteen and a half. Almost.”

  “I shall give you knowledge exactly like your mother, just edited for content and heavily censored in parts you will learn about far too soon.”

  Darii said, “You know only totalitarian regimes and dictatorships still censor content. It’s very passé.”

  “I can see that. Changes nothing. As your father, consider me a tyrant, dictator, and an autocrat. You have very few voting rights on the subject matter.”

  “Seems unfair.”

  “It is. But those are the rules if you’re to be a St. James along with your mother. She never minded the last name.”

  “Nor do I.”

  “Darii. Along with rights come responsibilities. Obeying your father is one of them. Can you do that? Even when he’s a ruthless, unfair tyrant?”

  “How long do I have to consider my options, mother?”

  “5-4-3-2 …”

  “OK, OK. Just bluffing for privileges. No need to go all ‘Mom’ on me. Darii St. James? I like it. Can I have a middle name too?”

  “Two or three if you’d like.”

  “Let me get to know my family, then I’ll decide. Fair?”


  “Braiding is finished, we shall preserve the flowers, and now it’s time for a walk. Any objections?”

  Darii said, “I ’m in the middle with Mom and Dad on either side. Mother says you prefer ‘Mom and Dad’ to ‘Mother and Father.’ True?”

  Adam said, “Mother and Father are biological terms. Mom and Dad are based on love, affection, and family. But call me ‘Adam’ if you want. I know who I am. I’m your Dad.”

  “Say you love me. Out loud.”

  “I love you Darii St. James with no middle names. And I love your Mom, Saldana Ri St. James, just as much.”

  “And if I misbehave, will I get strict punishment?”

  “You intend to misbehave?”

  “Not yet. But if I do?”

  “I may only kiss you once and hug you only three times that day. Walks will be the same, and I will always say I love you as often as you wish.”

  “Even when I misbehave?”

  “I may disapprove of your behavior, but I will always love my daughter. The two are not the same. This is what your Mom and I never had time to discuss. How could I ever hate the woman who’s gifted to me the greatest gift in the Universe?”


  “No, smarty. You.”


  Adam said, “I guess the time has come to talk about all things Liara; how this all started. What was done, why you were involved and what their plans were? Even though we have a lot from entering your minds, there’s a lot more we need to understand. Our Lord sees this as a mortal to mortal conflict, so he’s not going to interfere directly, and then there are those promises he made. These are sacrosanct, but if Liara is violating their basic agreement to do no harm, and if she’s violated those terms a second time, then their agreement is null and void.”

  Darii said, “The Hippocratic Oath? Isn’t that plagiarism or something?” She had stopped paying attention and was reading a book on genealogy.

  Saldana scolded her daughter, telling her to pay attention and put the book down immediately. Patsy loaned the book to her new family member, and Darii was interested in the subject matter.

  “OK, Grouchy de Grouch. Learned that from Misti. Also, Misti said I should practice more doing something called ‘wrapping my father around my little finger.’ Is that possible? She says it means I can get anything I want. All the wives do it.”

  Adam said, “Yes, it is possible, yes all my wives do it and so will yo
u someday I’m sure. But, if you don’t mind, pay attention now and be a help on a serious matter.”

  “Grouchy de Group number two. You two must be married.” Then she laughed out loud.

  Adam tried to look fierce but held it only for a few seconds.

  “You are pathetically easy. Misti was right.”

  “One hug deducted and transferred to your mother.”

  “All right. What?”

  “So, we know some things about the Society, but this must just be the tip of the iceberg and has little to do with whatever she is really up to.”

  “No, that’s incorrect. The Society is central to her whole scheme though it seems innocuous.”

  “How so?”

  “I am the One; the top of the pyramid. My daughters are the Three, the power just below, though Darii is there only so Liara can keep an eye on her. Ditto for me; I have zero power. Below that at the Eleven plus Six. The Eleven carry out the business of the Society, while the six handle all the back-office stuff. Of the Eleven, three are spies. The cock up with the computer system was as much to keep you away personally as it was the exorbitant price you demanded.”

  “No chance I would have been personally involved. So, assumption number one was wrong.”

  “I said the exact same thing at the time,” remarked Saldana. “Why would Adam St. James come to London, when he already had similar systems installed in eighty or so other genealogical Societies around the world?”

  “They went with a local group, had few safeguards and, as our Tech guy predicted, our data was stolen. Now we needed you, you personally, to get it back. But it’s a dangerous game because we did not want you to see what was on the computer, only return the missing data to us. But with your Mainframe project, we were certain you would steal it, but probably not look at it. We were also certain you’d steal the air gap data through that ridiculous wireless console. By the way, that console is attached to six other computers inside the Vault and another one hidden outside.”

  “Yeah, we found them already. But thanks.”

  “You know about the four lines of business Liara’s in, right?”


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