Patsy Murray

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Patsy Murray Page 29

by Douglas E Roff


  “But why the nanite project; why not just ask you and all your colleagues and associates to find and kill Liara.”

  “Because for me to succeed in finding and capturing her, I may need the technology that can only come from the nanite project, specifically the breakthrough that Ryu accomplished in miniaturization. The team headed by Zoia was the critical part of his strategy, though he didn’t seem to understand how it worked. The domed cities and other projects were mere diversions.”

  “When Torii was taken, she was eventually emptied of her mind by our Lord and his senior Immortals skilled in such techniques. They know most of what Liara knows, and they now know that the union of my DNA with certain Immortals will yield, over time, a super race of Immortals that can fight, and think, yet still be controlled. Between Liara and our Lord, there is a race to control me and find the female Immortals that can be the breeding stock to perfect their Immortal armies. For me, with Liara, it would be eternal imprisonment and simple DNA extraction. For our Lord, it is breeding. That’s why he was so interested in sending as many potential female Immortals to our Islands as possible to mate and produce offspring. But he overstepped his own plans.”

  “How so?”

  “What the Professionals found in the Five Islands and on Island One was the infidelity that had been carried on with all but a few of my wives; those that are here today. All others were seduced into a life of pure sexual pleasure and gratification, never expecting I would ever find out. But I did, just not in the way he thought I might. He gave me false powers and protected those who had betrayed me longest and who, by the time I discovered their betrayal, had grown indifferent to my eventual discovery. They loved their way or life, the deception was easy, and they really didn’t care whether I knew or not. Our Lord wanted his shenanigans kept secret from me, but when confronted and threatened, I already knew his threats were empty. Neither he nor Liara can create their super soldiers without me. And, I soon discovered the Immortals that could be the counterparts to my genetics.”

  Patsy said, “And Niona? He knows nothing of her pregnancy?”

  “No, he knows she is pregnant, but claims not to know by who. He says he thinks it’s another Immortal, yet whoever it is doesn’t have the right genetics necessary to create the new super soldiers. Niona, however, does.”

  Niona said, “But, I am created; I have no family line. How could any Immortal be any different genetically from any other?”

  “Normally, the features and personality are shaped, but not base genetics. The way that the Lord creates Immortal women can be varied, and there are now many who are like you. Sisters, you might say, who suffer as you did from being different and not the cold automatons like most other Immortals.”

  “But …”

  “You are different, and you are special. And because of you, the nature of our reality can change too, and it is why you must be protected at all cost. It is why you shall always be at my side, and we shall find a new world, a new place to be safe eternally from the civil war that may erupt at any moment. The eye of that storm is Earth and humanity. We shall never give in to Liara or our Lord. I will die first.”

  “He will only resurrect you.”

  “Not if I die by my own hand, or by the Jeweled Blade I now own. When I asked about it and the special living gem within the hilt, he thought me an arrogant mortal. Little did he suspect my true intentions.”

  “You knew of its maker and true purpose?”

  “I did. As well, all of us here have a role to play in carrying out our plan to be free of the evil that has gripped this part of our existence. Hana must find a new place for the Community and for us to be beyond his reach. Niona will have to help with that as she is older and knows the RealVerse better. Niona must look for and seek out her sisters, and we must get them to safety here first, then to Hana’s new world, in secret. The professionals, if they will stay, will work with me on the nanite project. We will slow down the progress on the new domes and speed up the progress on the machines we need to engineer to create new cities.”

  “And Patsy?”

  “She will work on the information we have on human genealogy that our Lord and Liara much desire to possess. He is seeking other mortals on Earth like me; if he finds them, he won’t need me any longer. But, if we succeed, we will destroy Liara’s organization from within and thwart our Lord’s plans.”

  Patsy asked, “Is that why Niona was sent here?”

  “No. My brave one agreed to be bait. To draw out both Liara and Hanta. In that, we failed. So far, anyway. But we have what we need. We have Immortal women like Niona who I am certain will join us, we have the nanite project and the geniuses we need to complete it, we have the genealogist who can help us now, and in the future. The final piece to power our project is access to the Mainframe.”

  “Is it not lost? The servers burned down with the Warehouse in New York City.”

  “I made a duplicate, and a version resides in the Cloud. We have everything, and they have nothing they recognize as useful. When Hana and Niona find our new home, we shall defend it and live there in peace and tranquility.”

  Zoia said, “I will help, as I suspect will our team. But it is not my choice to become involved with Immortals in any way. The others can decide for themselves.”

  Ryu said, “I will live with Adam as long as he wishes, for eternity if that is even possible.”

  The others were quiet. Zoia said, “We shall see how this works out. The time is not right for our final decision yet.”

  “I will be the source of human DNA and, through Patsy, we will find others.”

  Cia asked, “I suppose you will want to spread your DNA in normal human fashion?”

  “It is a burden I will need to bear, but yes, to the extent it is required, I shall do my part. And work on the software and AI too.”

  Eene looked at him. “I thought so. You shall need all of the rest of us to keep you in shape for your strenuous labors. I shall be happy to do my part too. Workouts begin tonight in your bedroom. Arrive early.”

  “As will we all,” said Ryu. The women all chuckled.

  Janaia asked, “Then was the other project with the two remaining nerds and Alana just cover?”

  “It was an elaborate ruse gone wrong; rotten from within and out of control. We now for the first time fully control our destiny. They do not.”

  Adam continued, “We must double check everything that Torii did, what she discovered and what changes she made. That is our first priority, while we all spread out and begin our individual and collective tasks.”

  Chapter 35

  The next day, the work assignments began, and Adam once again gathered his troops in his Study. He told them he wished for everyone to understand what each was doing, why it was important and never to lose sight of how things came together at “the fifty-thousand-foot level.” He knew he was terrible at painting the big picture, and wanted to be clear. He thought that he didn’t know how to explain things in ways that would be readily understood.

  One day, Ryu just said, “Just say what’s on your mind, and we’ll figure out the rest. The burden doesn’t always have to be entirely yours.”

  Adam asked how he could explain particle physics to an engineer. Ryu said, “Open your mouth, move your lips and let us do the rest.”

  Tonight, he would try to do just that.

  “Tonight, because Ryu is making me, I will explain the details of what will begin for all of us soon, what I wish us to do the future and, of course, the risks. Some risks will concern all of you, some none but me. I ask you to please believe less in what I say and more in who I am. Ask questions, challenge my process, but know I love every one of you. Decisions have been made by people close to me; decisions that will be painful for me to live with but will be intellectually easier to accept.

  “My family, Octavio and the Twins will not return for another lifetime. They wish to go to peac
e and eternal rest. I have promised them that this adventure shall be my last as a Cyclical too; no more danger and putting those I love in harms’ way. I shall ask the Lord soon to make me a full Immortal, along with everyone in this room who desires it, so we may all live together in a new realm that will be created with Hana’s world as its capital. It will be located far away on the outer edges of the Lord’s realm.”

  “He will never agree.”

  “He will because I will agree to end this civil war and deliver Liara to him along with Hanta. He, in turn, will deliver Torii to me along with all those who betrayed me, mortals and Immortals, alike. He will turn over all worlds that do not wish to be ruled by his Immortals; they shall be ruled by ours guided by Niona and Hana.”

  “He will kill them first.”

  “He will do no such thing, as they will be given over to us for rehabilitation and protection. I have devised a course of treatment, based on what Liara did to me in my first lifetime, and our Lord’s surgeons assure me that this treatment will work slowly over time. They shall be relieved of the burden of evil but not altered in any other way. They shall be as they were always intended.”

  “And you expect Liara and Hanta to agree to this? We don’t even know where they are.”

  “I do. I now know exactly where they are.”

  “You have spoken to them, made arrangements?”

  “Of course not. But I will. I must get assurances in oath and blood from our Lord first; then I will meet with Liara and her companion.”

  There was silence, as they all knew there was more.

  “I am bringing two refugees with us, two women friends I promised to care for. They are the friends and loyal servants of a woman I once loved. Before her death, I swore to always care for them, and I always have. You will love them too.”


  A few years after the big blow-up with Misti, and while Adam was still growing his St. James Mindwerks, Adam took a consulting job in Paris with a prestigious museum to guard a one-night exhibition of a carved gem representing a now defunct royal family from the Austro-Hungarian Empire. The gem itself was of little value, but the engraved crest was priceless. The security system was old, and Adam was asked to assess its efficacy at protecting the priceless object. He concluded that it was not up to modern standards, and even an average thief could defeat its precautions and get away with the gem. There were three days left until the Exhibition. Could Adam protect the article placed in a weight sensitive display and guarantee its safety?

  He said he could.

  Adam brought in a plethora of his top people, worked on the security system then gave an elaborate explanation for what they had done. He sent his people home.

  That night, the Gala was a smashing success until late at night when the lights went out inexplicably. When the lights came back on, the gem was still in place as a very beautiful woman started for the exit. She did not get far, as Adam, exquisitely dressed in a tux and looking exceedingly handsome, had handcuffed himself to her.

  “You will release me at once, or you shall be bodily removed by my security. I am Janelle LeClerq and am well known, connected politically and have three excellent and very capable former military security with me at all times.”

  “So I see. My name is Adam St. James, I am also well connected to the FBI, CIA, MI-5, MI-6, the Mossad, the NSA and the Police Nationale, or as we used to know them, the Sûreté. I have six security guards with me, all armed, two former Army Rangers, one Mossad, two SAS and one who is my cousin. He’s here because he needs a job, and well, he is family. Not sure who he worked for originally, but he is a sweet fellow who kills on command. I’m here to catch you, apparently. I have a limo waiting outside for us, and I would prefer that we all leave together.”

  “The museum curator came up to ask if anything was awry, but Adam said, no, just a sex game that he and his new girlfriend liked to play. The French couples all laughed and went back to their conversations, unfazed.

  Adam handed the curator a small case and whispered a code in his ear. “I couldn’t fix your antiquated system nor install a new one in time, so I stole your gem, replicated it here in Paris and kept the real one in this case.”

  “And the mademoiselle?”

  “A misunderstanding.”

  “I see. Send us your invoice with our thanks.”

  “No fee involved, as I have met the most beautiful woman in the world due to your invitation. I shall send you a note of thanks.”

  They left. “To your apartment in the City or your Estate. Where shall I drop you off.”

  “I will not be arrested?”

  “For that tiny EMP device and a bad replica of the Royal Seal? Hardly seems worth the trouble.”

  “I suppose you expect some favor in return?”

  “I am a consummate gentleman, so no, I do not. But I shall be in Paris for three more days and would enjoy the pleasure of your company for morning coffee. Or dinner. I’m at the Montesquieu. It would please me greatly.”

  Two days later a man showed up at Adam’s hotel room with a note in a lavender envelope.

  “Madame LeClerq invites you tonight to a little soiree at her estate. Please be in a tux and be prompt at eight. As she is my girlfriend, behave yourself, or I shall personally harm you.”

  “I shall be on time, properly attired, and suitably mannered. I look forward to seeing you again.”

  “I doubt it.”


  When Adam arrived, he was greeted by Janelle, two of her female friends and the boyfriend Adam had met earlier that day. “Let me introduce you to my friends.”

  “Linette Armand and Celeste Cointreau are my oldest friends and roommates. We grew up together. This gentleman is Francois Ville …”

  “Yes, we’ve met. Your boyfriend, I understand.”

  “Is that what he said?”

  “Never,” protested Ville. “He is a liar, and I demand satisfaction.”

  Adam was cool. “A fight or a duel. I apologize, but I only brought my fists not my dueling pistols.”

  The ladies laughed. Francois was a prig and a bully; nobody understood why Janelle kept him around.

  Adam said, cheerfully, “Where shall we go? Outside, a workout room, a dungeon? Perhaps Linette and Celeste will be my guides while Francois is protecting Janelle.”

  Janelle said, “I have a gym downstairs. Will that do?”

  “Most certainly.”

  The group arrived downstairs, found a space that was padded for yoga and relieved themselves of their jackets, ties, and shoes.

  Francois said, “No rules; no weapons.”

  “And your guards?”

  “To protect the ladies, of course.”

  Adam turned to them. “Gentlemen, after I hurt your boss, please collect him and leave. And if I ever see him again or you, I will hurt him or you, or both. Please translate, Janelle. I would hate for there to be a misunderstanding.”

  The fight didn’t take long, although a small amount of blood did find its way onto Adam’s shirt. Francois left with a broken nose, jaw, right arm, and left foot. His bodyguards left with him.

  “You are very smart and exceedingly dangerous. I suspect that Linette and Celeste will wish to thank you later. Properly, that is, in Parisian fashion.”

  “I look forward to learning whatever that means.”

  “Can you stay longer? I mean in Paris?”

  “If I could be seen in the company of you three, I could stay as long as you wish.”

  “Then tomorrow I shall send men to bring your things and electronics here to my Estate. We have plenty of room.”

  “I have all the electronics I need with me; my clothes are little more than jeans, t-shirts, one suit, several dress shirts and ties, and flip-flops. Unless you include boxers and a bathing suit along with ‘naked’ to be attire.”

  “May we dress you if we wish to take you out and show you off?”

  “Of cours
e. I am at your disposal.”

  “I rise early each day, work out, then finish up my morning routine by eight. Then we are yours, although the girls may intrude on you for favors or assistance at any time. They are incorrigible.”

  She paused.

  “I occasionally have ‘special’ time. I ask only that you respect this time and stay away from me and do not interfere.”

  “I shall not interfere, until and unless you say so.” Celeste and Linette looked at each other, then at Adam with concern.

  Janelle said, “I am working on a new project; perhaps I can ask your assistance. I will be busy in the morning, but we can talk at lunch.”

  “As I said, I am at your disposal, night and day.”


  Adam borrowed a car and went out to do some errands, promising to be back by lunch. Not realizing that many French electronics shops didn’t open until later in the day, he was home by ten.

  He came through the front door to the surprise of Celest and Linette, who seemed agitated that he was back early.

  “Is Janelle home? I have something to ask her.”

  Linette said, “She is upstairs, but you cannot see her. She is with someone at present.”

  “OK. We aren’t lovers, you know. Let me change, and I’ll be down to help our rather testy chef Jean-Paul with lunch. I am learning so much, yet he seems so upset with me asking questions. Even in French!”

  “You cannot go upstairs.”

  “Why not. I won’t listen in.”

  “It is forbidden during her special time. Even we are not allowed near her bedroom.”

  Adam heard a wince of pain coming from the bedroom. He ran upstairs, shouted to Janelle, and tried the door. Locked.

  “Let me in this instant, or I’ll break the door down.”

  A voice he recognized, Francois, told him to leave or he would get a special taste of his more lethal skills.

  Adam broke the door down to the sight of Janelle, tied to the rear of the four-poster bed, Francois with a whip in his hand, other tools laid out on the bed.

  Francois said, “I saved her life; this is my compensation whenever I need relief. She consents to this freely. Now leave before I lash you.”


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