Patsy Murray

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Patsy Murray Page 32

by Douglas E Roff

  Adam asked, “Is there any way to shut her up? I’m finding her annoying.”

  “Of course, my love.”

  Liara went over to Hanta and slapped her several times, told her to sit down, shut up and not move until instructed to do so.

  Liara looked at Adam and “Hanta is not disposed to tenderness; do as you please with her so long I can watch.”

  “We appreciate your gift, but pass on the opportunity no matter how tempting.”

  “As you please. What can I do for you?”

  “Liara, I need your help.”

  “No doubt with the Lord who lives in fear of my army and what I can do to decimate his pathetic Immortals. When I’m ready, I shall strike. He doesn’t know what I know, and he will lose any battle I choose with him. I am readying my forces and establishing logistics.”

  “Were any of that true, he would certainly be quaking in his boots.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You have no money here and are about to be evicted from this property. Your soldiers are the few you have outside, are all mortals and have likewise not been paid recently. They will leave when payday arrives, and no checks are forthcoming. I have captured your genetic information and have gutted your business. You are here because you are on the run. You had a friendly Immortal transport you, but she doubts your story of vast power now too. You do not have me, and you do not know which Immortal genetics and individuals you need to create your warrior army. You’re stuck. In fact, all you have is a good idea, but not the means to bring that idea to life.”

  “You insult me!”

  “I know. And I’m sorry. But I wish to help you now, and in the future, and restore you to prominence with territory and riches as before. You are, after all, still my very beautiful ex-wife, and I still adore you. However, there are some conditions.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “In exchange for you hiding out here in absolute luxury, you will help me with my battle with the Lord and performing certain other services which I will tell you about when I say I need you. Not before.”

  “You don’t trust me.”

  “No, I don’t. And I doubt you trust me, but I have options, and you don’t.”

  Liara smiled.

  “And I will need to deal with you and that one over there, but I promise I will neither harm you nor change your basic nature. In exchange, you will be my new BFF.”

  “Sex with you and other willing playthings?”

  “I promise.”

  “And this one?”


  “And me?”

  “Same. Legal depravity as much as you want, but no killing. That was never your thing anyway. And that monster sitting quietly by will be your toy to use and abuse as you see fit.”

  “Will I have a chance at revenge on certain types?”

  “We’ll discuss who and how many but I have scores to settle myself and I’ll let you help. You can do the torture and eventual killing unless you decide to repair them and continue the sport. Up to you. I won’t name names, but I know you’ll enjoy at least some of these toys.”

  “What exactly do I have to do?”

  “Nothing other than giving the Lord false reports on the things I tell you to say.”

  “You’re deceiving him too.”

  “Yes and no. I need some time; not much. But I need time.”

  “You will tell me everything?” Same question as before, just spoken more slyly.

  “No, of course not. You shall do everything I say when I say it. I shall use you and that little muffin as much as I choose; you may choose whatever you’d like to do with the toys I provide. The depravity will be exquisite and will be with both Immortals and mortals. I expect the depravity of the mortals will pleasure you the most, but we shall see.”

  “I agree. When do we start?”

  “Now. I will give you instructions, you will sign an oath, and I will buy this estate for you, put a protective dome over it and bring you new toys to play with — no men. If I catch you with men, you will forfeit your life. Remember, while you can help me, you are not essential. The other fucktoy is a burden.”


  “Dismiss your men; then a dome will be activated. You and I shall sign our accord immediately. I will purchase this home and grounds and fill your bank account with millions. You will be the pleasure queen of Virginia. I still have some contacts with the wives of prominent figures here in the DC and Virginia area who are ignored by their men in favor of younger, more willing and submissive subjects. My ladies don’t care; they demand and get the same freedoms. Most know and get what they like; others are most creatively entertaining, and many are delightfully submissive. I may call on a few tonight, late when it will be hard to get out of social obligations. I wish to test their submission to me, and later to you; they will use Hanta as I direct and you may watch or participate. Do you understand?”


  She really didn’t, but she thought she did.

  Chapter 39

  Hana asked Adam and his ladies for a meeting to discuss where they were going and what the disposition of the captives would be. They were all now on Hana’s planet and getting sorted. The captive women, who had been communing sexually with the Lord and bringing men and women into the Islands against Adam’s specific prohibition, had been complaining about their futures on this strange new planet. Most were now confined to cells below the residence and allowed to walk only a short path on the residential grounds for exercise.

  Liara and Hanta were now guests adjacent to the primary residence situated high above a beautiful valley and river; the two were confined to a small home and a fenced restricted area as the boundaries of their freedoms. Adam still didn’t trust Liara, and her homicidal acolyte had shown little progress in attitude readjustment. In fairness, Hanta’s mind treatment was not scheduled to begin until much later.

  Hana said, “We have now received the last of our guests, both friendly and unfriendly, and our home planet is in a location in deep space where the likelihood of being found by the Lord is almost nil. I have discovered a large pocket of empty space between three other remote solar systems which has a sun compatible with our needs, but whose planets are still in the process of forming. As such, there is a lot of instability from asteroids and other natural phenomena. The positive news is that we are well hidden in the chaos.

  “Thanks to the work of our entire team, we have found a way to dome our planet and make it safe from these dangers; our planet, with its molten iron core like Earth, generates a sufficient electromagnetic field to deflect the harmful solar winds. Our thick atmospheric ozone layer protects us from other solar UV radiation. The gravity here is somewhat less intense due to the size of the planet, but the variation is minor.

  “As to our other guests, we all await Adam’s decision on the disposition of their fates. Adam?”

  “I am meeting with all the ladies to discuss what to do with them, but I think I know what each group wants. They shall never get it. Also, the answer to another mystery has been revealed to me, and we can discuss this and its implications at lunch or dinner, for those who still enjoy eating.

  “Hard habit to break,” said Patsy.

  Adam said, “I agree. I still enjoy cooking, but I don’t know why.”

  Adam got up to leave, but stopped and turned to face the Professionals, Patsy, Cia, Eene, Noki and Niona.

  “Hana, I should have spoken to you earlier, but there will be no war. I have put an end to it.”

  “You have arranged peace among the parties? Can they be trusted?”

  “When they are all dead, there will be little chance for conflict. Don’t get that panicked, worried look on your faces. I am not going to kill anyone. I will speak to our guests first; then I will explain everything to you as soon as we are done talking.”

  “Can you not tell us anything before you leave? We will be most anxious u
ntil you return.”

  He turned to Niona. “Where is your Jeweled Blade?”

  Niona looked down to her belt and found only her Sari. Adam pulled out a new Blade, but instead of the jagged unpolished gems that cut the hand and were implanted in the hilt, there was a smooth golden hilt and a long, polished gem that was set in the middle of the hilt, also radiantly golden in color.

  “The meaning of the two blades and the merging of the two into one was just revealed to me, but by whom I don’t know. I have been instructed about my new duties by this Immortal who long predates our Lord and the new powers we have all been granted, at least for those of us who stay. We still do not know whether Zoia, Janaia, and Parinda are staying or going, but I hope they will stay. Ryu has blessed me with saying she will remain.”

  “But the three are now Immortals; will it not require the Lord to change them back. Otherwise, they shall remain Immortal.”

  “That may have been correct once, but not be any longer.”


  The captive ladies, all still in mortal physical form and as beautiful as the flower of their youth, approached Adam who sat down on a green lawn; he invited them to do the same, sitting in a circle. Fionna and Misti were delegated to speak on behalf of the group, who believed they had important news from Fionna, and that Misti had long experience in handling Adam. Both were almost true.

  Misti began, “Husband …”

  “We are not mated nor am I to any other assembled here.”

  “Then Adam, we have asked you here because of a distant memory Fionna now recalls from her youth, just emerging to consciousness as an Immortal. An Elder tended her and one day she was bored and asked for new and greater knowledge. The Elder consented and encouraged the young Immortal to read a tome about an ancient race, long disappeared and almost lost to even Immortal history and memory. Immortals do not have libraries and transmit their knowledge genetically. There is, over time, some seepage and knowledge of some races and people lost. This is one of them.”

  “Go on.”

  “It concerns your Blade and the smaller of the two now carried by Niona.”

  Adam held the combined Blade which was hidden under his tunic, advice given him when the maker and revealer of its true nature gave him the re-forged Blade but a few nights ago.

  “It is only for you to handle, will always return to you like a Sarii, but contains infinite power, the collective knowledge, and wisdom of a race long-missing in time and space but who still exist. It is a curse, and a blessing, like so many things of power and how it is used will judge your future worthiness for yet greater tasks. Knowledge is not wisdom; so, while I counsel listening to it carefully, you must make your own decisions. It is a part of your being now and its presence within you, indivisible. The outward Blade is but a warning to others to whom you display it of who and what you are. It is also the path to enlightenment and the key to dominance among the Immortals.”


  Adam, being coy and cautious of yet another deception and betrayal, then asked Misti and Fionna, “What is this knowledge, and how might it aid me in this coming war, should there be one?”

  “The knowledge will aid you to victory, over both the Lord and Liara, should either pose any real threat. It will defeat all whose station is equal to yours and will be the source of many great wonders you do not yet know about. You may be the builder of new races of mortals and Immortals, variations untold, and the pleasures that such power will surely bring to you. Yet that power remains dormant until final steps are taken, steps I know nothing of. But in your hands at present, you may be harmed by its use until it is finally and completely crafted.”

  “Who is this craftsman?”

  “I shall reveal who and what these blades are in due course, but this knowledge comes with a price. A price you must pay to all of us collectively.”

  “It is not freely given in hopes of lessening your disgrace and currying favor by showing repentance and good will?”

  “No,” said Misti. “It is a bargain. You have reduced us in rank to mortality, even the former Immortals, and have not yet decided our fates; at least you have not revealed them to us. I suspect it to be death for our many and serious transgressions. That our Lord just abandoned us to you for punishment and reduced us all in rank, suggests to me that we shall die, and die soon.”

  “I am disappointed in all of you, but you, Misti, especially. You have learned nothing of me during our many long lives together, still believing that rather than counsel, you should command. You believe me gullible and too trusting to lead; that I am weak because I am not as cruel as you and others.”

  Adam turned to the former Immortals, who cowered back.

  “To the former Immortals including Fionna, Hecate, and Kendra, you have long believed me inferior and incapable of leadership. You find my lack of infinite knowledge not to be the path to higher learning and wisdom but, like Misti, an inherent weakness.

  “To my mortals all of whom I loved and respected, I am truly at a loss to understand you. I don’t know what more I could have done.”

  “Much more,” said Beata. “We always bit players to your greatness. We lived in your shadow and always would.”

  “That was your choice, not mine. You wished for, begged for, anonymity.”

  “And wealth. Great wealth which was never ours.”

  Adam turned to Saldana and Darii.

  “And how did I offend you.”

  Saldana said, “You did not. I simply was too weak to resist what Darii and the rest did. I had no sexual congress with any man or woman, nor with our Lord, though greatly pressured and humiliated by Darii and the rest. My sin is in not speaking up and not trying to prevent what little I might’ve been able to do. I am ashamed of my daughter who would still spit upon all you have done for us and for my weakness in doing and saying nothing.”

  “I know, as I know everything that is true that has been said here today.

  Adam paused.

  “Misti is wrong about one thing. There is no wisdom in revenge and death and, over the matters in question, I am no longer troubled. It was never my intention to kill any of you; I just needed time to build an army that could defeat or contain the Lord. Liara is my prisoner and her ostensible power a ruse.”

  “I am an Immortal that can create new knowledge and a new way of co-existing with one another. My Immortals and mortals will know each other and live together as one society. The Lord will be deposed; his Immortals shall be made mortal and die with their master. I shall go to him soon; this knowledge hasn’t yet been revealed to him, though no more harm, evil or mischief can be perpetrated by him now. I have new power from an ancient source; I shall overcome our Lord.”


  Adam revealed the Blade, reforged.

  “This Blade is now whole after healing from initial separation. The Blade, which you see here, is but a representation of the blessing and gift of knowledge and wisdom contained in the Jewel, as you call it. It is no Jewel, but the living distillation of an ancient race that has chosen eternal slumber, now re-awakened to teach me what lessons I need. This race resides in me now as a part of my being. When their task and mine are finished, I shall restore them to their rightful place and return them to their lives together. Then, I shall continue on my journey with my women of faith and fidelity, or leave them to eternal rest, as they choose.”

  “And our fates?”

  “Saldana alone shall rejoin me, and I shall gift her Immortality along with new knowledge and wisdom. She alone among you is worthy of a place among the stars. The rest of you will be disbursed back to Earth as mortals to live out your lives as you choose. Your memories shall be wiped clean of all that has taken place, and you shall resume an ordinary life. I wish you peace.”

  With that, Adam and Saldana disappeared.

  Chapter 40

  Hana’s planet was now ready for full colonization with its vast new security dome covering th
e entire planet, its atmosphere and well beyond. Over months of work, using materials mined and refined on the planet and using new clean tech, the dome surrounding the planet was gradually extended out into space for several thousand miles. Secondary domes were installed, but not activated, in the event of a primary breach. The skin of the dome was designed to repel small objects and dust particles that could ignite in the atmosphere, but pliable enough to absorb an impact of up to a giant meteor and then direct it away from the planet. This system was designed for active use in a solar system that was in the latter stage of forming and was chaotic.

  With Hana’s planet now in good order and occupied on a trial basis by mortals, it was time for Adam to go in search of the Lord and deliver the bad news. The Lord was Lord no more, at least not in Adam’s Universe and his choices of exit ranged from ‘acceptance and graceful’ to the threat of eternal war. Adam had some surprises for the former Lord of the RealVerse; most were not going to be pleasant for a ruler that had previously had almost absolute power over the RealVerse.

  But the Lord come to accept at least that much. He should never have elevated Adam and his chosen few to Immortality and the attendant knowledge; he had not conceived of rebellion from those closest to him. Adam countered with the notion that had the Lord stayed in his lane and left his mortals and Immortal alone, none of this would ever have happened to him. In the end, this was his fault.

  Would the Lord accept that superior Immortals now ruled his fate?

  Adam was told of the belief among Immortals that there was indeed a God, but not the God of mortal imagination, but the One True God that did only one thing: invent, test and disseminate life throughout the entirety of the Reality. Without God, life did not and could not exist. Was there anything more precious throughout the Reality than the invention and creation of life?

  All else paled concerning this single fact; nothing made reality worthy of contemplation without the existence of beings to contemplate it.



  Adam arrived alone at the Great Hall of the Lord, the building he and other mortals had experienced as a real structure. The structure had always reminded him of a design out ancient Greece or Rome, where form and function were not always compatible.


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