The Sigil of Sobek: Book 2 The Chronicles of Conran

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The Sigil of Sobek: Book 2 The Chronicles of Conran Page 17

by Valerie Lindsey

“I promise we will talk more later, Jamila.”

  Without waiting for a reply, I left. I breathed deeply to calm myself as I strode to the royal stables. I forced myself to nod or smile to each person I passed but I felt something breaking inside and didn’t know what to do about it.

  My tension melted as I entered the airy stable. Scimitar nickered when he saw me, resulting in a heartfelt smile. He gently took the one of carrots I’d packed earlier.

  His velvety lips and soft breath on my open hand eased my disquiet. I rubbed his nose gently before turning to pick up his blanket, saddle and bridle. I gave him another carrot which he crunched noisily as I saddled and slipped his bridle on.

  I rolled my shoulders as I led Scimitar out of the stable and into the softening daylight. Looking about, I decided to ride west of the flowering orchards where Silvesto or Ilena often went. Quickly, I mounted and wheeled Scimitar towards the fruit orchards.

  The wind swept my hair back and cleared my mind as I galloped. I could feel Scimitar’s eagerness as we raced up the rolling meadow. I slowed him to a trot as the orchards came into view. White petals drifted and spun in the air like snowflakes.

  Dismounting, I led Scimitar to a small meadow just past the blooming orange orchards. I saw Ilena picking some green stuff and putting it into a small basket. Silvesto was parrying with Nicholas close by. Seeing my three closest friends eased the pain in my chest.


  Ilena straightened and waved. Her inky black hair blew around her lovely face. Nicky started grinning. I saw his lips move as he said something to Silvesto. Silvesto nodded and Nicky came trotting over. He seemed to have a hard time simply walking anywhere.

  “Conran! We were just wondering why we hadn’t seen you recently. How are you?”

  “Better now that I’m with my three favorite people.”

  “Hmph! If we’re your favorite people, why haven’t we seen you lately?”

  “Sadly, you are burdened with a neglectful friend,” I said, making my face sad and despondent until we both started laughing. Throwing my arm over Nicky’s shoulders, I led him to Ilena and Silvesto.

  Movement from the right of the clearing caught my attention. I started to lift my hand to cast a protective spell but quickly dropped it when I saw the chattering, laughing couple. Arm in arm, they were dressed in local homespun and seemed harmless.

  “Do you know them?”

  “No, Nicky. Roberto said that the locals are very gregarious and friendly. This must be an example of that.”

  “Hmph. Silvesto is not the friendly, gregarious type.”

  I snorted in amusement.

  “Shall we hang back, Nicky, and see how he handles this?”

  Nicky laughed before shaking his head.

  “I don’t think that will be good for those friendly locals. We should rescue them.”

  We quickened our pace to intercept our visitors. Silvesto seemed to step back and away in almost palpable relief. I smiled at Nicky until a peripheral movement made my head snap back. The tall man leading the group was raising his hand. As his hand moved back and up the light glinted on what he held, I raised mine in turn.

  “Frecmanzelo non!” I screamed as I made a rapid movement with my hand to simultaneously erect a shield before Silvesto and Ilena before flinging the man back. I heard the sharp scree as Nicky pulled his sword free and ran beside me. Seeing her companion thrown back and us rushing towards them, the woman gave a small cry as she turned to flee.

  ‘So much for friendly locals,’ I couldn’t help thinking. With a quick movement of my right hand, I suspended the woman into the air. Under different circumstances the sight of the woman’s feet paddling in the air as she shrieked in fear might have been amusing but there was no humor in me as I lifted her higher.

  “I’ll take the man,” Nicky called as he raced forward.

  Nodding, I flicked my fingers at the woman to flip her over. Quickly, I removed the knives fastened to her legs. Tossing her right side up, knives at her waist glinted in the sunlight. Ripping those free, I lifted her slightly higher before sending her violently to the ground.

  Her head thumped on the ground first. Quickly searching her, I found two more short knives. Obviously, she was as dangerous as her companion. I pulled her pink scarf free from her groggy head to bind her hands behind her. I glanced up to see Nicky’s blade at the man’s throat. The man glanced between Nicky’s blade, his bound companion and I.

  “Is she secure?” Silvesto’s deep voice rumbled.

  “Yes. I thought they were just being friendly.”

  “As did I. As usual, you are the first to identify and address the danger. Thank you, Conran. I saw the throwing knife in the man’s hand, but wouldn’t have been able to block it.”

  “We both know better than that, Silvesto.”

  I wasn’t trying to placate him; I knew how fast he was and had little doubt he would have blocked the blade even if it meant using his arm.

  “I weary of all these attacks,” I grumbled as I strode to the prone man staring up at Nicky as Nicky’s blade pressed into his throat.

  “Why did you attack?” Silvesto growled from beside me.

  The man sneered before lunging himself forward. Nicky gave a cry but wasn’t able to pull his sword back before man’s throat sank onto it with a sickening squelch. Dark blood sprayed out causing Nicky to jump back.


  Obviously, throwing themselves onto blades was a common trick. I turned in time to see the woman plunge a knife I’d missed into her own chest.

  Ignoring the woman, I dropped to one knee beside the man. I laid my hand on his head, closed my eyes and delved deep. As I’d hoped, his spirit had not yet departed. Breathing deeply, I sank into his memories until I found what I sought.

  “Conran! Withdraw now!”

  Ilena’s voice was shriller than I’d ever heard but it snapped me back. Shaking my head, I stood.

  “I’m fine, Ilena.”

  “You will push too far, Conran! You will make me old before my time!”

  “I had to learn who sent him.”

  “Did you?”

  “Yes. King Stefano will not be happy to learn that there was a compact between three nobles. The Marchese was only one of them. I have to return to court to warn him about two of his lords.

  “There is something I must give you first,” she commanded softly.

  “It will have to wait, Ilena. What if they planned an attack on the king’s family while we are absent?”

  “Then we will be more effective protecting them together. Follow me.”

  Arguing would just delay me further, so I followed her to a huge oak. Ilena sank gracefully onto the soft, tufted grass and patted the spot next to her. Impatiently, I crossed my legs and dropped beside her. She pulled my right hand to her and slipped an engraved silver bracelet over my hand. Curious, I turned the bracelet and found it was completely engraved with gold sigils.

  “What is it?”

  “A tool to help protect you but, properly used, will amplify and better direct your power. I had hoped to show you how to utilize it more slowly but we have no time. Take my hands and we will focus our thoughts on King Stefano and his family.”

  My concern for the royal family superseded my curiosity over my new tool. I took her cool hands and gazed into her violet eyes. I closed my eyes after hers fluttered close. Our minds linked and King Stefano and his family swam into view as we focused our intent. Without needing to speak, we raised a powerful shield around them.

  “I will look for any attackers,” I directed to Ileana telepathically.

  I sensed her nodding before she held my hands tighter.

  “Use the bracelet to focus and direct your power.”

  I opened my eyes and tried to focus my power through the unusual bracelet. The sigils glimmered briefly. Frowning, I tried harder. The sigils gradually brightened until they glowed radiantly against the silver. Power surged through me.

red, I probed the halls outside the royal chamber. I found Duke Carrera stalking up the west hall accompanied by four large men. I raised my right hand and directed energy through the bracelet and against the conniving men. Blue light sparkled and dropped over them like a net.

  They screamed and struggled against the magical constraints as I steadily tightened it around them. Their cries brought the royal guards. Satisfied that they were contained, I pulled back. Leaning back, I smiled at Ilena.

  “Thank you for your help. We need to return to court quickly,” I said in a rush as I stood and held a hand out to pull her up. “There is still Baron Kulo to deal with.”

  I set a quick pace back to our companions but kept checking to ensure I didn’t outpace my mentor. Lady Ilena easily kept up.

  “Conran, I know you need to get back to court. Why don’t Nicky and you ride ahead? Silvesto and I will follow.”

  “Certainly not! There could be other brigands in the area. We will stay together.” I paused before shaking my head. “We know King Stefano and his family are safe for now. There is no need for me to race to our horses.”

  Ilena’s light, tinkling laugh rang out before she slipped her hand through my arm.

  “You are a very good Kingsman. We will ride to court as quickly as our horses can take us.”

  I laid my hand over her slender, cold one. The bracelet chimed on my wrist and glinted in the sunlight.

  “When did you have time to fashion this?”

  “I didn’t. My grandmother gave it to me before I left home. It is very old and has been passed down in my family. My power comes from my grandmother’s line.”

  I heard the strain in her voice and squeezed her hand in sympathy. I knew how her father had treated her and I could understand how it haunted her. Receiving such an important family treasure bothered me.

  “Should you give me a family heirloom? You may one day have your own child.”

  Ilena smiled sadly. Her look seemed far away. “That hope was taken from me brutally. You are like a son to me. I want you to have it.”

  “I don’t remember ever seeing you wear or use it,” I commented softly as I absently turned the bracelet.

  “I think it must choose it’s wearer. Unlike you today, I only had moderate success with it. You are a formidable sorcerer.”

  “I had an excellent teacher,” I responded, trying to push down surging self-satisfaction and pride. I knew my pride was one of my greatest weaknesses.

  “Ahoy! Are we off to court?” Nicky shouted at our arrival.

  “When did you become a sailor?” Silvestro gravelly voice was tempered by a twitching smile.

  “We need to leave quickly. I believe Lady Ilena and I took care of the immediate threat but I must report what happened here and expose the other lord who poses a threat to King Stefano and his family.”

  “I thought you said there were two more treacherous lords?”

  “We’ve taken care of one.”

  “So, one remains. Let us make haste,” Silvesto said as he helped Ilena onto her small, pretty grey mare. Once he was sure she was secure, he mounted his own horse. Nicky and I quickly followed suit.

  “What about the bodies?” Nicky asked.

  “We’ll leave them for the king’s men to collect. I don’t relish riding with a corpse, do you?”

  “Definitely, not.”

  Silvesto lead the way, followed by Lady Ilena and Nicky. I took the rear after quickly casting another protection spell over us. The sun beat down as we emerged from the shade of the orchard. Ilena rode better side-saddle than many astride men, so we made excellent time.

  King Stefano’s creamy villa appeared before us, shining in the sunlight. I didn’t realize how tense I was until I felt my cramped muscles and nerves relax. I gave a little groan as quick tingles of pain traveled along my arms and across my back. Fortunately, no one seemed to hear me.

  Sweat trickled down my back and under my doublet. Nicky pulled up and waited for me. I forced a smile as I rode up.

  “You look worried. I’ll take care of Scimitar while you go to King Stefano.”

  “Thank you.”

  I pressed my heels into Scimitar and we quickly caught up to Ilena and Silvesto. The pounding of our horses’ hooves caused Silvesto to look up. Soon, the four of us were racing to the ornate double doors. We pulled up sharply, kicking up a noisy spray of gravel.

  Handing my reins to Nicky, I threw myself off Scimitar and sped up the wide stone steps. The guards flanking the door, tipped their helmeted head before opening the doors. I paused to determine where King Stefano was. I took off running to his meeting chamber.

  I slid to a stop when two unfamiliar guards lowered their lances at my impetuous arrival. Slowly, I bent my knee before the guards. I took several deep breaths to calm my racing heart.

  “Lord Seahorn-Pierce requesting an immediate audience with King Stefano. It is an urgent matter affecting his safety.”

  The tall guard on the left bowed his head as he gruffly said, “His Majesty told us to admit you immediately.”

  They started opening the double wooden doors before he’d finished speaking. I nodded my thanks as I strode into the audience chamber. I paused inside the door and bowed deeply.

  “Lord Seahorn-Pierce, please approach us.”

  It was unlike King Stefano to be so formal. My racing heart beat even faster and a trickle of sweat tickled as it ran down my back. I bowed again once I reached the king’s throne and waited.

  “At ease. Am I correct in assuming you were involved in foiling this afternoon’s assassination attempt?”

  “Lady Ilena assisted me, Your Majesty.”

  “My family and I owe you yet again,” he said smiling.

  I surveyed the silent, well-dressed men in the room and saw the gray-haired and stooped Baron Kulo standing grimly to the left. King Stefano must have followed the direction of my eyes as I saw his eyebrow quirk. He signaled me closer with a crocked finger. Without hesitation, I stepped up and close to King Stefano’s right.

  “Is there something I should be aware of?” he murmured.

  “There were two additional traitors. Baron Kulo is the other,” I murmured.

  “Take care of him,” he ordered in a grim voice.

  Surprised, I bowed, stepped back and down. I didn’t like demonstrating magic publicly but I’d been commanded. I thought quickly. Directing my intention through my new bracelet, I made a twirling motion with my right hand.

  Baron Kulo’s arms snapped tight against his body. With a high-pitched yelp, he tried to move. Feeling the power surge through me, I lifted him a few feet into the air.

  “Stop this! Let me down! Sire, what is the meaning of this?” he squeaked as his feet frantically peddled the air.

  Idly, I spun him around to face King Stefano who glared at his suspended body.

  “You dared to conspire to overthrow me! Guards!”

  Slowly, I lowered Baron Kulo, holding him immobile until a guard grasped either arm. The Baron glared over his shoulder at me as he was dragged away. I saw his lips move but couldn’t hear what he said.

  “Collect his family,” King Stefano commanded after gesturing two of the guards to approach him.

  The two guards bowed sharply and quickly strode out. King Stefano’s cold anger was reminiscent of King Drexel’s prompt action against several conspiring court members. Not only the men but several wives had been executed for treason in Argelle.

  I had never expected to be involved in the same situation at Florenza. A sharp chill made me shiver. Was I somehow responsible?

  I looked at the well-dressed attending men and their pale, tense faces that nervously looked between the king and I. Fear rolled off them, filling the room. I met King Stefano’s eyes and saw confused anxiety mixed with anger. Perhaps I could diffuse the situation? It was certainly preferable to focusing on myself.

  “Your Majesty? May I speak?” I asked, bowing deeply.

  “Yes, Lord Seahorn-Pierce.”
  “The two men arrested today and Count Barbieri are the only dissidents in your court. Both were driven by greed and I believe Marchese di Ponti used black witchcraft to bind them to his will.”

  I felt an easing of tension in the large antechamber. A throbbing nerve by King Stefano’s left eye ceased its twitching. The king looked at the men of his court than back at me.

  “Would you have me spare their families?”

  Before I could reply, Earl Caesto spoke up. “Wolf cubs grow up to be wolves. I say we spare none of their kin.”

  A round of ‘ayes’ erupted, reverberating throughout the high ceiled stone room. The multiple rapacious looks made me shudder. I pitied the families but King Drexel had done the same under similar circumstances. The atmosphere soon dissolved into almost a festive air as the court discussed when, how and who would have the ‘pleasure’ of rounding up the family members.

  Their rapid shift from fear to glee was disconcerting. I wanted to leave but couldn’t until I was dismissed. King Stefano finally met my eyes and I saw sympathetic understanding in his glinting brown eyes.

  “Lord Pierce-Seahorn, you have served us well. I imagine you are weary and in need of rest. You may leave us.”

  “Thank you, Your Majesty.”

  I forced a smile before I bowed deeply and backed out of the antechamber. I was thankful to be excused. I’d already witnessed the deaths of traitors and didn’t want to see more so soon.

  I wanted sleep to escape the day’s events but it was too early. Now would be a good time to finish my talk with Jamila. I used my new bracelet to find she was in the herb garden. I quickly took the quickest route outside, which led to the rose garden.

  Jamila sat on a carved stone bench. Angels blowing trumpets rose up the sides. Jamila looked up at my footsteps on the pebbled path. She scooted over so I could sit next to her.

  “Did you get to ride and visit Lady Ilena?”

  “Both and we foiled a plot against King Stefano.”

  Her mouth slightly dropped open and she raised her right hand to her throat.

  “You are almost frightening, Conran. What happened?”

  Briefly, I told her of the attack against Lady Ilena, Silvesto, Nicky and I, Lady Ilena’s gift and how we used it to identify and stop an attack against the monarchy. I spoke quickly, trying not to let her words bother me. When I finished, I looked down and fiddled with my signet ring.


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