Epic Testament

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Epic Testament Page 8

by Serenity Cross

Phillip only seemed slightly bothered by my missing his game, probably because he understands my duties as a pastor. In fact, he plans to follow in my footsteps. He has always enjoyed being involved in everything concerning God’s word and the ministry. Unlike Missy, he has an eagerness to go everywhere and take in as much as he can. It is rare for a child to feel this way at such a young age so I help him as much as I can.

  Most people say he looks like me. He has an athletic build and stands at six foot three. He is only three inches short of my height. He is very conscious of maintaining a clean cut image. It is obvious most girls find him to be attractive, especially his style of dress. However, he appears not to pay any attention to their responses or attempts. He made a commitment to abstain until he is married and only wishes to entertain the woman God has for him. In light of the examples he has from his friend’s relationships, he doesn’t think he is mature enough to handle the search right now. I am amazed at his level of self-control and discipline. He is far better than I was at his age. I just pray he doesn’t lose his goals along the way.

  Missy didn’t show any emotion as to whether she cared or not. It doesn’t surprise me because lately she doesn’t seem to care what I do. It’s like she’s going through the motions for our benefit. I don’t know what she is thinking or feeling. I try to talk to her, but her responses seem more like an attempt at what she thinks I want to hear.

  She is in the running to graduate as valedictorian and is considering universities. My guess is she will pick one as far away from here as possible.

  As parents, we do what we think is best for our kids. No one knows all the right choices or decisions. Pastor’s kids have a lot of extra pressure and responsibility. With having to attend all the services and participate in all the events, I can understand her feeling overwhelmed and wanting a change. I guess as she got older she didn’t have to be with us for every event. It just felt better to do it as a family.

  I could tell, unlike Phillip, she didn’t share the interest. Yet I know, by her being in church, she is bound to absorb the word. One day the repetition will be useful in aiding her.

  I am more concerned with my children’s eternal life than I am with their existence here on Earth. I realize I may have made mistakes, required too much, was too strict, but I did what I thought was right at the time. If I had to do it all over, there are some things I would change, but I wouldn’t change sowing the seed. One day, she will appreciate all we have done for her. Today just isn’t that day. One day, when my race is over, she will pick up the baton and it will be her turn to run.

  Before Missy left for bed, she gave me a hug. I am certain she doesn’t know the depths of her beauty. She tries to hide it by allowing her hair to fall covering her face. Her high cheek bones and big dark brown eyes, unhidden, would be sure to draw your attention. Her lips, a perfectly sculpted mixture of her mother’s and mine, display a medium level of fullness. She is just as beautiful as her mother only lacking confidence. I guess, as a father, it should feel great to have a daughter that isn’t obsessed with her appearance or boys. While I like the peace of mind, I don’t like to see her oblivious to her beauty and lacking confidence.

  “I love you, Princess.” I told her while pushing her hair behind her ears. “You really are growing into a beautiful young woman.”

  She gave me a half smile, but never looked me in the eyes. “Yeah Dad, I know. Me too.” She said as she headed to her room.

  When I arrived in Mexico, Marko was there to greet me.

  “I’m so glad you came, sir,” He said while putting my bags in the car. “Pedro must have a spirit. There is no way he would be doing this.”

  I am growing more and more curious as to what he was doing, especially, since he didn’t go into detail during the call.

  “What is he doing?” I asked.

  Marko seemed bothered by whatever thought or image passed through his mind. “Oh sir, I think it best we go now and you see for yourself.”

  I have been doing this for a while. Possessions rarely surprise me anymore, but I decided not to push the issue.

  We arrived at a small village. It consisted of a group of maybe ten huts. I noticed a man standing atop several large stones. It was like he captured my eyes as soon as I turned my head his direction. I figured it was Pedro. By the expression on his face, he seemed to know me as well, not by name, but position.

  “Minister, how nice of you to join us. Although, you didn’t have to come all this way just to see me.” His eyes shot at Marko with a displeased look.

  As I said before, there are false calls and there are real demons. This is an example of a real possession. Pedro’s body stood like something unfamiliar was holding it up. It was like his skin was merely draped across his body not fitted to his muscles and bones, unnatural. It was evident the spirit had been there for a long time and was molding himself with Pedro’s body. Yet, spirits usually just fill the space like air fills the shape of whatever container it enters. This possession was different.

  As he spoke to me, he cocked his head as if there was a joint in his neck. I don’t need my Bible because I already know the scripture as does he. I will pray and ask God to deliver Pedro from the spirit’s captive. If that doesn’t work, I’ll do plan B.

  “Pedro” I said, knowing I wasn’t speaking to Pedro.

  “No, I am not Pedro though I am glad he allowed me to use his shell.” The spirit replied.

  “Who are you then?” I asked.

  “My name is none of your concern. Why have you come? Did you come for Pedro? He doesn’t want you here Minister and neither do I.”

  Despite his tone, he smiled and turned his head towards a man walking towards him pulling a boy with him. A woman wasn’t far behind him screaming and trying desperately to get the boy away from him. Judging from the woman’s screams, I gather the boy is their son. I just don’t know why she is in such a panicked state. The man turned and forcefully punched her down to the ground. I ran to her. She had fallen on her side and the impact to her head from both the blow and the landing caused her to go unconscious. The man continued to bring his son to Pedro.

  “Sacrifice him and you will be spared.” Pedro told him. “Give me his heart. All of his limbs must be burned separately.”

  Before I had time to register what was happening, the man threw his son on top of the altar beside where Pedro stood and severed the boy just as Pedro requested. He didn’t look like he moved from his own will, but as a puppet. There is no way a father would choose to do such a horrible act to his son. Now I know why the mother was trying so desperately to regain possession of her son.

  “You are a strong spirit; to be able to control others and overpower will.” I told the spirit.

  “Am I strong or are they weak?” He riddled. “Go back home Minister. You cannot defeat me.”

  I knelt beside the woman and began to pray. I asked God to deliver Pedro and send this demonic spirit back to Hell. When I finished praying, I stood. I looked up to the spot where Pedro stood, but he was no longer there.

  “Minister,” the voice came from behind me.

  “I warned you” He said as he kicked me and my body flew several feet.

  He ran to the spot where I was and jumped on top of me in a straddle position before I could even consider getting up. He was stronger and faster than most other spirits I had encountered and way more comfortable in his host. The way he ran seemed more like leaping. Normally, when they attack it’s on all fours in like a crawling motion because it’s easier to control the body in an unnatural mechanism during possessions. This type of controlled possession is normally the case in kids because they are generally less resistant to hosting due to their natural rebellion.

  “Where is your God now?” The spirit drew my thoughts back to my current situation. He punched me thrusting my head to the right.

  “The other c
heek… don’t mind if I do,” He said as he punched the other side of my face.

  Although the majority of the impact was on my cheek bone, I spit some blood out my mouth. The spirit belted out the most horrible laugh. It was actually more irritating than frightening. I felt his fingers clinch my hair as he raised my head. I had closed my eyes after he punched me and decided to keep them shut as I prayed. Yet I could feel his eyes staring at me.

  “Minister, look at me. I want my face to be the last thing you see in this world. So you will know the face of the one who robbed you of your life. The one who will destroy your precious church, your precious wife…” He leaned in closer to my ear and in a softer voice said “…your precious kids.”

  I imagine the spirit pulled itself apart from its host in order to reveal itself to me. I could feel the chilling breeze of darkness on my cheek. He expected a response, but I won’t entertain his lies. He has no such power to rob me of my life, my eternity lies with God. He can only rob me of this shell. If it be God’s will, then so be it. I won’t respond and I won’t open my mouth, unless it is directed from the Lord. I continued my prayer. Father, you said if I remain in you and your words remain in me, to ask whatever I wish and it will be given to me. I ask that you send this demonic spirit back to Hell.

  “If you must, use me. I am your servant.” I said this part aloud.

  The spirit raised my head and banged it into the ground, knocking me unconscious. Suddenly, I felt a familiar feeling. My heart felt like it was swelling; growing. There was a power arising within me. I could imagine a light expelling through tiny cracks all over my heart. The surge was racing through my veins. Light filled every corner of my body; it consumed me. As my body absorbed the power, I felt every atom charged. God had sent me an angel. I threw Pedro off me. He flew several feet; comparable to the distance he had kicked me.

  “I see you got yourself an angel.” He said as he charged me. I did a spin kick that landed on the side of his head knocking him to the ground. He jumped up. This time he delivered several hits rapidly like a crazed woman swinging with no direction. I blocked enough of the hits to deliver one of my own. I punched him in the stomach with enough strength to propel his body backwards about ten feet. I raced to the spot where he landed.

  “The fun is over, demon. Time to go back to Hell.” I said as my angel reached inside Pedro’s body and pulled the spirit out. At first it looked to be my hand, but my hand didn’t pierce Pedro’s skin.

  My angel separated from me taking the demonic spirit with him. I watched as it resisted against my angel. It looked like an overly dramatized image of a child pulling away from his mom. Despite its efforts, the spirit was hurled into the ground, straight back to Hell. Only a black puff of smoke remained momentarily at the point of impact.

  It’s hard to describe the feeling of victory experienced each and every time a demon is overcome. Just knowing that God has my back and the enemy is no match for Him is enough to get excited about. Pedro’s body was lifeless as it lay slumped on the ground. The spirit had consumed him for so long it drained him. So much of him was lost in the possession. This was probably due to the merge of his soul with the spirit. This possession seemed deeper than the superficial ones I am accustomed.

  Pedro gasped for air. “What happened?” Pedro said. “You’re okay now, Pedro” I replied calmly so as not to overwhelm him. Although, Pedro didn’t seem to share in my excitement, in fact, he was angry.

  “What did you do? My power, my energy…it’s gone! YOU! You did something. They will come back for me. They will kill me.”

  His response definitely caught me off guard. Most possessions are not at the host’s will.

  “You wanted to be possessed?” I could hardly ask the question. Why would anyone want to be used by Satan?

  “I lost my job, my family. I have nothing. I am an empty black hole of nothingness. They offered to give me life again; to allow me to be a part of something great. To be worshipped as a god. And you ruined it.”

  I can’t believe my ears. They talked to him and reasoned with him before the possession. Why would they do that? What is the strategy in that?

  “Because of you, innocent boys were slaughtered by their fathers. Families destroyed.” How could he think that was great? This is pure evil.

  “Did God not require Abraham kill Isaac as a sacrifice to test his commitment?” Pedro responded in effort to justify his actions.

  Now, he is comparing himself to God. Pedro knew nothing about God, only what he heard from the demonic spirit. The enemy always uses partial scripture. If you don’t know the Word, you will be easily confused.

  “But then, once God saw Abraham’s commitment, He stopped him and provided a ram in the bush for sacrifice. Abraham didn’t kill Isaac.”

  Pedro started backing away from me. He really thought he was doing and acting similar to God.

  “Oh no, what have I done? These people will never forgive me. I have even less now, than when I started.”

  He took off running towards the altar. Understandably, the guilt must be too much for him to bear. He must need to get away or desire to kneel and beg for forgiveness at the altar.

  “I no longer wish to live. I deserve to burn forever.” He said as he jumped in the fire.

  Even though it was too late, I found a large stick and hopelessly, tried to push his body out the fire while I called for water. It was like his feet were cemented to the ground. Pedro’s eyes never left me as he screamed from the pain inflicted as the fire ripped and melted the skin and muscles from his bones. Then he fell to his knees and screamed, “I’m sorry” as the fire rose up like a mouth around him and swallowed him.

  Satan had claimed him.

  I never expected that he would jump into the fire. My mind went back to what he had said. A demon talked to him before giving him his spirit. Why would they do that? They didn’t need his permission to possess him. He was already broken and miserable enough to be a host. They must be trying to improve the control of their hosts.

  When the host is unwilling, it is impossible to do all they desire. Their power is limited by the host fighting the possession. Although, the fight isn’t strong enough to push the spirit out, it does hinder the level of control. Especially, when faced with an angel inside a willing host. They still were not strong enough. What would they do next? I’d have to wait and see.

  I decided to pray with the people and give them a short word of encouragement. I’d also warn them against fear and the power it gives the enemy. I have not even been here a day, but I will return home in the morning. I need to be with my family as much as possible. I know something bigger is coming. Satan is plotting and planning. This was just another trial run. I’m not sure when my race will be over. I need to make sure my kids are ready to fight in my absence.




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