The Story of Rolf and the Viking's Bow

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The Story of Rolf and the Viking's Bow Page 32

by Allen French



  Gay was that harvest feast, and all men learned how Thurid had died inthe snow on the night of the wreck. In her cloak had Rolf lived,serving his mother, and he had travelled to Tongue and Swinefell inorder to make the plan for gaining his own; but because Flosi couldnot come he had sent Kolbein his son. Rolf gave great thanks to Snorriand Kolbein, and gifts beside; with all good wishes they parted on themorrow. Then Asdis took over the care of the household of her son, andFrodi was bidden to live there with them. They began again the customof Hiarandi, to light beacons against shipwreck.

  So now Rolf dwells at Cragness in his honor, but at the hut on theupland those others live with little ease.

  Rolf looks out sometimes at the little farm, and sees Grani and hisfather working in the field to get in the small harvest, hay for theewe and grain for themselves. Now for Asdis alone that store had beenenough, but for three the outlook was not so good.

  Once Frodi saw Rolf as he watched them working, and the smith said,"Thou takest pleasure in the sight?"

  Rolf asked, "Rememberest thou what jewels Grani wore, or his father,or Helga, that time when they went away?"

  "Grani and Einar," said Frodi, "had rings on their arms and broocheson their breasts, but Helga wore none at all."

  "Silver pennies also they had in their purses," said Rolf.

  "What is their wealth to thee?" asks Frodi.

  "Much," answers Rolf.

  Now the time draws toward winter. The tale tells next how Rolf keptmany people by him in the hall, to do the field work and to tend thecattle and horses (but the sheep were in the fold, save twenty whichhad not come in). Now some of those folk of Einar still dwelt atCragness, having deserted their master, and none at the hall bade themeither go or stay. Yet both Asdis and Frodi showed them little favor,and one by one they slipped away to seek livings elsewhere, save onlythose two, Hallvard and Hallmund, men of loud talk, strong of growthbut not given to work. Evenings in the hall they spoke much, and Frodiscowled thereat; but Rolf sat in his seat and seemed neither to seenor to hear them.

  Frodi said to him one day: "This one thing I mislike in thee, thatthou keepest here those two who deserted their master."

  Rolf asked: "Was their master worth devotion?"

  "Maybe not," says Frodi, "yet ingrates are they both."

  "They are free," said Rolf, "either to stay or go."

  Frodi grumbled to himself, but said no more to Rolf.

  Now October comes in very cold, but no snow as yet; and all harvestsare in. Grani had stacked his neatly in ricks against the weather, forthere was no room in the hut. There was a pen outside for the ewe; shewas a good beast and never wandered, coming home at night.

  On a day Rolf called Hallvard and Hallmund to him, and said: "It werenot strange if Grani's ewe were to break out of its pen and eat at myricks, which stand not far away." And he looked hard at Hallvard, whowas the slyer of those two.

  Said Hallvard with a grin: "That is likely to happen."

  Rolf gave them each a piece of money, and said: "Beware of that ewe."

  On a morning not long after came those two, leading the ewe. "Master,here have we found this ewe eating at thy ricks, nor know we whose itmay be."

  Said Rolf: "The ewe is Einar's. Take it to him, and ask payment forthe hay which has been eaten."

  So they take the ewe to Einar, and bring back silver. "Keep that foryourselves," Rolf said, "but will the ewe stay now at home?"

  "Her pen is not strong," Hallvard said.

  So on the morrow those two came again, bringing the ewe a second time;Rolf sent them for money as before. This time they brought back a goldarm-ring; so Rolf knew that Einar and Grani had taken with them nighempty purses, and he was glad. He took the ring, giving the mensilver, and said to them as before: "Will the ewe stay now at home?"

  Hallvard answered, "We left Grani strengthening the pen, but still itis not high."

  And on the morrow they brought the ewe, saying, "See how fat she hathgorged herself, master."

  Then said Rolf, "Go now and say to Einar: 'A third time hath thine ewetrespassed; now must thou pay not only damages, but the trespass fine,or else bring this to the courts.'"

  They went and brought back jewels, one arm-ring and two brooches; andHallvard said, "All that he had Einar gave, rather than trust himselfto the law."

  Rolf gave them money, saying: "If the ewe wanders a fourth time, shewill become mine. Is her pen strong?"

  "Grani has no more wood to make the pen higher," answered Hallvard,"but he was tying her with a rope."

  "Belike the rope is not strong," said Rolf.

  And that seemed true; for on the morrow those two brought the ewe forthe fourth time; they said she had again been eating at Rolfs ricks.

  "Go now," said Rolf. "Say to Einar: 'Pay me damages and another fine,or yield thine ewe.'"

  They went and returned, and said to Rolf: "The ewe is thine."

  Then Rolf gave them silver rings, and they were well content. ButFrodi came to Rolf, and said: "What is this thou hast suffered thosetwo to do to thy neighbor? Now Einar will have no milk for thewinter."

  Rolf answered shortly: "He can use the pen of the ewe for firewood,and sell the hay for money." And he would speak no more of that.

  Now October passed, and November came, and still there was no snow;the land was colder for that. One day when Rolf stood and looked atthe hut on the upland, Hallvard came to him and said, "Small cheer isthere over yonder, master; yet I have heard that Grani has sold hishay, and it is soon to be fetched from his farm."

  Rolf answered: "See now how all their ricks stand in a line, and thewind is in that line, so that a fire which took the weathermost rickwould burn them all. It was careless of Grani to set them so."

  "For fire might come by chance," said Hallvard, and he went and spokewith Hallmund.

  Now that night people were stirring in the hall, for a servingman wassick there; and in the early morning one came knocking at the door ofRolfs locked bed, crying, "There is fire across the valley." So Rolfthrew on a cloak and went out; there was a great fire at the littlefarm, where the ricks were burning. In their light Grani was seen,saving what he might; but Einar stood by wringing his hands, and Helgaweeping. So while those of Cragness stood and watched, Hallvard andHallmund came up the hill and joined them.

  "Where have ye been?" asks Frodi.

  They had no good answer to give.

  When it was day Rolf sent to inquire of Einar if he had had greatloss; Hallvard was sent. "And ask if they will have any help of me;and mark how much they have saved and where it is bestowed."

  So Hallvard went and returned again, and said that Grani needed nohelp. "But," said he, "the old man would have taken help, yet theyoung man would not allow it. And they have saved no hay, and butlittle grain; it is there in the pen of the ewe."

  "Now," Rolf said privately to Hallvard, "thou and Hallmund shall takemy shepherd and go into the hills, a day's journey; he shall show theewhere are folded those twenty of my sheep which came not with theothers, and which men call lost. Send him then home before thee, anddo ye twain drive the sheep.--And see to it," quoth Rolf, "that thosesheep do no damage to the fodder which Grani saved."

  So that day those two took their staves, and went with the shepherd todo as Rolf had bidden. On the second day the shepherd came again; buton the fourth came Hallvard and Hallmund, driving the sheep. Now oneof them was all bloody.

  "What hath happened to the ram?" asked Rolf.

  "We came home," answered Hallvard, "over the fell which is aboveEinar's farm; we pastured the sheep as we came, yet there is now nogood grazing, and the beasts were terribly thin. So when we came lateat night near to Grani's stead, and could not make Cragness in thedark, we rested and let the sheep stray. In the morning, behold, thesheep had found the grain which Grani had saved from the fire, andwere eating the last of it when he came out by the first light. He sawthe sheep, and drove them thence
with fury; but the ram was obstinate,and would not leave the food, so Grani wounded him. And he gave ushard words before we gathered the flock to come away."

  "Take the sheep to the fold," said Rolf, and he gave each of the men apiece of money.

  Then he went in and sat down to meat; but Frodi followed him andseemed much discontented. "What ails thee?" asked Rolf.

  "This ails me," said Frodi, "that thou hast no mercy upon them whoselot is hard enough. I cannot bear that thou shouldst use those basemen to do such work against Grani, whom once thou lovedst. For Iperceive clearly that all this has been done with intention, both thetrespassing of the ewe and the burning of the ricks; likewise thislast happening is not by chance. What change is on thee, that thoudoest so?"

  Also Asdis came and said: "Thou art hard on those unfortunate ones, myson. Leave this persecution and do what is worthy of thee."

  But Rolf said to Frodi: "Hast thou forgotten that Grani made theethrall?" And of Asdis he asked: "Who slew Hiarandi my father?" The lawof vengeance came to their minds, and they were silent, yet notsatisfied.

  Then Hallvard and Hallmund came in and helped themselves to meat, andbegan talking loudly. Said Hallvard, "Thou art called now, master, toavenge thy honor. Einar spoke shame on thee while we were gatheringthe sheep to drive from his house, for he said thou hadst the hope tostarve him and his children."

  "A great slander is that," quoth Hallmund, wagging his head. "Many aman hath died for such; and at least a money-fine should Einar pay."

  "Hold your tongues!" cried Frodi in anger.

  But Rolf rebuked Frodi, and said to those twain: "I give thanks foryour thought of mine honor. But I do not desire blood, onlymoney-atonement for the slander. Einar hath no money; but Grani hathyet his sword, a fine weapon. Now you who have my honor in your care,go to-morrow to Grani. Tell him I demand atonement; but if he sends mehis sword his father's slander will be forgotten."

  Those two looked at each other in doubt, for that would be a hardthing, to get from Grani his sword.

  But Frodi sprang from his seat, and cried: "What dost thou now, toinsult Grani so? Never will an Icelander yield his sword! Call now tomind when ye two were comrades, and slept together, and fought theScots together, and crossed the Pentland Firth together in a littleboat, and swam the last mile side by side. Put all this in thy mind,and unsay what thou hast said."

  Rolf answered: "All this I remember, and that is why I send forGrani's sword."

  "Then," Frodi cried, "I leave thy roof now, nor ever are we friendsagain!"

  "Frodi," answered Rolf, "sleep one night more under my roof; then ifthou art minded thou shalt leave me forever."

  Then Frodi called to mind his great love for his cousin, and yielded,and sat down.

  In the morning Hallmund and Hallvard sat late at meat. Rolf said tothem: "Why linger ye here? Do as I bade!"

  Then they took swords, axes, and shields, and went to the hut acrossthe valley, but had no heart in their going. Now Rolf watched from thehillside, and he saw them go into the farmyard, very slowly; and hewaited a while, and saw them come out, very slowly. And they came backto Cragness, and climbed the hill to him; and behold, they had nottheir arms any more, but were wounded, and complained as they came.

  "Grani," said they, "has done this to us. Now, master, avenge us onhim!"

  "Now," said Rolf, "all is come about as I wished." And he bade bringhis sword and his shield.

  "Wilt thou then," asked Frodi, "take up the quarrel of these wretchedcarles?"

  Rolf put on his sword and took his shield; he made no answer to Frodi,but he beckoned his housecarles and pointed to Hallvard and Hallmund.

  "Whip me," said Rolf to his servants, "these wretches from this place;if they wait till my return they shall feel the weight of my hand. Butas for all the rest of you, bide ye here till I come again."

  Hallvard and Hallmund ran with all haste away along the cliffs, butRolf set out across the valley to the little farm.


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