His Runaway Goal: Book Two in the Game Winner Series

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His Runaway Goal: Book Two in the Game Winner Series Page 4

by Nicole, Angela

“You and I need to have a talk on the way home. Let’s go.”


  I never got a reply from Chris, so I broke down and called Sophia. She was here in record time.

  “What’s going on? Did Chris do something?”

  At the mention of his name, I burst into tears.

  Sophia wraps me in a hug. “I’ll kill him.”

  “It’s not him, Sophia. He’s been great.”

  She leads me to my sofa, where we sit.

  “Okay, if it’s not Chris, then what has you so upset?”

  Looking at my best friend, I see her concern. Although, I have a feeling she’s going to have a very different reaction than I did.

  I get up from the sofa, rubbing my hands over my face. I confess it all—the pregnancy, Ricky, what Chris did for me today. And I wait for Sophia’s reaction. While it’s slow in coming, I can see her process each bit of information.

  Then, as always, Sophia sees the good and grace in everything.

  Meeting me across the room, she pulls me in for a hug. “I know you’re scared because of what happened to you. But you, Brenda, were a gift from God and so is this baby. You may not understand it now, but once you hold him or her in your arms, you’ll never be the same.”

  The rational part of me knows she’s right, but the irrational side wonders if I’ll screw it all up as my mother did.

  Wiping the tears that suddenly fall down my cheeks, I give her a quick nod, letting her know I hear her.

  “So, I think you should go get a blood test done, just to be sure. We can go to the walk-in clinic by my place. And I can recommend a good OBGYN if you don’t have one.”

  “That’d be great. Thanks,” I tell her with a squeeze of her hand.

  Sophia blows out a breath, and I brace myself for the inevitable.


  “If you want, I can go with you to tell Ricky. Leo can go too.”

  My nervous giggle starts to erupt. I begin to think about what his reaction will be, especially now, since he has a girlfriend.

  “I appreciate the offer, but I think this is something I should do on my own. Chris offered to go with me too.”

  Sophia’s eyebrows go up, then a huge smile emerges. “That man is so gone for you.”

  Shaking my head, I know it doesn’t matter now. Even if he did have feelings for me, the fact that I’m having a baby with another man kind of throws a monkey wrench into that.

  “It doesn’t matter what was going on between us. That’s over. In fact, I’m done with men.”

  “Well, you don’t have to worry about anything other than this baby right now. If you’re ready, I can take you to the clinic.”

  I guess it’s time to get a confirmation that my life has changed forever.

  With my hand on my stomach, I follow Sophia out the door. I’m glad she’s here, but I can’t help but wish Chris was too. I know that seems a little weird, wanting another man other than the father to go throw this with me, but the pull to Chris is undeniable.


  “So, Brenda’s pregnant with Ricky’s baby?”

  “Well, that was quick. Brenda just found out today. I assume that’s what Sophia was telling you on the phone.”

  “What the hell, man? I’m sorry. I know what she means to you.”

  “Do you want to know the screwed-up part of this whole thing? I wished that baby was mine, Leo. That fucker Ricky doesn’t give two shits about Brenda, and I’ll be shocked if he wants anything to do with the baby.”

  Leo rubs the back of his neck at my admission. “You wanting a future with Brenda isn’t screwed up, Chris. But Brenda has some issues that she needs to work out, and I’m not talking about Ricky. Yeah, that asshole doesn’t deserve to have a future with either of them. All I can tell you is to be there for Brenda when shit hits the fan with him because I have no doubt it will. But first things first, Sophia is on her way to take Brenda to a clinic to have the pregnancy confirmed.”

  Leaning my head against the back of the car seat, my thoughts go to the regret I feel for not being there with her right now. Knowing all I can do is sit on the sidelines and watch her worry is getting the best of me.

  “Hey man, just give it some time. She’s going to need a lot of support, so don’t give up just yet.”

  Time. That’s about all I have right now. With it being the offseason, all I can focus on is work and Brenda. Actually, what I think I need is some time away. Maybe seeing my sister and my niece will help me put some things into perspective.

  The rest of the ride to my house is filled either with silence or talk about the upcoming season. With Leo retired, Coach Sellers is putting pressure on me to take the lead with the team. After all, I’m now the old man of the group.

  “Coach is going to help me out at the soccer camp for kids with Cerebral Palsy. I think it’ll take his mind off what happened,” I tell Leo.

  Two years ago, our coach’s wife was killed when she was visiting her family up north. It was winter and the roads were icy. The car she was driving slid off the road and into a tree, head-on.

  The team and management staff rallied around him, but he’s a changed man. Von Sellers is not the same fun-loving coach he was when he came to the Rebels. I’m not sure he’ll ever be the same again.

  “Is Rosie going to come down for the camp?”

  “I need to talk to my sister, but I hope so. She had a blast last year.”

  I smile, thinking about Rosie coming to spend time at soccer camp. Last year, she did what she could and when she couldn’t, Rosie cheered on the other kids.

  Yeah, I definitely think I need some time with my best girl.

  Leo drops me off and I make it to the bathroom just in time to refund my tequila. Lowering myself to the bathroom floor, the tile feels nice against my skin. It’s cooling off my body, which feels unusually warm. Not sure if it’s because I’m filled with anger at the situation, or because I’m on fire for a woman I can’t have.

  Either way, my bathroom floor is where I plan to spend the next eight hours.

  * * *

  It’s eleven p.m. when I finally manage to peel myself off the floor. I’m thirsty as hell and my head is pounding, but my focus immediately goes to Brenda.

  Making it to my kitchen, I take two aspirin and chug a bottle of water. I glance at my phone as it mocks me from my butcher block counter.

  Remembering the two text messages from yesterday, I know Cheyenne is still awake, but truthfully, the thought of being with her again doesn’t appeal to me. Even if I can’t be with Brenda, my little arrangement with Cheyenne is done.

  I know I shouldn’t do it because it’s so late, but obviously, I’m not very good at self-control, so I text Brenda. And I’m honest.

  Me: There isn’t any place I would’ve rather been than helping you out this morning. I hope things got better for you.

  I hit the send button, not expecting to hear a response until the morning. But instead of a text, my phone rings.

  “Hi,” is all I can manage at first.

  “Are you all right, Chris? Sophia said Leo had to bring you home from the club. It’s all my fault, isn’t it?”

  The last thing I want is for her to feel guilty over this. It’s my fault, not hers, and I should be the last thing she worries about.

  “I’m coming over.”


  Her response is everything.


  What am I doing? I’m carrying one man’s baby while I can’t stop thinking about another. With my hand on my stomach, I ask God to give me the strength to do the right things and make the right choices with this baby.

  I’m not sure agreeing to have Chris over tonight is the right thing, but it’s what I want.

  Twenty minutes later, I’m answering my door in my nightshirt and slippers. My blonde hair is piled on top of my head, but I don’t care.

  “Hi,” Chris whispers when I open the door.

  I can’t help but smile in my reply.r />
  “Sorry, it took me so long. I needed to shower first.”

  “You made it to my place in record time then.” I giggle. “Come on in,” I coax, opening the door enough for him to enter. “I was worried when Leo told me he had to drive you home this afternoon. I guess my little news drove you to drink, huh?”

  Before I know it, Chris’s lips are on mine. It’s not a lustful kiss like he usually gives me. This kiss is soft and gentle.

  “Don’t ever blame yourself for what I do,” he whispers against my lips.

  My eyes are heavy when I look at him. Not from being tired, because when I’m with Chris, my body lights up. No, my eyes are heavy from the comfort and satisfaction I get from being with him.

  “I’m the one who knew better than to go to the club and drink myself silly.”

  “Feeling better?” I ask with a quirked eyebrow.

  “Definitely, now that I’m here with you.”

  His admission makes my heart race.

  “Come on. Let’s get into bed,” Chris says as he leads me through my living room.

  “Wait,” I say as we get to my room. “We can’t do this now.”

  I can’t have sex with Chris while I’m carrying another man’s baby. Don’t get me wrong, I want to, but that’s a hard limit for me.

  “Christ, Brenda. I wasn’t going to take you to bed for sex. I just thought we’d keep each other company tonight, and talk if you wanted.”


  The idea of Chris and I sharing a bed and not having sex never occurred to me because that’s an intimacy I’m not used to.

  “We don’t have to. I guess it was a stupid idea,” Chris says as he starts to walk out my bedroom door.

  “Don’t go,” I blurt out. “It’s not a stupid idea. I guess I’ve always avoided, um, cuddling, right?”

  Chris laughs. “Yeah, you never let me stay for that.”

  Inwardly, I cringe at the thought of how I’ve treated Chris. But in my defense, he was okay with the agreement. I guess, until now.

  “All right. But you have to keep your clothes on. I mean, you can wear only your underwear but they have to stay on.”

  With a wide smile, Chris agrees with a Scout’s Honor sign.

  Pulling back the comforter, I get in as Chris peels off his tight, black t-shirt. I try to look away, but I know what I’ll be missing, so I glance at him out of the corner of my eye.

  I’m not sure but I think I hear a snicker come from him.

  When I turn around, Chris is staring at me. My mouth waters at the sight of him in red boxer briefs.


  “I actually think you’re glowing already.”

  God, this man makes me melt. I don’t know how he does it, but he calms my nerves about having this baby.

  He doesn’t take his eyes off me as we both slide into my bed, facing each other. As I scooch down into my favorite spot, I think about what a day it’s been.

  A little more than twelve hours ago, I didn’t know I was pregnant. And now my future has changed a lot.

  Since talking with Sophia, I’ve become a lot more determined not to be like my parents. Even if I have to do this alone, I’ll try to be the best mother I can.

  “How did the appointment go at the clinic?”

  “Oh, um, well, the blood test came back positive. And based on the date of my last period, the doctor figures I’m six weeks along.”

  “Did the doctor say everything was okay?”

  I nod because his concern has me choked up. I think about what a wonderful father he’ll be someday to some lucky child, not to mention whatever woman he ends up with.

  Chris leans up on his forearm. “Hey, your face just went from somewhat happy to sad pretty quickly, babe. What just happened in that gorgeous head of yours?”

  Blowing out a breath, I tell him part of the truth. “I’m afraid Ricky isn’t going to be as supportive as you are. In fact, I don’t think he’s going to want to have anything to do with us once he finds out. He was pretty serious when he told me about this woman he wants to marry.”

  Chris’s hand goes to my cheek. “If that happens, Brenda, then he’s a dumb fuck.”

  I blink up at his gorgeous face. His big, dark eyes pierce my soul. “Thank you for saying that.”

  “I mean it. I hope he knows what a gift he’s being given.”

  Oh, God. I don’t want to cry again. I lay my head on his chest and run my fingers through the soft, dark hair.

  “Do you know when you’re going to tell him?”

  Rolling over onto my back, I stare at the ceiling. “I can’t decide if I should wait, or just get it over with, like ripping off a bandage.”

  “Can I give you my opinion?”

  “Okay,” I whisper.

  Chris leans up and inches closer to my body. The proximity makes my body hum with anticipation of his touch.

  Throwing his arm over my left side, his face hovering above mine. He needs to put me out of my misery and just kiss me already.

  I part my lips in anticipation, an invitation to him. He stares at them but doesn’t accept. I won’t lie, I’m a little disappointed he’s keeping his word.

  He fixes a piece of my hair on my forehead, and it makes me shiver. I’d blame my neediness on my hormones, but I’m always like this when Chris is near.

  “I think we should tell him tomorrow.”

  I blink up at him, left almost speechless at his statement. It takes me a few seconds to process what he just said.

  “We? I know you offered to be there, Chris. I’m not sure that’s a good idea.”

  “Let me ask you something, and I want you to answer it honestly.”

  I nod.

  “Do you think it’s going to go well? Telling him?”

  Basing my answer off the arrangement Ricky and I had, no commitment, only fun, I shake my head.

  “Then why would you want to go through that alone?”

  I swallow the fear lodged in my throat. Is it pride making me want to deal with Ricky’s potential wrath on my own?

  I try to sit up, but Chris shakes his head at me. “Stop running away from this and talk to me.”

  I’m not running away, I think to myself but perhaps it’s a lie. After all, running away when life gets tough is in my DNA.

  “Why do you want to go with me, Chris? God, I’m embarrassed enough by my behavior. I don’t really want a witness to the rejection I’m going to get.”

  “Look, I’m not going to lie and tell you this is going to be easy. But you need support and I want to be the one to give it to you.”

  He runs his hand through his hair, and I can see the frustration on his face as he continues. “I’ve seen the way he treats you, Brenda, and it’s bullshit. I guess I just want to make sure you’re okay.”

  Chris moves back to his side of the bed. For a few minutes, we both lie there, not saying anything.

  A thousand thoughts are running through my head. I don’t know why Chris wants to witness the spectacle I’m sure will happen, but deep down, I’m grateful.

  “All right, Chris. I’ll rip off the bandage and tell Ricky tomorrow. You can be there for support, but I want you to let me handle it, okay?”

  He turns to face me again. With his hand, he caresses my cheek lightly. “Deal, sweetheart.”

  Pulling me in close, he whispers in my ear, making my body hum. “Sleep, Brenda. I’ll be here in the morning.”

  He’s sending me a message, letting me know I can’t run away from him or push him away. Not now. He’s quickly becoming a part of me. I just hope after tomorrow, I don’t lose him.


  I’d like to say I slept all night, but after passing out on my bathroom floor and having the sexiest woman pulled in next to me, I didn’t. But I know Brenda did because she snored all night. Not manly snores, but cute little girly snores.

  I watched her all night, anticipating what today would bring. While I don’t know what Ricky’s reaction will be to the news o
f her pregnancy, I do know I’ll have her back if she needs me.

  Once Brenda woke up it was a flurry of activity to get ready.

  Unfortunately, we each showered separately and now I’m watching Brenda stare at her phone as she contemplates what to say to Ricky.

  “I’m going to ask him to meet me for lunch,” she declares. “That gives us a neutral location, so he can’t make too much of a scene.”

  “If he makes any type of scene, he’ll regret it,” I interject as I rinse out my coffee cup.

  She blows out a frustrated breath. “You agreed to let me handle this, Chris. If you go in all caveman, Ricky’s going to push back. I don’t need that today.”

  Brenda tries to put me in my place. It doesn’t work. Ricky’s caveman could never compete with mine when it comes to her, and I’ll never apologize for that.

  Placing one of my hands on her shoulder and tipping up her chin with the other, I’m greeted by the biggest blue eyes.

  She’s scared, and rightly so. This is a big step, but she’s not alone. “I agreed to let you tell him on your own. I didn’t agree to sit back and allow him to berate you. That’ll never happen, sweetheart.”

  Brenda shakes her head. “Why, Chris? Why are you still here? You should’ve turned around and never looked back.”

  Taking her face in my hands, I tell her the honest truth. “Why would I turn around when there’s a gorgeous woman in front of me? Besides, a friend doesn’t walk away when things get tough, a real friend is your reinforcement. Let me be that, along with Sophia.”

  I can see the confusion on her face. It’s more like suspicion. She doesn’t fully trust me, but she takes a leap anyway.

  “Okay,” she whispers, and my heart knows this is a victory.

  “Call him now.”

  Brenda hesitates for only a few seconds, then reaches for her phone.

  My heart rate picks up knowing after this meeting, there’s no turning back for either of them. And I’m not sure where that will leave me and her.


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