The Shatterproof Magician (The Inscrutable Paris Beaufont Book 4)

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The Shatterproof Magician (The Inscrutable Paris Beaufont Book 4) Page 23

by Sarah Noffke

They’d magically bound the fairy’s hands behind his back, and his head was low as he strode for the portal in the distance. In the lead, with an air of authority, was Uncle John. In his hand was a clear plastic bag, and inside it was the silver pocket watch with the large purple topaz that Paris had seen the agent use when teaching Art of Love class.

  Agent Topaz’s magic was also locked so that he couldn’t use it in an act of desperation to get away. However, the fairy wasn’t resisting, although shame and regret spilled off his every move and expression.

  Paris watched from the sidelines, her eyes more on the crowd than the alleged murderer the officers led away. Many seemed relieved that they’d caught the suspect. However, Paris still had a strange feeling on the matter. Her gut told her something wasn’t right. Even though Willow had said they couldn’t connect Agent Topaz to FriendNet, Paris firmly believed someone at FGA had to be involved in that devious scheme. Someone was trying to take down Saint Valentine, and what better way than to sabotage love, making the leader of the fairy godmothers look incompetent.

  In the distance, split off from the crowd was a lone figure. One that Paris could easily see even though he was far away. Her father had explained that her demon blood made it so that her senses were heightened—something she’d never known, not knowing any differently. She could see farther and better than most.

  Standing beside a tree and watching the murder suspect was Agent Ruby, his black bowler hat tucked down low over his eyes. From the inside of his suit jacket pocket, the agent withdrew an object. At first, Paris couldn’t make out what it was because of the flash of light created by Agent Ruby's portal.

  However, before he stepped through the portal, disappearing, Paris saw the instrument he used to channel his magic. It was a silver ballpoint pen that had a red heart-shaped gem on its end.

  Chapter Seventy

  “I knew it!” Faraday exclaimed from the sock drawer.

  Paris sat up in her bed, thinking that she’d never go to sleep from the sudden revelation she’d discovered that day. “You knew that Agent Ruby was the one behind FriendNet? How?”

  “The hat, of course,” Faraday said. “The hipsters said the guy in the black suit had a bowler hat.”

  Paris sighed. “That’s about as flimsy as my idea that it was an agent because the consultant was wearing a suit.”

  “How many people in this century sport bowler hats?” Faraday asked.

  “Not many,” she agreed. “Still, that wasn’t enough. However, his magical instrument is a silver ballpoint pen with a red heart-shaped gem on its end, as the hipster described. That’s pretty specific.”

  Paris had gone to Uncle John and Willow with the information immediately. However, neither said it was enough to connect Agent Ruby to the FriendNet debacle. Uncle John promised to keep an eye on it but didn’t seem convinced. If anything, everything pointed at Agent Topaz being behind it because of the murder. They needed more evidence, they all agreed.

  Paris hadn’t liked Agent Topaz, who was uptight and judgmental, but she didn’t think of him as a murderer. Agent Ruby though, that man was pure evil—announcing to everyone about her demon blood. He seemed like the one trying to frame her, but all the evidence for the murder pointed to Agent Topaz. Everything would hopefully come out when he went to trial.

  “Do you think that Agents Topaz and Ruby were working together, possibly?” Faraday turned over in his makeshift bed, trying to get comfortable.

  Paris laid back down, enjoying the waning moon’s light streaking through her bedroom window. “I think anything is possible. It appears there’s a lot of corruption in FGA. Who knows how many dirty agents there are trying to take Saint Valentine out.”

  “Well, they don’t know that Paris Beaufont and her trusty sidekick are on the case,” Faraday sang. “No one is getting away with destroying love and murder when we’re around.”

  Paris smiled, her heart suddenly full of love. “That’s right. We’re going to ensure that love spreads and the fairy godmothers prosper—one way or another.”

  “You know what, Paris?”


  “I know you didn’t want to come to Happily Ever After College at first, but I’m glad you did,” he stated.

  “Because you wanted to check out this anomaly that is Happily Ever After College?” Paris questioned in a teasing voice. She had worried before that Faraday had only helped her to fulfill his deal with Plato. However, in the end, he’d declined to be turned back and returned to his timeline. That’s when it dawned on her that Faraday helped her because he wanted to. Also, because he was good at his core and he wanted to help Edison and Curie to get their lives back. There were few as noble as the squirrel getting ready for bed in her sock drawer.

  “I’m glad that you came to fairy godmother college,” he continued, “because it needs you. Mae Ling is right. You’re the one who needs to change things the way only you can. If my hypothesis is correct, you’re going to revolutionize this place.”

  “I don’t know about all that.” Paris suddenly felt a lot of pressure.

  “You will, and you can tell me how I was right,” he sang through a yawn.

  Paris yawned too. “Hey, Faraday.”

  “Yes, Paris?”

  “Will you tell me soon about your life before being a squirrel? Now that you can and all,” she asked.

  “Sure,” he answered. “But it’s not all that interesting. Not as interesting as my life with you, but I’ll tell you anything you want to know now that I can.”

  “Deal.” Paris smiled and closed her eyes. “Also, thanks for choosing me over your old life. I’m still shocked.”

  “You shouldn’t be,” he said fondly. “There was no choice. It was always going to be you.”

  There didn’t seem any better way to end that long day than with those words, so Paris pulled up her covers and let out a long breath. “Good night, Faraday.”

  “Good night Paris.”

  Before too long, the squirrel’s soft snores filled the room. They didn’t disturb Paris at all. They reminded her that she had her best friend close by and wasn’t alone—and hopefully never would be.

  Paris quickly fell asleep too, joining Faraday, dreaming of all the adventures that they’d have and all the love they’d bring to the world.

  The Story Continues with The Independent Fairy

  Claim your copy today!

  Sarah’s Author Notes

  May 26, 2021

  Thank you a ton for reading! Your support means more than I can ever say. Ever. But I will try. Thank you.

  I always have so much to tell you about when it comes to the author notes. One might argue I tell you all too much. What can I say, my life is an open book.

  Ohhhhh that reminds me that I used to journal…when I was a teenager. I don’t anymore, unless this is considered journaling. But on the inside of all of my rose scented journals was a phrase I stole from a forgotten source. It read:

  My life is an open book with the pages ripped out, pressed and dried between the folds of time, read by no one. There is a chapter there devoted to you.

  I was quite the poet in my youth, now I prefer magic and fantasy and a little less Walt Whitman. I’m still a romantic at heart though.

  Currently, I’m on my way to Scotland after almost two months apart to see the Scotsman. The United States still hasn’t opened up so I do the traveling. I don’t mind because I love adventure. And I have cats and they are easy to leave. Well, they get grumpy but they can, according to science, go longer than most without food and water. Don’t worry, I set them out tons of food and water and people will be checking on them. I’m just saying, they are fine.

  So, you all need a story full of gruesome blood at this point. The Paris series is more about strategy and romance and less about flesh wounds, so here’s something bloody to get you going.

  When I was working on book 4 in the Inscrutable Paris Beaufont series I was running straight up against the deadline with a b
oatload of words to do in a short period of time. I always do it. No matter what!

  But that week, I had my annual doctor’s appointment. I just needed her to sign off on my prescriptions which required a simple blood test. Then I could get back to my desk and write. So I kept saying to the doctor, “Let’s get this over with! Chop! Chop!”

  The doctor could see what a rush I was in but encouraged me to go to the lab for my blood work instead of doing it in the office right then. I was like, “Nope! Send the nurse in here. Chop! Chop!”

  My doctor was super reluctant and she was like, “How are your veins?”

  “Great! Send the nurse in here! Take my blood. I’ve got a book to write. Chop! Chop!”

  I quickly learned why the doctor was hesitant. The nurse was brand new and not skilled at drawing blood yet. So this young girl was nervous and sweating, all preparing to take my blood. The conversation went like this.

  Shaking, the nurse said, “Are you afraid of needles?”

  Impatiently, I replied, “No, are you?”

  Trying to make light of the situation and fearful for my good writing arm getting stabbed, I said, “Is this your first time doing this?”

  She gave me a horrified look.

  Newbie Nurse started to draw my blood after stabbing me a few times and she looked faint.

  Still shaking, she said, “Do you feel dizzy?”

  “No, do you?” I retorted.

  The woman didn’t laugh. Instead she said, “Do you need some juice?

  Do you need to lie down?”

  “No, do you?”

  This nurse was so done with me after that. And that was fine because I survived and got back to write my words. However, I realize now that when I kept saying, “Let’s do this! Chop! Chop!” The universe heard, “Stab! Stab!”

  And that’s all she wrote folks. Literally. I’m out! Here’s Mr. Bird Killer.

  Much love and Peace,

  Tiny Ninja

  Michael’s Author Notes

  May 28, 2021

  Thank you for reading this Paris Beaufont book and the author notes here in the back.


  I can just visualize the little bitty blonde tiny ninja, feet dangling in the air off the Dr.’s painful bed (complete with paper protection that crinkles as you try to get comfortable), and Sarah making a tomahawk cutting motion when she says to get busy stabbing her.

  (I am now sure Sarah doesn’t think about the ramifications of her comments on the mortal world.)

  Which, when you think about it, is why her characters do so well. Sarah doesn’t need to create bogus situations to put her characters into to continue the story. She just needs her characters to do what SHE does in real life and <> happens.

  Story problem solved or created. One or the other. I guess it is author problem solved, character issue created.

  So, I would like to recommend that everyone who likes the series and has the time or inclination to write a review to mention that while we vote Sarah Awesome Author, we suggest she never run for any government office which might need to interact with a foreign power or aliens.

  I’d hate to see Sarah rush an important first contact with ‘Chop chop! I have to get some writing done, bitches!’ and they decide to blow up our planet or worse. I have no problem imagining that the aliens grab her and take her into outer space, and she plays the Princess in the Star Wars scene where the aliens act like Darth Vader and blow up Earth like Aldaran.

  “Huh,” she would sigh. “I guess that book isn’t due by tomorrow night now.”

  Peace Out, you Urban Fantasy fanatics!


  Ad Aeternitatem,

  Michael Anderle


  Sarah Noffke

  I have so many people to thank who make this all possible. Firstly, thanks to Mike, who really pushes me to be a better writer, coming up with the best ideas, not just the really good ones. We work together pretty well, I’d say. I wonder what he’d say… Anyway, MA gave me the opportunity to write with LBMPN a few years ago and it’s been life changing. He’s very supportive and really cares. Thanks Bird Killer.

  A huge thank you to the LBMPN team who work tirelessly so that I have less stress. Thanks to Steve and Kelly for making my life easier and being on top of everything. Thanks to Tracey and Lynne for fixing all my editing mistakes. A big thank you to the JIT team whose feedback at the 11th hour before publishing is invaluable. Thank you to my alpha readers Juergen and Martin. Thank you to everyone who makes getting the books to the reader possible. I really can’t do this without you. And you make it so much more fun.

  Thank you to my daughter, Lydia, who inspires my stories over and over again. She’s my muse and we are always discussing story. She’s an avid reader and listens to the Liv Beaufont series at night and reads the Sophia Beaufont books with me before bed. She also reads other authors, which I guess is okay. But my point is that she’s supportive of me in so many ways. I need to stay immersed in this universe and remember all the details. There are 12 book in each series so there’s a lot to remember. And Lydia loves my stories and then also supports me by listening and reading them so I can keep crafting. But also, she puts up with me when I go all psycho pants during a big crunch of a deadline. I will be the first to admit that I’m pretty intense a day or two before a book is due. And she always just smiles and says, “Mommy, you can do it.”

  Thank you to my family, the Scotsman and all my friends. You all are always so supportive of me and for that, I’m infinitely grateful. I really couldn’t do this without the encouragement of those I love. On the really tough writing days, the Scotsman points out all the things that I don’t see, like my dedication to the craft or how much readers are enjoying the books. I don’t know what I did to have the most loving and thoughtful people in the world in my corner, but I’m going to do everything to keep them and hopefully keep making them proud.

  And finally, thank you to you the reader. Without you I wouldn’t be able to do what I love. Your support means so much to me and my family. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.


  Tiny Ninja

  Books By Sarah Noffke

  Sarah Noffke writes YA and NA science fiction, fantasy, paranormal and urban fantasy. In addition to being an author, she is a mother, podcaster and professor. Noffke holds a Masters of Management and teaches college business/writing courses. Most of her students have no idea that she toils away her hours crafting fictional characters.

  Check out other work by Sarah author here.

  Ghost Squadron:

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  After ten years of wandering the outer rim of the galaxy, Eddie Teach is a man without a purpose. He was one of the toughest pilots in the Federation, but now he’s just a regular guy, getting into bar fights and making a difference wherever he can. It’s not the same as flying a ship and saving colonies, but it’ll have to do.

  That is, until General Lance Reynolds tracks Eddie down and offers him a job. There are bad people out there, plotting terrible things, killing innocent people, and destroying entire colonies. Someone has to stop them.

  Eddie, along with the genetically-enhanced combat pilot Julianna Fregin and her trusty E.I. named Pip, must recruit a diverse team of specialists, both human and alien. They’ll need to master their new Q-Ship, one of the most powerful strike ships ever constructed. And finally, they’ll have to stop a faceless enemy so powerful, it threatens to destroy the entire Federation.

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  *NOTE: If cursing is a problem, then this might not be for you.

  Check out the entire series here.
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  A new evil lurks in the darkness.

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  Bailey and Lewis, complete strangers, find themselves suddenly onboard the damaged ship. Lewis hasn’t worked a case in years, not since the final one broke his spirit and his bank account. The last thing Bailey remembers is preparing to take down a fugitive on Onyx Station.

  Mysteries are harder to solve when there’s no evidence left behind.

  Bailey and Lewis don’t know how they got onboard Ricky Bobby or why. However, they quickly learn that whatever was responsible for the explosion and disappearance of the crew is still on the ship.

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  The new team bands together to discover what happened and how to fight the monster lurking in the bottom of the battlecruiser.

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  The Kingdom of Virgo has lived in peace for thousands of years…until now.

  The humans from Terran have always been real assholes to the witches of Virgo. Now a silent war is brewing, and the timing couldn’t be worse. Princess Azure will soon be crowned queen of the Kingdom of Virgo.

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  Charmsgood was the only wizard who could stop a deadly virus plaguing Virgo. He also knew about the devastation the people from Terran had done to the forest.


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