Sam Men of Clifton, Montana Book 7

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Sam Men of Clifton, Montana Book 7 Page 7

by Susan Fisher-Davis

  "I'll get my own lunch, thank you very much." She turned her back to him and continued working on a crossword puzzle.

  "Damn it, Betty Lou. I can bring you something back if you want me to." Sam was trying very hard, desperately even, to hold on to his temper and sanity.

  Betty Lou slowly rose from her chair. "Don't you dare swear at me, Sam Garrett—I know your mama, remember?"

  "How the hell can I forget when you remind me every damn day?" Sam glared at her, spun on his boot heel, and headed out the back. "You go right ahead and get your own lunch. I'm sure whatever I'd bring back wouldn't suit you anyway." Sam heard her gasp as he slammed the door behind him. Rolling his eyes to heaven as he headed for his vehicle, he knew he'd pay for that later.

  Sam climbed into his SUV and began the drive to Barton's ranch. Although Tessa's specialty was equine, she was still a veterinarian to all animals. Sam didn't think Jim Barton had anything other than pigs on his ranch but he knew since Doc Carter retired, everyone now turned to Tessa for their animals’ welfare. Well, except him, and she already knew why. Now, if Tessa needed time off, Doc Carter stepped in. Sam was tempted to run the lights but he knew he couldn't do that. If he showed up with his lights on just to ask her out, she’d think he was crazy for sure. However, he flew down the road, well over the posted speed limit not wanting to risk missing her. When he reached the entrance to Barton's farm, Sam slowed down and pulled into the driveway but stopped his vehicle there. What the hell am I doing?

  Spotting Tessa's SUV parked up by the barn, Sam shifted into Park, watched, and waited. He took his sunglasses off and tossed them on the dash, rubbed his eyes then pinched the bridge of his nose. Pressing the button for the window, he lowered it, and shut the truck engine off. The August air smelled of cut hay, and pigs. Sam shook his head, turned the key, and put the window back up. He laughed softly. How did old man Barton stand it? The man was probably used to the reeking aroma after a lifetime of smelling it. Although, Sam didn't think it was possible for anyone to get used to that stink.

  He sat up when he saw Tessa walking from the barn with Barton following her. She stood by her SUV caught up in conversation with Barton. They were both smiling. Sam sighed. Did he really want her to see him sitting here like some kind of stalker? Reaching for his sunglasses, he put them on, and started up the engine. Sam swore. You really have it bad, buddy.

  He'd wanted Tessa since the first time he saw her, and the experience was like a sucker punch. Sam shook his head as he remembered her looking at him like she hated him on sight, and now he knew why. She thought he was trouble. Of course, his response hadn’t been any better since he'd frowned at her, and there had begun their relationship. It wasn't until recently that he’d gotten close to her. Sam wanted to be closer—so much closer. He wanted to bury himself deep inside her. Christ!

  His cock twitched and he knew then he needed to get the hell out of here. Swearing, he backed the vehicle up onto the road and sped off, slamming his palm against the steering wheel. It hurt, but he did it repeatedly.


  Tessa pulled out of Barton's driveway and headed back to town. With all scheduled surgeries done for the day, Tessa had taken the call to check out one of Barton’s pigs that had cut its snout on the barbwire fence. Having never worked on a pig's snout before, she still couldn’t help but laugh remembering how bad Sam had smelled the day he had to round up the pigs. Now she knew why. Those little buggers really stunk. They rolled in mud along with anything else that was in the filth. She’d rather not think about what else might be in it.

  Now as she drove down Main Street, she decided to stop in at the diner and grab a turkey club sandwich to take back to the office. She picked up her cell phone, called Jodi to see if she and the techs wanted anything and of course, they did. After parking in front of the diner, Tessa stepped out into the heat. She hurried into the diner and when she entered, everyone waved or called out to her. Tessa glanced around and smiled at everyone as she took a seat on one of the red vinyl stools at the counter.

  Glancing over her shoulder when the bell above the door announced another customer, she had to stop herself from throwing her arms around Sam as he sauntered in. He grinned at people who stopped him to talk while Tessa kept her eyes on him. Sam glanced at her and her heart hit her stomach when those blue eyes clashed with hers. He nodded at her, and then took a seat on the stool next to hers.

  "How are you?” he asked her leaning in close.

  "I’m fine. What about you?” Tessa toyed with the metal napkin holder on the counter.

  "I’ve been thinking about you,” he said as he leaned in even closer to her.

  Her eyes closed of their own volition when the scent of his aftershave and natural aroma filled the air around her. “Have you?”

  Sam chuckled. “Always, sweetheart.”

  Tessa’s heart slammed against her ribs at the endearment. Hearing it shouldn’t make her heart speed up, but it did so she smiled and glanced at him. “Really?”

  Sam groaned. “You’re killing me, darlin’.”

  Tessa laughed and looked away. “I don’t want to do that.”

  "Hey, Sam…what can I get you?" Connie asked him looking from him to Tessa and back again.

  Sam looked to Connie. "A burger and a water, please Connie." He smiled at her, and then his gaze shifted back to Tessa meeting her eyes again.

  Connie set Tessa's orders on the counter in front of her, drawing her attention so she handed Connie some money, waved away the change, and stood.

  Tessa leaned down alongside Sam. “I’m still thinking about that dinner, Sheriff.” With a sly grin, she headed out the door knowing Sam was watching her go.


  Tessa sat at her desk, taking deep breaths trying to calm her still racing heartbeat. She couldn’t stop thinking of Sam and his eagerness to have dinner with her. She really shouldn’t go out with him but she wanted to, she wanted to get to know him better—she simply wanted him. If his kisses turned her on, she had to wonder what it would be like to go to bed with him. She wasn’t a virgin by any means, but there was something so heart stopping about him that he scared her. He was too much man for her, far more than she’d ever experienced before.

  "Are you all right, Tess?" Kaylee Dillon asked from the doorway.

  Tessa looked up at Kaylee and nodded.

  "Yeah, just a rough day," she answered with a smile. "I'll be fine. What are you doing here?"

  “I know we haven’t known each other long but I know when you’re lying, Tess.” Kaylee folded her arms across her chest. “You can tell me anything, you know. It would go no further than this room.”

  “I know that, Kaylee. It’s nothing really…just something I’m trying to talk myself out of.” Tessa tried to smile.

  Kaylee sighed. “All right but if you want to talk... I just brought the dog in for his shot and wanted to say hi. I’m on my way out of here. Patrick will be happy I’m home early from the hospital, for once.”

  Tessa smiled. “I’m sure he will be.”

  Kaylee laughed. “He’d better be.” She sobered. “Seriously, Tess, if you need to talk, I’m here for you.”

  “Thanks Kaylee. I may take you up on that. How’s that beautiful daughter of yours?”

  Kaylee beamed with maternal pride. “Great, and absolutely spoiled rotten by her daddy.”

  “I’m sure. Trick was so excited when she was born. She is beautiful but that’s no surprise, look at her parents.” Tessa grinned.

  “She looks like her daddy with that black hair and those black eyes. She’s going to be a heartbreaker when she grows up.”

  Tessa laughed. “No doubt about that. I’d love to come out to see her again.”

  “Tess, you are welcome anytime. The only problem you’ll have is if you want to hold her…getting Patrick to let go of her. Harlee has her daddy wrapped around her little finger.”

  “Daddy’s should spoil their daughters. I’ll try to stop by next week.”

/>   Kaylee smiled at her, waved farewell, and left. Tessa could hear Kaylee and Jodi talking as they walked out together. Jodi yelled out goodbye and Tessa walked to the waiting area to lock the door behind them. She leaned back against the doors soaking in the sudden quiet of the reception area, but then let out a small scream when someone suddenly tapped on the glass behind her. Tessa spun around and sighed with relief and a bit of annoyance when she saw Sam standing there. She unlocked the door, let him in, and turned away from him, not able to meet his eyes.


  “Sam, what are you doing here?” She moved away from him, wishing he hadn’t come by.

  “I can’t seem to stay away. I wanted to see you.”


  “Tessa, what is it going to hurt to go out to dinner?”

  She gave a sarcastic laugh. “What’s it going to hurt? I told you, I’m not looking to get involved with anyone, especially a man like you—”

  “A man like me? What the hell does that mean?”

  “I don’t need the complication, and you’d be far too easy to fall for, Sam.”

  He strode toward her and stopped in front of her. “Is that so?”

  Suddenly, Sam moved his hand around to capture the nape of her neck, and then pulled her toward him as he lowered his head taking her lips with his in a deep kiss. Tessa moaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck. His tongue moved into her mouth and when she sucked on it, he growled low in his throat.

  “Sam,” she said as she pulled her lips from his.

  “You keep saying that. I want to hear you say it when I have you in my bed.”

  Pulling back, she gazed up at him. He stared down into her eyes and Tessa watched as his gaze roamed over her face. His dark lashes hid those beautiful eyes as they settled their attention on her lips.

  "I want you, Tessa," he whispered, the words sending a thrill through her she couldn’t deny was pure desire.

  "I want you too," she whispered back, only realizing after she breathed the words how dangerous they were but she couldn’t hold them back.

  When his lips touched hers, they were gentle at first then she sighed against his lips, and his hungry mouth moved over hers. A deep, masculine groan tore from his chest as he took possession of her mouth. Sam cupped her face in his hands and tilted her head, deepening the kiss. Tessa had never felt anything like it. She tossed his Stetson to the floor and ran her fingers through his thick dark hair.

  Sam pulled back from her. "Christ, I want you more than I’ve ever wanted any other woman." He pressed his lips to hers again.

  Tessa couldn't stop the groan that tore from her as Sam's hands ran down her ribcage to her waist, around to her butt and pulled her tightly against him. His hard shaft pressed against her stomach and she moved against him, and then smiled when a gruff moan tore from him.

  "You're enjoying yourself, aren't you?" he whispered against her lips.

  Tessa laughed softly. "I am." She put her hand on his cheek reveling in the feel of its masculine texture.

  Sam's eyebrows shot up. "I never realized you were so wicked, Tessa McGuire."

  She stepped back from him, thinking she should stop this now but feeling just as wicked as he accused her. "Oh, Sheriff, you have no idea."

  "I think I do." He tugged on her ponytail. "Do you ever wear this down?"

  "When I go to bed," Tessa said then blushed at what that implied.

  "Is that when I'll see it down? When I have you in my bed?"

  Tessa stared up at him. "Is that what you're trying to do? Get me into your bed, Sheriff?"

  Sam grinned. "Yes, didn’t I just say that?"

  Tessa burst out laughing. "At least you're honest."

  He ran the pad of his thumb over her bottom lip. “Do you know how long I’ve wanted this?”

  She frowned. “Wanted what?”

  “This smile,” Sam said shaking his head. “I saw you at Dewey’s Bar one night and you were with Mitt Ashby. I had to watch you slow dancing with him. You were smiling at him. I wanted you to smile at me like that. I wanted you smiling for me.”

  “You were with Riley that night and had a blonde sitting beside you.” Tessa frowned remembering how the girl kept running her fingers and hands over his chest, back, and leg. She hadn’t liked it at all.

  “I didn’t want to be with her. I wanted to be with you.”

  Tessa blinked back tears. “Oh, Sam…I’m so sorry.” She should be sorry for not stopping this now, but she wanted to be with him. She needed to feel alive again and he was man enough to give her that, but at what cost?

  “It’s all right.”

  “I never hated you.” She placed her palm against his cheek again.

  "I've wanted you since the first day I saw you, Tessa." Sam's voice was husky sounding and sexy.

  Tessa put her hands on his chest. "I wanted you too, but didn’t want to get involved—can’t get involved. It’s too complicated."

  “So…dinner? Dinner’s not complicated, is it?”

  Tessa blew out a breath. It was only dinner. “All right. When?”

  “Saturday night? I’ll pick you up at six.”

  “That’s fine. Now, I’m going to my apartment and take a hot bath. It’s been a long day.”

  “Too bad I can’t join you. I know…I know,” he said with a groan when she raised an eyebrow at him. “I have to head home and do some work around the ranch.”

  Tessa blushed thinking how sinfully delightful it would be for him to join her in a bath, but she still needed to keep her distance. “Right. Let me lock up.”

  "I'll walk with you, Tessa.” Sam waited while she locked the front doors then followed her down the hallway, and out the back door. He stood waiting beside her while she locked them then they climbed the stairs to her apartment. After she entered her apartment and closed the door, he remained standing on the stoop for a moment longer but then she heard him leaving, his heavy footfalls on the metal stairs. It took every ounce of her willpower not to call him back.


  The next day, Tessa was sitting at her desk when Jodi told her she had a call. Thanking her, she picked up the phone.

  "Doctor McGuire," she answered with a smile.

  "Hey, Tess…it's Olivia Stone. We have a sick mare."

  "Is she standing, Liv?"

  "Yes. Wyatt and Gabe are both out there with her, but she's listless."

  "It's not a pregnant mare, I take it?" Tessa asked as she picked up her medical bag while getting ready to head toward the door.

  "No, she's not pregnant. Wyatt thinks she got into some wet hay that wasn’t meant for consumption," Olivia explained. Tessa knew this could be serious and needed to get there fast.

  "I'm on my way. I know Wyatt and Gabe know to keep her up but please make sure they do." Tessa hung up, called to Jodi telling her where she was going, and headed out the back door. As she approached her car, she saw Sam’s SUV driving down the street, coming toward her. It didn’t surprise her at all when he pulled into the parking lot, stopped alongside her SUV but she hadn’t really time for his flirtations. He put the passenger side window down and smiled at her. She leaned down to look at him.

  "Hey Sam, don’t have time to chat, I have to get to Wyatt's—a sick horse."

  "Do you want me to go with you? I’m heading in for a late shift tonight.”

  Tessa hesitated, but she had to admit that she’d feel better with him going with her since another pair of hands couldn’t hurt. "Yes. They could use help keeping her up," she explained very quickly that Gabe was helping, but Olivia had said the horse was listless.

  Tessa climbed into her vehicle and waited for Sam to climb into the passenger seat beside her then sped out of the parking lot before Sam even had time to buckle his seat belt. She pulled hers over her shoulder and buckled it as she drove.

  "You do know you should have that on before you take off like a bat out of hell?" Sam scowled as he struggled to get buckled up in the passenger seat.

>   Tessa laughed. "Yes, Sheriff." She chuckled when she heard him muttering under his breath. "Did you say something, Sam?"

  "I said you are a smartass."

  Tessa burst out laughing and drove to Wyatt's taking curves in the road so fast she had Sam hanging on for dear life.

  "Christ! I need to give you a damn ticket," Sam shouted as he grabbed the suicide handle above the door.

  Tessa glanced at him. "I have an emergency, Sam."

  "All right. I'll give you that one." Sam reached out to brace himself against the dash while hanging tighter to the handle above the door making Tessa laugh harder. She sped down the road, pulling onto Wyatt's ranch when she reached it, and coming to a stop by the barn. Sam and Tessa both jumped out and ran inside to see Olivia waving at them from the back of the barn. They both hurried toward her.

  "Did they keep her up?" Tessa asked.

  Olivia shook her head. "They tried but she went down." She had tears in her eyes.

  Sam moved past the women and entered the stall, with Tessa and Olivia following. The women each grabbed a section of the strap wrapped around the mare's stomach and pulled alongside the men. All of them did their best to get the horse to stand—little by little, the mare tried to get her legs under her. It was literally a life or death situation.

  "How long has she been down?" Tessa asked feeling sweat drip down her back as she pulled with all her strength.

  "A few minutes." Wyatt grunted as he pulled on the strap.

  Tessa nodded her head. The horse still wasn’t on her feet but at least she wasn’t on her side anymore. The position would have to do for an examination. She slowly let go and reached for her medical bag. "Hopefully, not long enough to hurt her. Keep her still while I examine her."

  Moving to stand at the back of the horse, she put on long latex gloves and examined the horse for impaction, a main cause of colic. "Olivia, could you please remove the food and water."

  Olivia did as she was asked and then went back to grab onto the strap.

  "I'm going to give her an antispasmodic injection. It will help with the cramping. Poor thing is impacted too, so I'll give her something for it but we have to get her up before she starts rolling."


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