The Lady Prefers Dragons

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The Lady Prefers Dragons Page 15

by Katalina Leon

  Beaudeen straightened and tensed. “Caution is necessary. The Hathors can be slippery. They enjoy pairing physical opposites and forcing them to evolve together.”

  “So be it. We need change. Little good is coming to Draca as we are. This world is at an end. I say we accept the challenge and make an appeal to the Hathors.”

  Beaudeen knelt. “Is this your will, Commander Jacesar? Do you want me to leave our home and follow you?”

  “Yes, that is my wish and my will.” Jacesar became somber. “I choose to start over in a new land with you. Gods willing, we’ll find a mate and move forward together.”

  Jacesar reached for a small leather pouch dangling from his sword belt, opened it, and shook a handful of glossy, dark purple seeds into his palm. “If the Hathors agree to open the portal and allow us to cross into a new realm, I’m taking the seeds of the dragon trees with us. The royal orchard’s last dragon tree died last summer at the same time as my mate. I saved a few dried seed pods from the tree purely out of sentiment, but now I see there was a greater purpose. These seeds might be part of a new future. With the Hathors’ help, perhaps we can take what is good about the Marduko to a new world and leave behind what is bad.”

  “Commander, I’m ready to follow you. I’ll do as you ask.” Beaudeen dropped to all fours and, with a swift ripple of crunching bone, shifted to dragon form. He spread his glistening blue wings wide and flapped the blood into the spiky tips.

  “Go,” Jacesar commanded. “Fetch the dragon eggs from the temple. Do not return to the royal court. It’s too dangerous. Bring the eggs straight to the Hathors’ embassy. I’ll be waiting for you there.”

  Beaudeen flapped his wings, glided across the stone floor, and soared out the portico with his slender tail whipping behind him.

  Jacesar dropped to the floor and shifted into a gleaming coppery-bronze dragon with sweeping wings. He took flight too, soaring in the opposite direction.

  THE SCENE ENDED WITH a jolt. Devon sat upright on the floor of the cave, opened her eyes, and gasped. “Holy crap! What did I just see? The experience felt so real and so abrupt. The vision just grabbed me, took me for a ride, and then dropped me like a rock.” Her gaze traveled around the cave. The fire had crumbled to a red smolder. Jace and Beau sat near with their eyes closed and heads bowed.

  She studied Beau. He remained silent and still, as if lost in a deep trance.

  Jace lifted his chin, opened his eyes, and smiled at Devon. “You’re back. What did you see?”

  Devon sighed. “It was a little like seeing you and Beau in a foreign place that felt dark and medieval. You both looked like dragon men, but your personalities felt the same. Both of you were different from the others—you were better men.”

  “That was Draca, and those were our ancestors.” A languorous expression floated across Jace’s face. He appeared to still be deeply under the influence of the tea.

  “How long ago did that scene take place?” Devon moved to Jace’s side.

  Jace straightened his back and stretched, cautious not to disturb Beau, who was still in a trance. “No one remembers, but the ancestors’ bones at the back of this cave have long disintegrated to dust, so it must have been a very long time ago.”

  How could she say this without sounding rude? “Your ancestors looked so—”

  “Go ahead and say it,” Jace bluntly interrupted. “We looked brutal and behaved like barbarians. It’s true our roots are reptilian, but over many generations the constant dilution of human blood has greatly changed us. Today we’re far more comfortable in human form and spend most of our lives as men. We’re virtually a changed species from the original Marduko.” An ironic laugh crossed his lips. “I doubt the royal Marduko would willingly claim us as kin. I think the old ones would hate what we’ve become.”

  Devon leaned closer. “Just for the record, I think you’re a vast improvement over a few of the rough customers I glimpsed on Draca.”

  “I offered you the dragon leaf tea because I wanted you to see that. I won’t hide the truth from you or gloss over anything. I want you to know what a Marduko really is.”

  “Why?” Could she handle the answer?

  “If you decide to become one with us, you must know what you’re saying yes to.”

  “Become one? Did I miss something?” Her jaw dropped. “Have I even been asked?”

  “I’ve probably already said too much.” Jace stood, stretched his long limbs, and turned away. “I’m going to give you a moment alone.”

  Devon rolled the stiffness from her shoulders. “A moment alone with what?”

  “With Beau.” Jace walked to the back of the cave and sat cross-legged in the shadows by himself.

  Beau drew a deep breath, opened his eyes and smiled at Devon. “How do you feel?”

  “I feel fine.” Devon shrugged. “I daresay normal.” She pulled the blanket a little tighter around her shoulders to ward off a chill. “That tea is strange stuff. It comes on strong, and then it just drops you.”

  “It’s not over yet. The effects go through a distinct cycle.” Beau slipped another log onto the fire and moved closer to Devon. “I’m thinking of a color.” He looked at her with the excited expression of a kid ready to play his favorite game. “Can you see which one?”

  “How would I possibly see...?” Devon stopped to stare at Beau’s face as swirling translucent waves of soft-hued sorbet orange seemed to dance between them. Her breath caught. “Orange!” she shouted too loudly. “You’re thinking of orange.”

  “Yep.” Beau nodded. “Relax and just look at me. What flavor am I thinking of?”

  She closed her eyes and concentrated. A mouthwatering sensation of rich, slightly bitter sweetness with a touch of fruity fragrance flooded her mind. “This is easy.” Devon laughed. “Dark chocolate with raspberries.”

  “Yes.” A slight smile lit Beau’s face. “What am I thinking now?”

  Devon tried to quiet her thoughts and not take wild guesses at what Beau might choose to share with her, but she couldn’t help it. He’d already picked a color and a flavor. What was next, a number? Probably....

  “You’re not really paying attention,” Beau insisted. “Your mind is chattering.”

  Devon drew a deep breath and stilled her thoughts. Her gaze locked on Beau’s as he casually swept a lock of fair hair from his face. The firelight sparkled in his eyes. She cleared her mind and focused on him. A silent rush of emotion washed toward her; it felt as if her soul were reading Beau’s most secret diary and discovering the pages were filled with fantasies and dreams of her. She saw and felt his innermost desires. There was admiration for her, tender feelings, hope for a future family, and very lustful, almost possessive thoughts that betrayed Beau’s desire to grab her, fuck her, and keep her all to himself, which surprised her.

  Beau reached for her hand and caressed her fingers with a gliding touch. “I think of you all the time,” he whispered. “The last few weeks have been torture. I’ve had to be patient and keep my distance while other factors were put in place.”

  She leaned closer. “What other factors?”

  “For one, we planned this trip back to Jace’s birthplace. It was a big deal. I’m sure it’s not news to you any longer that Jace is the alpha and we come as a pair. As the alpha Marduko, it is his responsibility to seek a suitable mate for us to share. Not so coincidentally, we both wanted you.”

  Her heart pounded. “This is overwhelming. I don’t know what to think. Why all the subterfuge? Of course I understand why you would wait to tell me you’re both dragon shifters from an alien realm, but why would Jace take me on dates, kiss me, give me hope, and then not invite me back into his life sometimes for a month at a time? Not knowing where I stood with him messed with my self-esteem.”

  “I’m sorry about that.” Beau swallowed hard. “Jace was priming you. When the Marduko are ready to mate, pheromones form in their saliva. Kissing was a sneaky way for Jace to keep Marduko pheromones circulating in your system, b
ut he tried not to abuse it. He wanted you to feel the attraction but still be able to make clear decisions on your own. It’s not like the old days. We don’t pursue female mates without signs of keen interest. I’m sure you can understand why. It’s too risky for everyone. You see, it’s not fair to seduce a woman and make her fall in love and then ask her to share her heart equally with two men. The Marduko do things differently. Jace wanted to establish intimacy with you without a pact of exclusivity. He wanted to make sure you had a strong attraction to us both, and waited for you to show it. By the way, your stubborn comments about not getting involved with coworkers actually made us consider quitting our jobs.”

  What did she just hear? “So Jace put his Marduko mojo on me?”

  “Yes. We were both delighted when you willingly returned for more. Jace’s pheromones would have lingered in your bloodstream for days, maybe weeks, and opened your body and mind to the possibility of taking two mates. Of course, I was very happy when you showed interest in me.”

  Devon’s face warmed. “Was I that obvious? Did you catch me staring?”

  “More than that.” Beau bashfully glanced downward. “If I came near you, your beautiful scent would change in subtle ways. When I walked past your cubicle and made eye contact, you gave off a dark, primal scent that drove me over the edge at work. When that happened, Jace and I knew you were the one.”

  Devon reached forward and traced her fingertips across Beau’s clean jaw. “Am I giving off that special scent now?”

  “Yes.” Beau drew a deep breath.

  “You like it?”

  “I love it, but when we’re this close, it’s like a voice screaming in my face that you’re ready to mate, and I’m not sure you are.”

  She was astonished at how fast her resistance had faded. Everything Beau said and the way he said it confirmed what she already suspected, that something magical was at work in her life. The new situation felt almost inevitable, like part of her had always expected this. “Are you afraid I’ll say no to you and Jace as lovers? I promise I won’t.” She brushed a kiss against Beau’s lips. “I want you both.”

  Beau pulled away. “I know this situation isn’t anything close to normal. Jace and I decided to bring you here and tell you everything with no surprises later. Devon, you need to understand, when a Marduko uses the word mate, it’s not a casual thing. It’s used to describe a once-in-a-lifetime committed trio of lovers, and it has to work equally for all.”

  “Look at me.” Devon embraced the sides of Beau’s face. “What am I thinking?” She allowed every loving thought and nasty, sweet fantasy she’d ever harbored for Beau and Jace to flood her mind. “Say it.”

  “I feel it.” Beau’s gaze locked on hers as he took hold of Devon’s hand and guided it toward his heart. “There’s nothing to say.”

  She caressed his solid chest. Was this really happening? Could a love like this exist, beyond the traditional boundaries of what was moral and what wasn’t? Even beyond the boundaries of being purely human. Had other women throughout time sat on this same spot, looked at their men, and said to themselves, Yes, I can love them. It would be so easy to surrender to this.

  Beau parted his lips with a sigh. “I want you badly, but when and if you are truly ready, Jace will have you first. As the alpha it’s his privilege.”

  “What about my choice?” she whispered. “Don’t I have an equal say? I feel like I’ve crossed into the Land of Oz.”

  Jace rose and padded toward the fire. He stood over Devon and Beau, the orange flames lighting his strong features. With a bit of flourish, he reached toward his fly and unzipped his pants. “Did I hear someone say my name?”

  Chapter 9

  With his thoughts drifting, Beau studied Devon’s enraptured face as she watched Jace strip the pants down his long legs and step free of them. It was obvious she felt the same way about Jace as he did, and that was comforting.

  Devon held out her hand to Jace. “Join us.”

  The moment was so filled with hope, Beau felt as if his heart were going to burst. It was finally happening. The greatest love of his life was going to bring his next great love into the circle of trust. If Devon fully bonded with Jace, a successful mating was almost certain. Soon he could stop worrying and start looking toward the future.

  Jace wrapped his arms around Devon, drew her close to his chest and whispered in her ear, “Our beautiful brown-eyed girl.”

  Of course, he was happy for Jace, but would he be able to watch Jace ravish Devon with his arousal bursting at the seams? He wasn’t sure he could take it. Worse yet, he knew Jace felt his pain. It was written all over his face.

  Jace wore a proud smile a mile wide, reminding him of a Cheshire cat, but Beau knew his lover was still harboring doubts. Devon might not be able to handle the highly charged situation.

  He drew a tense breath. They’d promised to be completely honest with Devon, but there was one vital matter that could not be mentioned—not yet.

  If only she knew the serious implications lurking below the surface.

  Jace and Beau exchanged a knowing look, which didn’t go undetected by Devon.

  “If you’re worried”—a sly smile crossed Devon’s lips—“I’m totally on board. I wanted you both back at the office and now, here, even with all added extras, I still want you. I don’t know how to describe it, but I feel like this was always supposed to happen.” She shook her head and her poise seemed to take a stumble. “I don’t mean that I somehow knew I would end up with two dragon men in a cave, I just always thought I might be happier with two partners and here you are.” A trembling smile formed.

  Beau dipped his gaze toward the floor, knowing Devon didn’t fully understand what she was getting into, and it was not his place to enlighten her. This was more than a night of novelty sex. “Even knowing what we are?”

  Devon wrapped her arms around Jace’s neck and gazed over his shoulder at Beau. “It’s strange, but I’m not as shocked as I should be. I think it helps that I’ve known you both as normal men in the workplace and already had feelings for both of you. Truthfully, you look more worried than I feel. What’s up with that?”

  “I’m not worried.” Jace brushed a kiss across the top of her head. “I’ve dreamed of this.”

  “Me too. I came to Africa for adventure, and I’m determined to have one.” She reached toward Beau and glided her fingertips across his cheek. “Are you feeling left out?” she asked quietly.

  Beau shook his head. He often found it hard to express himself. A secluded childhood with mostly adults for company had left him introverted, but now a flurry of mixed emotions raced to the surface and threatened to pop out of his mouth. For God’s sake, he’d fallen in love with Devon too, and he wanted to shout it.

  “I’m feeling left out.” Jace lifted Devon into his arms and carried her toward a soft pile of blankets next to the fire. He knelt and gently laid her down on the bedding, then stretched out beside her.

  LIKE A LAZY CAT, DEVON extended her limbs and arched beneath Jace. A million thoughts ran through her head, but surprisingly none of them were negative. Somehow, someway, being with these two exceptional men was the easiest thing in the world to say yes to, almost as if some part of her soul had always known the end of her search for love would bring her here. “I feel like I’ve been waiting forever for this.”

  Jace took his weight on his elbows and gazed into Devon’s eyes. “It’s been a long wait.” His solid body settled on top of her as he leaned down to kiss her lips. The kiss was firm and consuming and not the least bit subtle. He wanted her, and she felt it. Smoothing a stray lock of hair from her face, he pressed her against the blankets.

  She parted her lips and returned his kiss with equal passion. At the first deep sweep of Jace’s tongue, she felt light-headed, her skin tingled, and she was left breathless. She cupped the sides of his face and held him captive as she explored his mouth with growing excitement.

  Jace unbuttoned Devon’s linen shirt, parted
the fabric, and glided his fingertips against her soft skin, teasing a nipple with the lightest touch.

  Lying naked against the rough woolen blankets, she offered herself. “These aren’t satin sheets, but I love how this feels.”

  “It feels right.” He parted her thighs with his knee and sank between them. Jace felt so good on top of her as she wrapped her legs around his hips and melted beneath him. Taking hold of his shaft, she guided him between her thighs allowing him to glide inside.

  A beautiful expression crossed Jace’s face as he penetrated Devon with a lush, slow stroke, giving her a moment to get used to him. He caressed the sides of her face as if she were something fragile and brushed his lips against hers. Aside from the kiss, he remained still. “Our angel.”

  She closed her eyes in ecstasy and clung to Jace. His pheromones entered her bloodstream with a fiery rush, drenching her senses and making them soar. “Please start moving.”

  Jace took several shallow thrusts, but she needed more. Having his powerful body on top of her was a heavenly experience. Every detail from the light, musky scent of his skin to the soft cadence of his breath thrilled her. The dragon leaf tea seemed to heighten her sensations as well, but she was certain Jace didn’t need anything extra to boost what she was feeling.

  She raked her fingernails along Jace’s back, making the muscles ripple. This was so good. He felt purely male. She sensed he wanted to unleash his desire and fuck her hard, but didn’t. Tension coiled along his spine from holding back as he moved cautiously on top of her. “I’m not going to break,” she whispered.

  “Hush.” Jace stilled and drew a deep breath. “I’m so close.” He gripped her shoulders.

  She was so turned on she could hardly bear it. “Don’t be afraid.” She nipped the lobe of Jace’s ear. “I want it.”


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