Blood Rose (Vampire Romance)

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Blood Rose (Vampire Romance) Page 3

by Natalie Aejaz

  If the vampire did this, death would be guaranteed. “Will it be painful?”

  He nodded. “Only a little. In fact, every human I have drank from claimed it was a pleasurable experience.” Was he lying? He smiled—showing those fangs again. He wanted to stick those sharp teeth into her? “It is not how you imagine. I am not some debauched monster who will force his fangs into you and end up looking like a horror movie extra, his mouth dripping red.”

  “How do I know you’re not just saying that?”

  He sighed. “For fuck’s sake, when you drink, does the beverage end up inside you or on your chin? We are not bloody one-year-olds.”

  “I don’t see how it wouldn’t hurt.” Badly.

  He paused. “If you want me to stop at any point, say so and I will.”

  “You expect me to believe that?”

  “Unlike humans, vampires have a code of conduct. I cannot force you.” At least this way it would be over. He stepped closer, but she did not move back. “So, Rose. What is your answer?”

  She glanced into the piercing blue of those hypnotic eyes. He was so beautiful, she could not believe he was a blood-sucker. Over six feet, with a chiseled face and muscular body under that expensive suit. The kind of man she could only dream of. And he wanted her. Well, her blood—but that was something.

  “Yes. As long as you promise I will die.”

  Something changed in his expression. It was…softer? “I guarantee it. And a vampire keeps his word. We have a code of conduct.”

  “It’s a deal.” She would finally leave this miserable life behind, forever. “Shall we do it now?” Best to get on with it before even he decided she was of no use.

  “Yes.” Did he suddenly seem hesitant?

  Rose had no idea of the etiquette. She tilted her head to the side, exposing her neck. Soon it would be over and, unexpectedly, she would leave this world on an interesting note. She closed her eyes tight, waiting for the pain. Nothing.

  When she opened her eyes, he had not moved, that blue gaze flickering with light. “Erm, did I do something wrong?”

  He shook his head. “You are feeble, even for a human.”

  Bloody hell. Even a vampire pitied her? She kept her voice strong. “I’m ready.”

  His gaze narrowed. “What about your family? They will not miss you?”

  “I have nobody,” she admitted. After her mother abandoned her, when she was seven-years old, she never heard from her.


  “Who would want to be friends with me?”

  His eyes flickered between blue and red. Why wasn’t he getting on with it instead of interrogating her? “Boyfriend? Husband?”

  Why was he going there? Were all vampires such nosy creatures? “I had someone”—well, she thought of Steve as someone special at the time—“Years ago…but once he got what he wanted, that was it.” Now her voice faltered, and she wiped at her eyes.

  “Your boyfriend…he hurt you?”

  She nodded. “Except he wasn’t a boyfriend, not really. He worked at the orphanage—where I lived. He…used me.” After Steve threatened her, she told no one what had happened. And since leaving that place, she had kept quiet about the sickening experience, wanting to put it behind her. So why was she telling Lohan? Because she was about to die, and it made no difference? “I thought he cared so I let him…it was horrible…” There was more she wanted to say, like how she could still smell that mixture of sweat and cheap cologne, feel those rough grubby fingers and hear his grunts as he pulled the dress—a birthday gift—off her body. Even now, the memory made her want to throw up. She covered herself with layers of clothing and fat to avoid any sexual interest, but still had nightmares where Steve suddenly turned up, and she was too weak to say no. But what was the point in talking about all that now? Soon, it would not matter. “You would actually be doing me a favor.”

  He moved closer until she felt his breath upon her face. “Well, if you are sure.”

  “I am.” She blinked her eyes and a tear fell. There was nothing to live for.

  He brought his hand to her face and wiped away the tear before trailing his fingers over her lips. He rested his palm against her jawline for a moment, brushing her hair out of the way before bringing his lips to the base of her neck. The soft kiss was unexpected, making her shiver. Holding her by the waist with his other hand, he steadied her as she leaned against him. He paused with his mouth against her skin for a moment before biting.

  There was pain but just as suddenly, desire—the kind she had never experienced. As he sucked at her neck, an unfamiliar heat coiled inside her core, its intensity shocking her. His palm moved to her hip, pulling her in closer and sending a jolt through her body. After Steve, the thought of any man putting his hands on her had been revolting, but this was a taste of the pleasure that being touched could bring. Was it imminent death causing this reaction? Or him? She was dizzy with passion, the ache between her legs increasing as the sensation of him drawing blood sent her into ecstasy. She moaned softly as she trembled in his arms, praying that death would not come too soon.

  ROSE’S BLOOD WAS SWEET. And he had waited so long for this; the pleasure of drinking from a mortal.

  Another moan left her mouth, the scent of her arousal strong. “Lohan…” she whispered. His own body unexpectedly heated in response to his name on her lips.

  She still has feeling inside her.

  Damn the voice in his head. Nothing would stop him from draining her. Overcome by an uncontrollable urge, he pulled her body closer, making her gasp. As he drank, her memories came to him, invading his mind. Abandoned at an orphanage, she waited at its entrance every morning, convinced that mommy would return. It took years of being shifted between orphanages and foster homes before she stopped waiting. She was a weak personality and an easy target for others—the girls at the various welfare centers, dealing with their own issues, missed no opportunity to inflict more grief on her. And then there was Steve, from the last orphanage…Lohan experienced some of the pain attached to the man and tried to block him, yet glimpsed a memory…Steve walking past a devastated Rose in the orphanage corridor, ignoring her.

  What had Steve done? Why was she so scared of him? From what Lohan sensed, the man had hurt her deeply, perhaps destroyed any remaining chance of her making a decent go of her life. Another memory…from two weeks ago…she saw a man who looked like Steve. She spent days crying, freezing with fear at every unexpected sound, because she was convinced he would come for her. Just last weekend she decided she could not go on and had been so close to taking those sleeping pills…

  She has never known joy.

  Damn it, he could not do it. She would have to finish the bloody job herself. He drew his fangs out of her neck, stepping back. Her breath was coming and going fast, causing her ample chest to heave, a most delectable sight against the red material of her blouse. He pulled his eyes away. Coming out tonight had been a bad idea. Time to forget this encounter and teleport back to the mansion. I am going to leave her here, all alone, to die? It was the best option. If she lived, she would only endure more years of misery, before dying a slow and lonely death. Better to get it over and done with now.

  “Good bye, Rose,” He took a deep breath, ready to teleport out of this situation, but she held onto his hand. “Let go of me,” he snarled.

  There was no fear in those soft green eyes, only determination. To die. “Finish me.”

  “I am leaving.” He shook her off. “But the river is still there. Go ahead. Jump.”

  “You’ve no idea how long it took to make it here.” She looked down at the water, uncertain. “This time I was ready to do it, but you stopped me. I can’t do it now. And I don’t know when I will have the guts to try again.”

  “I cannot help you.” He shrugged his shoulders. “Sorry.”

  She raised her voice, surprising him. “Then why did you stop me? Why didn’t you let me jump?”

  Big mistake. “You can do it. Just gather
a little courage and—”

  “You promised!” Shit. He did give her his word. She kicked at the wall of the bridge, making him wince. That had to hurt.

  The fucking responsibility. Should he push her off the bridge? He put his hands out but damn it, did not even manage that. Maybe he could cheer her up about the whole living thing instead? But he had seen nothing in her memories which might convince her she had something to live for. Nothing. For centuries he had taken human blood for his own enjoyment. For once, could he do it to relieve someone else’s pain? Relieve someone else’s pain? What the hell was going on? This was what happened when you drank from such a fucked up human. He could break his word and leave her to this misery, but he would wonder about her afterward; he did not understand why, but just knew it. “All right. I will do it.”

  He tried to generate blood lust as he rested his mouth against the soft skin of her neck. Sink in, you fucking fangs. Her breath quickened in anticipation, but he lifted his head without even managing a nip. What was wrong with him?

  “Please,” she pleaded.

  “I gave you my word, so I will do it.” Her obvious relief turned to confusion when he said, “But not like this.”

  “What do you mean?”

  She has never known joy.

  What if he gave her some happiness before she died…in return for her blood? Turning the deal into a transaction might make it easier for him to drain her to death…damn this messed up situation. Why the hell could he not just suck her dry, throw her lifeless body in the river and be on his way? He must have gone soft in the head after tasting her blood. Someone of his kind unable to drink from a willing human…an embarrassing scenario for any vampire, but for a crown prince? A downright travesty. Damn her fucking happiness. He would stick his fangs straight into her neck and…“Rose. What do you desire, more than anything?”

  She did not hesitate. “To die.”

  “Not true.” A wish for death was usually a symptom of desires unfulfilled. He stared into her eyes, searching through her mind for something a miserable creature such as this might covet. What did Rose want? Somebody to love? Her greatest desire was bullshit. To be beautiful. Too big a challenge for one night. A friend? No way. A date…a date? She had never been on a date? Such a simple wish would have pulled at his heart—if he had one that cared.

  WHAT WAS IT ABOUT HER that even a vampire did not want her? Now he looked at her in such a strange manner, his expression alternating between hunger and softness, that she was not sure if he wanted to kill or embrace her. As his gaze stared into hers, heaviness took over her head. Finally he pulled his eyes away, the weird sensation disappearing.

  “I have an offer,” he said.

  “Offer?” She sure hoped he did not intend to bring other vampires into the arrangement. She could bear him taking her blood—in fact, to her embarrassment, the thought of him sinking his fangs into her caused spasms of heat to shoot through her—but others joining in? No. Being drained by him was how she wanted to go. It would be a more pleasurable way than the original possibility of jumping into the water to drown or worse, being injured on rocks and dying slowly. And what if she had jumped but survived?

  “I want to invite you…to accompany me on a night out.” He cleared his throat. “I am sure there is much to do in this busy city.”

  What? She would have expected a more debauched offer from any male, one that would make her feel more disgusting than she already did. And why did he want to take her out, anyway? More to the point, what did he expect? She thought of Steve. “N-no.” She held her jacket together to cover her cleavage. “Just have my blood and finish me. I’m not interested in anything else.”

  Those ice-blue eyes narrowed. “I already made it clear I do not want your body.” Of course he did. Why would such a beautiful male be interested in her? “One night out, and then you die.”

  She had sometimes wondered what it would be like to go on a date and recently hoped Peter would ask her. But thinking about it was one thing, going for it another. Nausea now gathered in her stomach at the thought of spending time with a man. Okay, so this vampire was not exactly suggesting a date—and what he had planned for the end of the night was far from romantic—but even so, the idea of being in his company clutched at her insides, twisting them with terror. What if this had been Peter wanting to take her out?

  I would have been too scared to say yes.

  The realization hit her like a punch in the stomach. It made no difference whether she had the chance to experience happiness or not, because she never had the guts to go for it. She glanced into Lohan’s chiseled face, his lips curling up in a smile that pulled her despite its coldness.

  I am about to die. What do I have to lose?

  “All right. It’s a deal.”

  He rested his hand against her cheek, and she leaned into it. How would it have been? To have a man care for her? Now she would never know. “Rose, I am going to give you the night of your life,” he promised. “After all, it will be your last.”


  * * *

  THE VAMPIRE KEPT HIS GAZE on hers, trailing a hand through her hair and then twisting a strand around his fingers. “Where would you like to go?”

  “I don’t know.” She had never considered what she might do if she ever had the opportunity for a night such as this. “You decide.”

  He came closer, his breath hot against her forehead. “Close your eyes.” His scent was musky and masculine, warming her insides. “You will be dizzy for a few seconds.”

  He placed his arms around her, and she sank into his warmth. When a spinning sensation overcame her, she looked up into that blue gaze. “What’s happening?”

  “It’s nothing…just relax.” She closed her eyes, tight. As the dizziness faded, she was confused. Where was the relaxing music coming from? And was it suddenly brighter? She blinked as she adjusted to the light. They stood at the top of a wide staircase, and to the other side, large glass doors led to the floor of a…department store? She would have fallen from shock if he did not hold on to her. “Rose? Are you all right?”

  Not really. She nodded, in a daze. “H-how?”

  “Teleportation.” Teleportation? Well, it was no stranger than being bitten by a vampire or going for a night out with one. “We are forbidden to teleport humans, but as you will be telling no one, why waste your limited time on public transport?” He tilted his head toward the glass doors. “Shall we?”

  “Do we have to?” The department store looked terribly expensive. She had passed these types of stores plenty of times, throwing wistful glances at the well-dressed shoppers walking out with bags full of designer clothing.

  He laid a hand on her arm. “You have never owned a gown, have you?”

  “How do you know?”

  “That does not matter…You may hide behind ugly clothes but wonder about dressing up.” He was right, of course. She often dreamed of dressing in a sparkly gown…with her hair and makeup professionally done, even she might be beautiful. Don’t be stupid. “Come on.” He gently pulled her arm. “Do not be afraid. I am with you.” He led her through the doors, letting go of her once they were in a section dedicated to ladies’ evening wear. “Choose a gown.”

  She glanced at the limited but exclusive collection of dresses, a few of them displayed on mannequins with shapes that could not be more different to her own. Another place she did not belong…but tonight she would not run away. To hell with the discomfort—she would fulfill at least this small dream and own one of these beautiful items. But how to choose?

  An attractive assistant, tall and slim with poker straight brown hair, rolled her eyes at the sight of Leanne. Great. More humiliation before she died.

  The assistant’s gaze drifted behind Rose, to the vampire—and became glued to him, flitting between his handsome face and expensive suit. She was over like a shot. “How may I help you? Sir?”

  Lohan glanced at the badge displayed on the assistant’s well-fitted jacke
t. Sharon. “A gown for my lady,” he said, indicating toward Rose, “One as lovely as her.”

  Sharon looked as if she might choke, covering her shock with a stiff smile. “Of course. Although that will be a tall order to fill.”

  Rose threw Lohan a grateful glance—even if he did not mean his words, he had put that snobby assistant in her place. If only she had the guts to do the same to her own colleagues, whose despise brought back memories of the girls from the orphanage. His hand moved to her arm again, reassuring. As the assistant’s eyes moved between them both, Rose understood that look: what is someone like him doing with you?

  Lohan gave her a gentle push toward the assistant, even though she would have preferred to remain at his side. Sharon flicked through dresses on an ornate rack, but her gaze kept returning to the vampire, unable to decide whether to focus on his broad chest or handsome features. Rose did not blame her. Lohan appeared even more dashing in the bright light of the store. His face was cut to perfection, and that soft black hair fell to just above his shoulders, giving him a mysterious appeal. And who cared what brand that expensive suit was when he wore it so effortlessly?

  Sharon lost her focus, her hands pausing on a dress as she stared at Lohan, mesmerized by his appearance. A strange emotion overcame Rose. Jealousy? When she spoke, her tone was sharp. “Maybe you could keep your eyes on the dresses long enough to do your job?” She placed a hand over her mouth, shocked by what she had said.

  The vampire smiled at her words, taking her breath away. His careful smile concealed his fangs, the expression softening that cold face. The assistant brought her attention back to the rack, her voice polite but dripping with animosity. “How about this?” She held out a dress which was baggy with long sleeves…a style Rose would have usually chosen. But tonight was her last night…she trailed her fingers along the clothes presented on the rack, pausing at a gown covered in silver sequins from top to bottom. The assistant frowned. “I am confident we could find a dress more suitable for your lovely figure.” She was right. The gown had thin straps, a plunging neckline and thigh-length split. It would look ridiculous.


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