Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 6

by GG Shalton

  “But Samuel could have married you.”

  “Samuel would have tried, but it would have been too hard to take all three of us in and you know that.”

  Sara sat beside Joslyn and slid her arm around her. “What will you do?”

  “All I can do is pray.”

  Sara nodded and stood up. “I should leave. My parents can’t find me gone. They will know I came to see you.”

  Joslyn helped her back out the window. “Tell Samuel that I understand and I am not angry at him either.”

  Sara waved goodbye and Joslyn went back to her bed.

  She took out the letter and held it against her lips. Kissing it, she whispered goodbye to Samuel, then tore the letter in tiny pieces. Her heart ached at the idea of him marrying Tracy. The more she thought about Samuel after his proposal, the more she cared about him. Maybe even loved him. And now it was over, thanks to the Royal Duke. The government of Mallard was corrupt, trying to control the existence of the peasants. Did the women in Locket and the mining towns face such hardships? One day the peasants would revolt. Anger boiled inside her at the thought of them ripping her from her own home. Beating up Samuel because he cares about her—it was more than she could take. They would not take everything from her!

  Leaving her room, she tossed the pieces of her letter into the fireplace. Watching the paper shrivel into ash, she felt satisfaction deep in her chest. Burning the hurt seemed to bring her strength. She watched until there was nothing left of the letter and felt a slow smile move across her face. She turned to eye the trunks sitting by the wall. Without further thought, she marched over to the trunk and dug the dresses out, piling them into her arms.

  Opening the door with her fingers, she pushed her way outside, dragging the dresses through the dirt to the fire pit her father used to dispose of garbage. She ran back inside retrieving the tinderbox her family kept on the mantle. She ignited a spark that caught onto the dresses. Flames crawled across them consuming all the gowns in the pit. Sparks flew, and she had to step back to watch them burn.

  She heard the door open but did not move. The warmth of the fire seeped into her skin relaxing her nerves. The colors of the flames brought her comfort and she would not regret her decision. Feeling someone standing beside her, she glanced up. Her mother’s eyes widened as she stood in her night clothes and tears glistened on her cheeks.

  “Are you well, my love?” She slipped her arm around Joslyn.

  Staring into the fire, she wrapper her arms around herself. “Samuel can’t marry me now.” Trying to catch her breath, she continued, “You were right about the duke. His payment is to destroy me. I refuse to accept anything from him.”

  Her mother pulled her closer, and they comforted each other quietly.

  After a few moments, her father called from the door. “Josie, come inside we must talk.”

  Her mother nudged her, breaking her from her woolgathering. “Josie, come inside.”

  Her mother gently pulled her until she stumbled upon her feet back inside the house. Her father motioned to the table and they all sat around it. Taking her hand, he looked into her eyes. “Josie, I need you to listen to me carefully. Do you understand, my girl?”

  She nodded biting on her bottom lip.

  “The soldiers will be back. And when they find those dresses gone, they will punish you.” His face turned red as he struggled to talk. “I can’t protect you. I wish I were stronger, but I am only one man.” His eyes moistened, his hand letting go of her hand to clench his fist tightly.

  Tears fell from her eyes and her throat tightened. She had never seen her father cry.

  He looked at her mother and then pulled a paper out of his pocket. “Josie, I know a man that I made some pieces for last year. I worked all night helping him repair his sword and making shoes for his horse, so he could get home. He lived in Mullins and he had no money to pay me. We talked a lot that night and he gave me this paper with his address on it. He said to let him know if I ever needed anything.”

  She looked at the paper without taking it. “How can he help us?”

  Her father hesitated and then looked at her mother again for reassurance. “He told me that he had been over the border near the mountains. He has been to Napery.”

  Josie shook her head. “That’s impossible.”

  Her father rubbed his beard with his hand. “It’s our only hope. We will sneak off tomorrow night and disappear. I am going to sell some animals to the neighbors and try to get as much gold as I can for our journey. We will take our chances. You must act normal tomorrow in case the soldiers are watching. Then we take only what we need and leave.”

  Joslyn swallowed hard, feeling a big lump in her throat. “Papa, I can’t let you risk our family’s lives for me.”

  He reached out and cupped her cheek. “You risked your life for me. We are family and I love you, Josie. We stay together.”

  She slid her arms around his neck and squeezed tightly. “Thank you, Papa.” He didn’t let go for a few moments and then her mother wrapped her arms around them both. “Let’s get some sleep. We will leave after nightfall tomorrow. I will get prepared for our journey and speak to the girls later.”

  Josie nodded and excused herself to go to her room. She had to pack lightly and decide what to take. She worked on it for at least an hour as a nagging feeling in her stomach would not subside.

  Chapter 4

  The next morning, Joslyn woke up feeling guilty. She needed to tell Sara goodbye. Her parents would not want her to risk going over there, but she had to try. Grabbing the basket, she made excuses to Mary that she had to pick some berries for breakfast. Without much effort she snuck out to the stables and through the side doors to the woods. No soldiers were visible, but she knew they could be hiding.

  Crisscrossing her paths just in case she was followed, she took time to hide in the bushes and wait to see if anyone appeared. After several minutes, she was satisfied she was alone and took off to Sara’s house. The overgrown shrubbery blocked her way as she took a path less traveled. The woods were her life growing up, and she knew every inch of them. Taking her time to remember the forest, she picked a few berries for good measure and bit into the juicy treat. She would miss a little of Merle.

  Fighting a few more bushes to get by, she was relieved to see Sara’s house in the distance. As she took a few more steps, her nostrils were invaded by smoke. Confused by the smell, she looked around and saw billows of dark smoke lifting to the sky. Panicked about where it was coming from, she turned her route back through the woods to her home. “Please God, let my family be okay!” she prayed.

  Time stood still as she raced through the forest. Dropping the basket, she knocked bushes and tree limbs out of the way. The smoke was filling the forest as she got closer and she had to cover her mouth with her arm. Joslyn slowed to see the stable in flames. Approaching her house and hiding behind a tree, she saw a white carriage and several white horses in front of her home. Her parents stood outside with her sisters as the guards forced them to watch their stable burn. Straining her ears, she heard her father speak.

  “I told you, she ran away last night. We have not seen her.”

  Looking behind one of the guards, she recognized the Royal Duke. His presence was unmistakable—a large man with a dark blue tunic and black hose—standing in front of his men. His light brown hair was pulled back into a band and his face was clean-shaven. A handsome man if no one knew him. But she knew him and trembled at the thought of him touching her. His face was impassive standing in front of her father. “Shall we wait? If she does not return by tonight, we will burn your house next.”

  Her father’s shoulders sagged as a look of defeat crossed his brow. He nodded and escorted him inside while the soldiers nudged her mother and sisters to follow.

  Backing away from the tree, she decided to hide in her hiding place—the only safe place sh
e could think of was the cellar. They wouldn’t be able to find her there.

  The cellar was empty except for a torn blanket in the corner. Joslyn wrapped it around herself trying to get a little warmth from what was left of the cloth. How was she going to rescue her family, so they could escape? Would the duke really burn down her family’s home? Joslyn rubbed the back of her neck trying to find some relief from the stress that was consuming her. She took her shoes off and stretched out across the floor. Her eyes felt heavy, she may close them just for a moment before going back to the house. She could tap on her sister’s window in the cover of darkness and try to help them escape first. Her parents may be harder to rescue. Perhaps, they would be in their room as well. She fell asleep thinking about ways to help her family.

  A cool breeze and crashing sound woke her. There was crying! She recognized it in her slumber as her eyes adjusted to a lantern of light invading her space. She saw a large man reach for her and felt his strength pulling her up abruptly, squeezing her arm in pain.

  Trying to jerk away, he held on tighter and yelled up to the other men standing over the cellar. “I have her!”

  More cries sounded in the night air. “I am… so… sorry, Josie. They threatened my family.” The man lifted her from the cellar and handed her to another large soldier. They tied her wrists as she tried to balance her legs. Sara kept screaming she was sorry.

  Joslyn’s head was spinning. Part of her felt like she was dreaming, but the chill of the air and the rope on her hands, told her otherwise.

  Sara’s cries stopped when a soldier slapped her. “Shut up!” She stumbled back and put her hand on her cheek.

  Joslyn screamed, “Don’t touch her! I will come with you. Please, just let her go.”

  One of the soldiers smirked. “I say we keep her. The men get tired of the same wenches.”

  Joslyn gasped out in horror, “No!” She jerked her hands, but they tightened the ropes and she fell to the ground.

  Another man approached with a look of authority. He wore the emblem of the royal guard and he stood in front of Sara. The soldiers backed away.

  He looked at Joslyn on the ground and then back at Sara. “You may go.” Sara didn’t falter and took off running through the woods. The royal guard turned to Joslyn and helped her stand up.

  “Miss Rhodes. You have tired our men and we will ask you only one more time for your cooperation. I need you to behave and do as I command. Are we clear?”

  Joslyn’s first thought was defiance, but she was losing strength. Instead, she lowered her head and nodded.

  He let out a relieved sigh. “Good. Now, you will ride back with me on my horse and we will present you to His Grace.”

  Joslyn was escorted into her home by the royal guard while the other soldiers remained outside. Her hands were still tied, and her hair covered her face. The duke was surrounded by nobles and guards, some sitting at the table and her family on the floor by the fireplace.

  Everyone stood when she entered, and the duke walked over to her. “Miss Rhodes?”

  She couldn’t look at him. When her eyes moved to her father, he looked away unable to help.

  The guard kept hold of her arm and shook her. “You will speak to His Grace when addressed.”

  “Yes… Your Grace,” her voice wavered with strain.

  He assessed her from head to toe, taking a step closer, and bent down to steal a look at her face. “Why do you defy me?”

  She kept her eyes down refusing to look at him, tears falling. He turned and gestured to her family. “Your family is relying on you to make smart decisions.”

  Each one of his movements seemed calculated to Joslyn. His face was unreadable as he paced the small space of the room, but his control never wavered. The other occupants stood on edge waiting for his next word. The guards looked straight ahead, and the other men dressed as nobles watched the conversation curiously.

  His eyes rested on the trunks, and he walked over to open them up. The large one stood empty and he ran his index finger over the edge.

  “I hear you didn’t like my gifts?” He was taunting her with his words. “That you like to burn tokens of my favor?”

  He took a few steps and stood in front of her again. “That disappoints me.” He waited a moment searching her face before speaking again. “But since you are so fond of burning valuables, we have burned your family’s stable. We will also burn your family home when we leave. We will burn everything of value.”

  She wanted to vomit. He reached out and grabbed her chin roughly. “You owe me a debt, Miss Rhodes.”

  She jerked her chin away. “I will pay you. We will give you our farm, all our possessions—everything we have.”

  His jaw flexed angrily. “That is not how you will pay me.” He ran his finger down her face.

  She jerked her head way. “I will never comply to that.”

  He cocked his eyebrow arrogantly. “I don’t really need your compliance, but it does make things more enjoyable.”

  Her face fell watching him near her sisters. “Such lovely young girls. A shame what will happen to them when your parents hang for assaulting a Mallard official.” He smiled and laughed mockingly. “A mark against a Mallard official is a mark against the king. You do remember the trial, don’t you?”

  He patted Mary on the shoulder. “You needn’t worry. I am sure my soldiers will find a place for your sisters once your parents are gone.”

  Joslyn’s mother whimpered audibly, and her father reached for her hand to comfort her.

  The duke ignored them and looked at his guards. “Put Miss Rhodes in the carriage then burn the house down. Tell the Merle guards to escort her parents back to jail until sentencing. Have Jasper take the sisters to the west slave market. Young girls always get a fetching price.” He walked to the door in three large strides reaching for the handle. “Wait!” Joslyn screamed out frantically.

  He stopped and looked at her. “Yes?”

  “Your Grace, I beg for your forgiveness.”

  He studied her face not answering. She took a few quick breaths. “I will do anything. Please don’t burn my parents’ house down and send them back to jail. Don’t let them take my sisters.”

  The duke took his index finger and tapped it against his jaw, pretending to ponder her request.

  Silence beckoned, and no one made a sound. The duke slowly walked back to stand in front of her. “What did you say? I am afraid that I may not have of heard you.”

  She lifted her chin, meeting his eyes for the first time. “Your Grace, I beg you to spare my family.”

  Lifting his eyebrows, he questioned, “Why would I do that?” Smiling sarcastically, he waited a moment before continuing, “Perhaps you have not heard of my regard for criminals. I believe my reputation was not earned by my generosity. They are a threat to the crown.”

  Tears filled her eyes and she struggled to keep her composure. “Forgive me for my impertinence. I acted rashly and was wrong. If I could do anything to save my family, then I will do whatever you ask.”

  He tilted his head. “Whatever I ask?”

  From the corner of her eyes, she watched her father shift, his nostrils flaring as his hands clenched. Silently, she willed him to stay quiet and quickly tried to appease the duke. “Yes, Your Grace. I beg you.”

  He studied her for a moment letting out an exaggerated breath. “Against my better judgment, I will consider your request.” She watched him turn from her to look at the royal guards. “Miss Rhodes will pack, and you will watch her. Make sure she takes the lovely emerald necklace I gave her, along with the rest of the gifts I bestowed upon her.”

  The guards nodded as the duke looked at her family and continued, “As far as her family, they will remain here under guard. Leave three soldiers to watch them at all times.” He turned to her and grinned. “As long as Miss Rhodes pleases me, they wi
ll live undisturbed. Your father will be given back his job as a blacksmith under my orders. But if she doesn’t please me, then her parents will be handed over to the mayor and her sisters will be sold as slaves.”

  He lifted the corner of his mouth smugly. “Do I please you?”

  Her mouth twitched, and she could feel the pulse in her neck. Biting her tongue, she submissively lowered her head. “Very much, Your Grace.”

  “Then ready yourself. We will leave in ten minutes.” He turned and looked at one of the guards, “Untie her hands.” He left the home followed by a few of his guards. Joslyn held out her hands as one of the soldiers cut her ties. She rubbed her wrists trying not to wince at the sting. She went to her room and packed her few belongings into a cloth bag followed by one of the guards. The guards took the trunks outside as Joslyn went back into the kitchen to say goodbye to her family. She hugged her parents and heard her sisters sob, as she reached for each of them. She would not let them mourn for her. Backing slightly away from them, she reached for her parents’ hands. “Don’t worry for me. I will be fine. I will pray every day for your safety.”

  Her father’s eyes watered. “I am so sorry, Joslyn. I have failed you.”

  “No, Papa. Please don’t say that. I will please the duke and he will keep you safe. If I know you are safe, then I can survive. I couldn’t take it if anything happened to any of you.”

  Her mother kissed her forehead and her sisters hugged her one more time. She waved goodbye as the guards escorted her outside. They wouldn’t let her parents follow and told the Merle guards to keep them inside.

  Before she could enter the carriage, she heard a cry and some guards laughing behind the horses. Joslyn curiously walked around the carriage and found Sara tied to the horse with a gag in her mouth. “Sara?” She turned to one of the guards, “What is the meaning of this?”


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