Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 10

by GG Shalton

  “Please remain sitting. There is no need to stand on formality. I came to wish you all a good morning.”

  Joslyn noticed a few of his men from dinner standing behind him. She tried not to make any eye contact.

  “Miss Rhodes, I missed your lovely company at dinner last night. I heard you were not feeling well.”

  Joslyn did not want to speak but knew it would be considered rude if she did not respond. “Your Highness, I was not. But I have recovered and am feeling well today.”

  “Indeed.” His eyes would not leave her. “That is great news as I was hoping you could take a walk with me through the garden.”

  Searching for words, she stuttered, “Um… I… um… would be honored, but I have to finish some chores.” What was she saying?

  He chuckled. “Chores? Don’t they have servants for such tasks? I will need to speak to the duke about his household. Subjecting such beauty for domestic duties.” He laughed out loud, shaking his head in disbelief. “We won’t take long. Please, I have some matters on my mind and I need a female to help me sort through them.”

  The other women pleaded with their eyes, warning her to not deny him, and she knew to refuse him would be considered ill-mannered. But the duke would not like it.

  She wrung her hands in her lap. “I need to speak to His Grace.”

  “Of course, but he left the castle this morning on an errand. I will speak to him when he returns. Now, please take my arm.”

  Joslyn pushed her chair out and took the prince’s arm. Not wanting to bring attention to herself, she guided him to a back door that stepped into the gardens. But she passed a few of the duke’s guards at the entrance of the path, and her stomach dropped. She knew they would tell him.

  “Miss Rhodes, you must tell me more about you.” She walked briskly at first trying to keep up with his long strides. He finally slowed as the gardens hid them from the inquisitive eyes of the castle.

  Her nerves made her sway a bit and she closed her eyes trying to compose herself. “Your Highness, I am afraid there is little to tell. I don’t wish to bore you.”

  He chuckled. “Not possible, Miss Rhodes.” They strolled a little longer and he stopped. “I wanted to speak to you about an opportunity and gauge your interest.”

  “What kind of opportunity?”

  His eyes met hers as he reached out touching her hair. “Miss Rhodes, I believe in being frank and can tell you are a smart girl.”

  Feeling uneasy, she feigned ignorance. “Can I help you with something?”

  He smirked, eyeing her breasts before moving his eyes to her mouth. “Normally, the duke is generous with his hospitality, but I can see he may not be as generous with you. Given that, I am willing to wait until after you have fulfilled your duties to him tonight. If you will meet me in my room after midnight, I will pay you handsomely in gold for your company. Enough to buy you tons of new dresses and a bigger diamond necklace than you already have. A smart girl like you should know an opportunity when she sees it, even if her employer does not. I promise you that you will not be disappointed.”

  Joslyn slowly backed away from him. “Sir, I do not give those type of favors. You misunderstand who I am.”

  The prince slanted his head. “Miss Rhodes, not to insult you, but you bed the duke and you’re not married to him. You’re dressed better than the noblemen’s wives but have no title. What would you call yourself?”

  She wrapped her arms around herself, turning pale at his words. He reached for her arm. “Miss Rhodes, are you well? Do you need to sit down?”

  She pushed his hand away and walked swiftly down the path. He yelled after her. “Miss Rhodes! Wait! I will escort you.”

  Wiping her tears away, she ran faster, passing the guards, and ignoring the prince’s pleas. Reaching the castle, she rushed into the kitchens and up the servant’s stairs to the top floor. Slamming the door shut, she collapsed on the floor in front of the fireplace.

  At least an hour went by before she made herself get up from the floor. She went to the basin and scrubbed the dirt from her face. How could men treat her like that? She wavered before stumbling to the chair by the window. Bringing her knees to her chest, she lay back hoping to erase the memories of the prince’s proposition.

  The pounding on the door vibrated through her body. Not able to move, she squeezed into a tighter ball praying to disappear into the cushions. A loud crash came through the door, jerking her from her chair and causing her to fall onto the floor. Before she could sit up, a shadow fell across her.

  “Stand up!” the duke screamed at her, grabbing beneath her arms and forcing her to stand.

  She panicked which caused her to stumble, so she reached for the chair to balance her weight. Glancing at the doorway, she saw Abbie and Sara staring in shock.

  Following her gaze, the duke yelled, “Leave Us! Now!”

  The women scattered away as the duke walked to the door and slammed it shut. One of the hinges hung off, and it flew back open. Frustrated, he dragged a table in front of it securing it shut. His face red, he kicked the vase that had fallen off the table, and it flew across the room and hit the wall.

  Joslyn covered her ears, the tears falling down her face. His anger frightened her, and she feared for her life.

  “Why?” He stomped in front of her. “I treated you well!”

  “Your Grace?” Afraid to look at him, she questioned his anger.

  “My guards told me. Do you think they would not? The minute I was gone, you throw yourself at the prince. Trying to earn his coin.”

  “He forced me to walk with him. When he got too close, I ran away from him, leaving him alone in the garden. I refused his advances.”

  He stared at her for a moment. “You lie!” He lifted his hand and backhanded her across the face. She fell to the ground as the sting rang through her head. She stayed down covering her face.

  “Is this what you want? Hmm? For me to treat you like a slave?”

  She did not answer and stayed with her face buried into the carpet. Her back trembled with her cries as she braced for another hit. None came.

  The sound of the table sliding from the door and his fading footsteps was the only sign of his departure.

  Relieved that he was gone, she stood up and crawled on top the bed. Her life felt like it was in shambles, and all she wanted was to go home. Thoughts of her mother rubbing her head and her soothing voice calmed her nerves. If she could only sleep until the next day, she would be happy.

  “Joslyn?” Sara called from the doorway.

  “Please leave me alone,” she sobbed.

  Sara sat on her bed. “Your eye is swollen. Let me get you some salve.” Joslyn didn’t answer her and continued to stare at the wall.

  She returned with the cloth. “He is a monster.” Patting the salve on her cheek and eye, Sara shook with anger.

  Joslyn shrugged, feeling dejected and defeated. “It matters not. I know I will never leave this place alive. If I do, it will only be to another prison. He will either use me until he can’t anymore or sell me. I will never be free.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “No, I just want to sleep.”

  She left and tried to shut the door as best as she could. “I will ask some of the men to fix you door.”

  Joslyn pulled the covers up to her chin. “It matters not.”

  The lines in Sara’s forehead creased in worry, but she said nothing and left Joslyn alone.

  Chapter 9

  Joslyn took her meals in her room the next day as she awaited her fate. Many thoughts invaded her mind of the duke’s wrath, his disappointment in her was evident, yet no word came. Sara told her that he was away from the castle for a few days.

  The next couple of days went by slowly. Not knowing her place, she spent most of the time in her room. She enjoyed sitting by the window soaking u
p the sun and thinking about her prior life. After several hours of staring into nothingness, she decided to visit the library. Perhaps it would give her some rest from her idleness. On her way out, she ran into a few of the servants.

  “Excuse us, Miss Rhodes. We have been sent to fix your door. Perhaps you would like to take a turn in the garden while we work?”

  “Who sent you?”

  The man wiped his forehead with a cloth. “His Grace sent his steward, Mr. Rogers to tell us. We won’t disturb you for long.”

  “You will not disturb me. I will take your advice and take a turn in the garden.” She left the men alone as she went through the servant’s area, down the stairs and through the kitchen to the garden. Not wanting to be found, she took a path less traveled and walked through a maze of overgrown trees.

  She slowed her pace, confident there was no one around. Taking in the smells and the warmth of the sun, she sat on a broken tree limb and enjoyed the quiet. Not knowing if she would be moved to a servant status or worse, she reveled in the solace, closing her eyes and thinking again about the cellar in the woods. Many times, she would sit and listen to the sounds of the forest from her hiding place, wondering about the world afar. A few moments later, she heard footsteps crunching on the rocks, and her eyes popped open. Turning around, her breath caught in her throat as she recognized the duke.

  “Your Grace.” She scurried to stand and smoothed down her dress.

  His eyes roamed over her and feeling exposed, she looked away, afraid to speak.

  “They told me you went to the garden. Were you hiding?”

  She shook her head. “Not exactly. I didn’t want to disturb anyone.”

  He paused watching her with a careful eye. “I wish for you to dine with me this evening.”

  She looked at him, hopeful his wrath was over. “Of course,” she replied with a shaky voice.

  He cocked his brow, challenging. “In my chamber.”

  She closed her eyes and swayed unconsciously. Gathering her bearings, she nodded. “As you wish, Your Grace.”

  He pressed his lips together not speaking for a long moment. “I will send you what to wear.” He turned and walked out of the garden.

  Tears burned in her eyes watching him walk. She contemplated which fate was worse—being his mistress or facing the world without protection. The servants did not seem unhappy in the castle. That life would not be so bad, if men left her alone. Of course, that was always the problem, even with males at home. A young girl who was considered pretty by their standards could never be at peace. The duke’s edginess was taking a toll on her, never knowing where she stood with him was gut-wrenching.

  She spent at least another hour in the garden before returning to her room. Her door was fixed, and she appreciated the men’s fast work. Abbie had laid out a provocative gown with a shawl. His control over her life felt intrusive, even choosing what she was to wear.

  A few moments later, a few men appeared with a tub and buckets of steaming water. Joslyn took a hot bath and Abbie came to wash her hair. Sara was helping in the kitchen and would be up later. The duke left instructions on how he wanted her to look. It was ridiculous.

  “Have you heard anything about his mood this evening?”

  “I am not sure Misses.”

  She snorted. “Please, Abbie. Tell me what to expect.”

  Looking over her shoulder first to ensure no one was around, she spoke in a hushed tone, “The prince has left, and the rumor is that there were some sharp words exchanged between him and the Royal Duke. He has ordered that you remain untouched by anyone in the castle.”

  Joslyn steadied her breathing, a bit relieved he did not sell her to the highest bidder. She looked at the door as it opened and watched Sara enter with a basket full of ribbons. “You are looking better, Josie.”

  She smiled at her friend as Abbie left the room. Curling up in the chair, she took a deep breath. “I was thinking about what you said. About getting in his good graces. Perhaps he would let us visit our families?”

  “It’s impossible to say how he feels any given day. But for now, we must get you in his favor. I just left the kitchen and his dinner should be ready soon. We must get your hair ready.”

  Sara finished putting the finishing touches on Joslyn and Abbie gave her a heavy robe to put over the nightdress he had ordered. They escorted her to his chamber and stood by the door as she knocked. He answered and let Joslyn inside. She stepped into a massive room that was twice as big as her home back in Merle. One chamber had extravagant furnishings spread throughout the room including gold-trimmed marble walls, tapestries with silk, and jeweled goblets laid out on a table near the fire. The dinner was already there, and he motioned with his hand for her to have a seat.

  Nervously she walked over to the chair, and before she was able to sit down, he ordered her in a deep rumbling voice, “Remove your robe.”

  Her body tensed, but she slowly untied the string that held her robe closed. Sliding it off her shoulders, she placed it on the back of her chair. The scantily-fitted dress barely concealed her womanly assets as she fidgeted with her hands trying to hide as much of her body as she could.

  “Turn around,” his voice vibrated through her, and holding her breath, she turned to face him.

  “Beautiful,” his raspy voice hung in the air. “You may sit.”

  Relieved, she took a seat as he pulled out his chair to sit across from her. “I hope you like duck. I find it delicious.”

  Weary of his mood, she swallowed her reservations and tried to earn his favor. “I have never tasted it, Your Grace. But I look forward to trying it tonight.”

  He watched her place a piece into her mouth. Concentrating on her lips, he rubbed his lips together, raising his brow, waiting for her assessment.

  “I agree with you. It’s delicious.”

  He smiled at his triumph and they ate in compatible silence. Finally, after several moments, he sighed. “Tell me, Joslyn. How have you fared these last few days?” He reached for his wine glass taking a sip, not breaking eye contact.

  Unsure of his intentions, she carefully chose her next words. “I must admit, not well.”

  He took a moment and then placed his glass down. “My apologies. I confirmed your story with some of my closest advisors, and it seems they saw you running from the prince. I decided to give you another chance.”

  Joslyn held back a gasp as her jaw hung partially opened. He apologized for believing she tried to seduce the prince. Yet, made no apologies for threatening her family.

  He took out his dagger and began stabbing the table, tightening his hold as his knuckles turned white. “The thought of you with another man turns my stomach. You belong to me, Joslyn. If I ever find out that you took another man to your bed, my wrath will fall upon you and your family.”

  Her heart pounded hard in her chest. Keeping her eyes on the knife, her throat tightened with fear. “I want no other man.”

  His eyes met hers as he let go of the dagger. He stood up and kneeled in front of her, taking her hand. “Tell me how you feel about me.”

  Her hands trembled in his. She wanted to tell him that she feared him more than anything else in the world, but did not want to upset him. Calming her nerves, she let out a deep breath and met his eyes. “I am grateful for you, Your Grace.”

  “Call me Andre.”

  She swallowed hard and repeated, “Andre.”

  He smiled and pulled the back of her head closer to him, kissing her softly. Finally, after a few seconds, he pulled away breathlessly, “Do you love me?”

  His words rang in her head. She could hardly form the thought yet alone the words. “I’m not sure.”

  A hurt expression crossed his features. “I’m sure that I love you. I want you to love me back.”

  A little leery of his mood, she tried to appease him. “I will try, You
r Grace.” She forced the words out knowing she would never love him. Watching his face sadden, she quickly tried to recover. “I don’t know what love feels like.”

  Her words seem to have the effect he was looking for as his lips curled upwards into a smile. “I will show you.” Standing up, he took her hand and led her to the massive four-poster bed. She lay beside him, submitting to his touch as he took her again, quickly and without any pain this time. She was no longer a maiden and her body responded to her womanly duties. Finding a way to distance herself, she closed her eyes and concentrated on one day returning home. Afterwards, he rolled with her in his arms placing kisses along her neck. “You are the most striking woman I have ever known.”

  Pushing back her distaste, she forced herself to respond politely. “You are so kind to me, Andre.”

  He smiled, holding onto her tighter. “Sleep with me all night. You can leave in the morning.”

  “As you wish.”

  Chapter 10

  The next few weeks flew by. The duke was very attentive and showered her with gifts—from sweets to flowers—even jewels. Every night he sent for her and asked her to stay with him until morning. She learned to please him and his obsession with her grew.

  One morning she overheard Pricilla speaking of going to the village with a few of the guards the following day. “Joslyn, you should join us. They sell wares such as jewelry, soaps, gowns, and many other trinkets.”

  “I would like to go. I will ask His Grace.”

  She grinned knowingly. “I doubt he would deny you anything.”

  Ignoring her comment, she smiled. “If you will excuse me. I will see if I can speak to him right away.”

  She found him working in his solar. He looked surprised to see her as it was more usual for her to be waiting for him to send for her. “May I have a moment, Your Grace?”

  He looked at his advisors. “Leave us.” The men looked at each other, seemingly annoyed at the interruption, but didn’t dare complain.


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