Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 12

by GG Shalton

  After a few hours of exploring, the duke escorted her to the great hall for lunch. He took her to the same table she sat at the night before and kissed her hand as he left her to join the nobles. From the corner of her eye, she saw the judgmental gaze of the king on them, his scrutiny putting her on edge. After eating her bread and cheese, she overheard the king’s sharp tone demanding to see Andre in his solar. Relieved to see them leave, she took the moment of freedom to go back to her room. Standing up to leave, she turned and bumped into a hard body.

  “Forgive me, sir.” She said quickly before making eye contact.

  “It must be my lucky day. Normally, it’s smelly men that try to take me down,” he said, winking.

  “It’s my fault, sir.” She took in his massive-sized arms, deep brown eyes, and the most beautiful eyelashes she had ever seen on a man.

  Playfully scowling at her, he demanded, “For my trouble, you must at least let me know your name.”

  Worried that the duke would catch her speaking to the man, but not wanting to be rude, she whispered, “My name is Joslyn Rhodes.”

  He reached for her hand, and brought it up to his mouth for a kiss. She noticed his very white teeth and the small scar near his left eye. “I am the Duke of Norton. But I would prefer you to call me Maxwell.”

  Joslyn’s jaw fell, realizing that the man standing in front of her was the duke’s greatest enemy. He would kill her if he saw her talking to him. Looking away quickly, she curtsied clumsily before speaking quickly, “Pleasure to meet you, Your Grace, but I must be on my way. Please accept my apologies.”

  He was about to call after her, but a guard came up to whisper to him. Joslyn turned to walk away, feeling his eyes on her back.

  Sara was waiting for her when she arrived at her chamber. “I feel like I haven’t seen you all day. I hope you didn’t need me this morning. I overslept.”

  “Please, I can dress myself, Sara. I have for years. Beside Andre made me sleep with him all night.”

  Sara snorted. “Andre? It sounds funny when you say his name.” Joslyn shrugged not answering. She didn’t want to have to say anything about their relationship out loud, hoping to one day forget about them.

  Sara sat on the bed. “There are so many fancy people here. I have never seen such extravagance in my life.”

  “I met the Duke of Norton.”

  Sara stared with wide eyes. “What!?”

  “Yes! Can you believe it? I accidently bumped into him and he kissed my hand.”

  Her grin faded. “Josie, you must not encourage any attention from him. The duke would kill you.”

  “I am not encouraging anything, but honestly, I don’t see what the fuss is about. He seemed almost kind.”

  She grunted. “Some say that about your Andre too.”

  Chapter 12

  The duke insisted on walking her to dinner though she hated to take his escort afraid of the tongues wagging when she came through the doors. He had her dress in a new burgundy gown that highlighted not only her skin but her beautiful figure. He held her close to his side in a possessive gesture, marking his territory to the other men who couldn’t stop staring at her.

  Approaching the same table as the night before, Joslyn was relieved to see Faye and her husband who smiled and welcomed her to sit down. The duke pulled out her chair and kissed her on the cheek, not caring about the critical glance the king gave them.

  He leaned down, whispering in her ear, “When I take the crown, you will dine with me at the king’s table. But for now, I must let you go.”

  She nodded not sure how to take his words. He would have a wife when he was king, and she was hoping her sentence would be over by then.

  Keeping her eyes lowered, she tried to concentrate on the glass of wine in front of her that Faye had just poured, but something caught her attention and she glanced up to the dais seeing the Duke of Norton staring right at her. Quickly, she turned away afraid to draw any attention to them.

  The Duke of Norton smirked, leaning closer to King Herrick. “Do you see that woman in burgundy?”

  “Who hasn’t noticed her?”

  “I bumped into her today. Her name is Joslyn. I was about to ask her to take a walk with me, but I see Andre has tried to lay claim on her. I wonder who she is?”

  “Pardon my interruption, but did I hear you mention Joslyn?” The Prince of Tamera leaned across the table to disrupt their conversation, slurring his words.

  Both men looked at him curiously. The prince rubbed his beard, showing off the gold rings on each finger. “I met her while I visited Andre at his estate in Preston. She is his mistress and seems to have his favor for now. I gave her quite an offer, but she refused. I plan to have her soon. Andre will move on when he has had his fill. For something as delectable as her, I don’t mind waiting.”

  King Herrick raised his brows inquisitively. “A mistress who has the nobles waiting in line?”

  The Duke of Norton’s face flushed, the veins in his neck throbbing. “I don’t plan to wait in line.”

  The men around him lost their smiles. Lord Rivers spoke up, fingers steepled, his expression respectful. “Let me caution you, my friend. Andre does not see her as a mistress but as a possession. He becomes irate and explodes if anyone even mentions her name, let alone looks at her too long. He would never allow another man to touch her. I think he believes himself in love with her.”

  The duke lifted the corner of his mouth. “Even a better reason why she will be in my bed tonight.”

  King Herrick smiled mischievously. “Let’s ask the King of Mallard for a favor.”

  The men motioned for the King of Mallard to join their conversation, King Herrick acting as the spokesperson for the group “We must thank you for your wonderful hospitality, Your Majesty. Our additional trade talks tomorrow should go more smoothly given the wonderful entertainment you have provided. As you know, I deeply admire my cousin, and although he does not ask me for much, he has requested a favor that I was hopeful you could help me with.”

  The King of Mallard, known as Forney to his close friends, shifted in his shoes, seemingly nervous to speak to King Herrick. Everyone at the table knew he was in desperate need of him to sign the new trade deal. King Forney was obviously nervous and realized his fate was held in Burra’s hands. Clearing his throat, he forced a smile. “If it’s within my ability, I will do whatever I can.”

  King Herrick smiled. “We are happy to hear you say that.” Lowering his voice, he leaned closer and said, “It is a bit of a delicate matter. My cousin has been long on the battlefields, and his appetite craves certain entertainment this evening.”

  King Forney gave a knowing look and glanced around to make sure the queen and princesses were out of hearing range. “We have working girls coming tonight from some of the best brothels in Mallard. They will be in attendance in the common room later to satisfy such appetites.” He winked, a smile forming on his face.

  “But my cousin is a Royal Duke, and a working girl will not be welcomed in his chamber. His taste is more refined, and I want to make sure that he gets what he wants. It would put me in a good mood tomorrow.”

  King Forney swallowed hard at his statement. “Is there a certain woman he has an eye on? I couldn’t condone a married woman.”

  King Herrick shook his head. “Nor I. This woman is not married. I believe her name is Joslyn.”

  King Forney paled at the mention of his nephew’s mistress. “I believe that one is taken tonight. But I can assure another lovely lady for your entertainment.”

  The Duke of Norton stared at the king for a long second before replying, “Pity. This does change my mood.”

  King Forney looked down upon the tables and his eyes fell upon Joslyn. Seeming to reconsider, he said, “Give me moment and I will see what I can do.”

  The Duke of Norton smiled gratefully. “As you wish
. I hope you will bring us good news.”

  The king gestured to his nephew to join him on the far side of the dais for a private word.

  “Andre, I need your help. In fact, Mallard needs your help. You know we need the King of Burra’s help tomorrow in lifting some of their demands on the peace treaty.”

  Andre licked his lips, nostrils flaring angrily. “I refuse to grovel. We were at war when those prisoners were tortured. His personal attacks against me will not be tolerated.”

  “Quiet your tongue, boy. You will do whatever it takes to get that new treaty signed. The Duke of Norton is not a man to trifle with.”

  “I am not afraid of him or the King of Burra.”

  “Be that as it may, I am still king here and you will help me secure the treaty.”

  “I will do what you ask for now. But after the treaty is signed, we will plan our attack to take back what is rightfully ours.”

  “We can discuss military maneuvers another time. For now, I think I have a way to find favor with Burra.”

  “What is it?” Andre asked reluctantly.

  “King Herrick has requested Joslyn to entertain one of his men, and I have agreed.”

  The duke’s face turned a shade darker as his fists clenched. “How dare you! She is not here for anyone’s entertainment but my own.”

  “She is not your wife or of noble descent—she is nothing but a pretty peasant. In fact, you are spending too much time with her and not enough time looking for a wife to help your duty to this country. The King of Delbert is bringing his daughter tomorrow to meet you and to hopefully sign betrothal papers. I don’t want you distracted by that woman!”

  Andre crossed his arm defiantly. “I have not agreed to any marriage contract. I love Joslyn.”

  The king spoke through his teeth. “Are you mad? Even more of a reason why you will not spend tonight with her. You can’t love your mistress! She is distracting you. You will meet your future betrothed tomorrow. Each one of your female cousins have agreed to a marriage to help our country. You are the heir and you’re still playing with your friends and taking whores with you like they are women of gentry. How dare you deny me?”

  “She is mine. I won’t discuss this with you.”

  “She is a Mallard citizen and does not belong to you but to me. I am the King of Mallard. You forget your place. She will do what I tell her to.”

  “You will not touch her.”

  The king crossed his arms. “Do not challenge me. If you get in my way, or try to stop me, I will send her to the brothels and you will never see her again. She is not your betrothed or wife. Stop acting like she is a maiden.”

  Andre bared his teeth, his face turning red as he spat out, “But she is mine!”

  “You’ve never liked to share, even when you were little. I have had it with your insolence. You will do your duty to this country and allow important dignitaries to be entertained so we can close this trade deal tomorrow.”

  “I will not!” Andre was shaking with anger.

  “I am warning you… if you interfere, I will personally speak to the council tomorrow about making my grandson the heir instead of you. Now, get out of my sight!”

  The king stomped past him, leaving a stunned Andre trying to catch his breath. The king summoned his head guards and whispered to them. After a moment, Andre walked through the hall doors and slammed his fist into the wood. The king held up his hands and the royal guards escorted him out. Then the king whispered to one of the captains of his guards and pointed at Joslyn.

  Chapter 13

  Joslyn winced in her seat watching the argument between the king and Andre. She had never seen him look so angry. How would he treat her later? Her eyes followed him as he punched the doors and then when the royal guards escorted him out of the hall. The hall sat in silence, trying to ignore the spectacle that had just taken place. Joslyn pushed the food around her plate unable to eat, thinking about what could have transpired between them.

  A few minutes later, two guards approached her. “Miss Rhodes, the king has asked for you to join him on the side of the dais. There is someone he wants you to meet.”

  Joslyn looked around her, bewildered. “He asked for me?”

  The guard nodded and helped her out of the chair. She followed them to the king and curtsied. “Your Majesty.”

  “You look lovely this evening and have caught the eye of one of my honored guests. I spoke to Andre and he will not be needing your services this evening as I have requested that you entertain the Duke of Norton. There will be some extra coin from me personally if you represent Mallard in a pleasing way to ensure that he enjoys himself.”

  The room spun, her throat tightening until she couldn’t breathe. She felt her knees slightly buckle, but the guard grabbed hold of her. The king crinkled his brow. “Are you well?”

  She shook her head. “I… um… Your Majesty. I am not a working girl.”

  “You can call yourself whatever you wish, my dear. But tonight, I am asking you to do your duty to your country. This is not a brothel, but we do have them in Locket and I can arrange for you to work there if you prefer.”

  Her eyes widened in disbelief. “But I am Andre’s woman.”

  “You are not my nephew’s wife! If you refuse, it would be considered treason, and I could force you to live a worse fate.”

  Joslyn trembled unable to speak, the shock of being bartered was more than she could take. The king recognizing her fear softened his tone. “Now calm down, girl. Just meet my honor guests, and I will never ask you to entertain anyone again. You have my word. I will consider it a personal favor to your king.”

  He looked at her, almost pleading before patting her on the shoulder. “We are counting on you to help Mallard.”

  Before Joslyn could wrap her mind around his request to answer him, the king motioned for the duke and King Herrick. Both men approached, and Joslyn refused to acknowledge them. “Miss Rhodes, may I introduce the Duke of Norton.”

  He smiled, taking her hand to his mouth for a kiss. “Your beauty is flawless.” He let go of her hand as she followed his eyes to the slightly smaller man beside him. “May I introduce the King of Burra, my cousin.”

  The Burra King nodded as a slow smile spread across his face. “The most interesting asset to come out of Mallard.” Joslyn stiffened, watching the reaction of the King of Mallard, her king and newest captor.

  “I will send Miss Rhodes to your chamber to await your arrival.” He motioned for a few woman servants and a guard to escort her away. She barely felt her feet carrying her away in a stupor.

  The women stripped her dress off and dressed her in a lacy robe. They unpinned her hair and brushed it out, lathering her with lotions and perfumes. She stood motionless, awaiting her fate. She looked in the looking glass and barely recognized the woman she had become. Who was she now? There was no way she could be this woman living in sin.

  They finally left the room, a guard stationed outside of the door, so she would not try to escape. A quick look around the room revealed a few chairs near the fireplace. Taking a fur out of the chest by the bed, she wrapped it around her and sat in the chair looking into the fire. Saying a prayer, she took her thoughts back to Merle and a time when everything in her world made sense.

  She heard the door open and close. Willing herself not to look at him, she did not move. Loud footsteps came closer as his boots scraped across the floor. Shifting in her seat, she smelled a woodsy masculine scent, before she felt him standing over her.

  A deep voice had chills running down her spine. “You look warm.”

  She did not respond.

  He sat opposite of her, taking off his boots. “You’re not much for words?” Chuckling to himself, he stood and walked to the table to pour two goblets of wine. He tried to give her one, and she shook her head. He waited for a second, studying her and then put i
t on the table. “So, Joslyn, what kind of favors do you do?”

  That caught her attention, she squinted at him, muttering defiantly, “I do no favors, Your Grace.”

  Smirking, he tilted his head. “No? Are your charms saved for Andre? Do you imagine yourself in love with him?”

  “Love? Andre loves only himself. I am his slave.” Tears glistened in her eyes, and the duke lost his smile.

  He moved to a chair closer to hers. “Why do you serve him?”

  “Why does a slave cook and clean? It’s not my choice. I am a blacksmith’s daughter destined to marry a farmer and have a normal life. If I had a choice, I would have killed myself before I let him touch me.” Her voice trembled. “I did it to save my family. He bargained their life for mine. This is a sin and I will have to answer for it one day.”

  He sat speechless.

  She pulled the fur tighter around her. “You will have to take me by force. I will not give you what you want willingly. It will be your sin.” Tears fell down her cheeks. “My king gave me no choice. He said it was my duty to please you. But I will sit in the dungeon or hang before I give any more of myself to another man I don’t love.”

  His eyes searched her face. “Joslyn, you are too young to know such sacrifices.”

  She looked back at him, his face softened from her candidness, and she thought for a moment he looked very handsome. A fierce looking warrior for sure, but the tone of his voice—the comfort and warmness— made her want to hear it again.

  “I would like to propose a different bargain.” He smiled at her, his dimple accentuated at the corner of his mouth.

  “I’m afraid I don’t understand.”

  “Are you good at keeping secrets?”

  She nodded cautiously wondering what kind of secrets he was referring too.


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