Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series)

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Freeing Joslyn (Freeing Series) Page 24

by GG Shalton

  “What are you doing?”

  “Come here.” She hesitantly walked over to him as he looked up into her eyes.

  He handed her a necklace. “This belonged to my mother.”

  She sniffed loudly, trying not to cry. Reaching for it, she held it in her hands watching the stones sparkle. “It’s beautiful.”

  “It’s to be given to my wife. My mother gave it to me before she died. I want you to have it.”


  “I thought my feelings were obvious. Joslyn, I love you and want you to be my wife.”

  Her hands shook as she said, “Love me? But what about your obligation to marry for political alliances?”

  “None of that matters. I will speak to the king. I want to marry you.” He raised his brow teasingly. “Now, will you give me your answer?”

  Joslyn started giggling. “Yes, oh yes! I will marry you. I love you too.”

  He stood up, taking her mouth in a passionate kiss, holding her tight and never wanting to let go.

  Chapter 28

  A few months later, Joslyn stood on Queen Krislyn’s private balcony looking out toward the water while sipping a fruity drink and enjoying the sunset. “Tomorrow is your big day.”

  “Yes, Your Majesty. I can’t believe how my life has turned out. I want to thank you again for all you have done with the arrangements.”

  “I think I am as excited as you are. It will be nice to have a female companion in the family.”

  “You are so kind to say that.” Joslyn takes another drink, enjoying the fresh ocean air.

  “I have never seen Max so happy. It warms my heart.”

  “I am happy as well. My whole family arrived last night. I had feared they may not make it.”

  “There was some rough weather and they had to find land for a few days to be safe. But I am glad they are here too. I know that you want to spend time with them, but I wanted to give you something in private as a token of my friendship.”

  The queen went to her jewelry box and pulled out a charm. “This was given to me by my sister when we were young. She had given me a bracelet with five charms on it to be gifted to the most special women in my life. I have given away three of the charms, and I want you to have the fourth.”

  Joslyn’s eyes widened in delight, opening her hand to receive the gift. “I am overwhelmed by your token of friendship. I wish I had something to give to you.”

  “My wish would be for you to wear it when you can. And for you to call me Krislyn when we are alone. Your Majesty seems so formal and we are good friends now.”

  Joslyn embraced her. “Thank you, Krislyn. I will cherish it always.”

  They hugged for a few seconds before breaking away. “Now, Joslyn, go be with your family. Thank you for coming.”

  “Of course, Krislyn.” Joslyn winked and left the room.

  Her sisters and Sara were waiting for her in her bedchamber. Sara sighed impatiently as if she we were waiting a long time for her return. “Have you decided how you’re going to wear your hair tomorrow?”

  Joslyn smiled. “I think I will wear it up with a few tendrils flowing loosely with flowers pinned to the side.”

  Mary giggled excitedly. “We are so thrilled to be in Burra. There were so many handsome men dressed as soldiers. Do you think the duke would introduce us?”

  “I doubt it. You will be his sisters now, and that may take some getting used to.”

  Sara worked on arranging the flowers on the table. “Speaking of soldiers… I met one named Placer, who just arrived from Mallard.”

  “Oh? Is there news from Mallard?”

  Sara looked up from the table. “Not exactly from Mallard but news about Andre.”

  All three sisters stopped what they were doing and stared at Sara. Joslyn asked carefully, “What of Andre?”

  “Placer said that there had been news that he was banished from Tamera to the island kingdoms. Specifically, to the island of Baden.”

  Mary nodded her head knowingly. “I have heard of that island. Rumor is that it’s full of raiders and predominantly an all-male population. Very few women survived an attack several years ago. They are famous for raiding coastlines and stealing valuables from unsuspecting villages.”

  Sara nodded in agreement. “Apparently, he has become their military leader. Andre has married the daughter of their king and is now commanding his army.”

  Joslyn shook her head. “Poor girl.”

  Sara corrected them. “Poor army.” They all laughed at that. “But seriously, I heard that only a few women live on the island. Apparently, the king’s daughter being one of them.”

  Joslyn shook it off. “It’s probably just tales.”

  “Perhaps, but Placer said the same thing as Mary. The island suffered an attack several years ago when a lot of their men were away on some raids. Most the women were killed. It has taken years for the few women left to produce offspring, but to the government’s dismay, most of the offspring are male. Very few females are born which means their population is low because no one is procreating. The rumor is that Andre organized a raid on the island of Mallari and is forcing marriages between them. Not to mention forcing them into mining. I heard the island has never used their natural resources, and now they are slaves to it.”

  Joslyn commented with disgust. “Typical Andre.”

  Susanna chimed in sadly. “It sounds horrible.”

  A knock at the door interrupted them and Joslyn’s mother walked in. “All of you should get some rest. Tomorrow will be here soon enough.”

  Joslyn felt like a young girl again having her mother tell her to go to bed. But she loved it. “Of course, Mama. We will get some rest.”

  The next morning Joslyn met her father in a private room in the church. Tears welled up in his eyes as he watched her approach. Joslyn took in his appearance, thinking that her father had aged as his hair was mostly gray now. His muscular build from being a blacksmith had thinned out as his suit hung loosely on his frame. But the smile was the same, and seeing him smile at her made her heart so happy. “This day is an answer to my prayers.”

  “Who knew that such hopelessness could turn into the best day of my life?”

  “Josie, I want to tell you how sorry I am that I could not protect you from the evils of this world. I failed you as a father.”

  She reached for his hand. “Don’t say that, Papa. You mean so much to me and I was strong because of you. God blessed me with a father like you.”

  He embraced her tightly, and they stood hugging each other for a few moments. “Now, let’s not mess up your beautiful hair.” He stepped back. “Maxwell better realize the prize he is getting.”

  She smiled as she took his hand and walked to the chapel.

  Seeing Maxwell waiting for her at the end of the aisle took her breath away. The beaming look in his eyes told her she had made the right decision. She couldn’t imagine marrying anyone else. Saying her wedding vows came easily to her as she meant every word.

  The priest announced them husband and wife, and he bent down and gently swept her lips with his. “You’re finally my wife, Your Grace.”

  She delighted in her new title. Joslyn took her husband’s arm and he walked her out of the chapel. The celebration filled the streets and people lined the stone walkways as far as she could see. They waved to everyone as they walked toward the palace. The great hall was decorated with candles and flowers. Wine was flowing and food aplenty. Joslyn embraced her family and welcomed the many guests. The celebration lasted until the wee hours in the morning. After Maxwell finally made her say her goodbyes, he carried her up the stairs to the wedding suite that had been prepared. They would stay the night at the palace and then go to his estate the next day.

  Entering the room, he lowered her onto her feet. She shyly turned away as he studied her with a grin on his
face. “Let me look at you.”

  “I am a mess from dancing so much.” She smoothed her hair, trying to make it more presentable.

  He smiled as he reached for some wine glasses on the table. Handing her a glass, he took in a deep breath and admitted, “I have been waiting a lifetime for this moment.”

  Joslyn swallowed a large drink of wine, nervous and anxious at the same time. Maxwell watched her drink and then took the glass away, placing it on the table. “I have waited long enough, my love. I have been dying to have you.”

  He picked her up, clutching her to his chest. Walking toward the bed, he placed her gently on the pillows and removed his tunic before laying down beside her. He reached for her hair, moving it away from her face as he placed soft kisses along her jawline to her lips. He kissed her slowly on the lips before opening her mouth with his tongue. His slow seduction was her undoing, and she was filled with pent-up desire.

  His hands roamed down her chest as he untied her dress and slipped it off her. His mouth explored her body until he took her to be his wife. Her mind was full of him and the love she felt overflowed. Unlike her times with Andre, she wanted to make love with Maxwell all night, she had never felt so close to anyone before. It was more than her body, it was also her soul. He held her afterward and she couldn’t believe that this was her life—that she lay in his arms forever.

  Maxwell held her close, running his fingers through her hair as she basked in the moment. “I love you, Joslyn.” She looked up to meet his eyes and said, “And I love you.”

  After a few moments of complete bliss, she heard him sigh. “I need to speak to you about something that can’t wait any longer.”

  “What is it?”

  “I received news today that Andre had married an island princess of Baden and is now wreaking havoc on the local islands. Apparently, their king is ill and no longer able to rule. Andre has taken over his duties and has recently lay siege to another island, raiding their valuables and hoping to force them into mining. Their country is famous for raiding countries on the seashores and stealing from them.”

  “Sara mentioned it to me last night. I can’t believe he was able to build another army and is no longer in prison.”

  He sat up on his elbow, looking down at her. “The worst part of the story is that young women are being forced from their homes and auctioned off for marriage to his warriors as part of the spoils of war. I heard he is giving no regard to their welfare and decides which women are chosen. They are under military occupation and no longer free. News has reached Napery and they have asked me to lead a united military force to stop them.”

  “That is horrible! When do you leave?”

  Maxwell caressed her arm. “In a few days. I apologize as I wanted to spend more time with you.”

  “You must go. I understand Andre and how he operates. I hope you can save those people from his terror, but I don’t want to talk about him on my wedding night. I want to only think of us.”

  Maxwell smiled warmly. “Me neither. I want to talk about you!” He lifted the covers and buried them both underneath, kissing her all over her face.

  “Your Grace…” She giggled. “I am very ticklish.”

  “My wife, my beautiful duchess, you have made me very happy. I can’t believe we are married.”

  She smiled, kissing him and gazing at him with complete devotion. “I am yours, and you are mine.”

  The End of Book One

  Coming Soon

  Book 2 – Freeing Isabella – the Island of Baden

  Isabella Bernardo lives on the Island of Mallari. A peaceful nation that has not seen many battles. Their military consists of local farmers and fisherman who volunteer when needed. Isabella will be eighteen in the spring and anxiously awaits her wedding day. She is engaged to the baker’s son, Ethan Miller, whom she has loved since childhood. She has dreamed of being Ethan’s wife and can’t wait to start her own family.

  Tragedy strikes when ships raid their seaside villages. Losing many men, they are devasted to learn that their captors have taken their mines and many of their unmarried daughters of marriageable age. Isabella hides in the mountains until she volunteers to be auctioned off to save her sister.

  Prince Andre, the exiled King from Mallard, assesses each of the young girls and gives Isabella as a prize to one of his fiercest soldiers. Devastated, Isabella is forced to marry the barbarian and return to his home on the island of Baden—an island of raiders that never aligned with the other islands due to their tolerance of atrocities.

  Isabella fears her new husband and is wary of everyone in the village. Baden is known for its prominent male existence, and Isabella soon learns that most of the woman were killed several years ago. With the few remaining women left, new births are rare, and any new births are usually male babies. Only a handful of females have been born in the last ten years, leaving the island in danger of a population decline. Praying to escape soon, Isabella soon learns that her husband is not what he seems as she faces dangers and hard decisions when her loyalty is tested.

  About the Author

  GG Shalton has been writing short stories most of her life. Often entertaining friends and family. At their encouragement she wrote her first novel in 2016 for publication. Although, she received her Bachelor’s degree in Business Management, her real passion is history. Her fascination with different time periods is the inspiration for most her stories. GG is an avid reader and can often be found in various hiding places around her home enjoying a good book. She loves happy endings and most of her free time is spent developing story lines and writing. She is married to a wonderful husband who inspires her to pursue her passion. They met while both of them served in the US Navy. Her heart belongs to her two sons who both promise that one day they may read one of her books. She thanks Jesus for her multiple blessings each day, especially the gift of storytelling.

  [email protected]




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