The Merger: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance (Playboys of New York Book 3)

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The Merger: A Billionaire Fake Marriage Romance (Playboys of New York Book 3) Page 8

by JA Low

  “There wasn’t really anything between us to mess up,” I tell Elise, but she doesn’t look convinced.

  “You like her, though?”

  “Yeah, I do,” I confess—I mean, there isn’t much I don’t keep from my sister. “She’s everything you described, but I wasn’t looking for more from her.”

  “I know. But maybe you two just needed a push.” She’s trying to convince me.

  “Guess I’m going to have to break the news… that Emma and I are getting an annulment as soon as we get back to New York.”

  “No,” my sister pleads.

  “I can’t do that to her. I can’t come into Emma’s life and mess it all up, not when things are going so well for her.”

  “Okay, I get your point. Want me to come home and be backup for when you talk to Mom and Dad?”

  “No, I can do it.” She looks relieved, of course, she would. Mom’s a scary woman to say no to.

  “How’re things with you, then?”

  “You know, Hollywood stuff.” She waves her hand through the air, but I can see the tightness on her face, and the tense smile she’s giving me. I push for more by staring at her. “It’s nothing I can’t handle,” she tries to reassure me.

  “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  “The network is looking after it.” My eyes widen because that sounded serious. “It’s just an overzealous fan. Nothing more.”

  “Elise.” My voice is stern, wanting to know more.

  “I mean it, Andy. It’s okay.”

  “I don’t like it.” She reaches out to reassure me. “I’m going to give Jackson Connolly a call, he runs security for the world’s biggest bands. He’s based in LA. I’m sure he can come and have a look at your home security.”

  “I’ve already had someone do that,” she says.

  “Yeah, well, do this for me, please? You owe me.”

  Elise huffs a little, but eventually, she gives in. “Fine.” She rolls her eyes quite dramatically.



  “Congratulations, sweetie.” Mom kisses my cheeks. “I thought you would be bringing your beautiful wife with you?” She looks over my shoulder.

  “About that…”

  “No,” she shouts, before turning on her heels and strutting back down the hall toward the living room, where Dad’s sitting sipping on his scotch.

  “Hey, son,” he greets me warmly before looking over at his wife, who sits on one of the armchairs, her arms crossed, legs crossed, and her long fingernails tapping against her arm. “Boy, what have you done?” Dad glares at me.

  “You can blame Elise for all this.” Throwing my sister under the bus, I mean, Mom looks angry, which means this will not end well for me.

  “Don’t you worry, Elise has come clean about her little part in all this.” Mom waves her finger around, then points it at me.

  “Then, what’s the problem?”

  “Your mom likes Emma,” Dad whispers at me.

  Say what now?

  “We’ve met numerous times on girls’ trips to LA. I love her,” Mom tells me, flat out.

  Oh, hell, I did not see this coming. At all. What the hell is going on? How does everyone in my life know this woman except for me?

  “Mom…” I try and soften my voice to her.

  “No.” She points her finger at me again. “I will not allow you to ruin this. She is right for you. Elise and I have tried to set the two of you up for years, but it’s never been the right time.”

  What the hell is going on?

  Have I slipped into some sort of alternative universe?

  “Don’t you think this is something I should have decided?”

  “You can’t see the forest for the damn trees. The trees being beautiful women,” Mom adds.

  “Did it ever occur to the two of you, while you were scheming behind my back, that maybe Emma isn’t the right girl for me.”

  Mom waves my concerns away with her hand.

  “Emma’s great,” Dad adds.

  Now he’s on board with the crazy women in our lives.

  “I don’t think you’re going to win this one, son.”

  “No. You both don’t have the right to tell me who I can be with. You can’t just arrange a marriage for me.” I have raised my voice. I’m in shock at them all. This prank has gone way too far.

  “I want nothing but the best for you.” Mom’s words soften.

  “But not like this.”

  “Do you like her?” my father asks.

  “I hardly know her.”

  Mom stiffens across from me.

  “What are you going to do?” Dad questions me.

  “I don’t know. But I know this is one giant mess.” Looking over at my mother, I see she’s trying to ignore me while sipping her champagne.

  “Why don’t you bring her over for dinner one night next week?” Dad gently asks.

  This gets Mom’s attention.

  “Don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Are you ashamed of us?” Mom joins in.

  Rolling my eyes at her dramatics, I state quite simply, “I’m not sure if Emma will want me in a week. That’s all.”

  “You planning on messing this up?” Dad asks.

  “No, but you know me…” I shrug.

  “Sweetheart.” Mom stands and walks over, and she crouches beside me. “Don’t make any rash decisions this week, bring her to dinner, and see how it goes.” Her blue eyes sparkle, and she smiles that loving smile. Who can say no to their mom?

  “Fine,” I grumble.

  Mom’s face lights up. She stands and claps her hands. “Come, come… we have much to celebrate.” Ushering us into the dining room, I don’t even argue with her. She’s completely ignored everything I’ve just said.

  Later that night when I arrive home, I pick up my cell and call Emma for the first time since arriving back from Vegas a couple of days ago.

  “Hey,” she answers.

  Well, that’s a good sign, I think.

  “Hey, you. How are you doing?”

  Why am I so nervous?

  “Busy… kind of confused by everything.”

  “I’m sorry my sister dragged you into our prank war.”

  “I can’t believe Elise and you are related.”

  “Small world, hey?” I chuckle.

  “It is.”

  “Just got back from dinner with the parentals,” I tell her.

  “Oh my God, I just realized I know your mom,” she squeals down the phone.

  “Yeah, just found out about that, too. She loves you, by the way.”

  “I love her, too.”

  Why does Emma saying that warm me in some way? I’ve never brought many girls home, and if by some chance I have, Mom has hated them instantly. She sees them for the gold diggers or social climbers that they always are. I don’t make good decisions when it comes to women, my dick taking over most of the time.

  “They want you to come over for dinner next week.”

  “Oh…” Silence falls between us. “Am I in trouble?”

  “No way, they love you.”

  “Okay, that’s fine, then.” Emma surprises me again.

  “I thought I’d have to convince you.”

  “It’s not like they’re strangers to me,” she adds.

  Yeah, I guess they aren’t. This is all so damn weird.

  “Mom’s trying to matchmake.”


  Silence falls between us again.

  “I’ve tried to set her straight about us.”

  “And what did you say?” Emma asks.

  “That we don’t really know each other.”

  “That is true,” she agrees.

  “That… I think you’re beautiful…” silence falls again, “… smart… ambitious… independent.”

  “You think I’m all those things?” Emma sounds surprised.

  “Of course. I know people probably judge you on your hotness factor. I know I get it all the time
…” she giggles, “… but I also know because of that, there is probably a lot of people who underestimate you.” She doesn’t answer. “That you want to prove to people they’re wrong about you. That you can succeed outside of your looks.”

  “You’re right,” she answers quietly. “It’s like you’re inside my head.”

  “Just know that I believe in you, and when this annulment is all over, and everything goes back to normal, that I’ll still be here for you. Even if it’s just as a friend.”

  “Anderson…” her voice crackles, “I… I don’t know what to say.”

  “I think you’re great, I really do, but I’m not looking for a wife.”

  Silence falls between us again.

  Have I said too much?

  Am I too honest?

  I thought Emma’s the kind of woman who would appreciate my honesty.

  “I’m not looking to be tied down either,” she agrees. “But I do enjoy your company, even if we are just friends.”

  “I don’t have any female friends.”

  “That’s because you don’t double-dip. See what happens when you do.”

  “I get married in Vegas.”

  She laughs. “Okay, bad example.” She’s still laughing.

  “So, are we telling my parents we’re getting an annulment, then?”

  “Yes. Don’t worry… I have your back,” she tells me.

  “My mom is a scary woman. She doesn’t like the word, no,” I warn.

  “Don’t worry. I’ve got you.”



  “Would you calm down.” Placing my hand on Anderson’s twitching thigh, I give him a reassuring smile. “I’ve got this.”

  “Thank you.” Reaching out, I wrap his large hand over mine. “You really have been totally cool over the whole situation. Most women would have either run for the hills or quickly tried to clear out my bank accounts.”

  “One… I don’t run, especially not over hills, and two… I have my own money, so I don’t need yours,” I reassure him. My comments put him at ease.

  “Did I tell you how beautiful you look tonight?” Those eyes scan down my outfit. I chose my most demure accidental-bride-who’s-meeting-the-parents dress I could find—a gorgeous navy hounds-tooth shift dress that covers my knees. Cute navy heels, a caramel coat, and my navy Hermes bag. My raven hair is blow-dried straight, and I look like the perfect daughter-in-law.

  “Once or twice, but I never get sick of hearing it.” Leaning back against the leather of the town car, I look over at how handsome Anderson looks. He’s dressed in a navy suit—no, we did not coordinate—with a crisp, white business shirt underneath with no tie. He smells fresh with a splash of citrus. His square jaw is freshly shaven.

  Honestly, he looks good. Really good. Too good. Especially as we are about to tell his parents that whatever this was is over. Such a shame, I’m going to miss riding his magic dick, but it’s for the best. Don’t want to give anyone any false sense of hope. I mean, I know we won’t, but his family might have some.

  “You were the best Vegas wife I could have ever asked for.” Anderson looks over at me.

  “You were a pretty good Vegas husband, too.”

  He leans in and captures my mouth with his own. His strong fingers grip onto the base of my neck, holding me steady as his tongue and lips explore my own until he pulls away. His forehead rests against mine, his hand still gripping around my neck.

  “We may be getting annulled tonight, but…” he closes his eyes for the briefest of moments, “… I don’t want to stop sleeping with you.”

  This surprises me.

  “You don’t?”

  “I’m being selfish.” His eyes scan my face. “I like fucking you.”

  “I like fucking you, too.”

  “I like fucking other people, too, though.”

  That makes me smile.

  There he is—the old Anderson.

  “Me, too. I like it a lot.”

  He grins. “So, does this mean ‘friends with benefits’ then?”

  “I guess it does.”

  “I’ve always wanted to try that.” He smirks.

  “It’s a lot of fun.” The tension between us is like a magnet pulling us closer and closer together.

  “Why the hell did you wear this dress tonight? I can’t pull you onto my lap and fuck you quickly before we arrive.”

  Biting my lip, I think, Why the hell did I pussy block myself?

  “Later.” I capture his mouth again.

  “You’re fucking coming home with me tonight, okay?”

  “Okay.” I’m not going to argue if it means I can ride him again.

  The car slows, and we disentangle ourselves.

  The door opens, and the doorman helps me out with Anderson following behind me.

  “Mr. West. Miss Banks…” the doorman greets us.

  “Nice to see you again, Linus,” Anderson greets the older man.

  We walk through the plush interior of the building, marble and gold glisten all around. Anderson takes my hand as we enter the elevator. The doorman turns a key and presses the button for the penthouse. “Enjoy your night,” he says as the door closes.

  Anderson is looking over at me, those turquoise eyes trying to work out what I’m thinking.

  “Stop staring at me.”

  “Can’t help myself.” Taking a couple of steps toward me, he pushes me up against the glass of the elevator. “One more kiss.” His large frame envelops me as those luscious lips make their mark on my own. We are so lost in the kiss, we don’t realize we have arrived until someone clears their throat.

  Oh shit. The elevator is so fast.

  “Son… Emma… so nice to see you both.”

  Shit! Anderson’s dad just busted us. This is not the most excellent impression I would have liked to make.

  Anderson straightens himself out and shakes his dad’s hand. I do the same.

  “You’re lucky your mother didn’t just catch you,” he whispers to Anderson.

  I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.

  “Sweetheart, you made it.” Jennifer West rushes down the hallway like a queen, dressed in a sparkling kaftan and dripping in diamonds. She kisses her son on each cheek. “Emma, my darling.” Then she does the same to me. “Welcome to the family.” She smiles.

  Panic flows through my veins as I look over to Anderson for help.

  “Come, come…” She links her arm with mine and ushers me through their gorgeous home.

  This place is insane. The dining room overlooks the entire city all the way to the Hudson. The twinkling lights behind us illuminate the room.

  “Sit, right here, sweetie. We have so much to catch up on.” Jennifer pats the chair beside her, and I do as I’m told. Anderson has a strange look on his face when I catch him later on looking at his mother and me laughing about something. After a couple of champagnes, Jennifer’s a hoot.

  The night is going really well. There’s been no talk of our predicament, just good food, lots of wine, and in all honesty, great company. I can see the love that surrounds Anderson and his family, something I’ve never had. It must have been nice growing up in a safe and secure environment like this, having parents who care about what’s happening in your life.

  Shaking the negative thoughts away, I try not let my past define me. It’s taken a lot of therapy to get me to where I am today, but sometimes those negative thoughts slip through the cracks.

  We have retired to the living room, which is floor-to-ceiling glass looking out over the city. It’s as if you are living in the clouds. I’m sitting beside Anderson, both of us having a glow from one too many drinks, his hand is resting on my thigh, and I realize that I haven’t moved it. I notice Jennifer’s also taken note—it will be too obvious if I move it now.

  “So…” Jennifer starts. “Tonight has been lovely.” She raises her glass to the two of us. “But, let’s be serious. We all know why we’re here tonight.”

  The room sudden
ly stills.

  Oh shit! Was she lulling me into a false sense of security, so she could hit me with the gold digger stick?

  “Mom,” Anderson warns.

  “Emma,” turning her attention on to me. “Elise has been telling me about your business and how it’s expanding quickly.” I nod, unsure what to say because I don’t know where she’s going with this. “You need money to take it to the next level.”

  My body tenses—here it is, the moment where she’s going to pay me off to leave her son alone.

  “Mom, whatever it is you’re going to say, don’t,” Anderson warns.

  “I want to pay you twelve million dollars to stay married to my son for one year.”

  Wait! What? Did I just hear her correctly?

  “Sweetheart,” Brian says to his wife.

  “What the hell, Mom?” Anderson’s voice raises.

  “I want you to stay married to my son.”

  Oh. My. God. She’s serious!

  “Mrs. West, I…”

  She shakes her head—I can already tell she isn’t going to take no for an answer, and as horrible as it sounds, that amount of money would catapult my business to the next level. I’m ashamed that for one moment, I really do contemplate staying with him.

  “I’m so sorry, Emma.” Anderson turns to me.

  “If you don’t give this a chance, son, I will be taking you out of the will,” Jennifer tells Anderson.

  What? What the fuck is going on?

  “Sweetheart…” Brian reaches out to his wife, “… you can’t do that.”

  “Watch me, Brian,” she warns her husband. “I know what is right for my son, and that is her.” She points directly at me.

  I’m so confused about what’s going on. She wants me to stay married to her son. She wants me to stay married to him for money.

  “Mrs. West, I thank you for the very generous offer, and I’m ashamed to admit that you tempt me,” I tell her as I stand from my seat. Looking down at Anderson, I give him an apologetic smile. “That money would change my life, and you know it would, that’s why you offered it to me.” At least Jennifer looks a little ashamed by my statement as she bites on her lip. “But I can’t accept it. I can’t and won’t do that to Anderson.” Looking back at him, I know he doesn’t want to be married to me or to anyone for that matter. He may want to fuck me, but that’s about the extent of his feelings. I won’t make his life miserable to benefit mine.


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