The Evil That Was Done (Secrets of Redemption Book 3)

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The Evil That Was Done (Secrets of Redemption Book 3) Page 31

by Michele PW (Pariza Wacek)

  Well, that was one more question answered. Hopefully, it was also a good omen about what we would find in the safety deposit box.

  I still hadn’t figured out how the locket ended up under the dresser. When I asked Chrissy about it, she seemed totally and sincerely clueless as to how it got there. She said she had always kept it on her dresser next to her jewelry box, and one day, it was gone. She did a quick search around the dresser to see if it had fallen into a corner, but couldn’t find it, so she had assumed her dad had taken it for some reason and forgotten about it.

  Maybe she was lying. But why would she lie about something like that? And why would she even bother hiding it in the first place?

  None of it made sense.

  For now, I had wrapped the locket in a silk scarf and placed it in one of my dresser drawers. It was still there when I left the house, and hopefully, it would stay put.

  “Do you think we should ask for a manager?” Mia asked, as we walked through the lobby of the ice-cold bank. Mia’s flip-flops made their distinctive slapping noise on the marble floor as the sound system played a Musak version of “American Pie.”

  A woman wearing a smart-looking navy suit greeted us from behind a desk. “Can I help you?” Her gold name tag read “Hazel,” and her smooth, blonde hair was cut in a short-and-sassy bob. For a moment, I wished my own unruly and wild hair would be that well behaved.

  “I hope so,” I said, pulling out the envelope. “My aunt, Charlie Kingsley, left me this.” I handed her the note. “I’m hoping you can help.”

  Hazel took the paper and studied it. “This is an account number,” she said. “Let me pull it up and see what we’ve got.” She started tapping on the keyboard, her red nails clicking away.

  “What did you say your aunt’s name was?”

  “Charlie, or Charlotte, Kingsley.”

  She pursed her lips, which were the same color as her nails. “That’s not the name on the account.”

  I glanced at Mia, whose brow was furrowed in a puzzled expression. “What name is on it?”

  “Becca Livingston.”

  “Why, that’s me,” I said, astonished. “Well, that’s my maiden name, but yes, that’s me.”

  She peered at me. “Do you have ID?”

  “I do,” I said, pawing through my purse to locate my wallet and New York identification. For the first time, I was grateful things had happened so quickly in New York. I hadn’t had a chance to get a new license after Stefan and I got married. By the time things had settled down and I resigned myself to spending the day at the department of motor vehicles, Stefan told me we were moving to Wisconsin, so at that point, it didn’t make much sense.

  She took my ID and studied it carefully before handing it back to me with a smile. “Well, it looks like your aunt opened an account in your name.”

  “An account? Like, one with money in it?” My mind was whirling, trying to keep up with this new turn of events.

  She laughed. “Yes, an account with money.”

  “How much?”

  She took the note from my aunt, scribbled a number on it, and handed it to me.

  I could only stare at the paper. Mia, looking over my shoulder, sucked in her breath.

  “Is this real?” I asked Hazel. “There’s over fifty thousand dollars in an account with my name on it?”

  “Yes, that’s what it says.”

  My legs were suddenly rubbery, and I was having trouble standing. Mia clapped me on the back. “Becca, you’re rich!”

  “I can’t believe it,” I said. “But I don’t understand why she would do this. She left me a trust. Why would she leave me a separate account like this, and tell no one … not even the lawyer?”

  “Maybe she had a feeling you were going to marry poorly,” Mia said. “Or maybe she thought hiding money was a smart move. Why does it matter? Your money troubles are over!”

  Well, not over, I thought, but the pressure was definitely off. I couldn’t live the rest of my life on fifty thousand, but it would certainly give me a bit of a breather. Not only that, but it was also a safety net as I worked on getting my business up and running.

  I pressed the piece of paper to my chest and stared up toward the wooden, vaulted ceiling. Thank you, Charlie.

  “Did you still want to get into the safety deposit box?” Hazel asked.

  I had forgotten about that completely. “Yes, yes, thank you,” I said.

  Hazel shot me a tiny smile as she asked me to sign in and fetch the key. “I can hardly wait to see what’s in the box,” Mia whispered. “It’s turning into Christmas.”

  Yes, it was, indeed.

  Hazel led us to the back where all the safety boxes were stored. After unlocking mine, she took us to a private room and left us.

  For a moment, I could only stare at it. I was already so overcome finding out about the money, I wanted to give myself a moment to breathe before I ended up in another overwhelming situation.

  Mia’s eyes darted between the box and me. “What are you waiting for? Open it!”

  “I was just ...” I swallowed. “Mia, you have no idea what that money means.”

  Mia’s face softened and she hugged me. “I know,” she whispered. “I get it. This is a good sign. A sign you’re supposed to stay here in Redemption.”

  I could feel tears start to well up behind my eyes. “I’m just ...”

  “It’s all going to work out,” she said. “It already is.” She released me enough to look me in the face. “Okay?”

  I nodded.

  “Good.” She squeezed my arms and let go of me. “Now go open the box.”

  I laughed a little, but obediently walked to the deposit box and flipped it open.

  Inside was a thick file folder, a cassette tape, and another long white envelope. I picked up the envelope as Mia studied the file folder and cassette.

  For Becca’s eyes only was written across it.

  Mia’s eyes were wide. “She left you a note!”

  “Finally,” I said, turning it over. “Should I open it now?”

  “Hell yeah!”

  I slid my finger along the flap and pulled out a couple of pieces of paper covered in my aunt’s spidery handwriting.

  I began to read.

  Dearest Becca,

  If you’re reading this, I’m gone, and you probably have lots of questions. I’ll do my best to answer them.

  First, though, I want you to know I’ve been keeping an eye on you all these years. I understand why you never came back. But that doesn’t mean I stopped loving you or looking out for you.

  And, that’s one of the reasons why I made you my sole beneficiary. Becca, you were always such a beautiful and wild little soul. My sister did her best with you, but I could tell early on she was out of her league. She didn’t know how to raise such a creative and passionate being, and it frightened her. So, she did the only thing she knew to keep you safe. She tried to control you. To break your spirit. That way, you would fit into her world and she could keep you safe.

  I never wanted that for you. I wanted you to find your own path. So, I’ve left you the means to do that.

  But I know you, Becca, and I know you have an innocence underneath all that passion and impulsiveness. I fear you may end up with a man who finds a way to drain the trust I set up for you. This feeling has grown stronger and stronger over the years, which is why I set this little account up for you. In case the worst does happen, and you somehow lose the trust, this money will help you get back on your feet.

  I know the kind of help my sister would offer in a situation like that would come with strings. Big ones. And there’s no one else you could turn to. Certainly not CB.

  Speaking of CB, I didn’t leave him anything in my will because I know he’ll always find a way to land on his feet. He’s never needed my help, ever. Not to
provide him with a safe place out of New York, and certainly not to help him find his way. He’s always known his way.

  That’s the easy answer, and while it’s true, it’s not the full truth. No, I promised myself I would be honest with you here even if I couldn’t be while I was alive.

  The truth is, I have always sensed a darkness in CB. There’s something off with him—something I could never put my finger on and something I could never shine a light on, even though I tried. If you haven’t regained your memory of the night Jessica disappeared yet (yes, I know you lost your memory and it hasn’t come back), I would take a hard look at CB. I know he had something to do with it. I don’t know what, but he was involved somehow.

  Keep an eye on him, Becca. Maybe you can reach him in a way I never could.

  Now for the other items in the safety deposit box. I’ll start with the file folder. What’s in there is everything you need to know about my healing business, to help you launch it again. You have the gift, Becca. You may even be better than I was.

  Once you’ve got the business up and going, it’s not going to take a lot of your time to maintain. You’ll have plenty of time to also work on your art. You’re very talented. It’s one of my most precious wishes that you find your way back to painting and drawing.

  Now, for the most difficult thing I must tell you. The cassette tape.

  Years ago, I made a terrible decision, one that still reverberates to this day. I had an affair with a married man. And, by doing that, I set off a nightmarish chain of an events that ended with murder.

  First, the murder of Jesse. My lover, Jonathan Decker, murdered his best and oldest friend, Jesse.

  Why would he do such a thing? The closest way I can explain it is because he had become possessed. Something, some evil in this town, took root inside him. In the few weeks leading up to the murder, he had become obsessed with power and control. To him, killing Jesse was one of the biggest sacrifices he could make, and by doing so, it would unlock more power for him.

  I knew something was wrong, but I had no idea how far he had gone down the path until he triumphantly showed up at my house, his hands still stained with Jesse’s blood.

  It was in that moment that I knew what I had to do.

  Becca, I knew he would never stop. I knew he had a son, a family, and that darkness could infect them as well, if I let it go too long unchecked.

  I also worried that the darkness that had possessed him would also protect him from the law. He seemed untouchable, as some unseen hand guided him, lining everything up for him. Jesse had practically been presented to him, on his way out of town after having fought with his sister.

  So that night, I hid my horror from him and began to lay out my plan. I wanted to get his confession on tape, so I could give it to Louise. She deserved to know the truth. It was also an act of self-preservation. If the truth ever came out, I wanted everyone to hear it from Jonathan’s lips—the evil that was done.

  So, a few days later, I invited him over for a romantic dinner, during which I was able to tape his confession. Once he admitted what he had done, I slipped him some poisoned wine.

  It was very quick.

  I kept his body in the chest freezer in the basement until I was able to have it buried in the cement floor.

  How I was able to do that doesn’t matter. What matters is that, if you haven’t dug up his body yet, you should. If you look at the floor in the basement, you’ll see a crack. That’s where he is.

  Other than Jonathan’s monster of a stepfather, everyone believed he had left his wife and family. Even though his madness wasn’t in full display, people knew. They could sense how he changed. Quite honestly, I think everyone was simply glad he was gone.

  Along with giving the cops the tape, please make sure Louise hears it. Over the years, we have never seen eye to eye, but she deserves to know the truth about her brother. Jesse would never have abandoned his sister; I don’t care what that fight was about. He loved Louise.

  Lastly, I hope you will one day be able to forgive me. I know what I wrote here is unforgivable, especially since you don’t even have the chance to ask me any questions, but I hope one day, after the shock wears off, you’ll be able to see that I did what I did for love.

  And no matter what your feelings are about me now, know I’ve always loved you, and I still love you. I’m proud of you, baby girl. You’re everything I’ve ever wanted you to be.


  Aunt Charlie

  Tears were streaming down my face as I finished the letter. Mia looked at me curiously, but respectfully gave me space. She squeezed my hand and I silently handed her the letter.

  Aunt Charlie loved me. Despite the fact that I hadn’t talked to her since I was sixteen. Despite the fact that I had left her alone, vulnerable to a psychopath.

  She loved me, and she had done her best.

  Just like I would now do my best—to re-start her business and get it running as smoothly as when she was in charge. To get the truth out and restore her reputation.

  And to be the best person I could be.

  Chapter 36

  “I still can’t get over what happened,” Mia said over coffee the next morning. “I’ve always known crazy things happen in this town, but this … this took things to a whole other level.”

  After leaving the bank, Mia and I had taken the cassette tape to the police station. It was exactly what Aunt Charlie had said it would be—a confession.

  I recognized Aunt Charlie’s voice, albeit a younger Aunt Charlie, but not the man’s. It did somehow remind me of the way JD talked. It’s also possible that I was simply hearing something that wasn’t there.

  As Jonathan was long dead, the cops were going to further analyze the tape to see if they could clearly identify the voice as Jonathan’s. In the meantime, it seemed everyone was starting to accept what had happened.

  And finally, to my great relief, Detective Timmons let me know that I was no longer under investigation. They had turned their attention to JD, who was still in the hospital, but awake.

  For the first time since I had moved to Redemption, I felt like I could finally exhale.

  “Yeah, who would have thought ...” I was interrupted by a loud knocking at the door.

  Mia and I looked at each other. “Any idea who it is?”

  Mia shrugged. “No clue.”

  I got up, waving Mia back as I moved to the front door to look out the peephole.

  It was Louise.

  Oh God. She was the last person I wanted to deal with.

  I wondered if I backed away quietly enough, she might assume no one was home and simply go away. Or maybe I could send Mia to talk to her.

  I chewed my lip for a moment, trying to decide what to do.

  At the same time, Louise knocked again, and Mia called from the kitchen “Who is it?”

  I closed my eyes and sighed. Well, Louise likely heard that, so pretending to be gone wouldn’t work anymore.

  As if she somehow read my mind, Louise called through the door, “Becca, are you there? I just want to talk.”

  “It’s Louise,” I called out to Mia. To Louise, I said “Louise, I don’t want any trouble.”

  “I’m not here to cause trouble,” came the muffled response. “I’m here to apologize.”


  “Louise is here?” Mia asked from right behind me, causing me to jump. She was standing in the living room, coffee in hand.

  “Yeah,” I said. “She says she’s here to apologize.”

  Mia’s eyes rose. “Apologize? Well, maybe you ought to open the door.”

  I made a face.

  “Becca, I don’t blame you for being angry,” the muffled voice continued. “I acted horribly to you. I would really appreciate a chance to apologize. But, I also understand if you don’t want to open the door.”
  I sighed. Great. I reached out to slide the deadbolt back and open the door.

  Louise stood on the porch step. She looked like she had aged twenty years overnight. Her hair, now a silvery grey, was pinned back in a messy bun, and her face was tired and flat. She wore no make-up.

  She gave me a tired but grateful smile. “Thank you.”

  “Do you want to come in?” I asked awkwardly. I wondered if I should offer her coffee if she said yes. I didn’t particularly want to, but it felt rude not to.

  Luckily, she saved me that decision by shaking her head no. “This will only take a second,” she said. She paused, took a deep breath, almost like she was gathering herself. “I heard the tape,” she said. “At first, I was so angry.”

  I briefly closed my eyes. Here we go again. I never should have opened the door.

  “How could Charlie not have told me? That’s what kept going through my mind. All those years, she watched me suffer. She didn’t tell me she knew what happened to Jesse. She didn’t give me closure, a chance to grieve.

  “But, after the initial anger, I realized she couldn’t tell me. Even if she had wanted to, she couldn’t have. I made sure of it. I was so horrid to her. Why would she ever trust me with her secret? It would be one thing if we were still friends—then, maybe she could have played me the tape while she was still alive. But, how could she possibly do that when for all she knew, I would turn her in?”

  Louise finally raised her head to look me in the eyes. “I don’t condone what your aunt did. I don’t condone murder. But I understand why she did it. She did it for us. She did it for me. We were friends, once. Did you know that? When she first moved here, we were close. But then ... well, it doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’m sorry. For everything. How I treated your aunt and how I treated you.”

  Louise held my gaze, and under the exhaustion, under the grief, I suddenly saw it.


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