Fertile: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance

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Fertile: A Dark Sci-Fi Reverse Harem Romance Page 7

by Piper Stone

  While both Diesel and Montana laughed, Rock sat as stoically as he always did, his dark eyes matching his mood. Somber.

  I didn’t have the temperament for laughter. I heard the first rumble of thunder and cringed. “We need to move the camp soon. We’re expected back with our report. Plus, the other packs have fulfilled their duties.” The huntsmen leaders were harsh taskmasters, never missing an opportunity to punish those who thwarted the rules in any fashion. At least their leadership skills had kept us alive. I hissed as I thought about my particular assignment, top secret in nature.

  “Soon?” Diesel asked. “I thought we had another week of foraging for supplies.”

  “We have enough. The girl’s people will be looking for her. We have no way of knowing how strong their army is.” I issued the words as if I had an inkling.

  “How the hell would you know?” Chortling, Diesel shook his head.

  “That’s just it. I don’t, but you know she’s not a lone wolf.” I bristled just hearing the man’s tone.

  “That makes her extremely dangerous since we have no information on a qualified camp anywhere near here.” Rock’s statement was fitting.

  “Another reason to leave earlier,” I said quietly, fidgeting with the cup.

  “Not in this storm,” Montana barked. “The shit’s coming in from the west. Could be a doozy.”

  “Yeah? Well, the scavengers aren’t far behind,” I commented, taking a sip of the bitter brew.

  “We haven’t seen a single sign of them,” Diesel countered.

  Rock rose from the table, stomping in my direction. He sneered as he shot Diesel a harsh look. “They won’t like that their cat’s been eaten.”

  Sighing, I shifted my gaze toward the giant roasting pit. “We had no other choice. The truth is, we’ve already been out here for two weeks longer than necessary. Our assigned mission has been concluded. Every pack has been called back.”

  “The beginning of the end,” Montana said casually.

  “Fuck that,” Rock snorted. “We’ve been hearing that same shit for months.”

  “The change in the scavengers’ behaviors is a clear indication that the government is antsy.” Diesel’s words lingered. The others glared at him, finally looking away.

  We all feared the unknown.

  “We do what’s necessary and leave as soon as possible,” I commanded.

  “Yes, sir,” Rock said between clenched teeth.

  Along with providing security to the other pack as necessary, we’d been hunting for scavengers. We had all the required information, detailed reports. This was the last campsite. What we’d determined over the course of a few months was that the scavengers seemed to be moving in formation, a startling revelation given their appetite for fucking and feasting. They obviously had a largescale operation in mind.

  The details were more troubling than I wanted to let on. Hell, I’d known several of the men turned into basic zombies prior to the apocalyptic event. They’d been assholes then. I could just imagine their appetite now.

  Moving toward the makeshift sink, Montana drained his coffee. “Both Diesel and Scorpio are right. The scavengers are already combing through the woods, maybe a day out. We have until in the morning to break down the camp and move before the scavengers could be within range. Unless you boys are in the mood to spill blood. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t mind.”

  “You have no balls,” Rock hissed, glaring at me specifically.

  We all watched as he walked out of the tent, likely going down by the lake.

  “What’s his fuckin’ problem?” Montana asked.

  Neither Diesel nor I needed to bother answering. The man was just as haunted and empty inside as the rest of us, his losses as significant as mine.

  “With the storm, the scavengers will be forced to hunker down as well. That will buy us some time if necessary,” I said absently. The monsters couldn’t stand the rain, one of their few weaknesses.

  “Yeah, true enough, that is if they’re following normal protocol. With the weather patterns, this could be with us for a couple days,” Montana suggested. The man was our basic weatherman, his uncanny ability at being right with his predictions a true benefit. “I’m going to watch them carefully. I have a very bad feeling about all of this.”

  “Noted,” I muttered. My instincts were running on high octane.

  “What are you doing with her?” Diesel finally asked.

  “Keeping her. I’ve already mated. While the circumstances might not be optimal, she belongs to me. Period.” The reminder seemed necessary. There was something about the girl that held my attention more than just her beauty or her rebellious nature. She had an air about her of intelligence, no matter the crude threats she’d used.

  “Did you ever stop to think she could be a plant?” Montana’s question rang loud and clear. The rumors had already begun. Fucking fantastic. Everyone in the camp would suspect soon enough.

  “She’s no government plant but she is protecting someone. My guess is the people in her camp.” The single bag of medical supplies was a clear indication that she wasn’t traveling with anyone. Even the fact she’d carved off a huge hunk of the deer with a dull knife meant she was desperate to find food. If I was right, her people were sitting ducks.

  “Hard to believe there’s another campsite we haven’t found, unless they’re holed up in one of the basements of the empty houses we’ve located. There isn’t a sign of a single camp within fifty miles. Well, at least not any longer.” Diesel rubbed his eyes. We’d seen enough carnage to last a lifetime.

  In the early days, there were hundreds of other sites, small cities trying desperately to stay alive, the people clinging to life. There were various reasons for their deaths, including an invasion of wretched diseases ravaging the remaining population. However, other situations were much more dire in nature.

  “She wasn’t out in the woods for that long. She had no provisions with her, which means the camp was close to where we were hunting.” I’d take bets the facility was near the river on purpose, much like ours was. I continued to watch Rock as he took long strides toward the edge of the camp, hissing as the first burst of lightning flashed across the sky.

  “Please tell me you aren’t considering finding this camp. Even the lure of additional mates means nothing if we’re caught by the scavengers,” Montana said between clenched teeth.

  We’d ridden almost twenty miles back to our camp, taking the long way in order to mask our scent, following the river for a few miles.

  “I’m not certain yet.” And I wasn’t. Yes, it was necessary to leave this particular camp, but we could double back if required for any reason and still avoid the group of scavengers. Until they gathered our scent and they would. However, I was no longer a savior of any kind. I was exactly as described, a heartless predator. Alex would soon learn I wasn’t the man from before, one who gave a shit about humanity. That would only mean certain death.

  Before either of them could object, we heard a commotion and I’d know the voice anywhere.





  For some crazy reason, my cock hardened, my feeling of possession clawing to the surface. I snarled as I took long strides outside the tent, almost blindsided with fury. She’d disobeyed me.

  “What the fuck?” Montana flew out of the tent, Diesel trailing him.

  “Let go of me, you fuck-head. Let go!” Alex was struggling in Rock’s hold, swinging and connecting with every other blow, although it didn’t seem to faze the burly man in any regard.

  “I found her trying to escape,” Rock stated, growling harshly in her direction.

  Other huntsmen gathered around, all wearing feral expressions. This could get out of hand quickly.

  “So you fuckers can talk. I knew it.” Her wrath was directed toward me, her eyes vicious pools of glass.

  Rock grabbed and wrenched her jaw, pulling her against his chest. Even from where
I was standing, I could see the look of fear in her eyes.

  “Shut. The. Fuck. Up.” Rock’s dark eyes glistened.

  I walked closer as the other men crowded around. We’d taken prisoners before, wayward humans attempting to steal our food or weapons, but only two women because of our orders. One had died of unknown causes, the other too old to mate, eventually succumbing to the harsh conditions. Alex was considered a special find, rules broken to suit my hunger alone. That wouldn’t sit well with many of the others.

  “What’s worse,” Rock spit out, turning his head in my direction, “is that she found this.”

  As he lifted one of my weapons into the light, a few of the men closest grumbled. I kept the dagger hidden, another simple possession I’d brought with me. The razor-sharp steel still gleamed as the storm advanced. There was no way she could have found the damn thing in the first place, let alone in the time it had taken me to leave the tent. Then for her to make her way to the outskirts of the camp while sixty men were performing various duties was... incredible. There was no other word. She’d been taught well to fend for herself.

  Closing the distance, I yanked the sacred piece out of his hand, fisting her hair and placing the blade under her chin. “You steal my weapon and attempt escape.” I hissed the words.

  Rock stepped away but remained close, his arms folded in front of him. He was a true soldier, a man who’d been indoctrinated into eating, breathing, and sleeping as a force of nature—a killing machine. That was the one way he could survive his constant suffering.

  “It’s not like you told me otherwise. In fact, you said nothing. Not one word,” she shot back. Her defiance was like rocket fuel filtering into every system.

  “You. Will. Be. Punished.”

  A sly smile crossed her face seconds before she spit in my face, laughing afterward. “Fuck. You.”

  “Whip her,” Diesel demanded.

  “Now,” Montana added.

  I lowered my head until I was centimeters in front of her face. “Yes...”

  Alex opened her eyes wide, her lower lip quivering. “You wouldn’t dare. You are obviously not who you claim to be.”

  Her defiance was creating certain doubt with the others. She was just a woman, but one challenging the leader. I couldn’t allow that to happen. “Listen to me, little girl. Whether I speak to you or not is merely a privilege. Do you understand? You are our prisoner because you attempted to steal from us, including my horse. You are an omega with no rights. I have claimed you. There is no escape. You will eat if I allow. You will sleep if I allow you to. You will fuck when I demand. But you will not attempt to break the rules again.”

  “It seems you can’t handle your... mate.” Gunner moved closer, his eyes flashing. “Why don’t you allow me to help you, brother?”

  Snapping my head in the asshole’s direction, I was beginning to find it difficult to handle Gunner’s insubordination. He’d once been a master general, a man bred to fight the Great War, but he’d been found guilty of betraying his country, his trial lasting ten minutes. His anger at losing his command had spiraled out of control. The government had never had a chance to drag him to prison, the man killing several guards and absconding with half a dozen weapons. The huntsmen leaders had accepted him with open arms. He was a ticking time bomb as far as I was concerned.

  “I suggest you back off, Gunner. This isn’t any of your concern.” My statement wasn’t well received by several of the men, their allegiance to Gunner becoming disruptive as fuck.

  He swaggered forward, moving far too close to Alex. Using a single finger, he swiped the tip along her jawline.

  “Don’t touch me, you fucker!” she snarled.

  Far too many of the men laughed.

  I snapped my hand around his wrist, jamming the blade of the knife against his jugular. “You will not touch her ever again.”

  Gunner laughed, glaring at me with hateful eyes. He pushed his neck against the weapon. “And you will not threaten me, boy. You have no business leading this camp. I know things about you and one day, there will be no holding back. I suggest you count your days alive.”

  Several of my men crowded his space, all raising their weapons, their snarls ferocious.

  I threw up my hand, shaking my head. He’d threatened me before, but nothing so egregious. I was finished with his posturing. “You and your men need to leave the camp now.”

  I’d never issued a mandate of this nature before, nothing so harsh but my decision was warranted. The various rumblings from the others meant surprise.

  Gunner also hadn’t anticipated my reaction. He reared back, darting a glance in Alex’s direction. “You would forego your pack for a bitch?”

  Within a split second, my hand was around his throat. “This bitch is my mate. I would die for her. That’s more than I can say about you. I suggest you do as I say, or I’ll string the lot of you up far beyond the safety of the camp. I’m certain the various predators would enjoy a feast.”

  There was venom in his eyes, the kind of violent hunger that had turned him unstable.

  “That goes for anyone in this camp who refuses to follow my orders or who dares to defy me. You can leave.”

  There was a quiet hush over the group, a few of my men nodding their head in solidarity. I let go of the man, lowering my arm. There was no need to say anything else.

  He took two steps back, a husky growl permeating the air before motioning for his followers. I knew they’d rise from the shadows, attempting to crush my command.

  Then I’d be forced to kill him.

  Diesel walked closer, issuing a deep sigh. “That’s not going to bode well with the leaders.”

  “Fuck the leaders. Gunner is a time bomb waiting to happen.”

  “I’ll make certain they leave,” Rock said quietly.

  “I’ll do the same,” Montana added.

  I nodded before returning my attention to my prisoner. Her wide eyes were full of curiosity instead of fear.

  “You’re not universally liked,” she said then smiled.

  “This isn’t about popularity but survival of the fittest, something you seem to know all about.”

  “I wasn’t trying to steal your horse. However, I was trying to get away from you because you are nothing but a vile animal. There are no laws within this land regarding theft of food or a horse for that matter. I am not required to follow your rules.”

  “You are omega. Your scent gives you away,” Montana stated.

  “Fuck that shit. I will not be treated like a second-class citizen. I have rights. I will no longer be persecuted.”

  The bullshit that came out of her mouth was interesting, amusing to the others, their laughter boisterous. “You speak of laws as if you know them, the ones from before. You will tell me who you are and yes, Alex Walters, you will obey my every command. We are no longer in a free world. There are monsters ready to rip out your throat, creatures who once had some level of humanity ready to sell your body for a bottle of whiskey. I suggest you remember your place. You will tell us everything you know.”

  While Alex pursed her mouth so tightly that her lips turned white, I could see the single glimmer in her eyes. Who the hell had this girl been just after the fall of the world? My mind wrestled with the notion that maybe she’d been one of the Elite, or even worse—one of the assholes backing the chancellor. If so, I could be forced to kill her myself.

  “I’m not telling you shit unless you release me,” she demanded.

  I was growing weary of her tantrums. The huntsmen expected punishment and that’s what I was going to do. Another rumble of thunder reminded me the storm was close or I’d punish her here and now. After my display with Gunner, certain others would be watching me. I was no fool; there were several in the camp who were loyal to the man, any one of them ready to slit my throat for a chance at leading a pack themselves. Prudence and harsher tactics were in order.

  “What do you want me to do with her?” Rock asked.

Lock her down. Strip her of her clothes. I’ll deal with her discipline later.”

  “You mean we’ll deal with her later,” Diesel said half under his breath. “Our laws are clear.”

  Laws. Rules.

  I hated them all, but they kept us from turning completely into animals.

  I hesitated before giving him a hard look. “Fine and yes. Tonight.” I slapped the knife shut but kept my hand wrapped around her hair. “Be prepared to leave in the morning as long as the weather breaks. If not, we hunker down. I want scouts surrounding us. No one is going to penetrate our camp.” I turned my attention toward Alex, pulling her face close to mine. “You’re going to learn to obey, Alex. There is no other choice. I suggest you get it through that pretty little head of yours.”

  “And what if I don’t?” she spat, her eyes glistening with hatred.

  “Then I’ll have no problem stripping you, punishing you, and fucking you over and over again. And trust me, little girl. If you think you’ve received harsh punishment so far, you’re wrong. You have no idea what I can do, what horrors I could inflict on that beautiful body of yours. I suggest you learn your place.” I dropped her, knowing Rock wouldn’t allow her to attempt anything stupid. The moment I turned, she issued a statement, one that would haunt me for some time to come.

  “For a few seconds after you saved my life, I allowed myself to believe that perhaps you and your band of merry men were the good guys. I actually bought into the fact the huntsmen had been given a bad rap, a reputation that far exceeded the truth. How ironic of me to find out that I was the one who was wrong. You are nothing but a monster, but I will never be your prey.”

  Chapter Six


  I paced the dirty floor, hissing under my breath, more than disgusted with my barbaric display. I loathed the fact my cock continued to twitch, my mating needs far surpassing basic good judgment. I simply craved fucking her. Hissing, I raked my hands through my hair, doing everything I could to shove aside my carnal needs. I needed a clear head. I couldn’t completely dismiss the fact that she could be more than a simple omega protecting her little world.


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