Unspoken Rules

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Unspoken Rules Page 29

by Eliah Greenwood

  Winter… Kingston…

  I’m lying. Everything’s changed. Everything.

  I pull away, looking at Bianca’s face, her eyes, her lips.

  I look for traits that remind me of her. This girl who could be anywhere in the world right now.

  “I have to go.” I walk away.

  “Haze, wait! Why are you leaving?” she calls, but I don’t stop, swinging the front door open.

  Her words echo in my head. “Why are you leaving?”

  Deep down, I’m afraid…

  I’m afraid because I know exactly what my answer is…

  “Because you’re not her.”

  “She’s lying. I didn’t sleep with her.” I take her hand, my eyes grazing over her perfect face, and pray that she’ll believe me. “I promise you. She’d say anything to break us up.”

  She blows out a breath and looks up at me.

  “I believe you.”

  My shoulders loosen up.

  “I just wish she’d stop trying to ruin our relationship. She’s gone too far, Haze. She’s borderline obsessed.”

  “Don’t worry about her. The girl’s harmless. Just give it a few weeks and she’ll find some other guy to transfer her daddy issues onto.”

  She nods, but she’s not convinced.

  “Come here.” I capture her into my arms once more and kiss her forehead. After a minute, she tells me she has to hop into the shower before her cousin gets here. I watch her drag her feet to the bathroom and struggle to swallow the annoying lump occupying my throat.

  My parents’ reception is on Tuesday.

  Then there’s the prom, and on Friday, she’ll be leaving me.

  We’re strong enough, I told her earlier, but I know we’re both wondering the same thing…

  Are we?


  Betrayal And Champagne


  “Please don’t make me go,” I whine as I climb inside Haze’s car reluctantly. This is it. Tonight’s the reception I’ve been having nightmares about.

  I pull the sleeveless black dress Haze got for me back up to hide my exposed cleavage and curse. It’s beautiful, it really is, but no dress could ever be beautiful enough to shake the bad feeling in my stomach. Nothing could numb the voice in my head whispering that the world’s about to end…

  “We’ll be there one hour tops. Just long enough to know what the stupid announcement is,” Haze says for the third time as he joins the traffic.

  “What if it’s a trap? What if he blows up the room and kills us all?” I say, aware of how overdramatic I sound. I don’t care. I wouldn’t put it past Tanner after what he’s done.

  “And risk hurting my parents? No, he’s smarter than that. He’s way too desperate to inherit the company. He changed his mind a few years back. He’s been licking their boots forever.”

  “Do you think he was right?”

  “About what?” he asks.

  “About your enemies coming after you now that you’re on your own.” I fidget with the soft fabric sticking to my thigh.

  “I don’t know… but I need to get out there and show them that I’m not afraid. I’m not going to be looking over my shoulder for the rest of my life,” he says and ironically does just that to check his blind spot and switch lanes.

  “You better take me out to eat after this,” I pout and look out at the neighborhood as it runs past the window.

  “Behave tonight and I’ll buy your cute ass as much food as it wants.” He grins.

  “And I want cuddles when we get home. A lot of cuddles.”

  “Then cuddles you shall have.”

  “I’m sorry, but I’m going to need you to pinky swear on that one.”

  “You’re a child.” He laughs.

  “Pinky swear or I’m staying in the car.” I cross my arms.

  “We both know you’ll eventually get hungry and come inside for the free food,” he mocks.

  Haze knows how much he’s asking from me. When he told me he was going, I went back on my word. I can’t let him go through this alone. His family is too much of a delicate topic. He says he’s only going because of his father’s threat to call the school and stop him from graduating, but I know it’s because he’s curious about the announcement. So, during the past few days, he’s been at my beck and call, treating me like his life purpose is to fulfill my every desire. He’s always been attentive to what I want but this… this is something else. He lets me choose the music during every single car ride and doesn’t even bat an eye when I put on the cheesy pop songs he usually can’t help commenting on.

  It took a lot to convince Maria to let me stay with Haze. I have to call her every day after school to catch her up on how my exams are going. Most of them went a lot better than I expected. I didn’t run out crying once, and, for me, that’s a good sign.

  The only way I could get some quality studying time living with Haze was by locking myself into his bedroom for a few hours every night.

  I knew if I didn’t, we’d end up studying each other.

  Time flies, and before I realize it, Haze is pulling up to the longest driveway I’ve ever seen. High fences keep me from feeling poor at the sight of the most likely huge property they conceal. Haze stops the car in front of the black gate blocking the way and rolls his window down.

  “Identifications, please,” a deep voice says. I squint my eyes, looking for the intercom. It’s well hidden by thick roots growing on each side of the gate.

  Haze smiles.

  “No way. Daryl, man, you still work here?” he asks.

  The person on the other end doesn’t speak for a while.

  “No, it can’t be. Haze, is that you?”

  “In the flesh.”

  A loud beep follows and the gates open in a shriek. Haze speeds onto the road he seems to know very well, the distant house bordered by what seems to be acres of land taking my breath away. A water fountain stands in the middle of the driveway, making me wonder what other crazy luxurious things the Adamses own. This is the kind of house you see in the movies.

  And I thought their lake house was big…

  “Your house’s bigger than the White House,” I say.

  “My parents’ house,” he corrects me. “I know, it’s way too big for two people.”

  I scoff. “Oh, it’s not just two people. There’s the maid, the gardener, the butler, the chef, the—”

  “Okay, smart-ass. I get it.” He grins. A large number of cars—all equally expensive-looking—are neatly parked in front of the house. The driveway’s packed, which is why I’m not surprised to see valets patiently waiting for us. I assume they have an underground parking or something.

  Of course they do.

  Add up the value of this house and the cars in its driveway and I’m pretty confident you’d get more than Kendrick, Kass, Will, Alex, Maria, and I will ever make in our lifetime combined.

  Out of place. That’s how I feel when one of the valets opens up my door and helps me out of the car.

  “Miss,” he says politely.

  Haze gets out as well and throws the keys at a valet he also seems to recognize. Everybody looks so happy to see him it makes me wonder how long they’ve been working for his parents. Haze kisses my cheek when he notices the nervous wreck that I am and offers me his arm to hold. Here comes the scary part. We’re going inside.

  Quickly, heads turn and eyes grow in size. The oh so fancy people holding cocktail glasses look so uptight, my instinct is to look for the sticks coming out of their asses. They’re judging us. They’re judging me.

  That’s when the need to disappear really hits.

  Under the ridiculously expensive dress I’m wearing, I’m still me. The same old Winter who couldn’t buy herself another phone for months, and still wouldn’t be able to get one if it wasn’t for Haze, after she threw it in the toilet. I know that my stepfather, Harry, has been saving up to send me to college ever since I was a kid, but I’ll only access that money when I move back home.
And even then, it’s an amount people like this probably make every twenty minutes.

  I don’t belong here. I never will.

  “One hour and we’re gone,” Haze reminds me, sensing my panic. A waiter walks by us with a tray of champagne and stops dead in his track.

  “Mr. Adams, we had no idea you were coming. It’s a pleasure to see you again,” he exclaims.

  The whole staff is apparently in love with him.

  Haze smiles. “Lawrence.”

  “I’m sure your father will be very happy to see you,” he says.

  “Well, that makes one of us.” Haze makes a face, and the waiter only lets himself laugh for a second before he forces his serious face back on. He probably shouldn’t be laughing at a joke about his boss. Something tells me Haze was the only member of the family treating his parents’ employees like human beings.

  We step into the large reception room, which I assume only exists to host events like this, and are immediately scrutinized by the masses. I spot them. Haze’s parents. They’re faking smiles and forcing laughter, probably trying to land an investor of some sort, while nodding their heads along to what looks like a very boring conversation.

  They see us.

  His mother’s face lights up. She has pale brown hair and soft features. She’s like a female version of Haze. He told me that she created a very prestigious clothing line—that Richard paid to launch—a year back and that if it wasn’t for her husband, she wouldn’t be working. She looks decent. Not nice, but decent. At least she can smile. God knows Haze’s father doesn’t understand that concept. Speaking of Mr. Block-of-ice, he glares at me from afar.

  “They hate me,” I whisper to Haze.

  “No, they don’t.”

  “Please, I’m a peasant to them. I’m a peasant trying to date the prince,” I say in a high-pitched voice, and he laughs.

  “If it makes you feel any better, they hate everyone. I don’t even think they like each other.” He sends us into a fit of giggles.

  We finally come face-to-face with the two monsters hiding behind expensive clothing and jewelry. His mother slowly eyes me from head to toe, analyzing me, while Haze’s father doesn’t bother looking at me.

  “You came.” Richard speaks first, laying a hand on Haze’s shoulder. Haze winces and wiggles away.

  “Tanner was pretty convincing,” Haze says.

  “You two finally stopped fighting over stupid things, then?” Richard huffs.

  Because trying to kill someone classifies as stupid things…

  “Not even close.” Haze’s smile reeks of arrogance. He accepts the champagne a passing waiter offers him, takes a huge sip, and finishes the drink in one gulp.

  Well, this is off to a great start.

  “Aren’t you going to give your mother a hug?” His mother opens her arms to him. Haze doesn’t step into her embrace, which leaves her no choice but to very awkwardly force hug him. He doesn’t return her hug, standing as still as a brick wall, until she pulls away. This is heartbreaking. It reminds me of my mom. Only difference is my mother doesn’t hug me.

  At least Haze’s mother tries.

  I inspect the room and find myself enlightened as to why they’re talking to us. Everyone, without exception, is staring. The Adamses are trying to make a good impression. My guess is they wish to look like a united family in front of potential business partners. I mean, he is their son.

  “How handsome you’ve become, sweetie,” his mother says and pretends to get emotional. Yes, pretends. There are no tears. Always look for the tears.

  She’s talking like she hasn’t seen him in years. It can’t really be that bad, can it? Doesn’t Haze come home for Christmas? Is that why he said he never gets presents? Because he doesn’t show up? Sadness gains control of me. My baby doesn’t deserve to spend Christmas alone.

  “Well, what are you waiting for, darling? Introduce us to your girlfriend.” His mother clears her throat and looks at me.

  “Mom, Dad, this is Winter,” Haze says, disinterest obvious on his face. He sees right through their game.

  “Call me Anita.” She smiles as we shake hands. Richard stares down at our handshake like he’s afraid my dirty peasant fingers will rub off on hers.

  “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend.” She forces a bigger smile on her lips, her mouth stretching while her eyes remain empty.

  “How could you? He never calls,” Richard grunts, the remainder of the awkward tension from before coming back at full force.

  “Where’s Tanner?” Haze finds something, anything to fill the silence. I can’t imagine just how desperate he must’ve been to change the subject to bring up his brother, out of all people.

  “Oh, he’s here somewhere with his new girlfriend.”

  “Rose? How is she new?” Haze asks his mother.

  “Not Rose.” She takes a sip of champagne and looks out onto the dance floor. “I have to go back to my guests, but you two enjoy yourselves,” she says before walking away. As for Richard, he straight-up leaves without a goodbye or reason. Charming.

  “They seem… nice,” I say to Haze, and we both break out into laughter. I’m not mad. Nor am I offended. Sometimes in life, you just have to accept that some people suck and there is absolutely nothing you can do about it. So, you keep your head high, move on, and let them take their “suckery” elsewhere.

  “You have no idea how glad I am that you’re here right now.” Haze brings his mouth to mine, and I kiss him back, the slight taste of the alcohol he just chugged lingering on my lips.

  “Aren’t you two adorable?” A voice I’d recognize anywhere makes us jump.

  No way.


  And Kendrick.

  What the hell?

  I’ve barely talked to my cousin since Haze told him his snitching to the West side almost got me killed. He apologized a hundred times. And although he definitely didn’t want me to go live with Haze, the guilt eventually won him over.

  “What are you two idiots doing here?” Haze asks.

  “You bring Winter into a party that’s literally an open invite for someone to attack and think we won’t come?” Kendrick scoffs. “You’re funny, Adams.”

  They’re both wearing tuxedos. William Martin and a tie? Not an everyday combo. He keeps on playing with it, clearly uncomfortable.

  “You gave up fighting, man. Everybody knows it. She’s not safe with you anymore.” Will shrugs.

  “How did you even find out about this? Or get in?” I ask.

  “Believe it or not but Haze’s lovely brother put us on the guest list. He came to us and said he was afraid someone might give their revenge a shot and Haze might need backup to protect you,” Kendrick explains.

  “You’re telling me that Tanner came to you?” Haze asks a lot louder than he intended to. Tanner did say that he wanted to make things right. That he’d even help protect me if he had to. But Haze doesn’t buy it.

  “Yeah, don’t worry, we’re not buying his nice-guy act for a second either, but we figured it was way too suspicious not to come,” Will says. “Oh, alcohol.” He picks a drink off a nearby waiter’s tray.

  “Sure. Let’s get drunk to protect Winter.” Kendrick rolls his eyes. Will doesn’t listen, taking a sip of champagne.

  “Oh, come on, from the size of this crib and the amount of rich people in the same room, the police will be here before any fighter even steps foot inside this house.”

  “You guys literally just walked in,” I mock.

  “Shh!” he dismisses me. “Do you think there are any billionaire chicks looking for a boyfriend somewhere around here?”

  Oh, I see what’s happening. He’s on the rebound. He’s crushed over Kass and acting out. He’s obviously heartbroken. This cannot end well.

  “I’ll go check.” Will smirks and dives into the crowd. Kendrick says something about free food and catches up to him. I laugh. If it isn’t to look for a girl, it’s to look for the buffet.

  Boys will be boy

  “So what do your parents do for a living?” A lady wearing golden earrings—that I’m pretty sure are actually made of gold and not the cheap stuff I always buy—looks me up and down.

  “My mom’s a hairdresser, and I never knew my dad. Not that it’s common to have a present dad when your mom got knocked up at sixteen, you know?” I say and enjoy watching her face fall apart. She smiles uncomfortably. Everyone I’ve talked to tonight, every single one, has somehow asked me if my parents are rich by subbing the words “to be rich” with “for a living.” I’ve been having the time of my life making them crazy uncomfortable since I caught on. Haze and I are officially the talk of the night. The Adams son is dating a non-millionaire. How could he stoop so low? I already know what they think of me. Might as well have fun with it.

  “You’ll have to excuse me. I have to go sell drugs. Have a wonderful night.” I turn away and pull on Haze’s sleeve to get him to come with me. He’s laughing so hard he’s suffocating.

  “I can’t believe you just did that.”

  “Nothing but the truth, Hazie, nothing but the truth.” I smile as he finishes his seventh glass of champagne. He’s been drinking a lot. I didn’t comment because he actually seems to be having fun, which, news flash, was very unlikely to happen tonight. I’d be on the floor right now if I’d had this much champagne. I think it’s his way of coping. He’s hurting. I’ll definitely be the one driving since I only had half a glass hours ago.

  “Dance with me.” Haze sets his cocktail glass on the buffet table and holds out his hand in my direction.

  “You’re drunk,” I laugh. He pulls me closer to kiss the corner of my mouth.

  “I’m drunk on you, baby,” he whispers.

  I’m about to kiss him when the sound of someone repeatedly hitting a cocktail glass with a spoon rings out in the room.

  “May I have everyone’s attention, please?”

  We look up to see who’s talking.


  He’s standing on top of the massive spiral staircase built in the center of the room. We haven’t seen him once in the few hours that we’ve been here. We haven’t seen much of the East side either. Last I remember, Will was off talking to some blonde and Kendrick was eating his body weight in food somewhere. I almost forgot about his announcement.


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