Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5)

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Love At Last Books 1-3 (Love At Last Series Book 5) Page 18

by K. L. Myers

  She knows me all too well. I reach for her hand, clasping it in mine as we walk toward the front door. I use my key, unlock the door, and hold it open for Lillian. We both come to a complete stop, our eyes meeting one another with the same questioning look when we see Angelo, Bethany, and Peanut on the sofa. Bethany is reclining with her back against the armrest, her legs in Angelo’s lap. Peanut is tucked into his side, his arm tightly wrapped around my nephew as they watch Peanut’s favorite movie, Finding Nemo.

  “Angewhoa, fish friend no food,” Peanut yells and then begins to laugh. “They funny sharks.”

  Angelo ruffles the top of Peanut’s head. “Yes, ragazzino, they are very funny sharks.” Angelo’s other hand squeezes Bethany’s feet.

  I clear my throat to announce Lillian and my arrival. Angelo quickly stands, looks first at Lillian and then at me before raising his head up briefly to acknowledge us and then brush past us. “Bethany, what’s going on here?” I question.

  Bethany quickly schools her guilty look. “Nothing, Love, just waiting on your butts to get here.”

  “Uncle Wuv.” Peanut jumps off the sofa and runs into my arms. I lift him up, placing a kiss to his forehead.

  “You feeling better, little man? Lillian told me you were in to see her today.”

  Peanut nods his little head. “Yep, my tomach was yucky, but I all bedder now.” His little hands clasp both sides of my face. “You sick, Uncle Wuv?”

  “I’m not sick, Peanut. Why do you think I’m sick? Do I look sick, little man?”

  “Nope.” Peanut shakes his head. “Mommy tell Angewhoa you stuck in bed. I onwy stuck in bed when I sick.”

  I glance over at Bethany, who is trying to hide her laughter behind her hand. “Is that so?” I say to Peanut.

  “Yep, I go watch Nemo, pwease.” Peanut squirms in my arms, indicating that he wants to be let down. When I place him on the ground, he runs for the sofa and climbs back on to watch his movie. I take the opportunity to interrogate my sister while he is preoccupied. Her early declaration that nothing is going on was obviously a lie.

  “So, you haven’t answered my question, Bethany. What’s going on with you and Angelo? You looked pretty cozy on the sofa.”

  Bethany’s eyes drop to the floor but quickly rise. “I told you, nothing is going on. Peanut and I were waiting for you to get here, and I asked Angelo if he’d like to watch Nemo while we waited for you.”

  Lillian spoke up. “Does he spend a lot of time watching TV with you two?” It’s exactly the question I was going to ask.

  Bethany responds quickly. “What’s the big deal? He watches movies with us from time to time.”

  Before Lillian can speak up again, I seize the moment. “It is a big deal, Bethany. He’s here to protect you and Peanut. Watching movies is not protecting you.”

  “Look, Love, I don’t get involved in your personal life, so I’d appreciate it if you didn’t get involved in mine.” Bethany turns to walk toward the kitchen, but I immediately reach out, grabbing her arm and spinning her around to face me.

  “You’re right, Bethany. You don’t get involved in my personal life, but your personal life is mine to worry about, and right now, I need you to understand how serious things are. That means Angelo needs to be focused on protecting the two of you, not get distracted by the two of you.”

  Lillian’s response surprises me. “Linc, Angelo is doing his job, I can assure you of that. He’s very capable of watching television and making sure they are both safe. Trust me.”

  My jealousy takes over quickly. “So, now you’re perfectly fine with all this? Earlier you had your own questions and concerns. Now you’re defending his actions?”

  Lillian looks at Bethany and then at me. “I’m not defending anything. All I’m trying to say is that Angelo is very capable and loyal. If his job is to protect them, he’ll do it. Even if it means giving up his own, or have you forgotten how well he’s protected me all those years?”

  “Just stop it!” Bethany yells. “You both need to get over yourselves. Either let it go so we can sit down and finally eat or show yourselves to the door. Either way makes no difference to me.”

  Chapter 12


  I stood in the hall listening to the conversation play out in the other room between Bethany, Lillian, and Lincoln. Lincoln’s right; I have let this get personal. But Lillian is correct as well; I can do my job without letting my feelings get in the way. When I agreed to protect Bethany and her son, Peanut, I did it out of loyalty to Lillian and Lincoln. He had agreed to protect Lillian, and in doing so, he put his own family at risk. I admired and respected the man for loving Lillian enough to put her first. It’s exactly what I would have done if the tables had been turned. I hadn’t expected to become so attached to that little boy, but I did. The kid’s got the most amazing personality, just like his mother.

  At first, I tried to keep the two of them at arm's length, but Peanut wasn’t having any of it. He’d follow me around the house all day, asking questions. “Why did you do that, Angewhoa?” or “What are you doing now, Angewhoa?” And the way he says my name started to melt my gruff exterior. After a couple of days, Bethany became persistent that I join them for meals. That only opened the door even further. At first, she’d ask questions, and I’d ignore her, but that didn’t stop her from trying to have a conversation. No, instead, she’d start telling me about her and Peanut’s life, and before I knew what was happening, I started telling her about mine. She weaseled herself into my life just like her son did.

  Honestly, I haven’t felt the way I’m feeling now since the day I walked out of Lillian's life, damning myself to protect her from afar instead of being a part of her life. Things may have been different if I had gone back to her in California. Maybe our families would have blessed a marriage between us, or maybe I’d be dead by now because her father would have ended my life. Who can really say why things happen the way they do? Maybe our love story was never really meant to be more than a fleeting moment. All I know is that since I’ve been here in Virginia, I’ve been happy.

  When Bethany raises her voice to her brother, I want to march out there and pat her on the back for standing up for herself. Hearing Lillian defend me to Lincoln shocks me, but I understandably respect his concerns. When their voices finally quiet, I know it’s safe for me to show my face.

  Bethany stands in the center of the living room. “Peanut, go wash your hands for dinner.” Her eyes quickly rise to meet mine when I enter the room. “Please join us for dinner.” It isn’t a question. No, she’s telling me in no uncertain terms that my presence is required at the table. Peanut rushes past me to the bathroom. I can see him out of the corner of my eye as he steps up on his stool and turns on the water. I can’t help but smile as he splashes water all over the counter and keeps singing “just keep swimming, just keep swimming.” He dries his little hands and then tosses the towel on the floor as he skips out the door and past me toward the kitchen.

  Bethany still stands in the living room. “That wasn’t a question, Angelo. I’m telling you to get your ass to the table for dinner.”

  I smile at her while I give her a salute. “I know it wasn’t a question, Bethany. I was just watching over Peanut while he washed his hands.”

  I expect dinner to be awkward if we don’t clear the air first, so I step into the kitchen, earning a glare from Lincoln. I nod and say, “Lincoln, can we speak for a moment outside?” He won’t let the opportunity to put me in my place pass. If he did, I’d probably lose respect for him. But he quickly follows me through the back door and out into the yard.

  “Look,” I say before he has the opportunity to start the conversation, “I just want you to know that I heard everything you said earlier, so let’s get this matter cleared up immediately and move forward.”

  Lincoln puffs out his chest. “Very well.” His tone is stern. “I’m not sure what we walked in on this evening. Frankly, Angelo, I’m a bit concerned that your priorities mi
ght be a little mixed up.”

  Before Lincoln can continue, I quickly stop him. “Hold up a moment,” I tell him. “Bethany is a grown woman with a mind of her own.”

  Lincoln obviously doesn’t like where this conversation is going. “She’s a grown woman with a small child, Angelo. She’s fifteen years younger than you, and let's not start with the difference in both of your upbringings. Aren’t you the least bit concerned with those two items?”

  And there it is, the true issue at hand. My age and my job. “Look, Lincoln, if there is one thing I learned from Lillian, it’s that age is just a number. It doesn’t define the person or their experiences in life. Lillian is ten years younger than me but just as much my equal as any woman ten years her senior.”

  Lincoln nods his head in agreement. “That is because of who she is and how she was raised. Which is exactly my second point, Angelo. Bethany has lived a sheltered life. She has no idea of the evil that lives in your world and in mine now. Trust me, I want nothing more than for my sister to be happy. Let’s face it. Her ex-was a piece of shit, and I’ve spent every day since my nephew was born making sure no one ever hurts her again. I want her to be happy, but do you honestly feel you can protect her and my nephew if your head isn’t on straight?”

  I want to punch Lincoln, knock him off his high horse, but I take the higher road. “Lincoln, there is one thing I can tell you with no uncertainty, and that is that I can and will protect both of them. Just as I swore to Mr. Vicci, I can swear to you. I WILL protect Bethany and Peanut’s life, even if it means giving up mine.”

  We both stand there for a moment in silence. “I don’t like it, Angelo, but you are right. Bethany is a grown woman. But I assure you, if you allow one hair on either of their heads to be harmed, or you hurt either of them, there will be nowhere you can hide from me. I have the means and the money to find you.”

  I reach my hand out to shake Lincoln’s. “I assure you, neither will ever happen.”

  Chapter 13


  I wake to the sound of pounding on my bedroom door. Lillian startles awake in my arms to the banging as well. “Mr. Eastwick,” Gerard’s voice calls out.

  “Just a minute,” I call back. Lillian and I both rise from bed and dress quickly. When I pull the door open, Gerard and two members of his team stand outside my door.

  “What’s going on?” Lillian asks

  Gerard doesn’t hesitate to reply. “I received a call from an Anthony Rizzuto just a few moments ago. It appears that negotiations have not gone well, and Mr. Rizzuto says that Mrs. Vicci and Lillian are not safe here any longer.”

  Just then, my phone also begins to ring. It’s Angelo. “Lincoln, you need to take Isabella and Lillian away immediately. I just got off the phone with my father. The Westies are no longer willing to sit at the table for talks. It’s gone past that. There is a bounty out on both women, which means it’s not just the mob after them any longer.”

  “God fucking damn it!” I yell as I punch the wall, causing my fist to break through the plaster.

  Lillian jumps at my display of anger but quickly composes herself. “How bad is it, Linc?”

  Just as I’m about to explain, Isabella appears in the distance. “Lillian, è ora di nascondersi.”

  Lillian quickly turns, heading into our bedroom. I follow her into the room, watching as she grabs a suitcase from my closet and begins to pack it. Gerard enters behind me. “The jet will be waiting for us, Mr. Eastwick. I suggest we head to your villa in Spain.” I nod in agreement and then turn to Lillian.

  “What did your mother say to you, baby?”

  “She said it’s time to hide.” Lillian doesn’t stop what she’s doing. She just responds and continues to pack for both of us.

  I’m supposed to be the calm one in this situation, but frankly, I’m not. However, Lillian doesn’t seem fazed. “Lillian, stop,” I say, reaching out to her. “Look at me,” I say, turning her to face me. When our eyes meet, her expression is blank. I can’t get a read on what she is feeling. “Talk to me, baby. Tell me what’s going through your mind.”

  “I’m scared, Lincoln. Not for my mother or me, but for you and your family. We can hide, but if they can’t find us, they’ll do whatever it takes, which means they’ll come for Bethany and your family eventually. It may not be tomorrow or the next day. But they will come.”

  “I know, baby. I just need to buy some time and keep you safe. I’ll figure this out, I promise. Everyone needs something. They are no different.”

  “This is your villa?” Isabella asks questioningly. “This isn’t a villa; it’s a mansion surrounded by an island.”

  She’s right, Paraiso de Agua has been part of my family’s estate for years. My great-grandfather purchased this island and villa back in the nineteen hundreds. When my father was a child, his father demolished the dilapidated building and erected in its place a villa like no other. I took over the property five years ago and remodeled it once again.

  “Isabella, I’ll have Gerard set you up in the south wing. You’ll have all the privacy you need and all the security as well. Lillian and I will be just on the other side of the atrium in the main portion of the Villa. Gerard and his men will be in the groundskeeper’s quarters on the other side of the pool. I’ll have him show you around later today, so you know where everything is located.”

  Isabella smiles brightly at me, her hand reaching over and squeezing my shoulder. “Thank you, Lincoln. Once again, I’m amazed at your generosity.”

  “Anything you need is at your disposal,” I tell her. “Consider this your home. Now, why don’t you and Lillian go enjoy a glass of wine on the balcony? Take in some sun and relax. I’ve got some business to attend to.”

  The first call I make is to Angelo. I let him know we arrived safely but don’t disclose our location. I also need to know that Bethany and Peanut are safe. Angelo reassures me they are. I question myself as to whether I made the right decision by leaving them behind. I knew first and foremost that I had to get Lillian and her mother out of the city immediately. I know I can always send a jet for Bethany. When I’m confident that Angelo has everything under control, I hang up and reach out to my grandfather.

  “Pops, I need your help,” I tell him. As always, my pops never questions me; he just asks what he can do. I tell him I need to know everything he can possibly find out about the late Quinn McGrath and his two sons Liam and Niall. “I need to know business dealings, any current investigations they are under. Anything, Pops, that will help me take them down.”

  “I normally wouldn’t ask, boy, but what have you gotten yourself into?” Pops questions me.

  “Nothing, Pops, I haven’t gotten myself into anything. I’m trying to protect Lillian and her mother.” My pops knows all about what’s going on with Lillian and her mom. I had to tell everyone in my family, so they knew and could be prepared for anything that could come their way. Lillian was afraid they would think horribly of her, but it was quite the opposite. My family rallied together. That’s what we Eastwicks do in a time of need.

  “You’re going down a path of destruction, boy. I hope you know what you’re doing. Give me forty-eight hours, and I’ll have what you need. I’m sure the FBI will have tons of information on this guy and his family. I’ve got a friend over there who owes me a favor. Guess it’s time to cash in on that favor.”

  I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t the tiniest bit scared at what I’m planning to do. But with reward comes risk, and I’m someone who’s willing to risk everything for the victory because in the end, my reward is Lillian. When this is all over, I’m going to ask that woman to be my wife. She’s worth this risk.

  Chapter 14


  I’m not afraid of dying. I welcome it. I’m certain that when I meet my maker, he’ll see that all the blood I’ve shed over the years was done with good intentions. I’m not evil; I won’t just take a life to take one. No, each life I’ve taken has been in the name of protect

  I tell myself this over and over again as I prepare to pull the trigger. I woke to the sound of breaking glass. The difference between the mob and a hired killer is that mob soldiers don’t give a shit who knows they are there. They’re willing to give up their life for the end goal, their target’s death. A trained killer moves without being noticed. The end goal for a hired gun is to get in an out without anyone knowing they were there. That’s how I know this son of a bitch works for the mob.

  Without hesitation, I pull the trigger. The only sound that fills the room is the sound of the body hitting the floor. Thanks to my little Sparrow 22, I’m the best of both worlds. 9mm with a silencer makes me as stealthy as a hired gun but twice as deadly because I’m a mob soldier willing to die for what I believe in.

  I cross the room, bending down to get a good look at my enemy’s face. I’m not prepared for the face I see. Why the fuck is Matteo Esposito breaking into Bethany’s house?

  I hear my phone vibrating in the room down the hall. I sprint down the hall. The caller ID says ‘Dad.’ “Sir,” I say when I answer the phone.

  “Angelo,” my father speaks, “you need to be on the watch for Vincent and Matteo Esposito. It’s not the Westies causing all these problems. It’s the Espositos.”

  “What the fuck, sir? How is that possible?”

  I call my father sir out of respect for him. He may be my father, but he is also the head of the family now, which makes him my boss.

  My father begins to fill me in. The Westies refusing to sit at the table had nothing to do with any vendetta against the Vicci family. No, it had everything to do with their decision to pull out of New York and focus the majority of their time on New Jersey. As far as they were concerned, enough blood had been shed between the McGrath and the Vicci families. With Francesco’s death, they were willing to move on. Unfortunately, Matteo Esposito wasn’t going to let that happen. When Lillian went off to college instead of marrying his son, Vincent, the merger of two families never happened. That means that Matteo was slighted at the opportunity to become the next mob boss. The position that my father filled by being Francesco Vicci’s best friend.


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