Slade: A Stone Society Novella (The Stone Society)

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Slade: A Stone Society Novella (The Stone Society) Page 4

by Faith Gibson

  “Thanks,” he muttered and ducked his head.

  “No problem,” Slade husked. Matt glanced up, but Slade removed his hands and continued on like nothing happened.

  After returning to their room for showers and clean clothes, Slade asked,” What are you in the mood for?” He was looking through the directory of restaurants on the island.

  “How about we go somewhere for supper that serves fresh seafood, and for lunch we do something light and quick. I’m ready to get back to the beach.” There was something about the sand and ocean air that called to him on a cellular level. When he’d been out on the jet ski, the rest of the world had fallen away. It was the two of them amid the vast expanse of water, and Matt had never felt more at peace. If it hadn’t sounded stupid, he would have told Slade how it made him feel.

  Slade closed the notebook and stood. “Sounds good to me. Are you enjoying yourself, Matty?”

  Matt melted whenever Slade used that particular nickname, even if it was the same one Abbi used. When Slade used it, it felt different. Plus, it was better than “baby” because it was exclusively his. Then again, baby would indicate Slade had feelings for Matt beyond friendship.

  “Yes. Thanks again for bringing me here.”

  “Anything for you,” Slade whispered before gathering up some beach towels and his room key. “Ready?”

  Could a Gargoyle die from sexual torture? That thought plagued Slade as it had all morning. Matthew was a sight to behold as he maneuvered the watercraft across the ocean. He had quickly figured out how to ride the machine safely, and Slade had more fun watching his mate than piloting his own craft. Matt’s joy was a living entity, and Slade wished he could bottle it. When they spotted dolphins, Matthew had never smiled brighter. Slade wanted to find everything in the world that would put that same smile on Matt’s face every day for the rest of his life.

  As much as Slade enjoyed Matt having fun, being around him with all that glorious, smooth skin on display was torture. When Slade first met Matthew, the teen was a skinny thing. But over the months, he had put on quite a bit of muscle between sparring and working out. More than once he had to rein in his beast. He assured it there would be plenty of time for sex, but the longer he went without touching his mate the way he wanted, the harder the beast pushed. Matt wasn’t as tanned as Slade, but he wasn’t pale. Even though he’d slathered on sunscreen before they left the room, his skin was pink from being in the sun on the water. He was glad his mate had the foresight to protect his skin. A sunburned Matthew would not be conducive to an enjoyable vacation. So far, if he didn’t take into account the sexual frustration, the looks they were getting, or the sugar daddy comment, the vacation was going well.

  When Matthew told Kevin they were boyfriends, Slade wanted to tell Matthew the truth then. They were so much more than boyfriends. They were mates. Slade was using their time out in public to garner the reactions of people seeing them together. The looks they’d received, along with Kevin’s sugar daddy comment, let him know they weren’t received well, but did that really matter in the course of their lives? They were in South Florida where no one knew them. The opinions of strangers didn’t matter at the end of the day. Their families knew the truth, and with Frey giving his blessing, that was all that should matter. Along with Slade’s parents telling him it was okay to claim his young mate. Slade was still close to his parents, which was not the norm for Gargoyles of his age.

  After a quick lunch of grilled chicken salad, they made their way down to the beach where Slade had reserved a couple of lounge chairs and an umbrella. The area was crowded, but Slade couldn’t worry about that. They placed towels on their chairs and settled down to enjoy the ocean air. The umbrella shaded them, so Slade asked, “Do you want me to roll the umbrella down so you get more sun?”

  “Nah. The shade feels good for now. Unless you want it down?”

  “I want whatever you want.” And he did. Slade wanted Matthew to have whatever his heart desired. He’d caught his mate adjusting his dick more than once, so someone was exciting Matthew. And he prayed it was him and not someone else, like that Kevin kid. When Slade didn’t miss Matthew staring at his lips, his heart surged, and he knew what Matthew wanted. The same thing Slade did. Would it be so bad to claim his young mate? It would if Matthew didn’t want to look eighteen for the rest of his existence. In truth, that was the only thing standing in Slade’s way of giving in. Closing his eyes, he tried to get his body and mind to relax. He was at the beach, and it should be a soothing place with the breeze blowing across the water as the waves rolled in and crashed against the sand.

  A shadow fell across his body, and when Slade opened his eyes, a young man was bent over picking up a volleyball. The guy was eyeing Matthew. Slade wasn’t so vain that he wondered why the guy wasn’t looking at him instead. He knew how cute Matt was. And it was something he’d have to get used to, especially when Matt went off to college.

  “Hey, man. We need a sixth player.” He held up the ball to Matt. “Feel like playing?”

  Slade held his breath. He wanted Matthew all to himself, but this was Matt’s vacation as much or more than it was Slade’s. He didn’t want to share his mate with anyone.

  Matthew turned his head to Slade, the question in his eyes. He was asking permission. But Matt wasn’t Slade’s to dictate what he did or who he did it with. Not yet. Knowing it would further anger the beast, Slade inclined his head toward the guy. “Go ahead.”

  Matthew’s mood dipped from happiness to anger immediately. Did Matt want Slade to argue against it? “I’d love to.” Matt held out his hand, and the guy pulled him to his feet. “I’m Matt.”

  “Eric.” As the two of them strode off toward the volleyball net where four other young men waited, Eric said, “You here on vacation with your brother?” Slade held his breath waiting for Matt’s answer.

  “Something like that.” Yep. He was pissed. Now all Slade could do was watch as Matthew made friends with guys his age. Guys who were mostly ripped and tan. One of them wasn’t as fit as the others, but he was still cute. Slade closed his eyes so he didn’t have to witness his mate high-fiving Eric when they scored. Or one of the others giving Matt a smile so bright it rivaled the sun. Matthew wasn’t only good at basketball. He was an ace on the sand, serving, setting, and spiking with the best of them. Yeah, he’d only closed his eyes for a few seconds until he turned his chair so he could watch Matthew in action.

  Chapter Five

  “Your brother’s good,” a female voice said from over Slade’s shoulder. He glanced up to see a woman in a string bikini admiring Slade’s body. If he wanted to make Matthew jealous, he would offer the female a seat and strike up a conversation. If Matt was going to play around with other guys, maybe turnabout was fair play. But he couldn’t do it. His beast pushed against his mind

  Keep your eye on Matty.

  You stay out of it.

  No. I won’t let you alienate our mate more than you already have.

  “Fuck,” he muttered as Matthew and Eric dove for the ball at the same time, landing together in the sand. Slade jumped to his feet until their combined laughter let Slade know Matt wasn’t hurt. It was all he could do not to rush over and claim Matt then and there.

  “So…” The female was still there.

  “He’s not my brother. He’s my boyfriend,” Slade said, sitting back down. It wasn’t loud enough for Matthew to hear him, but it was enough for the female to get the message.

  “Oh. He’s kind of young, isn’t he?”

  Slade glanced back and snarled. “Your point is?”

  “I guess I don’t have a point. Have a nice day.” Slade didn’t watch her walk away. His eyes were trained on his mate and the guy who had his hands on Matt. Matt glanced over at Slade.

  Yeah, I’m watching you. Slade crossed his arms over his chest and scowled. He knew he was giving Matt mixed signals, and if he didn’t do something soon, he had a feeling their vacation would go farther south than the famed poin
t on the island.

  When Eric leaned over and whispered something in Matt’s ear, Slade used his shifter hearing to listen in.

  “You’re something else, Matt. What do you say to hanging out with me later? I’d love to get to know you better.”

  Matthew glanced back at Slade and hesitated. “We’ll see. I’m not sure what Slade and I are going to be doing.”

  “What’s his deal? He seems pretty intense.”

  “He’s a little protective, is all.”

  “I guess. Now, about later on? I’ll be down here around ten if you want to hang out some more.”

  “We’ll see,” Matthew repeated. At the possibility of seeing Matthew later, Eric smiled and winked. Slade wanted to poke his damn eyes out.

  They returned to the game, which Matt and his team won by several points. When the guys decided to take a break and have a drink, Matthew once again looked over where Slade was. Slade waited to see what Matthew did. Instead of sitting with the guys, Matt said something to Eric then came back to his chair and plopped down.

  Instead of telling Matt he looked good out there, Slade asked, “Find yourself a boyfriend?”

  “What do you care? You’re the one who told me to play, so don’t get pissy when I do.”


  “No, Slade. I get that you brought me here, and I appreciate it. What I don’t get is the attitude. Are you mad because they asked me to play and not you? I saw that woman talking to you. Why didn’t you invite her to sit down? She’s not the first one to show interest. I know you said earlier you’re gay, but there are plenty of men who have flirted with you, too.”

  That was true. The waiter at the café where they ate lunch had tried his best to get Slade’s attention. As had the man behind the desk when they checked into the hotel. “Maybe I’m not interested in anyone else.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean? I know you aren’t interested in me. You’re a… you know, and oh. You’re waiting on your mate?” Matthew closed his eyes and sighed. “I get it.”

  Slade couldn’t take it any longer. Not caring who was watching, Slade stood and pulled Matt to his feet. “What are you doing?” Matt growled.

  “This.” Slade placed his hand on the back of Matt’s neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Slanting their mouths together, Slade got his first taste of his mate, and in that moment, he knew it would never be enough. Slade’s beast did its best to break free. Slade had kissed plenty of men over the years, all of them more experienced than Matthew, but never had a kiss felt like it was more important than breathing. It was a crackling fire and a soothing stream. Explosions and peace. Need and want. Pleasure and pain. It was the beginning and the end. Never again would Slade put his hands or lips to anyone other than this young man.

  Matthew was too stunned to do anything but kiss Slade back. He waited for the first touch of Slade’s tongue, but the kiss was over as quickly as it started.

  “Let’s go to the room and talk.” Slade didn’t give him time to argue. He grabbed the towels from the chairs and began walking toward the hotel. Matthew took off after him but was stopped by a confused Eric.

  “I thought he was your brother.”

  Matthew shook his head. “No, he’s… It’s complicated. Bodyguard is more like it, but no, we aren’t related.”

  “Bodyguard?” Eric took a step back and looked around. His eyes widened at something behind Matt, and he could only guess it was Slade going Goyle on the guy. Slade didn’t have to phase for someone to know he was Alpha. Just a scathing look would do it. When Matt turned around, he was right. Slade was glaring at them.

  “I gotta go. It was nice meeting you.” Matthew jogged across the hot sand. When he reached Slade, the male grabbed his hand, slotting their fingers together. Eric wasn’t the only one who was confused. Slade pulled Matt along as if he were on a mission. He didn’t bother to stop at the outdoor shower to wash off the sand. He kept going into the hotel. Slade bypassed the elevator. Instead, he bent and picked Matthew up, tossing him effortlessly over his shoulder, and carried him up the three flights of steps to their room. He didn’t set him on his feet until they were in the suite by the sofa.

  Slade tossed the towels in the vicinity of his bedroom, and when he turned his attention back to Matt, Slade ran his hand through his already mussed hair. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. His hesitancy was scaring Matt. Was what he wanted to talk about that bad?

  Slade opened his eyes and reached out for Matt’s hands. “You know how Frey and Abbi are mates?”


  “I’ve found mine,” Slade said, ripping Matthew’s heart in two.

  Matt tried to pull away, but Slade held on tighter. If Slade had a mate, why was he on this trip with Matthew? And more importantly, why was he holding onto Matt and sharing a suite with him? Why the hell was he kissing Matt?

  “I didn’t take you for a cheater.” Matthew jerked his hands away and took a few steps away from Slade. No, fuck this. He was leaving. How had he been so wrong about the type of male Slade was? Matthew headed for his room to start packing.

  Before Matt could get the door closed, Slade was there, looking like he was ready to breathe fire. “Cheater? What the hell are you talking about?”

  “This!” Matthew spread his arm out, indicating the room. “This room. This trip. Holding my hand. Kissing me. I thought…” Matt turned his back so Slade wouldn’t see the tears threatening to fall. He’d known this would happen one day, but he didn’t realize it would hurt so bad. He should have never agreed to this stupid trip.

  “I am not a cheater.” Slade stepped closer and placed his hands on Matt’s shoulders. “Please look at me.” Matthew shook his head, but Slade wouldn’t be deterred. He turned Matthew, placing a finger under his chin so Matthew had to look up. He blinked rapidly, willing the tears to stay put. “Oh, Matty. Don’t you see? You’re my mate.” Slade placed his hands on the sides of Matt’s face and used his thumbs to wipe the tears that had fallen against his will.

  “What?” Matthew must have heard wrong.

  “I said, you are my mate. I’ve tried to ignore it, but—”

  “I get it.” Matthew stepped back. His heart was shredding. Slade had drawn the short straw in being given some stupid teen, and he was using this trip as a way to… He didn’t know what Slade was doing. “If you don’t want me, then why this trip? Why not keep ignoring me like you have been these last couple weeks?”

  Slade sighed, squeezing the bridge of his nose. “Matthew, I do want you. I want you too much, but you’re young. You haven’t started to live your life. I wanted to give you time to go to college and do all the things kids your age do.” Matt bristled at the word kid. When he opened his mouth to say as much, Slade placed his fingers over Matt’s lips. “Sorry, not a kid. You’re a young man. Believe me, I know. I only tried to ignore it because I want more for you, but some very wise Gargoyles reminded me it isn’t my choice. It’s yours. But you have to know being my mate won’t be easy.”

  “I’m already doing what I want to do; I just happen to be doing it with you. Well, most everything. And what will be hard about being with you?”

  Slade groaned, and Matthew rolled his eyes. “Who’s acting like a kid now?” He grinned, and Slade smiled back at him. “Other than the obvious, what will be so difficult? I’ve been around the others enough to know that being mates isn’t really a choice. The fates decide, right?” Slade nodded, so Matt kept going. “Then, what’s to think about? I mean, for me, why the hell would I say no to having a hot Gargoyle who happens to be my best friend? Are you kidding me? I get to bypass all the awkward first dates and settle into the forever kind of relationship I want some day. I understand if that’s not something you want right now. I know you still see me as a kid, but—"

  Slade pressed his fingers to Matt’s lips again. He really wished Slade would stop doing that. It made him want to lick the male’s fingers. And maybe suck on them. Nope. Don’t go there. Don’t think about

  Slade growled. “I don’t know what just went through your mind, but for now, stop it. We can’t have a serious conversation if you’re thinking sexy thoughts.”

  “How do you know what I’m thinking?”

  “Gargoyle powers, remember? You’ve been around the others enough to know we can sense emotions, and yours are sending out the bat signal. Seriously though, you know how the mate bond works. If you decide to accept it, you’ll stop aging. Do you want to look like an eighteen-year-old forever? Because that’s what’s going to happen. I’ve been waiting for someone to call the police thinking I’ve kidnapped you or something.”

  Matthew hadn’t considered that. He had thought about aging while Abbi remained the same. While she outlived him by hundreds of years. And he had thought about what it would be like to have someone like Slade for a boyfriend. No, not someone like him. Him. All the time they’d spent together, Matthew had daydreamed about being with him as more than a friend. Had woken up from erotic dreams more than once where Slade played the starring role. Had envisioned what it would be like to have Slade look at him as something more than a friend he played video games with. Several times, Matthew had almost tossed the controllers aside and climbed Slade like a monkey and begged him to touch him. Kiss him. Did he want to look like a teenager the rest of his life? He would age, but he’d forever be stuck in the slim body he had now.

  But knowing he was Slade’s mate, that they would share a life together as partners, now that he knew he had the option, how could he not accept the mate bond? But did they have to complete the bond to be together? “Can we not be together as mates without making the bond complete? Not saying no, but you have a point about me looking eighteen forever. Do you want to look at me every day for the rest of your unnaturally long life and see a kid? Wouldn’t you rather I look older?”

  Slade closed the distance between them and pulled Matthew into his arms. “Matty, you are gorgeous. I’m going to enjoy looking at you no matter how old you look, but I’m considering your wishes right now. Yes, we can be together without completing the bond, but it’s not going to be easy. My beast is already trying to break free and claim you. You are everything we’ve been looking for over the last two hundred forty years. Well, maybe not that long, because the first couple decades I was trying to adjust to my new body. But Gargoyles spend their lives looking for that one who completes them. When we find them, our shifter won’t stop being difficult until we’ve claimed our mate.” Slade brushed Matthew’s hair back from his eyes. “I’ll do whatever you want as long as you tell me you want this. Want me.”


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