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Tash Page 3

by ML Guida

  But tingles inched over her. Tears welled in her eyes not again. The television blurred…

  The sun slipped down behind the mountains. Crickets chirped.

  A man walked down her street. Taller and more muscular than any other man she’d ever met or seen on the big screen. He had a purpose. Something that involved her, something she couldn’t see…Yet.

  Anger rolled off him like steam. His fists were clenched and his tension spread across his broad shoulders. His dark hair was pulled back and she thought she saw a scar that ran from his eye down to his mouth.

  The scar meant something.

  He walked past the small park where children had played earlier. A man jogged past him with his Rottweiler. A couple sat on the bench kissing.

  Her heart thudded in her throat.

  The small park was only half a block away…

  She snapped her head back hard again and put her shaking hand on over her chest to keep her running heart from escaping.

  Someone knocked hard on her door.

  Everything inside her stopped––her heart, her lungs, her blood. She was frozen, unable to scream or move.

  The knock grew louder.

  He was here.


  Tash knocked on the security door again, fighting the gloom that settled on him whenever he thought about all the false leads he’d chased to try and save his father. This was ridiculous. It was happening again. The woman wasn’t going to answer the door.

  He shouldn’t have let Vaughn talk him into coming to Earth. This was pointless.

  Through the curtains, he thought he saw someone move inside. He knocked again, but this time, harder. “Ms. Fox, I need to talk to you. Please, it’s a matter of life and death.”

  He winced at his dramatic tone and rubbed the bridge between his nose. “What the hell am I doing?” he grumbled.

  “Who are you? What do you want?” a low female voice asked.

  He jerked his head up and he stilled.

  A white-haired woman with the biggest blue eyes he’d ever seen stared at him warily through the screen door. But that’s not what silenced his breath. Green stars descended on her like flower petals. One of them descended on her wrist.

  Oh, crap. Why was this happening? She was his damn mate.

  She frowned. “What do you mean by mate?”

  He immediately shut his mind and cleared his throat. “Are you a psychic?”

  She folded her arms across her chest. “What do you want?” Anger surged through her voice.

  “Because if you are, I desperately need your help.”

  She stared at him as if he were a serial killer. “How did you hear about me?”

  “My brother heard about you. He recommended that I contact you.”

  “From who?”

  She wasn’t going to give up on this. He blurted, “Your sister.”


  She cast her gaze over him. “I don’t believe you.” She shut the door.

  At least she didn’t slam it, but Tash wasn’t about to give up that easily.

  He’d be back. Tonight. The door was no match for Arian technology or strength.

  Tash couldn’t go charging into her condo like a raging raster. On Aria, rasters were wild three-horned animals that would charge when approached. His proposed mate deserved better than that. He walked down the steps and headed toward a large pine tree. The tree had thick branches, and with the light dimming, it would be easy for him to be camouflaged by the pine needles.

  He looked down the street and up into the different windows. No one appeared to be watching him. He took a chance. quickly shifted into a Bear, and climbed the huge pine that was directly across the street from her condo. Unlike Earth’s grizzly bears, Arians were agile climbers and he found a comfortable spot that was midway up the tree.


  The tree groaned. He held his breath, hoping his weight wasn’t going to cause the tree to crash down.

  Wind blew the pine needles, whiffing the sweet smell up his nose. The scent calmed his nerves and he slumped against the trunk and let his legs dangle.

  Dusk grew over the quiet little street. Porch lights, including the psychic’s, flicked on one at a time. Cars slowly stopped rolling down the street. Stars dotted the sky and the Earth’s moon crept into the sky. Somewhere up there, the Intrepid was orbiting the Earth undetected. He should be up there, being the captain, instead of sitting in a tree.

  He sighed. Abandoning his crew was out of the question. He edged down the bark and when his paws touched the grass, he shifted back into a humanoid.

  He reached into his jacket for the ragon gas, and with a heavy heart, he headed across the street to the psychic’s apartment. His eruptor easily finished off the locks of both the security door and the screen door. He glanced over his shoulder, but only darkness greeted him.

  He slipped inside to the condo and closed the door. His eyes easily adjusted to the darkness. Her home was small. One recliner, a small couch, a television, and one end table. Barely furnished, but tastefully furnished. The living room and kitchen were one room. She had a counter with bar stools and a small dining room table big enough for four.

  A clucking noise made him turn.

  Something slammed into the side of the head hard, and he stumbled.

  “Get out of my house. I’ve called the police.” The psychic’s angry voice was full of venom. She definitely had a spunk.


  A creature shrieked.

  “Stay away from my cat.” She raised a frying pan high over her head.

  He rubbed his throbbing temple. “Wait.”

  “No.” She swung.

  He ducked. The weapon whisked over the top of his head, swishing his hair.

  “Get out of my house.” With each word, she lunged the pan at him, getting closer and closer.

  He sprayed the ragon gas into her face. This time, she teetered. The pan crashed to the floor. Her head fell backward and her legs collapsed. He caught her before she hit the tile.

  The creature scratched him.

  “Ow.” He sprayed the animal, and it fell to the ground.

  He was about to leave her pet, but her voice had been protective. The creature meant something to her.

  “Damn it.” He tossed the animal over his shoulder and carried the psychic in his arms. He was surprised on how light she was and how delightful she smelled. Some kind of fruit and cream.

  Her long eyelashes graced her cheeks. She looked younger asleep, especially wearing a simple T-shirt and sweats. He frowned. When she woke, she might want other clothes. He laid her and the animal on the couch. He found her bedroom and packed a bag.

  She had said that she’d call law enforcement, but he didn’t detect any screaming sirens. It was a bluff. He grinned. She was very convincing.

  In less than half hour, he was back to the shuttle craft. He’d parked in a vacant field and had turned on the cloaking device.

  He laid her down on the chair next to him and set it back, so she could sleep. The creature was asleep at her feet and it was vibrating and making a whispering growling noise. Interesting. He stroked its fur and smiled. It was soft and silky. He liked the feel of it.

  But he didn’t have time to indulge in mates or their pets.

  He contacted the Intrepid. “Krup, this is Tash. Come in.”

  “Tash, did you get the girl?”

  The same annoying voice got his heckles standing up. “Vaughn, why are you answering? You should be at your post.”

  “I am at my post.”

  Tash set a course back to the Intrepid. He gritted his teeth. “Then, where the hell is Krup?”

  “He’s right here, but––”

  Tash growled. “Never mind. Prepare to set a course back to Aria.”

  “Tash, I heard from Mom. Dad was attacked in prison.”

  Tash could feel the blood drain from his face and a chill raced down his back. “Is he all right?”

e’s stable. An Arian man related to one of the crew members who was left on Sutois stabbed him. The guards were able to subdue the prisoner.”

  He flew the shuttle craft, forcing down the panic thumping through him. If he didn’t concentrate, he could run into an Earth aircraft. “Where was he stabbed?”

  “In the back.”

  Anger cruised through his blood. He gripped the controls tightly. “Coward.”

  “My sentiments exactly.”

  “How’s Mom?”

  “As you would expect––distraught. She’s still too weak to visit him. Dad’s in a guarded hospital room.”

  “Good. I’ll rendezvous with you in less than an hour.”

  “Vaughn, Out.”

  Tash glanced at his sleeping mate. All of his hope rested on this woman. Would he have to be watching his back for the rest of his life like his dad?

  Tash stared at his mate and the little creature that lay next to her. His mate’s white hair flared around her slender shoulders. He had tossed a blanket over her and her creature. Maybe he’d used too much ragon gas.

  He leaned against the wall with his arms folded over his chest. He should be commanding the Intrepid, but it was his job to be here when she woke. He’d brought them to his private chambers and had gently laid them on his bed. Both of them had the same color hair––white. Was this a thing on Earth? Did the pets’ fur have to match the color of their owners’ hair?

  The woman moaned and put her hand on her forehead.

  He stiffened and stood straighter, waiting for her anger and frustration. Not that he didn’t deserve it.

  “God, my aching head. Where am I?” Her voice was drowsy.

  “You’re on board the Intrepid of the United Planet Confederation.”

  She dropped her arm. “What?” She sat up quickly, knocking, her creature to the side. The creature opened its eyes.


  “Willow!” She grabbed the creature and held it to her chest. Her white hair flew around her. She narrowed her eyes at him. “Who are you?”

  “My name’s Tash, and I’m the captain of the Intrepid.” He tried to sound as patient as he could. “The reason why you’re here is I need your help.”

  The creature hissed and flicked its tail.

  “So, you kidnapped me and my cat?”

  “Is that what thing is? A cat?”

  She curled her legs underneath her and stroked the animal’s fur. “What do mean by that? You act like you’ve never seen a cat before.”

  “Actually, I haven’t.”

  “What do you mean you’ve never seen a cat?”

  “I’m not from Earth. By the way, do pets all look like their humans.”

  “I’m sorry?”

  “Your cat has the same color hair as you and the same blue eyes.

  She frowned. “No. Willow is a Himalayan cat. They all have white fur and blue eyes. Cats have fur. Humans have hair.” She pushed her silky strands behind her ears. “I can’t believe I’m explaining this to you.”

  He shrugged. “Probably, because I’m not human.”

  She stared at him as if she were trying to read his mind. He held his breath, hoping she could.

  She sighed heavily.

  “You couldn’t read my mind?”


  His shoulder slumped. His gut hardened. Another false lead. “Why not?”

  She petted the cat’s fur. “I can’t read angry minds.”

  “I’m not angry.” At least he wasn’t right now.

  She laughed. “Yes, you are. That’s all I get from you. I can’t penetrate negative feelings. I don’t have the power to break through them.”

  The skin across his chest tightened. He ran his hand through his hair. “Shit, then this was all for nothing.”

  Fear flashed in her beautiful eyes. “What…what do you mean?”

  Heat flared in his face. He inhaled a sharp intake of breath. “My father’s on trial for his life, and I needed your help to prove his innocence.”

  Her eyes widened. “My help. Whatever for?”

  He sighed heavily. “I needed you to uncover lost memories that the Telsa Sifter had wiped out.”

  She stopped petting her cat. “I’m sorry. The what?”

  His patience was running thin, but he tried to keep the rising frustration out of his voice. “The Telsa Sifter is a machine that can tell whether people are telling the truth.”

  “You mean like a lie detector?”

  He grinned. “It’s a little more sophisticated than that. Your name’s Scarlett, correct?”

  She raised her eyebrow. “You tell me. You’re the one who broke into my apartment, sprayed some kind of gas in my face and my cat’s face, then kidnapped both of us.”

  He winced.

  “Wait a minute. Where am I?” She looked wildly around the room. “Am I on some kind of ship?”

  “A space ship to be precise.”

  “You’re crazy.”

  Hot blood flushed underneath his skin. He took several deep breaths to keep from lashing back at her. He motioned toward the door. “I can prove it to you if you would like. But you don’t look well enough to travel just yet. I apologize. The ragon gas may have been too strong for you and your creature.”

  She tilted her chin. “I demand that you take me and Willow home.”

  He met her hostile gaze. “I’m afraid that’s not possible.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because we’re light years away from Earth. You’re the only one that can save my father.”

  “Then, I think you’ve made a terrible mistake. I don’t have control over my powers, so if you want me to ride in and save the day, you’re sadly mistaken.” She held the cat closer. “What will happen if I don’t deliver?”

  His throat thickened. The weariness of all the false leads, false hopes made his limbs tingle. He released a hard sigh, slumped against the wall, and rubbed his eyebrow. “Then, my father dies.”

  She bit her lower lip. “There must be someone else who can help you.” Her sad voice only left him with a gut full of despair.

  “No, there isn’t. Our technology is a hundred more times sophisticated then Earth’s, but unfortunately, we don’t have magic or supernatural powers on Aria.”

  She rolled her eyes. “You’ve been watching too many episodes of Supernatural.”

  “I don’t understand what that means.”

  “It’s a popular television show with Sam and Dean Winchester.” She narrowed her eyes. “I am not a character on that show.”

  “I never said you were. You’re real.” He hushed his words. Maybe he should have asked Vaughn to have his mate, Sandra, on board the Intrepid. It might have made the news easier for her to digest.

  She looked around his room. “Is the only thing you have in here a king-size bed?”

  He blinked. “No, of course not.”

  “Then where is the rest of your furniture?”

  “To keep our rooms spacious, our furniture is in the walls. Furniture slides out of the wall based on voice command.”

  A slight chill made her shiver. “That sounds magical.”

  “It isn’t. It’s technology.”

  “Do you have a bathroom?”

  “Yes, I do.” He approached the bathroom. “Door open.”

  The bathroom door slid open. She slid off the bed and warily walked past him, still holding on to her cat. It hissed.

  “Willow, no.” She held her away from him. “She’s usually not like that, unless she senses another animal. It takes her awhile to warm up to other animals.”

  He smiled. “Maybe she senses I’m a Bear.”

  She stopped. “You’re a what?”

  “I’m a Bear Shifter.”

  “This is really too weird. I feel like I’m in an Avengers movie. All I need is for Iron Man and Captain America to bust through the door to save me.”

  “Why do you think you need saving?”

  She cautiously entered the bathroom. �
��Wow, this place is practically bigger than my whole condo.”

  “You didn’t answer me.”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “Seriously? You’re a kidnapper. And you think you’re a bear. And that we’re on a spaceship. That equals delusional abductor.”

  “You don’t believe me?”

  “No, I don’t.” She ran her hand over his bathroom vanity. “But you do have a badass master bathroom. I would love to have a sunken tub with jets and a separate shower.”

  He flashed her a smile. “Would you like me to prove to you that I can shift into a bear?”

  “Excuse me?”

  His stomach fluttered and the hairs on his arms stood up. Not waiting for another response, he quickly shifted. Her cat screeched, and scrambled up Scarlett’s arm, and perched on her head hissing. Scarlett’s face turned five-shades of white and she stumbled backward in quick jerky steps, then she tripped over the rug and landed in the tub, her limbs dangling. The cat squished underneath her.

  Her hair smeared across her face. She clamored to move, but slipped on the sides. She sucked in deep breaths. “You’re a….you’re a bear.” Her voice warbled.

  Willow whisked out from underneath her and dashed into the other room. He swore the cat’s fur all stood straight up.

  He shifted back into human form. “Yes, yes I am.” He reached over and clasped her shaking wrist easily, lifted her out of the tub.

  She was shaking like a rocking chair.

  “Now, do you believe me?” He sucked in his breath that bottled up his chest, hoping this wouldn’t be another dead end.


  Scarlett stared into Tash’s green eyes. He held onto her wrist firmly, but gently. Her heart trembled and her legs wobbled. If he hadn’t been holding her, she’d fallen right back on her ass.

  “You’re not bat-shit crazy.” Her voice was barely audible.

  “You’re very pale. Would you like to sit down?”

  “Yes…I can’t breathe.” She tried to suck in air, but only got snippets.

  Shitshitshitshit. I’m on a spaceship with freaking space bears.

  He led her to the toilet and she sat. His handsome face and the blue and white bathroom whirled in front of her. She closed her eyes and swayed.


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